Roar -

the whole base was shaken by the violent explosion, and the solid walls were also broken and slit. All the virus parasites gathered together were crushed under the broken buildings, and their life and death were unknown.

The heavily armed rebel fighters in the core test area have been scarred.

They used to have more than a dozen people, but now only a few people are still standing here. The rest of them are infected and become virus parasites, or die in the siege of viruses.

Listening to the explosion outside the core experimental area, the room fell into a desperate silence.

The middle-aged man with glasses was lying on the ground weakly, his abdomen had been dyed red with blood, and his mouth was constantly gushing with blood.

Obviously, he is dying.

"This serum! It's the only way! Although you are the rebels, but... Cough! I can only hope that you can focus on the overall situation! Daniel, cough! Daniel will help you find their subject... "The middle-aged man took the hand of the young man beside him, and there was no sound.

"Captain! We... "The charming and beautiful woman looked at captain Norton next to her.

Norton's face was still stained with the blood of his comrades in arms, and his eyes were full of determination.

"Do as he says! We have no choice now! "

In addition, several surviving soldiers quietly agreed to the captain's decision. After all, although they opposed the federal dictatorship, they were not ruthless butchers. For the innocent people, they could not bear to see them become parasites of the virus.

Next to the body of the middle-aged man, Daniel, a young man with tears on his face, raised his head. His brown eyes were full of sadness.

"As the doctor said, we need to go to the federal government building in the center of H. the city's main air filter valve is at the top of that building. As long as you inject serum into it, everyone can be saved! What's more, the doctor detected that the main body of the virus was there! We can get rid of these damned viruses Daniel clenched the serum in his hand, his eyes full of hatred.

In this way, the rebels left the ruins of the underground experimental base after the explosion stopped.

Daniel sat on the shuttle, watching the underground experimental base gradually away, and began to operate on his brain with a heavy face.

Where the rebels could not see him, he turned his contact lenses down a little.

Blinking, Daniel's Brown pupils are as clear as ever.

On the invisible shuttle from fatal infection, Captain Norton looks down at a group of mercenaries in strange clothes and frowns.

"Captain, are these mercenaries really reliable? There are still a few delicate ladies The tanned black rebels looked puzzled, "ah! I was wrong! Ellie, you're not the same as those people The black soldier who was hit in the back of the head by the butt of the gun gave a embarrassed smile, and his big white teeth were particularly noticeable.

Ellie took back the heavy laser gun in her hand and disdained: "you men are no better than women! Especially you, rookie, big black

At the moment, he is often tortured by the front of her mouth, but she is not interested in the back of her head.

"Go! Go down and have a look Face cold Su captain Norton took the lead to get off the shuttle, the other several people see the situation also with good equipment jump down.

Under the shuttle is the face of confused reincarnations.

The girl with a double horsetail pursed her mouth and approached the bearded man standing on the side and said, "Hello, uncle! It seems to me that you are very experienced. What should I do now? "

The man frowned and clenched the heavy weapon in his hand and said, "don't get too close to me. We are not familiar with each other."

The double ponytail girl looked at the man's disgusted expression and stamped her foot discontentedly. After all, she said nothing more.

Not far away, a samsara suddenly issued a curse: "what kind of theater is this? Let me go! Damn it! I don't have time to play with you! " With that, the samsara is going to run outside.


The head of the reincarnation, who is trying to escape, explodes with blood.

"You son of a bitch mercenary, do you want to run away The woman with long brown hair, white skin and red lips, dressed in a black combat uniform, had a cold voice and aimed the gun at the numb reincarnations.

Now announce the character template information for the reincarnations: mercenaries hired by the rebel army, whose mission is to blow up the federally managed H city underground experimental base, and will receive 800 reward points for completing the task. If the mission fails, it will be obliterated.

The announcement of the LORD God sounded again, but this time, the originally restless reincarnations were quiet, and they were obviously frightened by the cruel behavior of the aboriginal woman in front of them.

The bearded man narrowed his eyes, and his wife and daughter's faces and faces reappeared. He took a long breath and stood up calmly and reliably, saying, "Dear employers, I'm sorry, this is an accident. We didn't want to break the contract!""Well, that's the best!" Ellie took back her gun and looked at the mob coldly. "Be honest. I'll get ahead of you for a while."

After that, Ellie went to the front of the closed base gate, took out an identity card and put it in front of the electronic eye.

"Scan passed. Have a good time at work, mr.zhou The system made a pleasant female voice and the door opened slowly.

Ellie took a look at the dull yellow face on her ID card and gave a disgusting tut.

I hope she doesn't just run into that fake boyfriend, or she can't help but shoot him.

"Achiao -" Zhou Yu sneezed uncontrollably. He felt dizzy.

All this must be his illusion!

Zhou Yu stroked the mark on his wrist in distress and was at a loss.

He was still working on the data, and suddenly he felt that beerus was near him and his wrists were burning hot.

But as soon as he looked up, he found that the Laboratory Supervisor who always liked to trouble the original owner - a middle-aged balding fat man passed by his laboratory. Through the glass wall, he could see that the fat man's face was very pale, with a dead face and did not speak.

But what's terrible is that he feels so kind.

He must have a fever. His brain is not clear.

Zhou Yu hid in the bathroom compartment of the laboratory, feeling powerless.

Is it that his soul has not adapted to the world? Or is it his lover who is fine again? But this world is not magic background, how can fine division?

Warning! Turn on level one alert! Strangers break into the lab!

just as like as two peas were still wondering what illness he was having, Zhou Yu heard a harsh warning outside the laboratory, just like yesterday.

Zhou Yu walked out of the bathroom and saw the chaos in the laboratory. The screams of the researchers kept coming and going.

The whole experimental base was covered in a red light, and everyone was in the same panic as yesterday.

"What happened these days? Do you want to come back every day? It's not a safety drill! What do the guards of the base do to eat? " A bad tempered researcher threw his brain to the ground and scolded the guards for their incompetence.

All clear!

Almost the next second after the researcher's voice dropped, the alarm disappeared and the lights in the base returned to their former brightness.

"..." the researcher stayed in the same place strangely, and was uncomfortable to accept the curiosity of his colleagues.

"Ha ha ha ha! All right! Tom

"Come on, say a few more words. Maybe the guards should come and apologize to you! Ha ha "

the crowd relaxed and even joked because the alarm was off.


At the sound of a gun, Tom's head, standing at a loss, turned into a heap of meat, and plasma splashed all over the researchers around him.

"Hold up your hands and don't move!" A strange researcher in a white uniform stood at the door of the laboratory, with a ray gun in his hand, and his expression was indifferent.

The researcher's facial features were all smashed into a ball by unknown weapons, but the flesh and blood were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a few seconds, the original scar disappeared, leaving only the grim blood on his face, echoing the cold and frightening gray eyes.

After the eccentric researcher shot, Zhou Yu hid in the bathroom again and quickly took out the gun he was carrying.

The original owner is a very timid person, so the family always has a gun, which is not powerful, but it is convenient to carry.

Although I don't know the purpose of that guy outside, it's better not to confront him with his quick and clear way of killing people.

Zhou Yu decided to hide here, give him a shot when the researcher came in, and then escape.

"Ah, ah! n0no——! Let me go! Ah

"What's wrong with you? You! ——Ah

"Paul! Aren't we best friends? You can't - poop - Pooh!!!

After a while, Zhou Yu didn't hear the gunshot. He could only hear the shrieks of the former colleagues of the original owner, and gradually fell silent.

Zhou Yu clenched the gun in his hand and kept staring at the door of the bathroom.

He has to get out, his wife is still waiting for him at home, he can't just die here.

After the last sharp scream, it was completely quiet outside. Zhou Yu, who was staying in the bathroom, could only hear his heavy breathing and the sound of sparse footsteps outside.

These footsteps lingered in the laboratory outside, as if searching for the fish that had been caught.

Holding his breath, Zhou Yu quietly retreated to the last compartment.

His prediction is wrong. Listen to the footsteps outside, the murderer should not be just a researcher, they are a group.Unfortunately, there are only three bullets and bullets in his gun, which is not enough to support his escape. This gun is not even the most popular laser ray gun in the outside world, but an old hand and gun that has been eliminated.

After all, the original owner had only entered the experimental base for more than a year, and most of the money he saved was handed over to the so-called girlfriend, so he could only afford this kind of cheap goods.

Hiding in the compartment, Zhou Yu looked down at his wrist, and his face was helpless.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, he still has to say that the impression designed by his lover Ke Sulu may be wrong.

He is not very close to anyone now, but the mark is still warming up.

The sound of footsteps outside became more and more far away, as if to give up here and leave.

But Zhou Yu didn't relax his vigilance and stayed quietly in the compartment.

In the first life, there are often such traps in the ghost land of the lover Fengxing. On the surface, the monster is gone. In fact, it is waiting for you to make a sound and then give you a turn back. In a word, it is best to be careful when the situation is not favorable.

Sure enough, after a while, Zhou Yu heard a squeak and the door of the bathroom was opened.

A strange researcher came in, his gray pupils reflecting the interior of the empty bathroom.

Zhou Yuping, hiding in the last compartment, breathed.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the cool, semi floating, Sanshui Yinzi, daubing, carefree every day, 29686471, yingfeicaohangx2 mine ~ thank you little angels ~ love you, Mada!

Little theater:

future world consciousness: (takes out the sling) you know, they're on holiday, and they're going to show you the right hanging posture. (put a rope around your neck) and then you can kill yourself happily! (take out the gun and point it at your head)

Bang - - (blood splashing)

future world consciousness: (raising your head from the pool of blood) now you know how to commit suicide, don't think about it if you can't afford it! (with a kind and rich smile. JPG) after all, I am rich and willful! Of course, I didn't say that you were poor and affectable.

finally, I solemnly declared that suicide is not a good behavior, and cherubs should not imitate it!

Cherish life, stay away from suicide maniacs, and this special suicide gun is exclusive to the future world, and other worlds will not sell it. (the author smiles with a strong desire to survive.)

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