Blooming America

Chapter 349: Network offensive and defensive warfare (in)

Chapter 349 Network Attack and Defense (Part 2)

The Americans are struggling, and the British are struggling.

Although the construction of the English Channel has not yet been completed, in the United Kingdom, the construction of the network is almost complete. Oxford University and Cambridge University have all been connected to the Internet.

This effect is immediate.

These college students quickly became active on the Internet. Although they have only been connected to the Internet for more than half a month, everyone's enthusiasm is very high, and the registration ID of the network has exceeded 10,000.

Wouldn’t it be pleasant for college students from all over the country to gather together for streaming?

On the Internet-especially in the forums, there are many people discussing all kinds of things. Although the science students are most interested in the Internet, it is unexpected that liberal arts students are also very interested in this aspect.

Speaking of this matter, it was originally caused by the appearance of a British discussion post on the forum-"On the Hypocrisy of Jesus".

A big essay of over 50,000 words by an atheist.

In the end, this article praised the Cultural Revolution in the Far East.

Because of this post, a controversy began, and it was also because of this post. This is the beginning of the great discussion about social patterns and philosophy of life in the UK. And because Paris is rioting with students, this also makes these British students more emotional in disguise.

The big discussion has already begun.

The British government originally planned to stop it, but after referring to the same incident in the United States, they wisely chose not to take care of these things.

Some ministers even said: "Let these young people vent their energy on the Internet! So that no one will make trouble!"

The affairs of French students worry them very much, so since the students have a way to leak, these officials are not prepared to take care of these things. After all, those people are college students and social elites, and they are untouchable.

——But now they have to manage.

The original rotation on the Internet has begun to change after half a month. The things that everyone discusses are also diversifying. Discussions such as Hegel and Pythagorean have begun to appear on the Internet. . The tendency to politicize is getting smaller and smaller.

But at this moment, a large number of posts suddenly appeared on the Internet.

These posts seem to praise the British at first glance, but in fact, the black facts are hidden under these realities.

"Our Forever British Empire", this is a message posted on the Internet for a long time.

The article has extremely beautified the image of Britain, even calling the trafficking of slaves a "good deed", and doing everything possible to clean the ground for British politics-on the surface.

The result is that college students are generally disgusted with this post.

Things went to the other extreme, and college students began to denounce Britain.

Seeing that France is getting up, the British are also anxious.

At this time, the most mysterious MI5 in the UK-which has not yet been made public to the world until the 21st century, when this organization was truly known-began to take charge of network affairs.

Moreover, they quickly found out that it was very likely that someone was making trouble! And it's very likely the Soviets!

The United Kingdom is not as big as the United States, so it is much more convenient to investigate some things than the Americans don’t know. Because of this, the trickery quickly became apparent.

Even the "five rubles" plan of the Soviets was vaguely picked up by the British, but unfortunately, Andropov will never leave any obvious flaws in his work, and from the surface text Look, there is nothing missing from the posts on the Internet-you can never catch someone just because they praise the United Kingdom, right?

That reason is ridiculous.

So these days, a special organization was finally born in the UK.

Their code name is-five pence.

The British still couldn't think of a good method for this Soviet method in a short time, but they at least needed to think of a way to fight back.

The Soviets don’t even show their fox tails. If they wait for the Soviets to publicly promote the beauty of the Soviet Union on the Internet, the British government will have a handle.

But the thinking of students seems to be different from that of politicians.

——Someone actually started translating the content of "Red Treasure Book" to the Internet, and then posted it in the forum.

After the students were so disappointed in the United Kingdom, they decisively discovered another good thing, a new netbsp that is different from the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union; this is incredible, and the five pence starts to move. , And began to use various means to discredit them.

"You guys, won't they be politically fǔ people? Did you get the money and then post online? Please don't insult our IQ!"

Some students' eyes were glaring-although blind cats and dead mice were mostly the elements-all of a sudden they saw through this group of five pence.

"This is a group of people who rely on political fǔ wages are brainwashing us! We need freedom! Freedom!"

"Don't these people take five pence for one post? Just call these people five pence!" Someone teased like this, but he didn't know that he had accidentally told the truth. As a result, people who over-praise the "British Empire" and slander other countries' posts on the Internet are scornfully called "fivepence".

The propaganda argument of the Westerners turned into a stone that hit one's own feet, and no one thought that things would turn out to be like this.

Britain also panicked, because this matter has spread from the Internet to the real world offline, and it has begun to spread in universities, communities and other places.

In order to appease these students, the British had to launch a variety of actions, hoping to restore the hearts of the people.


"French student movement."

In her free time, Catherine was lying in the hotel watching the news.

Although the Japanese characters don't move much, but because they are similar to Chinese, they can also cover up a few.

Of course, there are also news that can fully understand the headline, such as Catherine's.

"So it's already this time..."

Catherine can be said to be madly busy for filming, unconsciously, it is more than May, and June's footsteps are also approaching...

"Kate, do you still understand Japanese?!"

Elsa was taken aback.

"No, I just understand the Chinese characters on it." Catherine waved the newspaper in her hand, then put it aside.

Filming is still in progress. So far, let alone the progress of the entire film, even the progress of the filming is less than one-third.

"But I think Japanese and Chinese seem to be the same? I can't tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese." Elsa really didn't seem to understand.

"In fact, the difference is huge..."

There is no doubt that there is a big gap between Japanese and Chinese. At least grammatically speaking, the strange grammar of Japan is really difficult to understand-at least Catherine in her previous life couldn't turn it.

In this life, although Catherine learned a little about the Japanese kana syllabary because of her interest, she was only able to do a simple stream, that is, "Hello", "Please help me", "Where is the toilet?" of.

Catherine rolled over on the bed.

Because filming is too hard, she has given the entire crew a two-day vacation-it's rare to be able to come to Japan, so it's understandable for everyone to have fun!

After all, Catherine was influenced by her previous life, and she could not be as hard-hearted as a capitalist.

However, Catherine herself has already played in Japan, and she is not in a hurry. She has decided to visit Baihui Yamaguchi tomorrow, and today, she needs to take a day off-the most important thing is that Jenny actually forgot to take it. The release agent is here, so Jenny will be able to deploy the release agent until tonight, and then things will be easy to solve.

She patted her face with her black fingers, and Catherine's thoughts drifted away again.

"French student movement..."

The French student movement in 1968. The social movement that broke out in Paris, France in May 1968 is also known as the "May Storm". The whole process started from the student movement, then evolved into a crisis of the entire society, and finally even led to a political crisis.

The French Ministry of Education decided to close the universities on May 2nd, and the Paris Solbonne University was cordoned off and closed by the police on May 3rd. The students clashed directly with the riot police at the University of Paris Solbonne in the Latin Quarter on May, causing more than 1,500 injuries. As the conflict expanded, French trade unions and leftist politicians began to support and join the student movement (such as Later, the French President Mitterrand, and the Prime Minister of the Fourth Republic of France erre-mendes-e), reached about 200,000 by May 13th. Since May 14, the entire French society has been paralyzed. Nine million people responded to strike and occupied factories.

And I don’t know why, British university students, workers, and even some social elites have begun to support this student movement in France. It seems that things are much worse than in history.

But at this time, the performance of the French Communist Party was not satisfactory. They even opposed the strike and demanded that the workers return to their posts.

As a result, the French Communist Party was immediately slapped in the face. The students and workers ignored them at all. They held up the portrait of the chairman and paraded in the street. These scums with fighting power of less than five were even in front of Taizu. Not a fart...

With the attitude of the French Communist Party, there have been several demonstrations in China. These demonstrations are all supporting the movement of French students, and their enthusiasm is even higher than that of French students...

"What will happen to this?"

In the last life, this matter lasted for several months, de Gaulle stepped down, the resolution of the matter was tepid.

But this time... even the British started booing. God knows what the final outcome will be like...

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