Broad World

Chapter 402: Sunrise

As the sound of chanting the spell became more and more urgent, all the creatures in the entire half-plane felt a huge energy gathering, and the earth crystal people even put down their digging work and looked into the distance vigilantly. I saw a black vortex constantly rotating in the cloudy sky, and the huge gravitational force tightly absorbed a group of white light in the center, which seemed to be swallowed up, became smaller and smaller, and finally condensed to a level that is almost impossible to distinguish with the naked eye.

But the reduction in size did not weaken the radiance much, on the contrary, it surpassed a certain limit in brightness. All the creatures who were still staring felt the power contained in it. Each speed of light is like a sharp needle point, not only blinding countless pairs of eyes, but also burning the brain.

It can be said that the terrifying power of this magic has killed countless lives before it even exploded. The Earth Crystals were obviously aware of the danger, and they dropped their tools one after another and went into the underground mine in a panic. Now all the living creatures in the entire demiplane are hiding, only the ultimate light is still hanging in the air.

Henry has entered a state of concentration in casting spells, and he doesn't even notice that his whole body is soaked in sweat. He has been controlling the gravitational force of the black hole, gathering the positive energy guided from Mount Paradise at one point, merging, merging, and merging again. A few minutes later, this squeeze reached its peak, and the brightness of the entire light cluster suddenly began to shrink violently, turning into an inconspicuous small bright spot in the blink of an eye, as if it would go out at any time. In fact, this is a manifestation of positive energy being compressed to a certain extent. It's not quite there yet, but it's actually pretty close. Henry knew that this was already the limit, and if he continued, he might explode immediately. Without hesitation, he closed the black hole connecting Tiantian Mountain, then immediately triggered the "accident technique", and arrived at the mage's tower twenty kilometers away in an instant.

I saw the light spots in mid-air began to flicker, as if they were breaking free from the shackles of gravity. After only a few seconds. Suddenly it began to expand rapidly, followed by a huge roar that spread throughout the entire demiplane, and white strong light burst out. The dark sky was completely illuminated, as if a sun had just been born.

As expected. Light, heat, and shock waves swept over all objects within several kilometers, and even the hardest rock melted within a second. It is exactly the scene when a hydrogen bomb explodes, except that there is no mushroom cloud, no chain reaction, no flame, no radioactive substances, just the purest positive energy and the power released instantly by light energy.

Seeing such a huge power, Henry couldn't help showing a wry smile. That's right, he successfully developed a killer weapon against undead creatures. In the future, no matter what kind of demilich, lich, vampire, or dracolich, as long as it relies on negative energy to survive, as long as it takes a hit, it will definitely die. But there is one biggest problem, that is, the power is too great. One can imagine the consequences of such a legendary magic being released in Askatla. The entire city will be razed to the ground, and more than 90% of the citizens will be buried with them. Regardless of the motive, this will undoubtedly be labeled as evil.

Obviously, if you want to use it against the demilich Kangus, you must reduce the power to ensure that the explosion radius cannot exceed 50 meters. You must know that the place where Congus was sealed is next to the original Maiwa trade union, if it is not controlled well. The headquarters of his new trade union will suffer along with it.

"I'm afraid I'm the first spellcaster to study how to weaken the power of legendary spells." Henry laughed at himself in a low voice, and then began to improve the spell structure.

If you want to reduce the explosive strength, you must first reduce the compression ratio. The compression of photons is all done by the strong gravitational force of the black hole, so it is only necessary to make the gathering point farther away from the exit. After several experiments, the explosion range was finally controlled within 30 meters. Finally, after he named this legendary magic "Sunrise", he opened the system to check it.


Henry. "Dragon Rider". Angome (neutral evil, your subordinates recently slaughtered a Lathander temple, extremely evil behavior, if you want to return to neutral, please try to do as many good things as possible)

Occupation: Legendary Mage (Grand Arcanist) Level 23 4893351/5250000, Legendary Druid Level 24 4893350/5000000

1st-level spell slot. 5+5+1+2+1

Level 2 spell slots, 5+5+1+2+1

3rd level spell slot. 5+1+2+1

Level 4 spell slots, 5+1+2+1

5th-level spell slot. 5+2+1

Level 6 spell slots, 6+1+2+1

Level 7 spell slots, 6+2+1

Level 8 spell slots, 6+2+1

Level 9 spell slots, 3+2+1

Legendary spell slot, 1 (already mastered legendary magic: "Collapse Singularity", "Sunrise")

"Sunrise": The casting material is a magical black hole, and it consumes 10,000 experience points at the same time.

You chose to add an additional eighth-level spell slot.


After two days of adventure, Henry's mage level has been improved again, and at the same time he has mastered the second legendary magic. However, there are also many troubles, especially when the camp begins to lean towards evil, which greatly affects future plans. It seems that they have done a lot of immoral things recently, especially the raid on the temple. If they don't do a few earth-shattering good deeds, it may be difficult to return to the path of absolute neutrality.

Fortunately, there are still many places near Amn where you can take risks. As long as you complete all of them and return to the original point, it will not be a problem at all. It seems that after Congus is settled, the adventure of the evil team will come to an end. He needs to re-pick his players before he can get back on the road. Especially the issue of faction conflict, if not handled well, it will be very troublesome.

Henry, who had completed the study of legendary magic, dragged his exhausted body and spirit to the mansion in the temple area, intending to forget everything first and relax. It has to be said that the council decorated this house quite luxuriously. Although there is still a considerable gap between it and Eratan's mansion, the pure and beautiful Calimshan (dancing) girls in scanty clothes make up for all the shortcomings.

After a few minutes. He lay in the resplendent and resplendent bathtub, enjoying the meticulous service full of desert style. The smoky bathroom makes people feel like they are in a dream, and several beauties who only wear tulle keep touching. Some specific parts of the body responded quickly.

Henry obviously didn't intend to suppress his (desire), and directly pulled one of them into his arms. His hands wandered unscrupulously over the opponent. Mental exhaustion made him loosen his control over his behavior, and soon there was a girl's scream in the bathroom, and it didn't take long for it to turn into faint moaning.

The other maids passing by the door turned a blind eye to this, and were not even interested in finding out, and continued to do what they were doing. Because this phenomenon is very common in Calimshan, almost all maids are enjoyed by their masters for a period of time. If they are lucky, they may become a concubine. If they are unlucky, they will be tortured to death on the spot. Or be sold as slaves.

They all know very well that although they appear to be hired servants, they are actually slaves who have nothing. Because the number of years written in the contract is five hundred years, it is impossible for human beings to live for such a long time, so everything depends on the owner's face before death.

The girl in Henry's arms quickly exhausted all her energy, her whole body's skin turned a charming pink due to the intense "exercise", and her two charming long legs would twitch occasionally, mixed with a stream of blood White mucus flowed out from the middle. Obviously, she couldn't hold on as a newcomer, and if she continued, she might die directly.

At this moment, another girl with long chestnut hair took off her gauze dress. He knelt down and respectfully said, "My kind master, I'm very sorry that Adilai didn't let you enjoy yourself. Please let me do the next part."

"Oh? Are you close?" Henry stroked the skin of the girl in his arms. Asked curiously. Although he had read some information about Calimsan in books, he was completely ignorant when it came to some specific customs, habits, and unspoken rules.

"No, we've only known each other for less than three days. Apart from names, we hardly communicated much." The girl lowered her head and answered honestly.

After hearing this answer, Henry's curiosity was suddenly raised. He looked into each other's eyes and continued to ask: "Since you are not familiar with it at all, why did you make such a big sacrifice. Are you a follower of Irmat, the god of suffering?"

"No. Females (slaves) like us who have been closed and domesticated since childhood are not qualified to have access to beliefs. Only after being sold can they have a little contact with the outside world." There was a trace of sadness in the girl's eyes as she spoke. Perhaps seeing that the new owner was kinder, she had the courage to tell some of her experiences.

The original long-term oppression and precarious life. Let the women of Calimshan form a tradition of mutual protection. When one of the group can't hold on, another person will stand up consciously and replace it immediately. All the sacrifices they make have only one purpose. That is to live as long as possible.

Obviously, this country is both cultural and institutional. They are very similar to the Arab countries in the history of the earth, even the status of women is the same. The men there can have several wives and countless concubines, except for a very few who can be favored, most of them live a very miserable life, and are often even sent back and forth as gifts.

After listening to all the stories patiently, Henry roughly understood what the so-called closed domestication was all about. In order to cultivate obedience, the slave owners of Calimshan bought beautiful girls around the age of five and locked them in a fully enclosed building. Except for eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom every day, the rest of the time is spent learning how to serve men in different ways.

It can be said that these women have no contact with the outside world at all, and even the names of the gods have no way of knowing. Once they leave their masters, they have no ability to survive at all, and I am afraid that they will starve to death on the side of the road or be abducted and sold to the brothel by people with ulterior motives in a few days.


Bow down and thank the three book friends in black puppet master, Teng Cang and kkindos for their monthly votes.

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