Broad World

Chapter 428 Vassals

From the first time he saw Nalia, Henry found that she was completely different from before. The innocent and kind girl was gone, replaced by a cynical fighter who was full of resentment towards the real society. That's right, a fighter. After experiencing so many things, her thinking has become increasingly mature or extreme, and now she has the consciousness to devote herself to politics.

You must know that being a political leader who fights for the interests of the lower classes is not an easy task, especially in Amn, a land ruled by nobles and big merchants. Everyone knows that the political contest is to see who can win more allies and get more people's support. However, the class represented by Nalia decided that no one would choose to support her except for a very small number of priests and paladins of the good camp.

This is a difficult and lonely road of struggle, with no allies, no friends, only endless enemies, and poor civilians who have nothing. Not only do they have little power, but they are also short-sighted. Wanting to lead these people to fight for more rights is tantamount to asking for trouble.

Seeing Nalia's angry eyes, Henry asked softly, "Have you decided?"

"Yes, I have decided. This country needs to be changed, and countless civilians need to be saved." Nalia replied firmly. "Well, let me remind you one last thing, this road is not easy to walk, and unpredictable results may occur at any time. Your only ally is not reliable, they may be bought and betrayed, even if you succeed in the end , the result may be far from what you imagined. However, I still want to send my blessings and wish you the fulfillment of your dreams."

As Henry spoke, he hugged Nalia. In any case, the courage to make such an attempt as a girl is worthy of admiration. Although the final result was predictable and destined to be a tragedy. However, it is also good for the rulers of Faerun to see the power of ordinary people.

Nalia smiled and nodded. "Thank you, I will try my best. But you'd better talk to Thurnic and Ernest first, they have a lot of things to report urgently."

"Okay. We'll talk about politics later. You, Imon, and Hina had better take a bath upstairs first. You must know that the hot spring water here is quite good. Taking a bath can relieve the fatigue of the journey. .” As he spoke, Henry pointed the direction to the three girls.

Imoon exclaimed happily, "Wow! That's really good. We haven't showered in four days, and if we hadn't been using "magic tricks" to clean up our bodies, I'm afraid we would be stinking by now. "Damn it, it's okay if you don't say it. I feel itchy all over my body when you mention it." Dragon Girl Xina said while scratching her hair vigorously.

"Then what are you waiting for, my dear sisters, let's take a quick shower." After speaking, Nalia slapped the other two's buttocks hard. Then quickly ran to the second floor. With a scream, Imoen and Sheena ran after them.

Seeing the scene of the three girls laughing and playing, Henry couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. He randomly found a chair and sat down, then waved to the butler who had been standing by the side waiting for orders.

When Ernest saw it, he immediately stepped up and bowed. "Good morning, Your Excellency the Duke. Although it is a bit late, I still want to congratulate you on winning this war."

"Thank you very much. By the way, what's the matter with so many convoys and boxes?" Henry asked, pointing to the mountains of goods in the front yard. Although he has already guessed a few points, but if he wants to confirm it.

At the mention of this, Ernest's slightly chubby face was full of smiles. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and replied: "These are all the property found in the castle of the Ronaldo family. I left the decorations, oil paintings, sculptures, armor and weapons of low value where they were. But gold and silver, currency, jewellery, magic items, and precious works of art were brought in."  …

Henry nodded slightly and continued to ask: "How many are there in total, have you estimated the value?"

"I have a list here, please wait a moment." The butler took out the ledger from his pocket and read in a low voice: "423,200 gold coins, 1,253,000 silver coins , 40 sets of gold and silver tableware, three boxes of various gemstones, two boxes of jewelry, a total of 30 magic items, and two paintings by the artist Bielsa eight hundred years ago..."

He hasn't finished reading yet. Henry quickly waved his hand. "Stop! It doesn't need to be so detailed, you just need to tell me the total value of these things."

You must know that the magic in the "Book of Kasa" is skill, the super time stop recorded in the scroll of Netheril, and the alchemy notes of Lord Obiris, these things need to spend a lot of time to study, he is not interested Waste your own time listening to long and stinky reports.

Ernest obviously heard the impatience in his tone, and immediately reported his own estimate concisely: "The total value is about 1.3 million. However, those works of art are really uncertain. If someone If it is sought after, it is not impossible to sell more than ten times the price."

Henry was slightly taken aback when he heard the number. He really didn't expect the Ronoel family to be so rich, including the value of the mage tower and the materials, scrolls and potions stored in it. Three castles and a large piece of land, Eratan House. As well as the shops and sea ships, they may have almost caught up with half of Balagos's "Flying Flame" property.

The latter is an ancient red dragon that has lived for more than 10,000 years. The former has only risen in the land of Amn for less than five hundred years. It seems that robbery is not as quick as trading to make money after all, especially those illegal trades, as long as they can maintain stability, they can quickly accumulate a lot of wealth. Of course, if it is compared to the magic items collected between the two, it is far behind.

After all, the "Onaga's Fire Scepter of Darkness" and "Mithril Chain of Sorrow" used by Balagos "Flying Flame" are very powerful sub-artifacts, and they are not comparable to upstarts like the Ronore family. of. However, if this family continues to prosper, perhaps after hundreds of years of precipitation, wealth can really be transformed into power, and it will be difficult to think of them.

For such a large sum of money, Henry thought about it for a few minutes, and then said to the butler: "Well, let someone separate out the gold coins and precious stones and put them in the garden, and I will take them away later. The silver coins and magic items first Put it in the basement, and sell everything else such as art, tableware, and jewelry."

"Understood, I will follow your instructions." Ernest bowed and turned to leave. Before he had walked a few steps, he seemed to remember something, and suddenly stopped and patted his forehead and said, "I almost forgot, Cernic said that he has something to talk to you about the expansion of the private army."

"Call him over, let's solve it together while I still have some time." Henry knew very well that managing the territory was a waste of energy, so he decided to delegate power. Anyway, as a powerful legendary mage and druid, he didn't need to worry about someone taking his own property and land, because this kind of behavior could no longer be described as stupid, it was completely courting death.

A few minutes later, the armored guard captain Cernic strode in. He took two steps forward according to the etiquette of noble knights, took off his helmet, knelt on one knee and waited silently for his loyal master to speak. For a mercenary leader, it is really not easy to complete the complete article without any mistakes. It can be seen that this person has received a good education since he was a child, and he is meticulous in handling details such as waiting for the superior to speak first.

It can be seen that this guy is quite conservative and respects order. Henry suddenly felt that it might be a good idea to canonize this guy as a knight, because he just needed such a person to maintain the safety of his territory in Amn. Conservative means not being easily manipulated, lawful means sticking to principles, they are simply perfect defenders.

"Sernic, have you ever thought about becoming a noble knight?" Henry asked while sitting on a chair.

The captain of the guard froze for a moment, then immediately raised his head and replied excitedly: "Of course, that is my lifelong dream."

Hearing this answer, a smile appeared on Henry's face, and he nodded in satisfaction. "Very well, now I need a loyal and capable knight to protect the territory, tell me, can you do it?"

"Yes! I swear in the name of the God of Guardians, as long as I am alive! No one will be able to violate your property! Any enemy who dares to invade will pay the price in blood!" There was a flash of holy light, and Heim witnessed the oath himself.

Henry also stood up from the chair at this time, and pulled out the Daken's Seth knife worn at his waist and put it on Senic's shoulder, then cleared his throat and solemnly announced: "I, Henry Angomey, The owner of the Duchy of Dalaran, the lord of the land north of the Esmeer River, canonized Selnic as a noble knight here today, and at the same time bestowed a village as a fief."

After speaking, he tapped his shoulder three times with a knife and finally sent out a motto: "Loyalty is a virtue, protection is strength, and you are a guardian knight."

Cernic's face flushed with excitement, and his whole body was trembling non-stop. He couldn't believe it was true, that the goal of his life had been achieved so easily. Although Amn's noble titles can be bought as long as you have money, they are all prepared for big merchants. Even the lowest empty knights and knights cost thousands of gold coins, which is simply not affordable for ordinary people, let alone What's more, I still have a village as a hereditary fief.

After completing the ceremony, Henry put the long knife back into its sheath and sat back on the chair. From now on, the two of them are no longer in a pure employment relationship. According to the law of the traditional nobility, Cernic is now a vassal under him. Of course, it is unavoidable to go to the council building to register, otherwise the government will not recognize it.


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