Blooming America

Chapter 390: The Soviets' 3-Band Computer Technology

On August 5, Dubcek compromised, and the Soviet Union's Eastern European route has so far passed through almost all the Warsaw Pact countries. :

No one could understand what Dubcek had to do, but Czechoslovakia had almost joined the Soviet Union.

But just as the "Eastern European Route" began to be built like a fire, the American telecommunications company that took over the work in Western Europe was playing soy sauce. This is not because they are passively sabotaging their work, but because the situation in Western Europe is so chaotic that they have nothing to do for the time being.

Especially France.

Because of several months of strikes, France has begun to show a shortage of supplies, and even some places may even have famine. And because the French army drove into Paris again to maintain law and order, and because the police also went on strike, it caused a greater conflict between the people and the government, and even the French army had a variety of disobedience and calm emotions. On August 8, The referee Gaulle announced his step down.

So far, the situation in France has temporarily calmed down.

The workers began to return to their posts, the factory resumed production, and the students continued to march. It was summer vacation.

"Chan Gaulle deserves to be a politician..." Catherine watched the report on the TV and couldn't help shaking her head.

"First focus the people's grievances on yourself, and then announce that you will step down. The reduction of President Gaulle is really courageous." Baduwa next to him also sighed.

"In exchange for the future of France and his future prestige with his less than two years of political career, he actually earned it."

So, but Catherine still has some expectations in her heart that if there is a possibility of civil strife or even war in France, if it is red, it would be better... Oh, it is unlikely that France would be red. After all, the French Communist Party It's on the side of Cai Gaulle. The result of this is that the current French have a great distrust of the French Communist Party. This party has no future.

"Well, it's time to talk about business."

The news has also been broadcast, and now the company's affairs should be settled.

"I didn't expect that we could get the information so quickly. It's amazing..."

Shouldn’t it be a#o39? It’s just fortunate. Here are some information about the ternary computer needed... Of course, this is just an overview, and there are too many specific information. "Badwa took out a pile of translated materials of Russian technicians from his briefcase: "The current person of the ternary computer is netbsp;&nbB). We obtained these materials through an assistant of the other party. Although we didn't get the actual machine, through these materials, the help to us should be even greater, right? It is not impossible to restore such a machine. "

Catherine took the pile of materials and began to look through it.

This is a ternary computer named "catuhB" (this really won't turn...) "It turns out that it uses ferrite cores and semiconductor diodes to achieve three ternary voltage states..."

These electronic components constitute a good controllable current transformer, which provides the possibility for the realization of ternary logic circuits, which is used to imply positive voltage, negative voltage and zero voltage, which is better than the company's wave-based I don't know how many times the vibration expression.

"" is a sequential computer with a fast multiplier. The type of ferrite random access memory (with a capacity of 3 pages, or 54 words) acts as a cache, swapping pages in the main drum memory. This computer supports issuing instructions, of which licking is a reserved instruction, which is currently unavailable.

One of the characteristics of ternary codes is symmetry, that is, the consistency of opposite numbers. Therefore, it is incompatible with binary codes, and there is no concept of "unsigned numbers". In this way, the architecture of a ternary computer must be simple, stable and economical. Its command system is also easier to read and very efficient. I can't help it, the Russians' ideas are really good, but relatively speaking, the researchers in my company... alas.

"It's no wonder that the size of a ternary computer can be reduced to that... It should be possible to kill the four trains in a second."

Looking further down, there are test records about "netbsp;".

The prototype was prepared in December 1958. During the first two years of testing, "yhB" ran very smoothly without any debugging, and it could even execute some of the programs that existed at that time.

In April 2008, "catyhB" successfully passed the public test. It shows amazing reliability and stability even at unacceptable room temperature. Its production and maintenance are also much easier than other computers in the same period, and it has a wide range of applications, so "g seven states" is recommended to put into mass production immediately.

But there is a gap between reality and ideals. Catherine remembered that this computer was simply discontinued.

Sure enough, "catyhB" was ordered to stop production at the time of the introduction of the new year. In 1965, "catyhB" was officially discontinued. It is replaced by a binary computer, but the price is ten thousand times more expensive. If there is nothing tricky in it, Catherine really doesn't believe it.

It's no wonder that a can get research materials so easily.

After all, as a result, his "child" was growing up, but at this time, someone killed him. Whoever he was, I'm afraid the city has resentment? It's okay if it's the original Russian, but it's different if the researcher is from a participating country.

And with the support of internal personnel, coupled with the Soviet government's contemptuous attitude towards this, a. If you want to get these materials, if it is not easy and easy... then there is a ghost. "What... actually supports the reverse Polish suggestion method?!"

Catherine was taken aback. But Baduwa, who was next to him, looked indifferent. He didn't understand why Catherine called.

The inverse Polish structure was written by Friedrichbauer (bsp; 1Tapi) and Ezgdi Koschi. In the early years, it was proposed for expression evaluation to use the warehouse structure and reduce computer memory access.

In reverse Polish notation, the operator is placed after the operand. For example, when expressing "three plus four", write "3_4-+"

("One" replaces spaces) instead of "3 one ten 4. If there are multiple operators, the operator is placed after the second operand, so the conventional infix notation "3 one one one four one "Eleven three" is written as "3-4-5 十" in reverse Polish notation: first subtract 4 from 3, and then add 5. One advantage of using reverse Polish notation is that parentheses are not required. For example, infix notation "3-1-4-1-5, which is not the same as "5," but in the suffix notation, the former is written as "3.4.5", which unambiguously implies "13.4.5"; the latter is written as "3.4.5" .

However, this ternary computer appeared in dumb years, but Catherine knew that the first generation of electronic computers that realized the reverse Polish architecture was launched by British Electric in 1963!

"very impressive"

Is this the superiority of ternary computers?

Inverse Polish expression is very popular now, and because of this, Catherine also understands it.

It has been almost ten years since this computer was born, but now this computer is not considered outdated. This is also an understanding of the power of computers.

However, the technology of the Soviets was not as good as that of the Americans. Although the concept of the computer was advanced, the Soviet Union's own technological content was not enough. Therefore, in Catherine's view, some of the tools inside the computer were slightly behind.

"It's just that the storage device needs to find a new tool. Large capacity is necessary...Huh, and there?" Seeing this, Catherine seemed to think that the ternary computer was gone, but when she turned it over, the other party actually paid it back. There are new plans.

These researchers at the Moscow State University seem to have not given up on ternary computers. Although they have no support, they still want to develop new ternary computers. However, this plan is still theoretical at present, and there is no physical product. "Isn't this the point of view of the structured law that I put forward?"

Catherine had no shame in calling the information she had misappropriated "I brought it up."

"This is shameless plagiarism..." Catherine shook her head, then continued to look down.

This generation of new computers has further improved the characteristics and concepts of the ternary system: a total of ternary systems have been built. The ternary byte consists of 6 ternary digits ("t, approximately equal to 95 binary digits" h seven threats); the instruction set conforms to the ternary logic; arithmetic instructions allow more operands to be 1.2 And 3 bytes, the result length is also extended to 6 bytes.

For this new ternary computer, the concept of "words" in traditional computers no longer exists. The process of programming is the operation of ternary arithmetic and ternary These ternary byte-based commands will be obtained by compiling virtual instructions. Of course, programmers do not need to consider these-they only need to directly deal with operands and parameters.

After all, the result is a theoretical tool, and there is only such a small amount of information for the time being, but further down, Catherine actually found that there is a ternary computer formatting plan.

"Ternary central processor plan?!"

And this thing?

No... This should have been inspired by yourself, right?

Catherine was not so sure, but it seemed to be the same.

However, this plan can only be a plan. Although the technicians have developed a new ternary computer, they will be ordered to stop production again after the work-in-progress is presented, and the entire ternary computer research plan will also start from it. Broken, until Yin Shiji there is still no possibility of reappearing... a character is not supported, causing the entire text to be pitted. After storage, the two dry characters become "?", the tears in the run"" is cheated by the software, and it will still be used in the future. Use txt code word

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