Broad World

Chapter 495 Apprentice and Brain Modification Experiment

At noon the next day, in the mage tower in Amn, Henry was sitting in a simple wheelchair supervising three apprentices conducting experiments. After searching for most of the night, he has thoroughly figured out what is stored in the assistant's brain. It mainly includes the development and training of psychic powers, a small amount of psychic spells, and the construction and layout of underground cities. As for the others, it is all useless information such as the selection of delicious brain three elements, slave control skills, and so on.

You don't need to think about it, but it is impossible to cultivate psychic powers with this knowledge alone. Because the most important link is missing, that is how to choose apprentices. You must know that human beings are not mind flayers, they are born psions as soon as they grow up. According to speculation, I am afraid that among the 30,000 to 50,000 people, it may not be possible to find a guy with this talent.

It is so scarce, and there is no specific detection method, is it possible to recruit tens of thousands of people at one time, and then exercise together according to the method of the mind flayer? Don't be kidding, it is impossible for normal people to do this, not to mention tens of thousands of people may not be able to pick out a real potential apprentice.

Just when Henry was considering whether to conduct a brain fusion experiment, a young apprentice finished his work and came over and bowed deeply. "Master, my potion has been completed, please have a look."

Glancing at the slightly turbid magic potion, Henry smiled and commented: "Although there are some flaws, it's not bad on the whole. Remember, in the future, you must wait for the neutralizer to cool down before casting spells, otherwise it will be like now. In this way, the shelf life is very short. Morul, your talent is quite good. So you don't need to be so hasty in doing things."

"Yes, I will follow your instruction." The apprentice named Morul bowed again very humbly, and stood silently waiting for others.

After a few minutes. The remaining pair of young men and women also completed their own potions, offering them with both hands and waiting for comments. Henry just glanced at it, and immediately frowned and scolded mercilessly: "Raz! Nora! Can any of you tell me what the sticky thing is here? Redo it all! If even a small bottle of insight You can't even make the potion, so don't expect to graduate smoothly."

The two poor little guys didn't dare to argue at all, and returned to the laboratory table with their heads drooping, and started to start from scratch according to the steps. They know that when facing a legendary mage, it is best to do so honestly, otherwise there will be no good fruit to eat.

For Henry. Since it is the first time to bring apprentices, only three places are given. As a result, over this matter, there was almost a fight within the Masked Mage Guild. After all, for most mages. Being able to get guidance from a more advanced mage means that you can avoid a lot of detours, and at the same time, you can broaden your horizons and deepen your understanding and perception of magic.

If there are no strict requirements, only those apprentices who are still preparing to become official mages are recruited. Many old guys over the age of fifty wanted to come in person. Even so, the competition is still fierce. Finally, after negotiation, the apprentices Raz and Nora were the first to be determined. Because one of their families is very rich and donates a lot of property to the guild every year, the other is from a magical family and has a lot of voice in the guild.

As for the last place, it was a surprise. When many members were arguing, a guy proposed the fairest lottery, but he did not expect to be drawn by the commoner apprentice Morul. Fortunately, the masked mage's internal strife was not too intense, and he was under countless jealous eyes. Fortunately, he came to this mage tower alive and became the third apprentice.

meeting for the first time. Henry couldn't wait to give everyone an intelligence test. It turned out that the 16-year-old girl Nora had an intelligence of only about 14, and the 14-year-old boy Raz was slightly higher, about 15 to 16. On the contrary, it was this humble eighteen-year-old Morul whose intelligence reached seventeen.

Perhaps it was because he had suffered a lot of unfair treatment and discrimination in the past, no matter what he did, he would keep his hand. Obviously he could do it perfectly, but he deliberately left a little flaw. And this guy has a particularly stoic personality. According to Amelia, since he came here, except for eating and the eight hours of sleep he must keep every day, he has spent all his time studying, without any slack at all.

As the saying goes, if you pay, you will be rewarded. If you don't, it means you haven't paid enough. After this period of continuous assiduous study, Morul has made rapid progress, and the level of magic power in his body has vaguely reached the edge of a first-level mage. He only needs an opportunity to become an official spellcaster immediately. For such a young man who works hard and knows how to behave, who would not like it.

Henry stared at the silent apprentice, an imperceptible smile suddenly crossed his face. He stroked the stubble on his chin and said, "Morul, I now need a volunteer to assist in completing a great experiment. If you are willing, I will accept you as a disciple regardless of whether it succeeds or not. .Of course, the right to choose is yours, and it’s okay to disagree.”

"Master, may I know the specific content of this experiment?" Morul asked very cautiously, neither agreeing nor refusing immediately. It can be seen that being careful has been integrated into his soul, but this is not a bad thing for a mage.

Henry nodded slightly: "Of course. This is an experiment on brain modification. The purpose is to allow humans to have psychic powers like mind flayers. I plan to fuse some special parts of their brains into In the human mind, if you succeed, then you will not only be a mage, but a psion."

Hearing that it was brain modification, beads of sweat immediately appeared on Morul's forehead. He subconsciously swallowed his saliva and continued to ask: " is the safety of this experiment?"

"I don't know, but I can guarantee that as long as your soul will not collapse, you can be resurrected even if you die." After speaking, Henry stopped talking, just quietly waiting for a reply. He had already said everything he could say, and now he had to look at the choice of the young apprentice in front of him.

Really powerful spellcasters are rational with a bit of madness. Reason can keep them calm when they encounter danger. As for madness, it can allow a person to break through the limits of himself and discover secrets that others dare not think about. If Morul didn't have the guts to gamble, his achievements would be so limited that it wouldn't be worth the effort to cultivate them.

Time passed by like this, Henry didn't rush, but just looked at the other party's tangled expression playfully. Maybe it was just a trial for him, but for the apprentice in front of him, it was a choice of life. Should he continue to be a humble low-level mage, or should he risk his life for a brighter future.

In the land of Faerun, people are making such choices all the time. But it is a pity that there are only a few people who are daring to do their best, and more people are content with the status quo, living a hard life day after day in silence. But the world is so dangerous, when disaster strikes, they will find that they have no strength to resist.

After a long time of consideration, Morul's tangled expression gradually returned to normal. He took a deep breath and replied firmly: "Master, I choose to be this volunteer."

"Very good, come upstairs with me." Henry snapped his fingers and brought the apprentices to the top laboratory. Now he can't wait to try the method of the blind eye to see if the psychic power is produced by the brain.

Soon, the dissecting table was set up, Morul lay nervously on it, and all parts of his body were fixed. Around him were more than a dozen brains of mind flayers soaked in glass jars. Under the protection of nutrient solution and spells, they were not completely dead, and many of them still retained a weak consciousness.

Looking at the nervous apprentice, Henry seriously warned: "Remember, no matter what happens for a while, you must stick to your consciousness, and never give in or be assimilated, otherwise once your soul is damaged, even if you are resurrected, you will not be the same is you."

Morul gritted his teeth and nodded: "Understood."

"In this case, the experiment begins."

As soon as the words fell, Henry directly anesthetized the apprentice, followed by cutting open the skull with a sharp knife, cutting off a piece of the mind flayer's brain, cutting off the unnecessary parts, and then grafting the anterior nucleus of the brain to the next to the nerve center. After finishing all this, he quickly cast necromancy magic to completely connect them, and immediately covered the skull, releasing several "healing serious injuries" in a row.

You must know that brain surgery has always been dangerous, especially in this place where natural science is backward. Once the brain inside overflows, 100% will die on the spot. There is basically no other way except to use the "wishing technique" to resurrect.

After finishing all this, Henry simply washed his hands and watched Morul's reaction closely. As the effect of the anesthesia gradually disappeared, his body began to shake violently. Not long after, his eyes opened suddenly, his eyeballs protruded, a large amount of viscous liquid began to flow out of his nose and mouth, and the muscles on his face began to forcibly stretch , appearing to be in excruciating pain.

After only a few minutes, the apprentice's body epidermis secreted a large amount of unknown liquid, and the sound of "Drink! Drink! Drink!" came out of his throat. Judging from his current condition, his whole body already has symptoms of dehydration, and it won't be long before he dies due to the water draining from his body.

Henry cast several recovery spells in a row, but there was no response at all. Just when he was at a loss, Morul suddenly broke free from the belt that fixed his hands and feet, rolled to the ground and shouted in pain: "Get out! Get out of my mind! I am Morul! I am... ...I am...human!"

Hearing what the apprentice said, Henry finally knew what was going on. The thalamus is the living body's perception of the outside world. Once two cognitions of the world conflict violently, one of them must be assimilated by the other. Now Morul's human cognition is competing with the original mind flayer's cognition for dominance. If he fails, the whole person will undergo irreversible changes.

This is why his body secretes a lot of water, because the skin of all mind flayers always maintains a layer of slippery mucus... (to be continued...)

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