Broad World

Chapter 325 Raid

The nights in Belgoost are very quiet. Because it is still in the war period, a curfew is imposed as soon as it gets dark. However, those who are interested can find that tonight seems to be a little unusual, because there are extraordinarily many guards patrolling the street, and they are also equipped with such a big killer as a heavy crossbow.

In order not to arouse the vigilance of the enemy, Corey's 1,000 soldiers disguised themselves as patrols and quietly entered the city. Now that the siege of the target house has been basically completed, it is only waiting for the commander to give an order to rush in and start killing. According to the latest law enacted by the principality's master, anyone who attempts to overthrow the Angomei family's rule will be regarded as rebellious, and all direct males will be killed, and females will be reduced to slaves.

Although this law is relatively harsh, no one dares to raise objections. Everyone knows that Duke Henry is a decisive figure. Think about the ferocious sahuagin in the sea, which were all wiped out in the city of Baldur's Gate. A total of more than 10,000, none of them managed to return alive.

After going through that battle, the soldiers' attitude towards Henry changed from compulsion to awe from the bottom of their hearts. Especially those spells with terrifying lethality, for ordinary people, they are no different from gods. They now carry out all the orders passed down from above without hesitation, even if they massacre ordinary people.

If Henry saw the transformation of his army, he would be very satisfied. Because this is the ideal army in his mind, there is no distinction between good and evil, right and wrong, only obedience, obedience and obedience. Originally, the military should be a violent institution serving the ruling class. No matter how kind it may appear on the surface, its essence is to maintain the stability of the current regime. Once someone crosses that line, they immediately tear off the pretense of kindness.

Watching his subordinates enter the fighting state without making a sound. Corey nodded in satisfaction. War is indeed the best way to train soldiers. Although the casualty rate is high, they can become elite if they survive. He turned his head and asked his deputy: "How is it? Haven't the Thieves Union signaled the attack yet?"

"Sorry, Commander. There has been no movement so far. A person sent a message ten minutes ago. It said that they still need a little time to lock in on the enemy's high-level."

Corey nodded helplessly. "Okay, then we'll wait. After all, their leader paid a lot of money. And dragon beasts can't be bought with money, there must be some special channels."

"The thieves' union in our territory has so much energy?" the deputy asked in disbelief. In his opinion, no matter how noisy the thieves union is, it can't compare to the regular army, even the famous Shadow Thieves organization.

"Of course. Their power is very large. If they are concentrated in one night, they can kill all the troops in our camp."

As one of the Duke's confidantes, Corey obviously knows a lot of inside information. Robert turned in his annual profits five times his military expenditures. To maintain such a huge underground kingdom, the strength must be very strong, otherwise it would have been annexed by other unions long ago. Moreover, the other party also serves as an intelligence agency, and almost all troubles on the west coast can be heard immediately.

"It's impossible! Our people are all veterans, and most of them have the rank of warriors. Even if we knock down the mainland, we can be regarded as elites. How could we be killed by a group of thieves?"

Seeing the deputy's unbelieving expression, Corey smiled and patted him on the shoulder. "You are still young, and you don't know many secrets. I can't explain this kind of thing now, just remember not to provoke them."

As soon as the words were finished, a person stepped out from the shadow of the street. Not only did he escape the encirclement of the soldiers, but no one noticed until he came out on his own initiative. This superb stealth skill made everyone break out in a cold sweat, if the other party wanted to assassinate. I'm afraid no one can stop it.

As soon as the man dressed as an assassin came out, he said, "I have already sent in the most elite assassins under my command, and you have launched a frontal attack. As soon as there is chaos in the scene, they will secretly arrest the planner of this incident."

Corey waved his hand to signal everyone to put down their weapons, and cursed at the other party: "Damn bastard! Can't you sit down from the front? You must know that my men are holding heavy crossbows. Once there is any misunderstanding, you will become a hedgehog in the next second."

"Sorry, I'm used to it. You must know that we are used to walking in the dark. This is a subconscious self-protection. In addition, these ordinary weapons without enchantments can't hurt me, even if it is a heavy crossbow."

As he said that, the assassin took off the hood on his head, not someone else. It was Robert. As a master thief with agility and quick reflexes, he can avoid most ranged attacks without magic equipment. What's more, he is still wearing a double layer of dragon scale armor, which can't even pierce weapons with a slightly lower enchantment level. It can be said that Henry spent a lot of money in order to protect the lives of his subordinates. If the complete set of equipment is sold at the market price, it can be sold for hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

Corey sighed slightly. He told the deputy beside him: "Let's start. Set up a three-layer encirclement net according to the original plan, and absolutely not allow any rebels to let go."

"Please rest assured, Commander. The opponent is just a mob recruited by some businessmen. Maybe their team is very good at fighting, but in this kind of battlefield with more than hundreds of people, they are just a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. I assure you, it only takes ten minutes to completely wipe them out."

As a rocket rose into the sky, the tranquility of the night was broken. Two teams of heavily armed soldiers quickly approached the target building, then kicked open the gate and rushed in. Before the guy in charge of the watch who was hiding at the door could shout out, he was thrust into his chest by a crossbow arrow. One of the soldiers walked over with a grinning grin, and chopped off his head with a single blow of his sword.

The entire building was cleared in two minutes, the men killed and the women knocked unconscious by brutal soldiers. Robert personally opened the secret passage in the basement, and even killed several mercenaries guarding here. The master thief's stealth assassination performance opened everyone's eyes. The enemy's throat was slit open by his short sword without any notice.

When a large group of soldiers appeared in the basement, the merchants who gathered here secretly were dumbfounded. Suddenly, someone in the crowd yelled, "To overthrow the tyranny is tonight! Go! Fight them!"

"Yes! Anyway, if you get caught, you will die! It's better to give it a go!"

"Come on! Only by killing can you survive!"

The guy's words triggered a large-scale commotion, and the mercenaries and merchants trapped inside drew their weapons and charged. The officer in charge showed a disdainful expression, waved his right hand and gave the order to attack. Soldiers holding heavy crossbows pulled the triggers one after another, and the sound of "whoosh" was endless.

Within a distance of less than ten meters, the huge strength of the crossbow could even easily penetrate the breastplate made of fine steel, not to mention the mercenaries in front of them who only wore leather and chain armor. At least forty people were shot dead on the spot, and there were more than two dozen "shen yin" lying on the ground in pain. The bloody reality woke up these daydreaming guys, and they finally realized what kind of mistake they had made.

But officers are not in the habit of showing mercy to their enemies. After a round of volley, he immediately mobilized the soldiers with spears to step forward and erected a dense forest of guns. Many unlucky guys couldn't dodge in time, and were directly stabbed to the bone. Perhaps in open terrain, these mercenaries can attack from the side with their excellent skills. But unfortunately, this basement is too narrow, there is no extra space at all.

The soldiers slowly pushed the opponent to the base of the wall with neat steps, and then with the cooperation of heavy crossbows, they carried out a one-sided massacre. No matter how skilled a warrior is, he can't stand against the spears stabbing from all directions at the same time. Of course, those legendary warriors with steely muscles and skin don't count. But relying on the strength of the Iron Throne, they can't be moved.

The rebels were quickly slaughtered. For those guys who knelt down and begged for mercy, the soldiers stabbed them to death mercilessly. They had received an order long before they set off, except for the survivors requested by the Thieves Union, all the rest were killed.

When the battle was over, the entire basement was bloody. A large number of corpses were carried out one by one and transported to the outside of the city by carriage for burial. An official of the city hall is identifying the identities of the dead one by one. He wants to sort out the names and home addresses of the merchants who participated in the rebellion. What awaits them will be a catastrophe.

Seeing that everything was proceeding in an orderly manner according to the plan, Corey confidently handed over everything to his deputy, and followed him to the basement of the Thieves Union. As the supreme leader of the army, he must know who the enemy behind this incident is. If possible, plan a retaliatory action.

A thief who was in charge of the torture ran over and asked Robert in a low voice, "Boss, I have already prepared everything. Shall the interrogation start now?"

"Let's start. If their mouths are stricter, I authorize you to use all torture instruments below the second level."

After receiving the order, the thieves poured two buckets of cold water directly over the captives' heads, waking them up at once. Piero, who was fixed on the shelf, couldn't wait for anyone to ask questions, and he couldn't wait to shout: "Don't kill me! I surrender! I hold many secret strongholds of the Iron Throne!"

Byrne glanced at his accomplice with contempt, and secretly cursed shamelessly. This guy advised him not to rush to betray him a few hours ago, but now he has recruited everything before the other party's execution. No wonder the Iron Throne's sphere of influence is shrinking more and more, all because there are too many villains who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

When Robert saw such an interesting scene, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, showing a half-smile expression. The thieves around all shivered subconsciously when they saw it. They all knew that once the leader showed this expression, someone must be in trouble.

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