The monster shrank in the cage, black and blue, unconscious.

He could hear the noise outside the circus, and maybe soon he would need to come out again.

But these days of training without sleep has exhausted him.

"Dinner!" A pile of brown paste that could not be seen clearly fell into the bowl in front of the monster.

The monster, with its feeble arm, drew close to the cage and gobbled at the food. Because he was too clumsy, he had not fulfilled the task set by the circus owner and had been starving for three days.

Looking at the giant monster eating like a dog, the feeding thugs couldn't help laughing and added another spoonful of paste to the basin. Anyway, it was the swill that was not needed in the tavern. It was just right to feed the monster.

"Eat it! Ha ha ha! Look at the dog

The thugs, as always, laughed at him. Seeing that the monster was eating food without any response, they kicked over the food basin and beat the monster's hand out of the cage with a stick.

Laughter filled the whole circus backstage, and other deformed people in the cage looked at the monster's misery with numbness in their eyes.

The monster's hand was too late to take back, and the bones were broken alive. It gave out a whine, and its ugly head was raised. A touch of blue flashed in the blue eyes.

A moment later, the thugs left with dull eyes and malicious smiles.

Kill! Kill! Kill everyone!

"Franken" raised his hand, and his expression was only God's indifference. He said to the human in front of him: "believe in me!"

Believe in me quickly. In that case, I will give you everything you want, even if it is a God.

"Franken" thought for a moment, and thought that the idea of becoming a God was really good. Let this man he loved very much become his only God, and they would be together forever.

Until the world is destroyed and reincarnation begins again, they will not be separated.

Heart beating faster and faster, "Franken" indulged in the bright future of his brain tonic, his eyes hidden in expectation, looked at the face of this how to see how lovely human.

Zhou Yu raised his head and his mood had recovered.

"I don't believe in any gods." Zhou Yusong hugged Franken's hand, stepped back and picked up another scalpel on the experimental table.

It is he who takes it for granted that people who come to him are not necessarily Fengxing, but also evil spirits.

In fact, the magic of this world is not as powerful as that of movies and novels in previous lives, which can not destroy the world in an instant.

The reason why the caster's status is so high is that there are some evil spirits in the world who occasionally form a natural disaster of undead, which brings great disasters to human beings. Only the caster can easily kill the evil spirits.

As a protector of human beings, it's normal that the caster's status will last forever.

The origin of those evil spirits, according to the caster Association, is due to the influence of the sleeping evil gods. Therefore, the casters' Association strongly rejected the belief in evil spirits, believing that it was the temptation of the devil and would lead people into hell.

Although we can't believe the one-sided statement of the domineering caster Association, from a series of actions of this strange god, he is not a kind God. He is afraid that he can not get rid of the evil spirits.

Zhou Yu frowned and looked at Franken with alert eyes. A little sweat came from the palm of his hand holding the scalpel.

He is now at an absolute disadvantage.

The opponent was a god of unknown strength, but he was just an alchemist with no fighting ability.

Moreover, there was only one exit from the basement, which was blocked by the evil god from nowhere. The basement itself was extremely narrow and could not escape from this huge monster.

There was no place for him to escape.

What he can do, then, is to let his hand go. No matter whether it has any effect or not, he can't be caught with his hands tied.

As for obedience to the demands of this evil god and believing in him?

Zhou Yuke Sulu: (tears in eyes) no, daughter-in-law, I'd like to give you all my tentacles. Don't drive me away! (take off the tentacles)

supernatural world consciousness: (on the edge of being beaten, Dapeng spreads its wings. JPG) hum! No use, son of a bitch! Not like dad at all. I No, no, no!!!

Kazulu's world consciousness: (covers the supernatural mouth) big brother! Can you stop your act of death! Will you die if you don't skin it one day! Grandfather, I want to hit you!

Supernatural world consciousness: (dad is the most beautiful fairy. JPG) who skin! Dad has no skin! That unfilial son has no tentacles! ha-ha! Dad won't be swallowed again!

Ke Sulu: (turns into a prototype and opens his mouth to the supernatural)

Ke Sulu's world consciousness: (grandfather is tired. JPG) shut up, little boy! (jumps in)

kesulu: What's wrong with you, old man? What are you doing in my mouth?Kesulu's world consciousness: (lighting a cigarette in the vicissitudes of life) grandfather, I'm a little tired. This time, I'm too lazy to save that grandson.

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