Broad World

Chapter 193 Awakening and Reunion

The body at the hotel was quickly disposed of. .Since all the guests saw that the woman was the first to attack, the patrol leader asked a few questions as a matter of routine and left. Apodell sat alone at the table drinking, the assassin just now reminded him of his dead adoptive father. Henry walked over and said a few words of comfort before returning to the guest room to sleep. He was a little tired from traveling for several days. As for Apodel's problem, let Jaxira come back and let her solve it.

Sleep till dawn. The next day Henry came to the hall refreshed and was about to have breakfast. Suddenly, I saw Apodell and Aimeng sitting at a table with tired faces. They have thick dark circles under their eyes, and it looks like they didn't sleep well at night. The two whispered, not knowing what they were talking about.

Henry walked up to them and asked, "What's wrong with you? Could it be that you haven't closed your eyes all night!"

Aimon yawned and complained: "Ask this guy, he kept talking in his sleep last night, and the voice was very loud."

Apodel gave a wry smile. "Last night I dreamed that I returned to Candlekeep, and Grian also appeared. Then... When I woke up in the morning, I discovered that I actually started to have some healing abilities, just like a priest." After speaking, he stretched out a hand, and a mass of white energy began to gather, and soon formed a magic spell to treat minor injuries.

"Stop it!" Henry interrupted Apodel's demonstration with a slap, and then looked at him with a serious expression. "Remember, never use this ability in front of strangers in the future, otherwise you will cause yourself a lot of trouble. Why do you know which enemies keep chasing you? This natural ability may be one of the reasons."

"Cool! I've heard monks say that one of the parents who can use innate spells must be a powerful creature such as a dragon, a demon, or an angel. Apodel, you never said that you have a special bloodline before." Aimon looked up and down at his friend, trying to find something different from normal people in him.

Apodel sighed, and pushed the curious girl onto the chair. "Don't look for it, I'm sure I don't have the tails, horns, wings, hooves or other weird things you expect. And I was adopted by Grian since I was a child, and I never knew who my biological parents were."

"Having a special bloodline is not a bad thing. The premise is that you have to learn to control it well instead of being affected by it." Henry took out a book and handed it to him. "This is a book about the development and application of bloodline abilities. You'd better read it when you have nothing to do."

Apodell took it and couldn't wait to turn over the first page, only to see a sentence written on it: "Never surrender to the nature in your blood! Only by understanding it and defeating it can you have absolute control over your body and mind."

Henry watched the two begin to read and nodded in satisfaction. This is actually a book about the study and control of gods, but he replaced all the sensitive words in it. Apodel has gradually begun to show his unparalleled talent, and it won't be long before Imoen will also start to awaken.

In order to increase their chances of winning, they must master their own strength as soon as possible. Henry didn't want to have to guard against his teammates suddenly losing control while fighting. After all, Barr's surname is so violent and bloodthirsty, not to mention that the two of them will transform into terrifying monsters like "Slayers" in the future.

The morning time was spent studying, and the whole group settled the rent and left Nasike until the Jasiras and Minsk arrived. On the way, Jasila kept urging everyone to speed up, because the matter in the mining city was still waiting for her to investigate. Passing through a rugged mountain path, the crowd came to a place called "Desolate Lake" by the locals.

Suddenly a hobgoblin flashed out from behind a tree. He waved the weapon in his hand twice and threatened loudly: "Stop all of them! If you are sensible, call out all the money quickly."

Henry observed the movement around him, and found that the guy who jumped out to block the road and robbed him had no accomplices at all. I really don't know what it's thinking, maybe the hobgoblin's intelligence is only at this level. He quietly gestured to Apodel, and the latter rushed over suddenly, knocking off the opponent's weapon with a sword, and then kicked it to the ground and stepped on one foot.

"I'm a mercenary from the Cold-Blooded Gang! My mercenary friends will come over soon, and you'll all be dead by then!" The hobgoblin struggled desperately, trying to push away the foot that was on his chest.

Apodel kicked it hard, and then pressed the point of his sword against its neck. "Threatening us!? Did you make a mistake, you imbecile and stinky bastard. I'll give you ten seconds to describe what the Cold-Blooded Gang is all about, or this sword will cut off your ugly head."

The hobgoblin immediately panicked when he saw that the weapon had pierced the skin. "Wait! I'm sorry, please don't...don't kill me. Both the Cold-Blooded Gang and the Black Claw Mercenary Group have accepted the employment of one person. Their task is to rob the nearby caravan. I was chased and lost by the Flame Fist mercenaries during a robbery a few days ago."

Apodell turned his head to look at Henry, who made a throat-slitting motion. He immediately swung his two-handed sword and chopped off the captive's head. Wiping the blood on the sword, Apodel asked: "What organization is the Black Claw Mercenary Group he mentioned just now? I don't think I've ever heard of it before."

Jaheira thought for a moment and shook her head. "I don't know. I guess it's a gang of bandits that has just been established. I've never heard of an organization where humans and hobgoblins work together near Baldur's Gate."

Henry bent down and tore off a sign from the leather armor of the corpse. "Cold-Blooded Gang, at least we have a target now. As long as we go to the nearby large towns to investigate, there will always be some clues. Let's hurry up now, there is still a long way to go from our destination."

The group continued to set off, and encountered the robber again when it was almost noon. The leader named Tangang asked them to hand over everything on their bodies, otherwise they would kill everyone. Apodel didn't talk nonsense with him, and rushed over to start a hand-to-hand fight without saying anything. Henry easily suppressed the female mage on the opposite side, preventing her from casting any spells at all.

Under the blessing of Jasildruid's magic, the three warriors quickly dealt with the archer and Tangang. Henry saw that it was almost the same. He directly used the fifth-level magic "cracking technique" to pick off the "spiritual armor technique" on the woman, and then smashed her head with a stick. After simply packing up the loot, the group continued westward.

They kept encountering various monsters on the road, and it seemed that the closer they got to the Gnoll Fortress, the more of them there would be. Not only were there Gnolls and Warcraft, but they even wiped out a group of half-ogre along the way. Just when everyone was a little tired, they suddenly heard the sound of fighting not far ahead.

Henry suddenly remembered that in the plot, this is the place where the protagonists and Drizzt met for the first time. He immediately quickened his pace and ran forward quickly. After a few minutes, everyone saw a slender figure shuttling among a large group of jackals. The double knives in his hands danced quickly, and an enemy fell down after seeing a cold light flash. This elegant way of fighting is very ornamental, so that they all forgot to go up to support.

Drizzt quickly rushed out of the encirclement of the gnolls, and he shouted at everyone: "I am surrounded by these monsters! Are you willing to help?"

"Of course my friend, but you'd better be careful, the next scene may be a little hot!" Henry took off his hood and replied with a big smile.

Drizzt recognized him quickly, and the dark elf smiled as he flicked the blood off his knife. "Hot!? I bet it won't be hotter than the last time in Belgoost. Also, it's nice to see you again, friend!"

Henry released a "fireball" at the swarming gnolls, and the roar of the explosion instantly woke up several others. They picked up their weapons and rushed over, and it didn't take long for more than half of the more than a hundred gnolls to be killed or injured. Henry was not stingy with his spell slots, and spells such as lightning, fire, poisonous gas, and strong acid were cast one by one all of a sudden.

The Jackals soon discovered the strength of the enemies. When they turned around and ran away, Henry sneered and released the "Grease" and "Entanglement" stored in the "Spell Matrix". The overgrown vines and the grease on the ground held these guys in place, and they couldn't even stand upright.

"Death Cloud Technique" Henry directly delivered the final meal to the Wolf man. It only took ten seconds for the highly poisonous gas to kill all the remaining monsters. Drizzt looked at the corpse on the ground with a little surprise. He is not a barbarian who knows nothing about magic, and he knows what such a number of spells means.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, I didn't expect you to be so powerful now." Drizzt smiled and walked over to hug Henry.

"I'm working hard to study magic every day, and this progress is a matter of course." Henry joked while introducing his companions behind him. "This is Apodel, Imon, Minsk, Jasila, and Khaled. We are going to the Gnoll Fortress ahead to rescue a trapped girl. Do you want to come with me?"

Drizzt shook his head bitterly. "Forget it. I messed with the Baylor Demons, and I won't join any team until I solve them."

"Is it Errtu?" Henry's expression became serious. He had already heard of this powerful secondary demon lord, and it could be said that its relationship with the Mithril Five Heroes was endless because of the broken magic crystal.

The dark elf sighed. "Don't ask, you shouldn't be involved. This is my destiny, and I must do it by myself." After speaking, he waved to everyone, and then quickly disappeared from everyone's sight. (To be continued.)

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