Broad World

Chapter 330 Healing

It was just dawn, and Henry took the novice down to the front yard of Fort D'Anis before the other teammates got up. He needs to measure the size of these two guys, and then tailor some magic items for them. In addition, the broken wings of the black dragon had to be regrown, and the space in the room was simply not enough.

Standing on the open space, Henry first pointed to the palm to signal that it could start. Ortagus took a deep breath, and then his body began to undergo drastic changes. In just one second, he turned into a giant beast with a height of over ten meters and a weight of more than two tons. On its body covered with light brown scales, it was densely covered with a large number of scars, and in many places, just a little deeper would be fatal.

After getting the specific value, he told the black dragon: "You can also start to transform, and I'll see if I can make your wings grow back."

"Oh! My God! You are such a kind master!" Oroxes hurriedly flattered him excitedly. Losing its wings is an eternal pain in its heart. Can a dragon that cannot fly be considered a dragon? How many times it had been mocked for it, most of it from that damned brown dragon.

Thinking of this, the black dragon immediately regained its shape, kicked hard at its deadly enemy, and Ortagus stared back without showing any weakness. There was spark in the eyes between them, and the sharp teeth were exposed in the two big mouths. If it wasn't for fear of punishment, they might have started fighting long ago.

Henry ignored the grievances between them, and directly checked Oroxes' height and weight with his own eyes. The fact turned out to be more or less the same as he had expected. This black dragon is less than six meters tall and weighs about one and a half tons. Compared with the brown dragon next to it, it is a big circle smaller. It is also covered with numerous large and small wounds. Especially the back where the wings used to grow. The two huge wounds looked shocking.

After carefully inspecting the broken bones near the dragon's wings, Henry found that due to the long-term lack of food, the nearby dragon scales and muscles had stopped growing. Normally, as long as a giant dragon has not entered old age, no matter how much trauma the body has suffered, it can basically recover completely after a period of cultivation. Oroxis's current situation, ordinary magic can't play any role at all.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, he had no choice but to cast a seventh-level druid spell "Regeneration". A huge amount of natural energy was poured into the black dragon's body. Soon at a speed visible to the naked eye, a pair of immature dragon wings slowly grew back, and almost all the wounds healed, and the scales that fell off also grew back.

Oloxes flashed his new wings lightly, and laughed ecstatically: "Hahahahaha! I have wings! I am finally a complete black dragon again! Praise you! Great master!"

"Don't be too happy. Your wings and scales are still in the baby dragon stage, and they are of no use at all. It will take at least two weeks to a month for them to return to normal levels." After speaking, Henry climbed off the dragon's back. He knew very well that the scales were thin and small and smooth, and they were all just that.

The black dragon licked the small wings with its tongue, then lowered its huge head and asked cautiously: "My kind master, I wonder if you can allow me to go to the woods to catch two beasts to fill my stomach."

"No! It's dawn now. If it is seen by nearby farmers, it will cause a lot of trouble." Henry refused without hesitation.

You must know that Balagos "Flying Flame" burned down many towns and villages last night. If there is another black dragon passing by at this time, it will definitely be used as a punching bag. Although the Masked Mage Guild and the Knights of the Hot Heart have no good way to take the ancient red dragon. But dealing with a young dragon is still very easy. He didn't want to confront the top two organizations in Amn for such a trivial matter.

However, Henry didn't intend to starve his men, so he took out a large piece of bacon from the dimension bag and threw it on the ground. Although most dragons would scoff at this stale meat, for Oroxis, who can only eat a few bats all day, this is simply a heaven-sent delicacy. It took advantage of the enemy's lack of reaction, and swallowed it in one gulp.

"It's really delicious! Thank you, kind master. But the piece just now was a bit small. I wonder if you can give another piece to your loyal servant." Heilong shyly pouted, and leaned over to ask for another piece.

Ortagus, who was standing aside, snorted coldly when he saw this guy's ugliness. From its point of view, Oroxes simply lost the dragon's face. There is only one animal that pleases its owner for food, and that is the dog. In fact, the brown dragon is a typical standing and talking without back pain. It can absorb nutrients by swallowing inorganic minerals and even sand. But the black dragon can't do it at all. If it doesn't eat for too long, it will starve to death.

After hearing the cold snort, Oroxes immediately raised his head and stared fiercely at his enemy. "Damn Ortagus! What are you humming? Do you have any dissatisfaction with the master?"

"I respect my master very much. Don't try to stir up discord here. Besides, just now you were just despising a certain black dragon with no limit." Ortagus replied with a look of disdain.

Seeing these two guys fighting again, Henry suddenly felt a headache. A giant dragon in its youth is just like a fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old human being. It is at the age of rebellion, aggressiveness, and random temper tantrums. To use a more professional word to describe it, it is puberty. If you don't discipline him strictly, I'm afraid there will be constant troubles in the future.

Thinking of this, he lowered his face and shouted at the two guys who were pointing at the wheat awning: "Enough! If I see you two hating each other again, you will be punished together regardless of the reason."

Oroxes and Ortagus were so frightened that they quickly lowered their heads and lay on the ground without saying a word. You must know that the punishment of Balagos in the past was to cut off their meat piece by piece, and then roast them with fire in front of them and eat them. Although the new owner seems to be relatively kind, no one can guarantee whether he will suddenly become brutal when he is angry.

Henry stepped on the brown dragon's head, climbed onto the dragon's back and cast a "regeneration technique". Abundant natural energy nourished the necrotic muscles, all the scars disappeared, and new scales slowly grew. Just a few minutes later, Ortagus also underwent earth-shaking changes.

Looking at the two bright-looking giant dragons, Henry nodded in satisfaction. Although the strength is still very average, but at least the appearance is good. Especially the brown dragon, which looks tall and mighty, this is the mount that a legendary mage should have. He already somewhat disliked the harsh road conditions in this world, and it was really necessary to have a vehicle that could fly around freely.

"Okay, now turn me into a human form. It's almost dawn, and I don't want anyone to see your true colors."

The Henrys waved their hands, signaling the two dragons to follow. Now that he finally worked out his skills, he could go and see the wounded lying on the second floor. Oroxis and Ortagus didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly used their natural abilities to become two young men with gloomy expressions, following closely behind.

As soon as they walked out of the stairs, the three of them saw Nalia walking over with Sandy who was coughing non-stop, and beside them were Hina and Imon who were wearing pajamas. Everyone was stunned, and after a few seconds, they smiled and hugged each other. There's nothing more satisfying than after a big battle and seeing all your teammates have a lot of fun.

Aimon couldn't wait to grab Henry's hand and asked: "Tell us quickly, how did you kill the ancient red dragon in the end? You know, I like listening to adventure stories the most, especially this time I participated in it."

"Hey, it's more than just participating. After you transformed, you dug a big hole in the neck of the giant beast, and almost killed it." Nalia looked at the girl and said excitedly.

She felt that this team was hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Needless to say, Henry and Sandy were the strongest, and Hina the half-dragon was also very powerful. Even Imon, who usually seemed harmless to humans and animals, was the heir of the God of Slaughter. Especially after transforming into a killer, the purest killing intent makes people shudder.

Aimon scratched his head in embarrassment. "Uh... I have to say sorry to you about this. In fact, that kind of power is not controllable, and you can only act on instinct. If you see me transforming next time, you'd better stay away, otherwise... you may be attacked together."

Nalia swallowed subconsciously and asked, "You can't tell the difference between friend and foe in this state?"

"It can't be said that they are completely indistinguishable. Generally speaking, they will attack the enemy first, but when the enemy is dead..." Speaking of this, the girl showed a meaningful expression on her face. When she saw Nalia's fearful eyes, she laughed and patted her on the shoulder. "Haha, I lied to you. In fact, it is still conscious normally, but last night I saw Henry stopped breathing, and his brain became like that when his mind was controlled by the idea of ​​killing."

Seeing that Aimon was still so energetic, Henry smiled and came to Sandy Er and asked, "What's the matter? You seem to be coughing all the time. And I heard from Alastriol that these people are the ones you hurt the most."

"'s nothing. I inhaled too much fire cloud created by the "burning cloud technique", and my lungs were severely burned. Ahem...Although I have been treated, it will take at least a week to fully recover."

"Here, this is the blood of the ancient red dragon. I think it will help you. Rest in peace for a few days, and it happens that my feet also need some time to recover." Henry took out a small bottle of crimson dragon blood from the dimensional bag.

If the sorceress didn't upgrade with Faircrag's blood last time, this bottle is enough to make her a legendary sorcerer. But unfortunately, the plan did not change quickly. Who would have thought that they would encounter Balagos "Flying Flame" so soon, and now this bottle of blood can only slightly increase the affinity of the blood and speed up the healing of the wound.


Bow down and thank the two book friends Tianxia Zhiwu and Tiandi Shuangjue for their rewards, and at the same time thank you Guhong Yefei for their evaluation votes. (to be continued..)

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