Broad World

Chapter 323

While Henry was calmly thinking about how to get through the difficulties, Aimon, who was hiding in the woods, turned around anxiously. She whispered to Xina and Nalia beside her: "Damn! Henry is injured. We have to find a way to help, otherwise they will be killed by that terrifying red dragon."

It turned out that after the three women left the castle, they did not follow Henry's instructions and returned directly to Askatera's garden hotel, but hid secretly in the woods, intending to witness this shocking battle with their own eyes. The majestic figure of Balagos "Flying Flame" shocked them deeply, especially Hina, who was a half-dragon, felt endless fear from the bottom of her heart in an instant. She immediately realized that this was a warning from the blood of the red dragon.

After Henry and Shandier launched an attack on the ancient red dragon, the three girls were shocked by the brilliant spells and impenetrable cooperation, especially the sneak attack launched by the servant Lunsha, which was simply amazing. If it weren't for the "warning technique", Balagos' "Flying Flame" might have already fallen to the ground.

But then the situation took a turn for the worse. After several spectacular high-level magic spells, not only the sorceress and the servant fell into a coma, but even Henry's leg was disabled. Seeing that the situation was critical, Aimeng didn't care whether he would be exposed, so he hurriedly stood up and suggested rescue. She didn't quite know what kind of combat power she possessed as a slayer, otherwise she would have rushed to fight to the death.

Hina managed to calm herself down, but her hands and feet were still trembling. She gritted her teeth and said in a low voice: "That's right. We must stand up at this time, otherwise we will die. Stay here, Nalia, and Imon and I will distract the dragon. Remember, no matter what happens, keep quiet."

"You mean to let me watch as I do nothing? It's impossible! The Deanis family has never had a coward!" Nalia refused without hesitation. In her opinion, if Henry and others were not to save her father. There is no way to provoke such a powerful enemy. It would be a disgrace to the nobles if they hid secretly at such a time, they might as well be killed by a breath of dragon breath.

While the three women were arguing fiercely, Balagos "Flying Flame" came to Henry's side with majestic steps. It didn't care about the wound on the dragon's wing, and said in a mocking tone: "Sad little mouse! Didn't you speak out loud and wanted to kill me? Why are you lying on the ground now?" After speaking, the evil red dragon also used its sharp claws to cut a huge wound on Henry's injured leg. Blood gushed out like a fountain.

The intense pain and massive blood loss made Henry's consciousness gradually blurred, and he couldn't hear what the ancient red dragon was saying at all. It's just that my brain is buzzing, and everything I see with my eyes is multiple images. He shook his head vigorously, trying to regain consciousness, but the massive blood loss eventually caused a cardiac shock.

Balagos "Flying Flame" fiddled with it casually, and lost interest when he found that the heart of the enemy in front of him had stopped beating. It licked the blood from its paws. He said to himself: "What a fragile body! I originally planned to play for a while. Forget it, let's take out your souls."

Seeing Henry lying motionless on the ground, without even the ups and downs of his chest breathing, Aimeng felt a killing intent rushing straight to his brain, his body began to grow red scales uncontrollably, and his hands and feet turned into sharp claws. It only took a second. She turned into a terrifying divine creature "The Slayer".

The sudden change startled Hina and Nalia. They never thought that Imoen, who usually looks positive and optimistic, would have such an unknown side. The killer ignored the two of them, and rushed towards the red dragon directly. Under the impetus of divinity, the distance of hundreds of meters was reached in the blink of an eye.

Before Balagos Flame could react, the Slayer jumped up and grabbed it by the neck. The sharp claws tore the solid dragon scales, and the big mouth full of fangs frantically bit the exposed muscles. In just a few seconds, Aimon tore off a large piece of flesh and blood. Many white bones were exposed.

The severe pain brought the red dragon back to his senses immediately, and with one paw, he knocked out the terrifying little monster in front of him. It touched its own wound in surprise, and let out a roar that shook the sky. "Damn it! How could there be a son of the God of Slaughter here? Are you also with this human mage?"

It's a pity that Aimon has lost his self-awareness and can't answer any questions at all. Her mind is full of killing thoughts now, she just wants to tear all the living things in front of her eyes to pieces. Seeing that the other party rushed up again without answering at all, Balagos "Flying Flame" opened his mouth and let out a fiery dragon's breath.

Although the Slayer has excellent magic resistance, it is still a bit inferior to the breath of the ancient red dragon. When the last bit of divinity burned away, Imoen returned to human form. Her whole body exuded intense heat, and her skin was as red and hot as if it had been roasted.

Seeing this situation, Hina didn't even think about it too much. Immediately transformed into a half-dragon and teleported to the dragon. Although his whole body was trembling, he still held the giant sword tightly in his hands and assumed an attacking posture. She knew very well that she couldn't possibly be the opponent of Balagos' "Flying Flame", and she only hoped to delay for a while.

The red dragon looked down at the dragon girl, his face full of surprise. "Huh? A rare half-dragon. It's really lively tonight. It's a god attendant and the son of Baal. For the sake of your bloodline of the red dragon. I'll spare you this time. Get out of the way!"

Unfortunately, its rare kindness did not receive any response. Hina still stood stubbornly where she was, without even moving. Under the coercion of the ancient red dragon, it is already very good that she can barely maintain a standing posture. If it were other half-dragon people, I am afraid that she would have passed out on the ground.

Balagos "Flying Flame" obviously also noticed this, and swung her thick tail and sent Xina flying. All its attention is now attracted by Imeng, after all, divinity is an irresistible temptation for most creatures.

Seeing that the ancient red dragon was getting closer and closer to the girl, Henry suddenly woke up, and the regenerative ability of "Acid Knife" played a role at the critical moment. He saw Aimeng's tragic situation at a glance, and his soaring anger instantly burned his rationality.

Glancing at the eighteen diamonds in his hand that had all been lit up, Henry immediately used any door to teleport behind Balagos' "Flying Flame", and then activated the magic on it to throw it out forcefully. I saw four portals instantly opened in the sky, and Elminster, Kelben, Lyra, and Alustri appeared with their hands raised high.

They chanted magical spells in unison, and a second later, the terrifying low temperature completely enveloped the ancient red dragon. Its dragon scales full of magic resistance actually began to freeze rapidly, and even the scorching dragon's breath couldn't stop this process. Henry did not relax his vigilance because of the arrival of the four voters, but lay on the ground and continued to prepare for magic.

Facts have proved that his caution is completely correct. Although this legendary spell has caused huge damage to Balagos "Flying Flame", it is not fatal enough. Before the ancient red dragon was completely frozen, it activated the ninth-level magic "Meteor Burst" in the staff. Masses of tiny meteors falling from the sky shattered the ice, preventing the magic from fulfilling its mission.

"Quickly block the space! Don't let this guy escape!" Kelben immediately yelled at his wife when he saw this.

But Balagos Flame was much quicker than they were, and Lyra hadn't been halfway through her spell before it opened the portal. The moment the red dragon wanted to cross over, Henry jumped up, his body deformed violently in mid-air, and when he threw himself on the enemy, he was already a five-meter-tall steel golem.

This is his last ninth-level magic "transformation" today. Through this spell, a wizard can transform into several powerful creatures: iron golems, mind flayers, large werewolves, or soul trolls. The caster can transform into whatever creature the mind desires, gaining almost all natural abilities, and the mind remains unaffected, but the body changes to conform to the new form. In addition, all clothing and equipment will be integrated into the new form and continue to function secretly. When the mage returns to his original form, clothing and equipment will return to their original state. It only takes a second for each transformation.

Henry used the iron golem's heavy body to overwhelm his opponent, preventing it from getting close to the portal. Seeing this situation, the four voters shot out the "silver fire" bestowed by the goddess of magic without hesitation. This is no ordinary flame, it is full of divine power, and it hurts the soul of the red dragon in just a few seconds.

Balagos "Flying Flame" desperately attacked the steel golem with its claws, teeth and tail, but Henry, who was already a little mad, didn't care about the wounds on his body at all. He raised his huge steel fist and slammed it down on the dragon's head. After a dozen blows, the dragon's head became bloody and bloody.

In order to prevent the opponent from escaping, Henry also activated the "time stop" solidified on his body. You must know that the voters of the goddess of magic are immune to this magic, so you can use this time to completely kill this ancient red dragon. The moment he activated the magic, he suddenly discovered that not only the four voters had entered the time stream, but even Balagos "Flying Flame" had also entered the time stream by itself.

Immediately after Elminster discovered this, he shouted to the others: "Sure enough, it is exactly as I expected! Balagos has really grasped the essence of time. Hurry up and speed up the attack, and we must deal with it here."

After hearing this sentence, Lila and Alastriol activated the "accidental chain" one after another, and a large number of lethal spells beat the seriously injured ancient red dragon to death in an instant. Kelben even raised the "black stick" with powerful magic in his hand and inserted it into the dragon's eyes, trying to directly destroy the enemy's brain.

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