
Chapter 721: Murder in the refugee area

Outside the West City Gate, hundreds of members of the revolutionary army rushed forward very quickly, and surrounded the three military vehicles that Lu Meng and others were riding in.

Now the fortress is full of troops, and after the guards guard the entrance of the west city gate, they have no time to send troops outside the city, making this place completely reduced to the activity area of ​​the revolutionary army.

Inside the car, Huang Ming looked at the soldiers of the revolutionary army who came up. Although Lu Meng comforted him, he was still nervous, and the hand holding the gun was shaking slightly.

Lu Meng was very calm about this, he took a sealed canister handed over by his subordinate and handed it to Su Fei: "This is the road map of the Oasis of the Sea of ​​Death, you can find it in a secret warehouse in the Oasis. I hope you will not break our commitment and destroy the cooperative relationship.”

"We won't cooperate with the chaebols. The relationship between us is just to get what we need." Su Fei took the sealing tube and glanced at Ning Zhe: "Really decide to go with him?"

"I have no choice." Ning Zhe hesitated for a moment, then responded realistically: "I need a living space of my own."

"I really can't give you these... Take care of yourself." Su Fei expressed his understanding of Ning Zhe's choice, reached out and patted his shoulder, rolled over and jumped under the car, and began to have people go to the car behind to pick up the wounded.

In this car at this time, the personnel composition is complicated, which makes the parting of everyone a bit weird. Ning Zhe still has a lot of things to say to Su Fei. He believes that Su Fei is the same, but due to the existence of Lu Meng, Two people can't get too close.

In a very short time, the people of the revolutionary army joined the people of Nongtai and began to retreat.

Su Fei hesitated for a while, but finally walked to the side of the car and looked at Ning Zhe: "I owe you a lot of favors recently, all of them are gentlemen, I won't give you sensationalism! When you need me, remember Call me, no matter the ends of the earth, as long as I don't die, I won't let others bully you."

"You too." Ning Zhe smiled: "Live well!"

"Bang bang!"

Su Fei patted the car body, and after showing a smile, turned around and disappeared into the dilapidated building complex.

Lu Meng sat on the side and gave Ning Zhe a sideways glance like a grudge: "Tell me, did he tell you what he just said, or did he tell me?"

Ning Zhe laughed: "Fourth Master, will you really bully me?"

"If I really want to do that, you won't even have a chance to go to Mobei." Lu Meng leaned back and leaned on the carriage: "Let's go."

The three trucks drove along the main street, quickly crossed the main street, and began to camp in an open field on the west side of the market town. The accompanying military doctors also began to re-treat the wounds of Cao Xinglong and Zhang Duo.

Ning Zhe climbed up the sand dunes in the distance to observe, and then faced the wind and sand and returned to the car: "The wind outside is a little strange, it seems that the weather may change, we can't travel today, we have to camp here, if we don't do it tonight If it snows, we can officially leave tomorrow."

"Is this a bit dangerous?" After hearing Ning Zhe's response, Huang Ming couldn't help but get nervous. Looking at the dilapidated buildings in the refugee area outside, he said, "I saw that the refugees had started to smash and loot because they had no living materials. Now, what if they target us and launch a surprise attack?"

"The extremely hungry refugees are terrifying, but the power of nature is even more terrifying. The chaos in the city has not happened for too long. These refugees have not yet taken the risk. When confronting the guards, we are unlikely to be attacked. You are afraid of them, but they are actually more afraid of you than you are of them." Ning Zhe shook his head: "My friends are gathering here, and when they arrive, we will be safe."

"Your friend……"

"It's up to him." Lu Meng interrupted Huang Ming's words: "We don't know as much about refugee areas as he does. Don't bother professional people to do professional things."

"Okay, I will immediately arrange for the people below to be vigilant." Huang Ming pursed his lips, jumped out of the car, and began to gather a squad of soldiers he brought out.

Twenty minutes later, a figure came from a distance facing the wind and sand. The soldier on the guard saw him and immediately raised the gun in his hand: "Don't move, what are you doing?"

"Look for me!" Ning Zhe shouted from behind, and then went up to look at Zhang Fang in a homeless costume: "What's the situation, how did you become so desolate?"

"It's not just a downfall, I almost lost my life! After the revolutionary army broke the city, the refugees outside rushed into the outer city like crazy. They robbed whatever they encountered, and even attacked our law enforcement post. At that time, they were supported by the revolutionary army. , I didn't want to add to the murder, so I let the people from the law enforcement team disband on their own."

Zhang Fang said with resentment: "These refugees are crazy now. After I left the post wearing the uniform of the law enforcement team, I was attacked by a mob. In the end, I was forced to kill them and put on one of them's clothes. I just got mixed up... Do you have food and water here? I'm starving to death!"

After listening to Zhang Fang's response, Ning Zhe smiled and patted his arm: "Follow me, besides the food, there is another person here, you must want to meet."

Zhang Fang looked puzzled: "Who do I want to see?"

Ning Zhe didn't give up: "Zhang Duo went out of the city with me."

Zhang Fang was taken aback: "A Duo? Did you find him?"

"It's hard to explain these things to you. The specific situation, when you see him, ask yourself!"

After Ning Zhe met Zhang Fang, he placed him in the team.

Huang Ming had just defected from the Pei family and was about to go to Mobei with Lu Meng. Just when he was eager to show, he personally led his soldiers to take charge of the security of the convoy.

In the past, people in the fortress said that the refugee area was dangerous and regarded it as a barbaric Under this subconsciousness, everyone's heartstrings were tense at this time.

Compared with the nervousness of Huang Ming and others, Ning Zhe was completely relaxed. At this time, they had left the fortress, which meant that they no longer had to worry about the intrigue of several forces.

As for the danger, can the refugee area be more dangerous than the fortress where the shells are constantly being bombarded and the test bodies are running all over the place?

After Ning Zhe, who had not rested for a long time, relaxed, he opened a sleeping bag and got in. After less than thirty seconds, a slight snoring sounded.

As Ning Zhe expected, a few hours after they camped, snowflakes floated in the sky, but there was only a thin layer, and it basically melted when it fell to the ground. What they were waiting for was this snow. If the snow is not big, the team will continue to move on the next day, but if the snow is relatively heavy, I am afraid they will be delayed for a long time.

The sun and the moon turned, the sky quickly dimmed, the sky was dark clouds covering the moon, and the camp could not see five fingers.

Behind a sand dune 100 meters away from the camp, several figures stood high up, staring at the fire in the distance, full of murderous intent.

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