Broad World

Chapter 464: The Scary Artifact

In fact, the search went very smoothly. Under Aimeng's strong perception, everyone only swept away the hiding places of the two beholders, and found the other half of the artifact. At the same time, they also found a very powerful magic war halberd. After simple identification, its attributes are revealed.

Dragon Slayer Halberd:

, who claimed to be one of seven dragonslayers who spent years hunting down what he called "a terrible dragon that threatened Faerûn." Sauvin spent a great deal of money casting spells on this weapon, and used it often, though only ever slaying a white dragon. When the group of dragon slayers encountered an ancient red dragon, they were all killed. But the red dragon was also seriously injured, and no one knows what happened afterwards.

Combat ability:

Equivalent to a legendary weapon when fighting dragons

Henry touched the edge of the halberd, felt the special magic power flowing on it, and then said to his companions in a joking tone: "It seems that the final fate of this red dragon is not very good, otherwise this weapon will not fall into the hands of the beholder inside."

"Greed is the original sin, and that ancient red dragon is no exception." Saili Love sighed in an aria-like tone.

Aimon shrugged his shoulders indifferently and urged: "Okay! These are all in the past, and now I am most concerned about what will happen when the two halves of the artifact are merged. Henry, why don't you pick it up?" together?"

"My good girl, don't you think that there are no precautions on that half of the artifact?" Henry asked, raising his eyebrows. Even if he didn't bless himself with "arcane vision". I can also feel that there is some kind of magic on it. As long as you touch it, it will be triggered immediately.

"You mean there are traps up there? Why didn't I see it?" Aimeng asked with a puzzled face.

Henry shook his head helplessly and explained: "It's not a trap. It's a trigger alarm. As long as someone touches this half of the artifact, I guess the blind eye and all the high-level beholders in this lair will be teleported over immediately. So Before combining artifacts, we need to prepare for battle."

"I'm ready, as soon as this guy who dares to pretend to be a true god appears, the holy sword will fall on its head in an instant." Said Kaidong and pulled out the holy avenger. There was a strange brilliance in his eyes, all of which were anger towards the blind eyes.

Yao En took out a lot of strange gadgets from his backpack and began to fiddle with the surrounding ground, and soon set up a lot of unknown traps. His mouth parted to reveal some yellowed teeth. Then he held out a thumb and yelled, "Got it! I promise these guys will get the warmest welcome if they come out."

"Are you sure which things won't accidentally hurt you?" Hina asked suspiciously. Since yesterday's failed teleportation, she has become more vigilant about the so-called inventions of this dwarf.

"Of course! I'm a great inventor! There will never be any problems." Yao En made a promise. But obviously no one would believe his words, even Saili Love, who had a pure personality, took a few steps back consciously, away from the trap area.

"Okay, since you are all ready, then I will do it."

After Henry finished speaking, he arranged countless second-level magic "fire traps" and third-level magic "skull traps" in front of him. Although these beholders with an anti-magic stance are not fatal enough, serious injuries are still no problem. Then he buffed himself with magic immunity: protection system, and finally picked up half of the artifact carefully, aligned the interface and twisted it hard.

When the two halves of the artifact merged into one, this strange scepter exuded unparalleled evil power. It incites the negative emotions hidden in everyone's heart, greed, hatred, (carnal) desire, violence. They swept through the mind like a whirlwind. Almost drove me completely insane. Now everyone understands the reason why this artifact is hidden. Once it appears on the ground, it will immediately set off a war that will sweep the entire Faerun continent. Ordinary people simply cannot resist this temptation.

With the blessing of the saint's blessing, Henry got rid of the influence of the artifact the fastest, and then identified it at the fastest speed before the enemy arrived.

Seal artifact:

The scepter was so destructive that it was cursed by the gods and buried deep in the ground. The ancient sun god Amanata and his followers are in charge of guarding it. Although the god has fallen, the remaining saints are still dedicated to destroying it.

special power:

Absorb faith and grant magic (this scepter made by the creator race has the ability to resemble gods. It can accept the worship of mortals, and then transform it into magic to give to the other party, even the gods cannot perceive the mystery. The blind eye is to rely on half of its power to grant believers divine magic)

Divine Power Blast (Faith converted into divine power will be stored, the user can release it in one go, the damage caused depends on the amount of stored power. Note: This attack can directly damage the gods, or even kill them , so please be careful when using it, once discovered, you may be surrounded by the gods)

Evil Eruption (This artifact can bring out the darkest side of the mortal heart, turning best friends against each other, and closest lovers glaring at each other. This power is not magic, but subtle, so don't worry about being noticed by the other party)

After seeing these three abilities, he finally knew why the gods sealed this thing up. There are not many attributes, only three, but no matter which one is enough to pose a huge threat to the gods. Needless to say, absorbing faith and bestowing divine spells is completely undermining the walls of the gods. As for the impact of divine power, it is even more terrifying, directly threatening the gods themselves. The last one seems useless, but it can easily shake a person's heart and turn him into a selfish villain.

I have to say that the creator race is really scary. To be able to create so many things that make people feel trembling all over. Whether Netheril scrolls. Or this mighty scepter possesses enormous power. Although their disappearance has always been a mystery, Henry's intuition told him that this incident must have something to do with the rise of the gods.

And now he also knows another thing, that is, the name of the saint who is about to be killed is Amaunata, the sun god of the Netheril era. According to the records in the classics, when he was at his strongest, Shar, the lady of the night, and Jaeger, the master of death, were somewhat inferior. But it is a pity that this god has already fallen. Or transformed into another god, the current Losander has an inexplicable relationship with him.

But this is not a problem. After all, this saint has completely lost contact with the main body. As long as he cleans up, it is guaranteed that no one will know what happened. Anyway, sooner or later you will die, so it is better to create some residual value for yourself before you die.

Just when everyone was immersed in the powerful power of the artifact, suddenly, three strange beholders appeared in front of them through teleportation magic. One of them is so huge that it must be the Eye of the Hive Mother, no doubt. Because this special beholder has always been famous for its size several times larger than the same kind and violent temper.

As for the other two, one looked particularly aged. But the power of magic exudes from the body, which is undoubtedly the eyes of the elders. And the last one, including the main eye, all eyes are closed, it should be the blind eye that claims to be the true god. These three guys seem to be the leader of all beholders, the ruler of this lair.

"Despair, witness it with your own eyes, because death is your personal obedience..." A deep voice sounded from the bottom of everyone's heart.

Henry's face changed instantly when he heard it, because he can directly convey his thoughts to other people's brains, which can only be done by psychic powers, a strange power that only a very small number of psions and mind flayers can master. As far as he knew, no beholder had acquired a similar talent before. No wonder the blind eye was able to grow the church, which would make sense if it was psychic powers. Now that the matter was over, he didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately made a gesture to signal everyone to prepare for the bloody battle.

The eyes of the fiery nest mother moved a little forward, instantly triggering the "flame trap" and "skeleton trap" that Henry had placed in advance. Everyone only heard a loud bang, and opened their eyes to see that this huge meat ball had become bloody and bloody, and it seemed that it was dying.

Seeing this, the Elder Eye and the Blind Eye immediately backed away to release the spell. But they obviously didn't expect that there was a large area of ​​traps laid by Yao En behind them. Although these gadgets are far from being injured, they can cause a lot of trouble.

First there was a series of flash bomb explosions, followed by a large number of pepper sprays, and finally a burst of colorful smoke filled the rear passage. Everyone could hear the two guys screaming and coughing loudly. Obviously, the first two items are big killers against beholders. Whether it is flash bombs or pepper, they can cause serious irritation to the huge dominant eye. Although I don't know what the smoke is made of, it will undoubtedly cause throat discomfort.

Henry gave a thumbs up without hesitation and said to the dwarf inventor, "Good job! I decided to give an extra bounty of one thousand gold coins after the mission is over."

"Hahahaha! I knew someone would appreciate my invention! Oh my god! How many turnips do you have to sell to earn a thousand gold coins? It really is the right choice to take risks." Yao En raised his hands and shouted with a laugh . He is now full of confidence in his path as an inventor, and if he couldn't sell it before, it must be because others didn't know the goods.

But before everyone was happy, Blind Eyes used some power to disperse all the smoke. It exudes a terrifying aura all over its body, and the real battle has just begun...

Bow down and thank Sun Wei, Tian Se Xing, Shu Shu who sells lollipops, Ninth Heaven Demon God, B Dong Bi rd and many other book friends for their monthly votes. (to be continued...)

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