Broad World

Chapter 170 Icewind Dale

After a day and night of arduous trekking, the group finally saw the giant cone of Kane slowly rising from the horizon, and they were greatly relieved. The Valley of Icewind, a desolate and barren frozen plain stretching thousands of miles, reveals its appearance. Around the three lakes surrounding the area are the famous Ten Towns.

They are Bryn Sander, Kadineva Town, Kekkoney Town, Dogan's Cave, East ** Land, ** Wine Town, Dulin Town, Targos Town, Tamaran Town, and Bremen Town. The three lakes are Duerden Lake, Dinixia Lake, and Dilun Luen Lake, among which Dilun Luen Lake is now called Red Water Lake. Because many people compete for the fishing ground here every year, the lake is dyed red due to too many dead people.

The half-orc warrior looked into the distance with emotion. After such a long time, he finally returned to his homeland. The cold wind whizzing past here reminded him of the days and nights of living in the tribe. Due to the constant divergence of thinking, Vaughn's footsteps slowed down unconsciously, and Henry caught up from behind and patted his arm.

"Now is not the time to recall. You are most familiar with this place. Tell me, where should we go to find out the news first?"

Vaughan shook his head to drive out those fragments of memory. "There is no doubt that we will go to Bryn Shander. It is the only lively place in this area. And there are many barbarians living there. Maybe we can hear some inside information from them."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's speed up. What I want to do most now is to find a warm room, have a steaming meal, and it would be best if I have a glass of ale." After speaking, Zuvosa sneezed several times in a row.

Henry nodded, and the three of them got back on their horses and ran forward. It didn't take long for them to arrive at the gate of Bryn Shander. There is a strong city wall here, and the guards at the gate look tall and mighty, which doesn't need to be any different from other big cities. The half-orc warrior stepped forward and chatted briefly with the guards, and then took the lead through the city gate.

Walking on the street, Henry realized that there were all low wooden houses here. They live close together, and there are often several families in one yard. Maybe it's more danger that makes people like to get together because it gives them a little more security.

Along the way, Vaughan would go over to ask a few barbarians whenever he saw them, but it was clear from his disappointed expression that he didn't get any useful information. Three people and one bear finally stopped at the door of a dilapidated tavern.

"This is the adventurer's paradise, our last hope. If we still don't get any news, I'm afraid we'll have to go directly to the wilderness to find the migrating tribe." Vaughn pushed open the door and walked in.

As soon as Henry entered the door, he heard noisy voices inside. Most of the people were complaining and cursing the raging winter wolves and the bad weather. He took the ranger to find a table and sat down, ordered some food and started eating. The half-orc warrior was sitting on the bar while drinking, while chatting with the guys around him.

It didn't take long for Vaughn to come over with a lunch, sit on the chair all at once, and ate up the plate in a few bites. After eating and drinking, he raised his head and said to Henry: "Head, these guys said that these winter wolves seem to be running away. There seems to be something dangerous in the north, and they drove all the animals out."

Henry frowned when he heard that. In this cold area, there are very few monsters that can expel winter wolves on such a large scale, and the most likely ones are frost giants and white dragons. Once the former has enough numbers, it can sweep everything. Although the latter is known as the weakest of the five-color evil dragons, it is quite difficult to deal with in this environment.

Thinking of this, Henry immediately stood up. "We must set off immediately to find your tribe before greater danger comes." After speaking, he dropped his meal money and walked towards the door.

When he came to the door, Vaughan hurriedly asked: "What is the greater danger? Is there any conspiracy behind this?"

"Winter wolves are a lawful creature. They don't migrate on a large scale for no reason. I don't know exactly what happened, but I hope I never know." Henry said as he jumped onto the horse.

A group of people galloped across the field under the leadership of the half-orc warriors. After running for several days, they began to see a large number of passers-by and reindeer killed and eaten by winter wolves on the side of the road. The fattest places on their bodies have been eaten clean, and the cold carcasses have attracted many scavenging birds.

"Not far ahead is the place where the Aotu tribe is stationed. There are a lot of deer herds gathered there every year, enough for the whole tribe to survive the long winter." Vaughan said, pointing to a yellow forest in the distance.

Henry rode on the horse and looked into the distance. Here is a small forest with a mountain behind. It weakens the wind very well, and the surrounding vegetation is relatively lush. Although it is still barren, it can be regarded as a treasure in Icewind Dale.

They had just approached the edge of the woods when suddenly an ax flew out and nailed it to a nearby tree. A tall barbarian came out and shouted loudly in the common language: "Stranger, get out! This is the territory of the Otto tribe. If you get any closer, your heads will fall to the ground."

"Hey! Bastard, don't you know me!" Said the half-orc warrior jumped off his horse and walked towards this guy. As he walked, he asked, "Is everyone okay after I leave, how is your father's health?"

"My God! Vaughn, why are you back?" The barbarian obviously recognized Vaughn. He went over and pulled out the ax from the tree. "Of course the old leader is very good. He also slaughtered a few winter wolves yesterday. These cunning guys actually want to poach deer under our noses."

Vaughn was relieved to hear that the tribe was fine, and his tense nerves also relaxed. He pointed to Henry, Zuvotha, and Ares behind him. "Those are my adventure partners. It's okay to take them to live in the tribe for a few days, right?"

"It would be fine if you were alone, but it's hard for them to say. The old chief has always disliked outsiders, and you should be very clear about that." The barbarian inserted the ax into his belt, and made a helpless gesture.

"Lead the way first, and if necessary, I will personally pull him down from the position of leader." Vaughn clenched his fists as he said that, and he was ready. As long as his father made an outrageous move, he would challenge his position as chief in public.

The Savage patted his arm with a smile. "I'm looking forward to that moment, but you'd better bring back enough honor, otherwise you won't even be qualified to challenge."

Vaughn laughed out loud when he thought of what was in Henry's dimension bag. "Hahahaha! Don't worry, I brought something that is enough to prove my honor, and I will definitely surprise you when the time comes."

Several people walked in the woods for more than ten minutes, and soon saw a large area of ​​tents made of animal skins. This is the camp of the Otto tribe. The heads of several winter wolves were stuck at the gate of the camp to warn those plotting evil. The young savage yelled as soon as he approached the camp, and every few moments it became known to all that Vaughn was returning with the stranger.

The old chief got the news soon. He came to the gate of the camp and looked at his son with complicated emotions in his eyes. "Why do you want to come back? You should know that you are not welcome here, and you have brought back a few strangers." His words immediately quieted down the lively scene.

Vaughan felt his blood start to surge instantly. He stared at the old man angrily, then walked over and said solemnly: "According to the ancient tradition! I now officially challenge you! The winner will win the leadership of the tribe!"

The old chief sneered and looked at him contemptuously. "Initiate a challenge? What qualifications do you have to do this! I have led the entire tribe for thirty years, and I have defeated countless powerful enemies."

The half-orc warrior's brain had already started to explode, he turned his head and shouted at Henry: "Head! Let this old family see if I have such qualifications!"

Henry sighed helplessly. He really didn't expect the father and son to be separated for so many years, and they would make such a fuss as soon as they met. He took out the black dragon's head from the dimension bag and threw it on the ground. All the barbarians gasped after seeing it clearly.

"This is the head of an adult black dragon, and I was one of those who killed it. Does anyone still think that I am not qualified?" Vaughan stared at his father fiercely, trying to find fear or fear in his eyes.

The old chief didn't let him go as usual, he nodded expressionlessly. "I admit that you are qualified to challenge. Today you can have a good night's rest, and a duel will be held in the center of the camp at noon tomorrow." After speaking, the old man turned around and walked towards his tent.

The other barbarians exploded immediately after seeing the leader leave. They kept surrounding the orc warriors to ask about the process of slaying the dragon. After dismissing these overly enthusiastic guys, Henry and his party were arranged in an empty tent. There is a golden-roasted deer in the middle of the fire, which seems to be food specially prepared for them.

"Is it necessary to do this? He is your father after all." Henry asked after finding a place to sit down.

Vaughan shook his head with a wry smile. "He is a man who advocates strength and will not listen to the advice of the weak. If you want to save the entire tribe, you must first defeat him to gain leadership."

Zuwosa asked while eating the barbecue: "Are you confident? I can see that although your father is older, he must have rich combat experience. You can see from the scars on his body that he must have experienced many fierce battles when he was young."

"I don't know, I haven't seen him do it for many years. It's useless to think about it now, and everything will be revealed after noon tomorrow." Vaughn ate venison while talking, and now he must hurry up to recover his strength. (To be continued.)

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