Broad World

Chapter 556: The Underground City

In fact, the sneak attack failed before it even started. Although Henry had carefully planned everything and even arranged specific tasks for everyone, he underestimated Sally Love's fancy for dogma and honor. When the girl with a rigid mind was less than ten meters away from her target, she suddenly yelled: "In the name of Tyre! Evil creatures receive justice!"

When he heard this sentence, Henry had only one thought at the time, that is, after completing this mission, he must drive Celie Love away, otherwise he would be pissed to death one day. This is simply an insult to intelligence and tactics, inferior to everyone on the street. At least the hooligans still know how to use intimidation and other means, but some rigid paladins are like this, even when dealing with powerful and evil monsters, they want to be upright.

Kai Dong couldn't help sighing when he saw this situation. This is one of the common mistakes of young paladins, who naively believe that good will triumph over evil, and order will triumph over chaos, when it is not. Due to the influence of the gods, there will always be a balance between good and evil on the continent of Faerun. Coupled with the addition of neutral forces, a stable power triangle is formed, which restrains and compromises with each other. Because they are all law-abiding first, and law-abiding means obeying the law and universal values. In the absence of evidence, even if you know the other party is a criminal, you can't make any drastic moves.

Seri Love's innocence got her into a lot of trouble. Five beholders, more than 20 eyes, large and small, all shot out terrifying magic rays. She didn't even have time to react. He was hit by the anti-magic ray, slow ray, paralyzing ray, immobilizing ray, petrifying ray, enchanting ray, and shocking ray all at once. Fortunately, the powerful attributes of the "Emerald Sword" and its own magic resistance played a certain role , otherwise it will be instantly killed on the spot.

But even so, the paladin girl lost her combat power and couldn't even move. The three negative states of paralysis, immobilization, and slowness, no matter which one is fatal to the melee profession, let alone play a role together. She could only watch helplessly as the beholder opened its mouth full of fangs and quickly approached her. Just as everyone was finishing up their swords, Yao En suddenly shouted: "Be careful! That Gauss beholder wants to escape!"

I saw that the beholder who was supposed to be in charge of Saili Love was climbing rapidly. It obviously realized that the situation was not good and tried to escape back to report.

You must know that beholders are selfish guys, and each beholder believes that he is the most perfect image among all the descendants of the great mistress. Others of the same kind with different shapes are all fake and low-level imitations, so there will be absolutely no hesitation when abandoning the same kind. What's more, they will kill each other, and different ethnic groups or slightly different appearances are likely to cause fights.

Generally, more than ten beholders gather together. Without the control of the Eye of the Brood, there is a 90% chance that infighting will break out, and only the strongest one will survive. This is the beholder, an extremely paranoid and evil creature that cannot live in peace even with its own kind.

It was obviously impossible for Henry to let this guy escape, so he directly took out the magic crossbow "Gorgon's Breath" that had been hanging around his waist and made a petrified arrow. With a sneer, he aimed at the fleeing Gauss beholder, and pulled the trigger in his hand.

Arrows of energy pierce the air and hit their targets in the blink of an eye. In an instant, a burst of magical energy was released, and the beholder was horrified to find that his body was turning into stone. It lost the ability to fly after just a few seconds, fell from a high altitude, made a loud "bang", and finally turned into a pile of rubble.

You must know that once a petrified creature is damaged, it will be reflected on the body. It can be said that the Gauss beholder can be said to be dead and can't die anymore. Even if someone uses "de-petrification", what they get is just a pile of minced meat, and even the ordinary resurrection magic can't work.

After the battle, Henry came to the motionless paladin girl and warned with a serious expression: "I hope you can learn enough lessons from the battle just now, and it's best not to have another time, otherwise I will definitely put you Get kicked out of the team." After speaking, he cast a third-level magic "dispelling magic" to dispel all negative states.

"But Thiel taught us to fight in an upright manner. This kind of sneak attack is not in line with the teachings." Saili Love immediately retorted as soon as she regained her ability to move. For her, the dogma of the God of Justice is the truth, and each item must be strictly followed.

Kaidong shook his head slightly and explained: "Child, you have to learn to be flexible, especially when facing a huge evil. Just like dealing with those beholders just now, a frontal attack is likely to cause heavy losses. This kind of sacrifice is useless. meaningful."

Hearing that Kaidong, who is also a paladin, also objected to this, Selilove frowned and asked, "But what about the doctrine? Wouldn't this lose the grace of God?".

"Of course not. You have to remember that a paladin is the guardian of order and goodness. As long as you drive out the evil, protect the weak, and uphold the justice of the law, you will never be abandoned by the gods. And what you did just now not only Putting yourself in danger, and almost causing the plan to leak, this is the worst..."

Under the teaching of Uncle Kaidong, Saili Love quickly realized her mistake and sincerely apologized to everyone. However, Henry has a feeling that similar things will happen sooner or later, so he decided to hold his opinion temporarily and observe for a while before talking. Anyway, he is the team leader and can expel any member of the team at any time.

After simply cleaning up the blood stains on the weapons, the group moved forward along the passage again. Not far away, they were surprised to find that a small city built on an underground lake appeared not far ahead, and a tall tower emitting blue light stood in the center, making the whole city look Beautiful and eerie.

"It's so spectacular, it's unbelievable that there is such a city hidden in the sewers of Askatla." Aimon sighed.

Henry nodded in agreement and said, "It's really incredible, but I think the incredible thing is yet to come. Have you seen those idle residents? They can survive in such a place where there is no food."

"I can feel that this place is full of hatred and curses, and... there is also a terrifying evil force..." Saying that, Saili Love began to tremble, her eyes were full of fear, as if she saw something terrible .

"Your senses are sharp. But even if the demon leader stands in the way, it won't stop us from doing our job. That's the spirit of adventure, one of the most awesome things in the multiverse."

After Henry finished speaking, he took the lead and walked forward quickly. He couldn't wait to see the appearance of the artifact, and the god cursed by believers.

As soon as they entered the city, everyone noticed the abnormality here. Especially the residents, they show indifference to everything, even if they see strangers, they are expressionless, like a group of walking dead, they will not feel pain when they are injured, and the people who have just died will stand up again after a few seconds Get up and go on living.

Henry once tried to inquire about some news, but these people seemed to be unable to hear anything, just wandering on the street with dull eyes, not even refusing to say a word. Heaviness and depression enveloped the city. Obviously, they were firmly locked here by some kind of force, and they couldn't even get the peace of death. This state of neither life nor death is obviously a cruel torture, enough to cause a normal person to completely collapse in a very short time.

Along the stone road, everyone moved forward quickly, and soon came to the gate of a majestic temple. Just when they were about to go in to find out, a man in a black robe came out from the corner and shouted loudly: "Strangers, if I were you, I wouldn't go in."

"Why? Is there any danger inside? Besides, you don't seem to have a mental breakdown like the others." Henry stopped and asked tightly. He could feel a trace of power from the gods in this person, although it was very little, but divine power was divine power.

"There is a terrible demon hidden in the temple. It devours the hatred of everyone in the city and grows up. It cannot be killed by ordinary attacks. As for why I can still keep the wolf, it is because of the power of the guardian. "After speaking, the man took off his black hood, revealing a pair of scary eyes. The reason why he said scary is that he has no pupils at all, and there is only a small golden dot in the middle of the pure white eyeballs, which exudes a strange smile. Light.

Aimon was taken aback and exclaimed in surprise, "My God! Your eyes..."

The man in black who claimed to be the guardian smiled and explained: "This is a divine gift, with some strange abilities. But after years of baptism, we guardians have forgotten what we are protecting. I remember that the gods I once believed in are enshrined in the temple, but no one here believes in him anymore."


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