Jiang Yingying almost thought that she had worked overtime for too long last night, and now she has auditory hallucinations.


     You heard that right.

    The new transfer student, Xiang Jiayou, a young alpha, confessed to Zhong Mingxue.

    In front of the whole class, in front of the teacher.

    Jiang Yingying wanted to cry without tears.

    Separate Zhong Mingxue and Jing Qingxia at the risk of being hated by the whole class, what the **** is going on?

    She even felt that her aura was not right, was she a teacher or a matchmaker?

    A new student will become a CP with the same table.

    A new student is still pursuing a new student.

    The Asura Field now displayed in front of everyone.

    Rao is Jiang Yingying, an experienced class teacher who has never seen such a scene. She didn't know how to deal with it.

    After Xiang Jiayou finished speaking, Zhong Mingxue did not respond, and Jing Qingxia had already stood up.

    In the blink of an eye, everyone stood between Zhong Mingxue and Xiang Jiayou from the position by the window.

    "Hello, new classmate, my name is Jing Qingxia." Jing Qingxia stretched out her hand.

    Xiang Jiayou squinted his eyes and stretched out his hand, but he obviously felt the attacking pheromone released from the person in front of him, and frowned immediately.

    Before the handshake.

    Jing Qingxia then said, "I'm Zhong Mingxue's fiancee."

    "His-" I didn't know who it was, and took a deep breath.

    Everyone felt a chilling chill from Jing Qingxia's words.

    Jing Qingxia's face was a little pale, but her words were very firm.

    Zhong Mingxue also quickly stood up.

    She doesn't worry about Shura Field, she only cares about Jing Qingxia.

    The pheromone is abnormal!

    The scent of cinnamon floated from the back of Jing Qingxia's neck abnormally.

    Zhong Mingxue quickly grabbed Jing Qingxia's hand that stretched towards Xiang Jiayou: "I'll take you to the infirmary!"

    Jing Qingxia frowned, a sense of dizziness surged up, as if someone had been directly injected with anesthesia, and there was no possibility of resisting by willpower, the whole person leaned back .

    I felt a softness behind me before being completely unconscious.

    Zhong Mingxue did not dodge, and even took the initiative to meet her and hug Jing Qingxia.

    In front of Xiang Jiayou, she clearly completed this intimate action.

    "Boss! (Sister Xia! Yuan Leshan and Duan Yajie also rushed over.

    Xiang Jiayou's expression froze completely, and he never expected this to happen suddenly.

    What happened in Class 10 was compiled and posted on the campus forum in just three minutes.

    "Shocked! The ten new transfer students made the little overlord Jing Qingxia faint."


    "Subvert common sense! Is the alpha really combat power sequence like this: A-level male alpha > A-level female alpha > S-level male alpha?"

    Su Tai, who was eating melons, suddenly found herself lying innocently on the topic of the forum, turned off her phone irritably, and walked towards the infirmary.

    Since Jing Qingxia was divided, Mrs. Su had no chance to see her.

    Su Tai held back a sigh of relief, feeling that she was too aggrieved as an S-level alpha.

    After being deflated in front of Jing Qingxia several times, he went back and thought hard and finally came to a conclusion.

    It must be because the future Qingxia has not yet differentiated, and the pheromone of his S-rank is useless, and now the opportunity has come!

    Su was too eager to prove herself, regardless of whether she was in class or not, she rushed to the infirmary.

    Zhong Mingxue, Yuanleshan and Duan Yajie all surrounded Jing Qingxia while looking out the door.

    "What are you doing?" Zhong Mingxue's voice was cold and distant, staring at Mrs. Su and not allowing him to take a step closer.

     But Mrs. Su couldn't help taking a deep breath.

    I really want to get her! !

    The pheromone of S-level alpha boils in the body.

    But suddenly, she felt cold.


    You don't want to.

    Su Tai suddenly shuddered, and the pheromone she wanted to escape was forcibly held back.

    It was the first time he could control pheromones so freely.

    I looked up and saw Jing Qingxia staring at the prey with cold eyes, as if it could penetrate him directly.

    Su Tai hung his feet in the air and moved back, feeling the fear in his heart, preventing him from approaching.

    In a moment of embarrassment, save a little face for yourself.

    He looked at the school doctor: "I feel a little uncomfortable in the back of my neck, do you have a barrier sticker?"

    The school doctor looked at Mrs. Su with an expression like a fool: "Aren't there all in the corridor?"

     Mrs. Su hurriedly ran away.

    I'm not a coward!

    Su Tai was covering his neck while running, the physiological reaction made him feel uncomfortable.

    Yuan Leshan was delighted to see Mrs. Su's reaction: "Laughing to death, Mrs. Su has already been frightened by the boss, and now she can't stand it with just looking at her and ran away."

    "But...Sister Xia's eyes are really terrifying right now, is there any problem?" Duan Yajie swallowed her saliva and carefully hid behind Zhong Mingxue.

    Only by Zhong Mingxue can I feel a little warmth. Other places were radiated by Jing Qingxia's chill.

    Cold like ice in Antarctica.

    Who is the iceberg beauty of class ten!

    Jing Qingxia's eyes lost the target to capture, and instantly lost focus.

    The image played in my mind when I fainted again flashed through my mind.

    That's the details of the original story.

    It is a fragment of the death of the small cannon fodder, and the picture becomes clearer.

    In the main perspective of the little cannon fodder, she stood on the edge of the cliff, watching Zhong Mingxue stretch out her hand and push, her eyes were full of hatred.


    Not only because Zhong Mingxue looked at her too frighteningly.

    What makes Jing Qingxia more distressed is that in this original plot that has not yet happened, Zhong Mingxue has hatred for the world.

    She just lives by hate.

    How can people be happy if they live by hate?

    Jing Qingxia doesn't want Zhong Mingxue to become like that, and doesn't want her to go through such a plot.

    The two people were soaked in the cold rain, which made people uncomfortable.

    Jing Qingxia reached out and tried to hug Zhong Mingxue in front of her, but was unsuccessful.

    I couldn't dodge in the cold, and was pushed by Zhong Mingxue to the cliff behind me.

    Before the fall, I saw Xiang Jiayou holding a navy blue umbrella, standing not far away, with a successful smile on the corner of his mouth, and a vulture in his eyes.

    Seeing Zhong Mingxue is full of desire and possession.

    It seems that the male protagonist who is very obedient to the female protagonist in the original fragment description is not as good as the flimsy words.

    Immediately, Jing Qingxia sat up suddenly.

    The eyes just fixed on Su Tai, who was looking for something, and there was the scene just now.

    Zhong Mingxue looked at Jing Qingxia with panic-stricken eyes, walked to her side, and pulled her hand: "Jing Qingxia."

    I heard Zhong Mingxue's soft call.

    Jing Qingxia hugged her almost instantly, compensating for the hug she didn't send in her dream.

    Zhong Mingxue was taken aback.

    Yuan Leshan and Duan Yajie were also taken aback.

    The school doctor even raised his eyebrows and walked out: "I'd better go and find the isolation post for that classmate just now. He doesn't seem to be very smart."

    "I also help, I'm so helpful!" Duan Yajie hurriedly stayed out, and pulled Yuanleshan's collar.

    Yuan Leshan, who wanted to take CP at close range, was picked up and slipped out.

    There are only two people hugging in the infirmary.

    Jing Qingxia remained in a sitting position, with her hands locked on Zhong Mingxue's back waist, her side face was placed on the upper side of her abdomen.

    Zhong Mingxue took a breath and was locked between Jing Qingxia's legs. The arm of the person in front of her was very strong and could not break free.

    She could only reach out and pat Jing Qingxia's back to soothe her anxiety.

    The breeze came in through the slit in the open window.

    After the sports meeting, the weather became hot again these two days.

    The wind blowing in was lukewarm, just the right temperature, more comfortable than the spring breeze.

    Just enough to warm Jing Qingxia, who was cold all over.

    It can also help to cool down Zhong Mingxue, whose face is red at this time.

    Jing Qingxia's mood gradually calmed down.

    Looking up at Zhong Mingxue, there was a trace of tiredness in her eyes.

    Zhong Mingxue just happened to look down at her.

    It is a death perspective, but it is still very beautiful.

    Zhong Mingxue remembered the scene when she brought Jing Qingxia over.

    The school doctor thinks Jing Qingxia's situation is very strange.

    The pheromone fluctuates significantly, but it does not make people fall into a coma.

    The appearance of unconsciousness is not because of unstable differentiation, but a little symptom of hypoglycemia.

    Indeed, Jing Qingxia's pheromone didn't run rampant even when she was fighting with Xiang Jiayou, it was just aggressive.

    Those who are not familiar with her pheromone smell may not notice the abnormality.

    Zhong Mingxue could feel that cinnamon was attached to Jing Qingxia at this time, as if she wanted to help her disguise as a tree, reduce her sense of existence and gain a sense of security.

    It's like camouflage, it's a camouflage that can be done in the forest.

    Zhong Mingxue couldn't help but ask: "This time, it's not because the pheromone is unstable, it should be because of those secrets you can't tell?"

    When Jing Qingxia heard the question, she tightened her hands and slowly loosened them, and finally realized how subtle the posture just now was.

     After holding it for a while, she only said one sentence: "You have to be careful about Xiang Jiayou."


    Yes, why?

    He is just a high-quality student who just transferred.

    Oh, no, he just confessed inexplicably!

    This is simply too hateful, a public confession for no reason, is it a moral kidnapping?

    What is the difference between this and Zhong Mingxue's unlucky relatives?

     "He has bad intentions for you." Jing Qingxia snorted.

    Zhong Mingxue was slightly taken aback, but she never expected this answer.

    The wind speed outside the window increased, causing the window to make a humming sound.

    The wind blowing in from the gap brought the cinnamon on Jing Qingxia's body and hit Zhong Mingxue's body.

    These cinnamon scents did not dissipate when touched, nor did they stick back to Jing Qingxia.


    Zhong Mingxue was a little dazed.

    These pheromones are not malicious or aggressive to her, but the behavior attached to her body is clearly like possessiveness, like marking.

    But so gentle, measured, and cautious and gentle like a rare treasure.

    As long as they don't want to, they will back away.

    But don't you want to?

    "Got it, I'm not interested in him."

    "But you know each other before?" Jing Qingxia lowered her head and spoke, her tone seemed a little aggrieved.

    Zhong Mingxue wanted to laugh for no reason: "I met a few times during the competition exam before. He probably just didn't pass the test because of his grades, and his heart was unbalanced. The purpose of 'conquest'. This kind of person, I have no interest."

    I heard Jing Qingxia nodded again and again.

    "You are so right, don't like this kind of purposeful person, nor do you have a strong desire to conquer.

    "Only those who can protect you, but cannot magnify your negative emotions, nor limit your development.

    "Zhong Mingxue, you must keep your eyes open."

    Jing Qingxia was talking to herself, as if she was arranging the future for Zhong Mingxue.

    The tone is full of sincerity.

    She didn't want to see Zhong Mingxue showing hatred for the whole world again.

    Zhong Mingxue looked at Jing Qingxia and blinked slightly, then chuckled.

    Jing Qingxia vaguely heard Zhong Mingxue's smile when the wind blew past her ears and raised her head.

    Zhong Mingxue didn't have a smile on her face, as if it was all an illusion.

    She just quietly lowered her eyes and watched the cinnamon pheromone wrap around her body like a morning glory, and then blossomed into small flower bones.

    Zhong Mingxue silently asked a few unanswerable questions in her mind.

    Are you that kind of person?

    Why are you so good?

    Also alpha, why don't you want to conquer me?

    Makes me a little curious.

    Some dependencies.

    A little happy.

    Some more…

    Zhong Mingxue's thoughts were stagnant, and before she blushed, she turned and left.

    "You take a break, feel better and go back to the classroom."

    Jing Qingxia: "Is it so sudden?" Why does it feel like Zhong Mingxue has a lot to say?

    "It's so sudden." Zhong Mingxue smiled, leaving only a back.

    You have a secret that you can't tell, and so do I.


    The events in the tenth class have once again become the topic of the campus forum.

    There are all kinds of rumors, but most of them are debunked.

    Only the transfer student who made a high-profile claim to pursue Zhong Mingxue became well-known.

    Jiang Yingying was sitting on pins and needles in the principal's office.

    How could she have thought that Jing Qingxia and Zhong Mingxue suddenly broke the news about the relationship between their fiancee and wife, and then a guy who wanted to "interfere with a third party" came.

    Where is this **** plot?

    And it also happens on campus, do you want every teacher to become a Mediterranean like the principal?

    Jiang Yingying stared at the dangling Mediterranean Sea in front of her... Ah, no, that is to say, the dangling principal finally couldn't help but say, "Principal, this matter..."

    The principal raised her hand to stop Jiang Yingying's explanation: "I didn't come to you to talk about what happened in your class. It's about this biology competition. The school board still attaches great importance to the results of the competition. We will finish the process ahead of time and send Xiang Jiayou to our private first high school."

    In this world, gland technology is one of the most important modern sciences, and every country invests a lot of money every year.

    The new families and the century-old families all have their own R&D teams and compete with each other.

    If you can develop unique new results, it is possible to get the support of the state.

    So in high school, biology competition has also become a very important thing, attracting attention from all walks of life.

    "In this competition, our school applied for five places." Jiang Yingying knew a little about the biology competition before.

    "Yes, two are in your class."

    "Zhong Mingxue and Xiang Jiayou." After Jiang Yingying finished speaking, her heart palpitated.

    Today Xiang Jiayouguang said to Zhong Mingxue "to pursue".

    Jing Qingxia put her anger into the infirmary.

    If this is to let Xiaobawang know, what kind of scene will the two of them participate in the game together?

    What scene can it be?

    I just sat in my seat and stared at the sky in a daze.

    The male protagonist Xiang Jiayou didn't even have any communication with her new tablemate, and was taken away.

    Because the biology competition had a training camp, the five people who participated in the school were taken away on the spot to participate in a one-week temporary training camp.

    She didn't even see Zhong Mingxue's face when she came back from the infirmary.

    Only one message was seen.

    [The biology competition suddenly asked to participate in the training camp. I will go home and get some clothes. Don't worry, this is led by the school teacher. I also told Uncle Jing and Aunt Lin. 】

    Jing Qingxia watched the message for a while.

    Zhong Mingxue may be really afraid of worrying about herself, so she explained so much.

    After hesitating for a long time, Jing Qingxia replied in a joking tone during the lunch break.

    【Oh, I am so miserable, the bodyguard suddenly lost his job. Take care of yourself! 】

    But there was no way to really put a smile on her face.

    This world is really being driven by the original plot line.

    It doesn't matter if the little cannon fodder and the heroine are replaced at the same table.

    The male protagonist quickly gained a lot of attention after his debut, and successfully participated in the training camp with the female protagonist, and got the opportunity to get along.

    All in accordance with the original plot.

    With the guidance of the rules of the world, can the death of a small cannon fodder really be changed? Can the main storyline of the heroine and heroine really be changed?

    Jing Qingxia, who has never been pessimistic, really couldn't smile this time.

    Jing Qingxia's frowning expression was even photographed by the gossip crowd next door.

    Posted on the school forum.

    The forum is taking advantage of the lunch break, everyone is idle, and they are making wild guesses again.

     "No way, no way, Senior Sister Jing Qingxia is unhappy after being robbed of love by Hengdao?"

     "The one in our class who participated in the biology competition said that Xiang Jiayou took good care of Zhong Mingxue on the road!"

    "Yes, the one in our class who participated in the biology competition also said that Zhong Mingxue seems to be not close to strangers, but he is actually quite gentle. He and Xiang Jiayou have also known each other for a long time, and the two have a good relationship. Woolen cloth."

    "Where are so many students participating in the biology competition, are they all true and false?"

    "Fake, fake, my marriage contract CP can't be BE! The evil. Cult CP party retreats."

    "Cooked building, Qingxia senior sits melancholy by the window, the time is so beautiful!"

    "Can the training group also send some photos back? No pictures, no truth!"

    Jing Qingxia was troubled by the force majeure of the plot line, and didn't even bother to go to the school forum.

    The classmates are secretly discussing various posts.

    Approval Party: If Zhong Mingxue just went to participate in the biological competition training, he would be back in a week, Jing Qingxia didn't need to be so lost, right? Something must have happened that we don't know.

    Doubt Party: It makes sense, but does Xiang Jiayou have this kind of charm, on the first day of his arrival, let our CP directly BE?

    The Opposition: Impossible! When Jing Qingxia passed out in the morning, Zhong Mingxue's anxious look, how could it be BE! She didn't even look at Xiang Jiayou!

    Everyone can't figure out the truth.

    Even Yuanleshan and Duan Yajie didn't dare to approach Jing Qingxia's dejected appearance.

    On the contrary, people who usually have no sense of existence, walked through the chaotic and restless class, carefully walked to the last row, beside Jing Qingxia.

    Jing Qingxia's eyes were confused for a while before she could see the person standing in front of her.

    "Wu Chun, do you have anything to do with me?"

    Wu Chun held a gold medal and two certificates in his hand.

    "This is your relay gold medal and certificate."

    Seeing Wu Chun's timid appearance, Jing Qingxia put away her sad face, smiled reluctantly, and said, "Trouble you, if you don't want to help like this in the future, you can also refuse, I can go to the gym teacher to get it myself.”

    Wu Chun shook her head, she raised her eyes carefully, and looked at Jing Qingxia.

    If Jing Qingxia remembered correctly, this should be the first time Wu Chun took the initiative to find himself in the class, let alone look at himself.

    "I asked them to come, I promised to give it to you, but I didn't find you when I went to your house the day before yesterday morning and yesterday morning, so I had to bring it to school today. Sorry. , I just found the time for you now."

    It is really not easy for Wu Chun.

    Jing Qingxia was surprised.

    Wu Chun has obvious symptoms of social anxiety and cannot communicate much with anyone in the class.

    She would take the initiative to help get the medal, and she took the initiative to come to the house to find herself twice, it was really hard for her.

    No one was found twice, she must have exhausted her courage.

    "You don't have to be sorry, it's me who troubled you. I was in my hometown two days ago, and today I was disturbed by various rumors all morning. Thank you." Jing Qingxia took the medal and certificate .

    I was stunned when I got the certificate.

    The second certificate is not my own.

    It says - 3,000-meter fourth place winner, Wu Chun.

    Jing Qingxia's eyes widened.


    On the playground that day, I cheered for Wu Chun with Zhong Mingxue, and when she finally broke the finish line, the whole class was boiling.

    Although she was only fourth and did not win a medal, she followed the first echelon from beginning to end, even in the final sprint stage, she was not overtaken by fifth place .

    Everyone rushed to her side and cheered her as if they were number one.

    Thinking of the scene at that time, Jing Qingxia couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth: "The fourth place! I didn't pay attention at the time, I'm just happy for you to cross the finish line."

    Wu Chun also nodded deeply and said solemnly: "I'm here to thank you!

    "Although I was forced to participate in the competition in the first two years, I was very unhappy, but this year is different. You are willing to consider my feelings and cheer for me. I am very grateful to you. It's a fourth, but it's going to be the highlight of my life."

    Jing Qingxia looked at Wu Chun, her expression became even more surprised.

    She did not expect that her actions would have such a significant impact on this socially fearful and introverted classmate with a very low sense of presence.

    "I always thought that life is a track with an end, and my life has a set direction, so I don't need to work hard, just reduce the sense of existence, follow the track all the way to the dark That's it.

    "But it's different now. I'm ready to fight for my life, and my life will also have unexpected rewards."

    After Wu Chun finished speaking, it seemed that Jing Qingxia didn't need any reaction, she bowed deeply, and sent a handwritten letter respectfully.

    The content of the handwritten letter is similar to what she just said.

    Looking at the crumpled letter paper, she knew how uneasy she was in her heart. She must have practiced countless times before coming to find her, and she had thought about retreating countless times, leaving the letter and running away.

    But she didn't, she used her own words to express her intentions clearly.

    She has completed a transformation in her life.

    Yes, her life should have been a given track.

    In the original work, there is no name, no plot, only small characters hidden in the narration, blank, and blank space.

    But it's different!

    Jing Qingxia scanned the whole class for a week.

    Everyone is not an ABCD paper person who is not set in the book, but a living person.

    Emotions and stories.

    No matter how powerful the rules of the world are, they cannot be wiped out.

    Jing Qingxia looked at the gold medal in the relay race on the table.

    The sun shines on the gold medal.

    The gold medal given by the school is of course not real gold, but the quality of the work is not bad. When the light shines on it, it really seems priceless when it reflects the light.

    The corner of her mouth suddenly twitched into a smile, revealing a brisk look.

    He put his hand on the gold medal.

    The plot of the little cannon fodder has changed since the day he appeared.

    A passerby without a name can also become his protagonist.

    The heroine is not a paper person either, she is Zhong Mingxue, she is very strong, but also shows vulnerability in front of her; Sticky Octopus.

    It is the living Zhong Mingxue.

    Fuck its **** plot limit! GO IT WORLD RULES!

    Yuan Leshan, who is sitting not far away, pulls Duan Yajie: "It's over, the boss is crazy, he's frustrated for a while, and laughs for a while, what should I do?"

    Duan Yajie scratched her face: "I've never seen Sister Xia like this. Why don't we find something to distract Sister Xia."

    "I think it's more useful to give her some news about learning God?"

    Duan Yajie thought for a while: "Then we will do both."

    Yuan Leshan did not ask how to do it both ways, but Duan Yajie had already strode to Jing Qingxia's side.

    "Sister Xia! Junior classmate invites us to dinner tonight, do you want to come? I also heard that her elder sister is the **** of competition, maybe she knows what to order!"

    Yuanle Mountain's forehead.

    Don't trust Duan Yajie!

    What kind of school girl is there at this time!

    What other competition gods!

    Accurately step on the thunder!

    Jing Qingxia put away the gold medal and certificate, and said with a smile: "Okay, what time do you have dinner? I'll treat you."

    Look, rejected...

    Huh? ! !

    No rejection? ! !

    Yuan Leshan hurriedly stood up: "Whatever you want to eat, I'll go too!"

    The author has something to say:


    Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-01-2120:00:00~2022-01-2220:00:00

    Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 7 days from the date of the day, ハート, Lonely Forest Layman, Stars, and 1 Buddhist melon;

    Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 80 bottles of ハート; 10 bottles of Niangzixianggong; 3 bottles of eleven;

    Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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