
Chapter 140: Work

Ning Zhe's landlord is an old man in his 60s. The neighbors call him Lao Liutou. As the shop owner said, the old Liutou's yard has been burnt to death because of the fire, so no one cares, even the monopoly house. The **** of the intermediary are also unwilling to accept this business. They are generally superstitious and always feel that doing this kind of business will bring bad luck to them.

Old Liutou didn't know whether he was happy because the house was rented out, or because he was a warm-hearted person. He began to introduce Ning Zhe to the surrounding situation in detail. At the same time, he began to take him around and took him to the neighborhood with enthusiasm. He bought a lot of daily necessities at the farmers' market, and Ning Zhe himself had nothing to do, so he went around with Lao Liu for an afternoon and obtained some information again.

The nature of public security in non-public security areas is equivalent to civic self-governance, but the joint defense team is only active in the urban area, and rarely goes to places like the suburbs, because these places are not only home to the poorest people in the fortress, but also many lawbreakers After committing a crime in the administrative region, they would come to such a place to hide. Although the residents of the outer four districts have been calling for many years to ask the management center to improve the security of non-public security areas, the management center has never given a clear answer. Because the five administrative districts in the city have not yet been fully developed, if you want to expand to the four outer districts, you must wait for the population of the administrative districts to be saturated, but the reproduction of human beings is a very long process after all.

The western suburbs where Ning Zhe came is the most chaotic place in the entire Xicheng District. Even the defense team would not easily come to such a place, and the neighborhood on Ning Zhe’s side was controlled by a few gangsters. Some of them monopolize housing rentals, some monopolize the non-staple food business, and some simply occupy water stations. Residents have to pay them an extra dollar each time they want to buy water.

When it comes to the issue of water use, Ning Zhe has a headache. Because he and Fatty Li have no status as residents of the fortress, they cannot apply for a water card. In this way, they cannot go to the water station to buy water, but if they buy bottled water, it will cost 500 ml. It only takes five yuan, which is a huge waste, but this problem was quickly solved by Ning Zhe, because he found that there was a place in the fortress that would never appear outside the city - the bathhouse.

When he was in the refugee area, Ning Zhe almost didn't wash his face in order to save water. Only when it rained in summer, or in winter, he used some snow to wipe his body. In the fortress, because of the sufficient water supply, there would be In a place like the bathhouse, it costs ten yuan to take a bath, but every time Ning Zhe and Fatty Li go to take a bath, they can secretly fill several bottles of water out. After all, they can not only take a bath, but also save a lot of money. money.

Whether inside or outside the city, water sources are one of the main means for the fortress to control the people. It is a serious crime to dig a well without filtration, and the unfiltered waste water is also very harmful to the human body. It is the water supply for domestic drinking and production applications, but after appropriate treatment of wastewater or rainwater, it reaches certain water quality indicators and can be used beneficially. This water is between sewage and tap water, and cannot meet the average drinking standard. , but Ning Zhe and Fatty Li didn't understand this, and they didn't even know that the drinking water that the fortress distributed to the refugees was also this kind of thing.

In the blink of an eye, Ning Zhe has been living in the western suburbs for nearly a week. He takes Fatty Li around with nothing to do almost every day, but he is not really idle, but is learning how to disguise himself as a fortress. At the same time, get used to the way of life and rules here, so that you will not be easily seen as a refugee.

Ning Zhe had suspected before that those criminals who came out of the administrative area could not use their resident cards when they came to the non-public security area, but they must also need to support themselves. Maybe these criminals have relatives and friends in the administrative area to help them, but there must be some who have no money. , and since they can live here, so can themselves and Fatty Li.

Sure enough, under his deliberate investigation, he found that after the criminals came to the suburbs, there were mainly three ways of survival. The first one was the above-mentioned people who ran away with money. After they came here, they could invest in some Formal or illegal small business, get more moisturizing, the second is to join some local gangs, through fighting and killing, the third is to hide your name, be an ordinary person, and find some jobs nearby Although the security of the outer four districts is not good, there are still many factories of various kinds, some of which are more elaborate and whose fortresses are not assured to be handed over to the refugees. While recruiting people, because they know that there are more criminals here and they need to make money to make a living, they often only need to pay two-thirds or even half of the wages to recruit people.

For Ning Zhe, the first option is definitely useless, because he can't do business at all, and he doesn't know where to buy goods, and he doesn't even know the types of goods in the fortress. The investment required is huge. The more than 2,000 yuan left on him is already a huge sum of money in the refugee area, but it is really not enough to see inside the fortress.

As for the second Ning Zhe doesn't want to choose either. He usually lives in a refugee area, and he is used to fighting and killing for a long time, but it is all to keep himself and the people around him alive, but He didn't trust the people in the fortress, and he didn't want to get too close to those people, and he wouldn't give up his life just to eat.

As a result, only the third way is left.

That night, Ning Zhe bought a few steamed buns, and went to the deli to buy a roast chicken and a fried vegetable for more than 200 yuan. In the fortress, the price of meat and vegetables were not cheap.

After more than a week of recuperation, Fatty Li's leg injury has recovered a lot, and he found that Ning Zhe bought such a sumptuous dinner, and kept swallowing: "Brother Zhe, what day is today, why is this dinner so sumptuous? "

"I don't have much time, I just think that the two of us have been in the fortress for so long, and we haven't eaten anything seriously. You know, the wall of the fortress can't be entered by anyone who wants to, and the two of us may not be able to get out for a while. Since In this way, we simply have to calm down and let ourselves become a fortress and adapt to the life of a fortress." Ning Zhe tore off a chicken leg and handed it to Fatty Li: "We've run out of money, and the rest Money can keep the two of us together for a month or two at most, so it’s definitely not good to sit and eat, so I mean, we two will go out to work tomorrow!”

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