Blooming America

Chapter 1598: Is this the Warring States period? (1)

The matter is very clear. If nothing else, this era should be in the 16th century AD.

As for the difference between this world and her own, Catherine doesn't know yet.

"Isn't the contact there yet?" Catherine tried to accept the signal, but only received a strange noise.

"Anyway, it's only a few days, so let's find a way to see the world here."

At this time, Catherine began to control her own power. She removed enough materials from the corpse, and then began to merge and recreate.

In Catherine's mind, the cells in her hand were reorganizing, and the DNA inside began to rearrange according to the established procedure, and then formed a new body.

After establishing the initial cell, Catherine merged her mind into this cell. Through this method, Lirina also has the capital to interfere in the world here.

Soon, the corpses on the ground were completely digested by Catherine efficiently.

Although it is a bit difficult to intervene in the world here through high-dimensional interference, it is much easier to intervene once you are integrated. Because this surrogate body is originally made up of the material of the world here.

A mass of meat gradually formed on the ground, and then gradually turned into a human form. After about three or four hours, the human form began to gradually change, gradually moving closer to the real person. After another two hours or so, a girl about fourteen or five years old gradually appeared.

" seems to be a little too close." Catherine, who had just arrived in this world, had no clothes on her body at this time. But this is not a problem. Reorganize the rest of the clothes on the ground again, and the final product is ready.

A red and white witch dress was worn on Catherine's body at this time. It's a little different from the general witch costume. The lower part of this dress is like a mini skirt, and the bottom is white suspender stockings. The upper sleeve part is also separate, and the collarbone and shoulders are also exposed. Behind Catherine's body, there is a cute red bow.

If there are fans from the East, come over. After seeing this body, he would definitely call "Reimu" or something.

But what does this have to do with it? Anyway, Dongfang or something, it's a fellow or something, we are not using it for profit, this is a legitimate use, a legitimate use.

"Well, from now on, this body will be called Hakuli Reimu."

Catherine, no, let’s satisfy the mood of Catherine’s role-playing. Let's call it Hakurei Reimu for the time being.

All in all, after our pseudo-reimu appeared, we felt good about ourselves, and the first step of the world invasion seemed to be very successful.

But it didn't take long for Catherine...oh, it was a pseudo-Reimu classmate, and she saw a group of children coming here on horseback at this time.

Compared with the tall horses that Catherine had seen in the United States, these strange horses looked at least two grades smaller.

This kind of bad horse is probably only available in places like Japan. It is very difficult to find such a short horse in Europe and America.

"Hey, who are you. Did you see a soldier from our Oda family, that spy ran away from here."

After seeing the pseudo-reimu, he drove over at once. This person is very pretty, with a beautiful girl...oh. It's absolutely okay to call it a beautiful boy.

The pronunciation of these people's Japanese is different from that of modern times, and it is an ancient pronunciation, but it is not a problem to understand it.

"Sabur. Is this really okay? It's really not what we should do to hunt down spies." The man behind came over.

But at this time, the Saburo said, "What do you know. Let's go to Cheongju City to set the fire. This is the big deal!"

This young Saburo seemed to have discovered the dissatisfaction look of Pseudo Reimu, and he turned his head back quite interestingly: "Hey, who are you?"

Seeing what the other party said, Pseudo Reimu's expression finally looked better.

"I'm the maiden of Hakuri Shrine."

Hearing the other party's words, the beautiful boy was stunned for three seconds before he came back again: "You...what were you talking about?"

"Miko! Do you understand, the kind of witches who worship gods!"

Said Pseudo Reimu.

Unexpectedly, after hearing the other party's words, the other side looked at each other, but then suddenly there was a burst of laughter and whispers.

This...what's the situation?

After whispering for a while, the headed beautiful boy walked over.

"How much is it?"

What……? !

Pseudo Reimu was stunned immediately.

"Well, didn't you bring a mat? Oh, the witch seems to be a little different from that. But it's fun to do it in the wild, I don't mind."

At this point, Catherine's role-playing can no longer go on.

——Catherine seems to have overlooked a very important issue. That is, in Japan in this era, the witches are basically closely related to a certain profession, and they must be regarded as a negative example when they are used in anti-pornography and illegal activities.

In ancient Japan, shrines were mostly located in the center of transportation and barracks. Miko lived around the shrines, and they interacted with many passers-by, soldiers, and vagrants. So, you know.

No, the current Catherine has been regarded as a negative model.

This little kid (even the name has changed) is obviously still unable to do that. He is just playing with it...

But this little kid obviously didn't know that he had annoyed someone who could never be annoyed.

With a finger from Catherine, the little kid floated.


Saburo and his friends were stunned.

But this is just the beginning.

Catherine controlled the little kid to spin in the air several times, and the guy foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground. The other friends trembled even more, and almost knelt down to Catherine.

One of the little friends was still crying, and he didn't know if he was muttering to himself: "This is a real witch..."


Although the power that Catherine can use is not strong, it is still possible to do so ~ After bullying a few kids, Catherine is happy now.

"You understand now, this joke can't be played casually!" Catherine pretended to preach to a few little kids.

At this moment, that Saburo also seemed to recover slowly.

This guy suddenly realized something. At this time, a carp sat up: "Master, I don't know Taishan. Please accept me as a disciple!"


This...what's the situation? !


My mechanical keyboard is broken!

Do you know that I typed this chapter with the Bluetooth keyboard of the ipad, a history of blood and tears.

By the way, you guys should know who it is... (to be continued...)

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