Card Room

Chapters 274-275

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【Chapter 274, True and False Substitute】

At 10:30 in the evening, Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou came to the crime scene together.

The local police have already sent people to cordon off the scene. They only let Yu Hanjiang enter after Yu Hanjiang showed his police officer ID. The town belongs to the lower-level unit of Binzhou City. The criminal police at the scene heard that Yu Hanjiang, the captain of the Binzhou Criminal Police Team, actually came over in person. Everyone was shocked. Unexpectedly, the murder in the small town would alarm the top bosses.

Li Xinyang, the young policeman in charge of the investigation, immediately came up to him, and said respectfully, "Captain Yu, why did you come here in person?" He glanced at Xiao Lou, who smiled and stretched out his hand: "Hi Captain Li, I am the forensic doctor of Binzhou City." Xiao Lou from the Identification Center."

The other party said politely: "So it's Professor Xiao, who also came with Team Yu?"

Yu Hanjiang explained briefly: "We happened to come here today to investigate the case. The deceased, Xu Kai, is related to a murder case that our city's criminal police team is investigating. Xiao Li, please sort out the details of the deceased and hand over the case to me. "

Li Xinyang nodded: "Okay Yu team, you go to the scene first... This scene is a bit weird."

Yu Hanjiang put on his gloves and simply followed Li Xinyang upstairs.

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou followed Captain Li into the scene of the crime. The two unexpectedly discovered that Xu Kai's death scene was very similar to Lin Yiyan's.

However, Xu Kai should have been murdered while he was taking a shower, with no clothes on.

He was lying in the bathtub, his eyes widened in horror, his whole body was covered with marks of being cut by knives, and ice cubes were also placed around him, but Xu Kai's room was heated, so some The ice cubes have melted.

The water made of ice cubes mixed with the blood of the deceased, and the entire bathtub water turned blood red. Xu Kai was lying in this puddle of blood, dying with unsatisfactory eyes. This scene is really shocking.

Li Xinyang said: "We also just came to the scene, and Xu Kai's cousin Zhang Xiaoyu reported the case."

He turned his gaze to the side, and pointed to Yu Hanjiang where Zhang Xiaoyu was.

This Zhang Xiaoyu, the manager of "Whale Internet Cafe", Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou met him today. At this moment, he was holding his head and sitting on the bed beside him shivering. After Yu Hanjiang saw him, he winked at Xiao Lou, and whispered in Xiao Lou's ear, "Do the autopsy first, and I'll go to the informant to ask about the situation."

Xiao Lou nodded, put on his gloves, leaned over and began to examine the corpse.

In the bloody bathtub, the body was soaked to the point of swelling. This time, the murderer was still meticulous after committing the crime. The blood on the surrounding walls was wiped clean, without any trace of blood splashing. All the blood flowed into the bathtub. inside.

Xiao Lou opened the water valve under the bathtub and drained most of the bloody water, revealing the entire body, and then began to carefully examine it. Next to him, the forensic doctor in the town consciously handed him the toolbox. Some young intern policemen probably had never seen such a disgusting scene. They ran downstairs to vomit, and were glared at by Li Xinyang.

Xiao Lou suddenly said, "Give me a pair of tweezers."

The forensic doctor next to him acted as his assistant and immediately handed him the clean tweezers.

Xiao Lou took out a long hair from the bathtub and put it in a sterile sealed bag for safekeeping. Whether this long hair was left by the murderer, he still can't tell, but the evidence found at the scene must be taken back for careful examination.

There were not many clues about the deceased. The method of killing was similar to that of the Lin Yiyan case. The fatal wound was at the heart, but the wound was not the same as Lin Yiyan’s. Xiao Lou helped the deceased’s body up and checked his Behind the scenes, I understood.

Like Lin Yiyan, the deadly wound of the deceased was in the heart, but Lin Yiyan's wound was pierced from the front, while Xu Kai's wound was pierced from the back, so the wound would appear wide on the back and wide on the front. relatively narrow phenomenon.

Xiao Lou inspected the corpse carefully. Yu Hanjiang walked around the scene, came to the reporter Zhang Xiaoyu, and asked, "What time did you come to your cousin's house and found his body?"

Zhang Xiaoyu said tremblingly, "Ten, ten o'clock in the evening."

Yu Hanjiang asked: "After two o'clock this afternoon, have you contacted your cousin?"

Zhang Xiaoyu nodded: "At about six o'clock in the evening, I called him, but he didn't answer. I thought he was going to that KTV club to find his girlfriend again, so I ignored him."

Yu Hanjiang: "Then why did you come to him suddenly at ten o'clock in the evening?"

Zhang Xiaoyu said: "I want to borrow some money from him. Money is tight recently. I want to come to his house to try my luck."

Yu Hanjiang asked sharply: "He was already dead at that time, how did you get in?"

Zhang Xiaoyu hurriedly explained: "I have the key to his house, because my brother sometimes goes out to discuss business, the fish and flowers raised at home are not taken care of by anyone, and I live nearby, so he gave me the key , let me take the time to take care of him.”

Yu Hanjiang nodded and said, "Did you see any suspicious people in the community when you came in? Or a vehicle?"

Zhang Xiaoyu thought about it carefully, then shook his head and said, "No, I, I didn't pay attention."

When this cousin was answering the question, he didn't dare to look into Yu Hanjiang's eyes. He looked flustered and dodged his eyes from side to side, obviously guilty. He might have concealed something, but Yu Hanjiang didn't think he was directly related to the murder of Xu Kai.

After interrogating Zhang Xiaoyu, Yu Hanjiang returned to Xiao

Next to Lou, he asked in a low voice, "How's the autopsy result?"

Xiao Loudao: "The fatal injury of the deceased was still in the heart. A sharp long knife directly pierced his heart. Judging from the traces of the wound, the murder weapon should be the same as the long knife that killed Lin Yiyan. The other knife marks should have been left after death."

Yu Hanjiang frowned: "That is to say, after the murderer killed him, he flogged his corpse again?"

Xiao Lou nodded: "It's the same as the Lin Yiyan case."

He raised the head of the corpse, carefully inspected the pupils and the spots on the body, and said, "Judging from the spots and muscle stiffness, the time of death should be about 6 hours."

Yu Hanjiang looked at the wall clock on the wall in the bedroom.

The current time is 22:35, and the time of death is about four hours, that is to say, the time of Xu Kai's death should be around 16:30 in the afternoon. The time when Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou left Xu Kai's house happened to be half past four.

Realizing this, both felt creepy!

In other words, as soon as the two of them left, Xu Kai was brutally killed by the murderer in the bathroom.

Yu Hanjiang took a deep breath, lowered his voice and whispered in Xiao Lou's ear: "When we were interrogating Xu Kai, it was very likely that the murderer had already sneaked into Xu Kai's residence and was ready to murder Xu Kai. However, she hid In the corner, we couldn't find it."

Xu Kai's villa has a basement, the first floor is the living room, dining room and garden, the second floor is the master bedroom and study, the third floor has several guest bedrooms, and the fourth floor has a roof.

It is really not easy to find someone hiding in such a big villa without searching carefully.

When Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou came to investigate him, because the current suspect, Qiao Xuening, was filming at the filming crew of Binzhou Film City, and Qu Wanyue and other teammates were staring at her, neither of them expected that the murderer would commit crimes again, and came to kill Xu in advance. regular script. Therefore, they did not conduct a detailed search of Xu Kai's residence at that time.

What's more, to search a resident's residence, a "search warrant" approved by the superior is required.

For example, Zhou Yuanyuan has a very strong motive for committing the crime, and she can only be searched after being identified as a criminal suspect.

Xu Kai is only an insider of Lin Yiyan's case, not a criminal suspect. Search warrants will not be granted easily. Even if Yu Hanjiang is a policeman, he can't just search people's homes.

At that time, the murderer was probably hiding in Xu Kai's house, and he might have heard Yu Hanjiang's questioning of Xu Kai.

I still remember when the two came to Xu Kai's house, Xu Kai had just woken up, probably woken up by Yu Hanjiang's continuous doorbell. No wash.

It can be imagined that after Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou left, the first thing Xu Kai did was to take a bath.

His cousin Zhang Xiaoyu once mentioned that he came home drunk last night, and it is normal for a hangover to take a bath in the bathtub to sober up. He walked into the bathroom, took off his nightgown, and prepared to turn on the water to take a bath.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the murderer who had been hiding in the villa suddenly took out a sharp long knife and stabbed him through the heart!

Xiao Lou pointed at the corpse and said, "The difference from Lin Yiyan's case is that this time, the wound on Xu Kai's heart was stabbed from behind, and the murderer attacked him from behind, killing him with one blow."

Yu Hanjiang nodded: "After all, the murderer is likely to be a woman. If she fights head-on with a tall and strong man like Xu Kai, she may not be able to take advantage. At that time, Xu Kai took off his clothes and was about to turn on the water to take a bath. At this time, he The spirit should be more relaxed, and Xu Kai will have a hard time defending against a sneak attack from behind."

After all, no one would have thought that there was a person hiding in his bathroom!

No wonder Xu Kai's eyes were as big as copper bells, the eyeballs almost fell out. Obviously, he was about to step into the bathtub when he was stabbed from behind. He must have been extremely shocked when he saw the sharp point of the knife piercing his chest.

Captain Li listened carefully to the conversation between the two, his face full of bewilderment.

Yu Hanjiang suddenly asked, "Did you bring luminol?"

Li Xinyang immediately said: "Bring it, Xiao Qi, go and bring it to Team Yu."

A young police officer immediately walked over and brought the luminous ammonia and handed it to Yu Hanjiang. Yu Hanjiang turned on the equipment and carefully surveyed the scene—although the murderer had already cleaned up the blood, the luminol, which is a component of luminol, could show the blood.

Even if the bloodstains are wiped and cleaned up by the murderer, the hemoglobin in the blood will still remain. When the luminol reagent is sprayed on the hemoglobin, it will oxidize with active oxygen and release blue-purple fluorescence.

Yu Hanjiang sprayed it in the bathroom, and soon, there were a lot of traces of blue-purple fluorescent light on the walls and the floor.

Xiao Lou looked at the part with the most fluorescence, walked to this position and said, "This is where Xu Kai was stabbed in the back by the murderer, and the blood splashed on the wall. Xu Kai struggled for a while and died soon. Then, the murderer took him moved his body into a bathtub, surrounded him with ice and flogged him."

Li Xinyang's spine trembled when he heard this: "This... what a hatred this is!"

Yu Hanjiang said: "The murderer in this case has a distorted psychology. Moreover, she is very smart and can sneak into the target's home in advance and kill the target unexpectedly. I guess, she probably learned the skill of picking locks, otherwise it would be very difficult." Explain how she sneaked into Lin Yiyan's house and Xu Kai's house one after another."

Secretly sneak into the target's home, and then stab the target to death while the target is taking a bath...

This murderer is no less than a professional killer!


【Chapter 275, True and False Substitute】

After the autopsy, Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou came to the following conclusions.

First, the murderer committed the crime at around 4:30 p.m., and committed the crime immediately after they left, probably because they were afraid of having long nights and dreams and being caught by the police. She must have driven away after committing the crime, and now she needs to find the property of the community to check the vehicle access monitoring at the door.

Second, the murderer had a special liking for ice, and used ice to bury the body at the scene of the crime. This seems to have a strange meaning, much like a "curse" or something like that. She killed Lin Yiyan and Xu Kai one after another, and then vented her anger and whipped the corpses. At present, Qiao Xuening is the most motivated and suspected person.

However, who is the real Qiao Xuening? Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou looked at each other, feeling a little confused.

Yu Hanjiang said in a deep voice: "Carry out a blanket search of the entire villa, I don't believe she won't leave any clues behind."

The two searched from the basement all the way to the attic on the balcony, collected all the fingerprints and hair that appeared in the villa, and even found a plum blossom-shaped earring in the attic, all of which were sealed by Xiao Lou in a sterile bag and brought back.

That night, Xiao Lou temporarily borrowed the town's forensic appraisal center to appraise the evidence collected at the scene, while Yu Hanjiang went to the property to check the monitoring in detail.

The two worked separately and did not meet at the police station until three o'clock in the morning.

Xiao Lou sorted out all the identification results to Yu Hanjiang: "The long hair found in the bathtub, after comparing the gene pool, belongs to a girl named Lin Dandan."

Li Xinyang said: "I know this Lin Dandan, she is a girl serving as a bartender in our small town KTV, she is very pretty and has long hair, she should have dated Xu Kai for a while."

Xiao Lou then asked: "What about Liu Qi and Yue Qingqing?"

Li Xinyang said: "They are all Xu Kai's girlfriends."

He rubbed his temples with a wry smile, and introduced Xu Kai's situation in recent years to the two of them in detail. According to Li Xinyang, Xu Kai is still unmarried and handsome in his thirties, plus he is the boss of an Internet cafe and two hot pot towns, he is very rich, and has become a "dominant snake" in this small town same existence.

Xu Kai is considered a single diamond king, and the girls chasing him have to wait in a long line. He basically changes girlfriends in the first half of the year, and he will give girls a lot of money when they break up. So although his private life is chaotic, there should be no girls because of it. Break up with him and kill him.

Li Xinyang said: "Xu Kai's reputation is not very good, but he is quite generous in dealing with lovers. Many people in our town know that when he breaks up with every girlfriend, he will give each other enough money, and the other party will also give each other enough money. He will happily take the money and leave. Professor Xiao, the three you mentioned just now are all girlfriends he has dated in the past year."

Xiao Loudao: "It seems that my guess is correct. The hair and fingerprints found in the basement, kitchen, and bathtub are all left by Xu Kai and his girlfriends. Obviously, he will take his girlfriend home for the night."

Yu Hanjiang frowned slightly: "It wasn't these people who killed him."

Li Xinyang was startled, and said, "How are you sure, Team Yu?"

Yu Hanjiang said: "He is related to the murder case we are investigating. The ice at the crime scene is exactly the same, the murder method is the same, and even the murder weapon is the same. Therefore, this must be a serial murder case made by the same murderer. Your small town There is not much suspicion about these girls who have dated with him. Tomorrow, you will call them all over for interrogation, and if you can provide an alibi, let them go."

Li Xinyang breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay."

Yu Hanjiang patted the young captain's shoulder: "Thanks for your hard work, let's go back first, and we'll talk about it after dawn."

After leaving the police force, Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou drove back to the hotel together.

It was already four o'clock in the morning when he returned to the room, Yu Hanjiang squeezed the center of his brows, and said to Xiao Lou: "I have watched all the surveillance videos of the community. Between four o'clock in the afternoon and ten o'clock in the evening, there are a total of thirty vehicles entering and leaving the community. I have recorded all the numbers. In addition, I have not found any suspicious person similar to Qiao Xuening."

Xiao Lou said: "Go to sleep for a while, tomorrow we will go to the traffic police team to check."

The two fell asleep separately, and got up after only sleeping for a few hours.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Yu Hanjiang first called Qu Wanyue and told him, "Qiao Xuening must keep an eye on her and don't let her run away. When Xiao Lou and I come back, we will have a way to find out about her."

Qu Wanyue said: "Don't worry, I will find an excuse to teach her dance moves, and stay with her all day long to watch her filming."

Yu Hanjiang hung up the phone, and Xiao Lou came to the traffic police team to check the owner's information.

After four o'clock in the afternoon yesterday, none of the vehicles that left the villa area was suspicious. All the owners could be found. They were all residents of this small town. The criminal police captain of the small town, Li Xinyang, also checked and found them one by one. data of.

Some went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, some went to eat with their families...

There are even other people in all the cars to prove that there is no car that the driver drove away alone.

Yu Hanjiang frowned thoughtfully: "Didn't she drive away? It seems that she is very cautious, afraid that we will find out her real information by checking the license plate number. It is very likely that she left the villa area on foot."

Xiao Lou agrees: "In Lin Yiyan's case, she was driving Lin Yiyan's car, and her own vehicle could not be found. This time, she didn't drive at all. If she can leave on foot, the community only has this exit, so she should be able to take photos of her." It's her, right?"

Yu Hanjiang said: "But none of the people who entered and left the community yesterday afternoon was like Lin Yiyan."

Xiao Lou thought about it carefully, and said, "Could it be that she jumped over the wall and escaped?"

Yu Hanjiang nodded: "It is possible

, Although the fence in the villa area is relatively high, if she can climb trees, there are many places where she can climb over the wall. I have asked the property to provide me with monitoring of all locations in the community. Let's continue to check today. "

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou went to the police force together.

Li Xinyang invited Xu Kai's previous girlfriends over early in the morning.

All three had sufficient alibi, some were singing with others at KTV, some had their hair permed in the barbershop yesterday afternoon, and the third went shopping with three girlfriends yesterday afternoon, all of which could be verified.

Li Xinyang released the three of them after taking notes.

When Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou came over, he told Team Yu about the result. Yu Hanjiang had expected it a long time ago, so he was not disappointed. After all, the Xu Kai case and the Lin Yiyan case are serial cases, and the hair of these girlfriends found in the villa can't help the progress of the case at all.

Xiao Lou said with some regret: "The hair and fingerprints found in the search seem to be all interference items."

Yu Hanjiang frowned and said: "The murderer has experience in committing crimes. She may be covered tightly and wear gloves, so she will not leave any information that can be checked for fingerprints and genes. Her ice cubes should be made on the spot of."

Obviously, the murderer sneaked into Xu Kai's room in advance, made a lot of ice cubes in the freezer of Xu Kai's refrigerator while Xu Kai was sleeping, and then unexpectedly killed Xu Kai, buried his body with ice cubes, and took away the ice cubes in the refrigerator. container.

In this way, the ice cubes in Lin Yiyan's case can also be explained. The murderer also lurked in Lin Yiyan's home in advance, and used her refrigerator to make a lot of ice cubes on the spot. After killing Lin Yiyan, she also took away the ice box, making the police question the source of the ice.

Yu Hanjiang said: "Let's look at the surveillance first."

Captain Li Xinyang also took the initiative to help. He called his colleagues and turned on the surveillance video of the entire villa community provided by the property. Each person was responsible for an area and checked the surveillance in detail.

Everyone has been busy all day...

However, no one was found to have climbed the wall from the community.

Li Xinyang looked puzzled: "He didn't drive away, nor did he climb the wall. Could it be that the murderer could fly? Or burrow into the ground?"

Xiao Lou also looked at Yu Hanjiang suspiciously: "The same is true for the Lin Yiyan case. We checked the surveillance from beginning to end in those few days, and there was no suspicious vehicle entering. Unless she was airborne or entered the community from the ground, otherwise, she should How to explain it?"

In Lin Yiyan's case, since Lin Yiyan seldom returned to Moon Lake Villa, if the murderer sneaked in half a month ago, it would be difficult to find out through surveillance. When the murderer left, he drove Lin Yiyan's car.

But Xu Kai's case is different.

Xu Kai goes home every day, the murderer can't hide in his house for too long, at most, when he went out to drink last night, the murderer sneaked into the villa, made all preparations today and left after killing Xu Kai, within 24 hours Monitoring is easy to investigate.

However, there was no trace of the murderer entering or leaving the community in the surveillance.

How did the murderer enter the villa complex where Xu Kai lived? How did you leave again?

Could the killer really fly? !

This is not a martial arts script, the murderer will not fly out easily.

Xiao Louzheng was puzzled, and suddenly heard Yu Hanjiang say: "I'm afraid, we have fallen into a misunderstanding from the beginning."

Xiao Lou looked at him suspiciously: "What does Captain Yu mean?"

Yu Hanjiang said: "The murderer didn't hide, she walked in openly, and walked out openly."

Xiao Lou was very surprised.

"Plastic plastic surgery." Yu Hanjiang looked at Xiao Lou and said in a low voice, "Since someone has plastic surgery to look like Qiao Xuening, then Qiao Xuening may also have plastic surgery to look like someone else."

Therefore, Qiao Xuening could not be found in the surveillance.

Because she has changed her face!

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