Chastity Layman

Chapter 103

Dou Hongxian returned to Youzhou City with the heads of three hundred Mohe people, causing a commotion.

After Qin Lang listened to the report, he didn't blame Dou Hongxian for his killing spree. He curled his lips in disdain, "Tudiji and his son have been attached to the Central Plains for more than 20 years, from the west of Liaoning to Youzhou, although they have made some contributions. However, Tu Diji is old and fatuous, and his son Li Jinxing is rebellious, and he has already shown signs of being unruly and controlled."

"I looked through the Youzhou archives and found that the Mohe people in Yanzhou often plundered the surrounding area, and even smuggled forbidden goods across the border secretly. Conspiring against the law!"

For this kind of people, it is no longer enough to appease Huairou, they must be shown their power, and they must be hurt to know how powerful Datang is.

"Dou Dutuan did a good job in training. If you don't do it, the governor will do it too. Put all these heads on the sharp wooden stakes, and put them on both sides of the road outside Youzhou City."

Long Shi Li Xuandao looked at the pile of bloody Mohe people's heads, secretly startled. It was summer now, and the heads had begun to emit a foul, rancid stench.

"The governor, please think twice. Tudiji is attached to our dynasty. He has made many contributions. He will be given the surname of the country, made the duke of the country, and given the post of governor. There will be no fewer than 10,000 people in Mohe under his command. The border is currently restless. If at this time If Tudiji and his son are forced to rebel, I am afraid that Youzhou will not be peaceful and the border will become more unstable. Please take the overall situation into consideration, and send someone to appease Tudiji, return the heads of these Mohe people, and give Some rewards to appease."

Qin Lang sneered a few times, "Li Changshi, you come from a famous family. You have read a lot. You were once one of His Highness's 18 bachelors. In terms of knowledge, I guess you are the top in the world, but why did you say such stupid words? The Mohe people robbed my army food and blocked my way, and now you are capturing and beheading the rebels, not only do you not appreciate the bravery of the brothers in the training group, but you want me to apologize to Tudiji and send money and food to appease? Is there such a reason in the world? "

In terms of seniority, Li Xuandao is the emperor's younger brother, or the crown prince's uncle. He is the eldest son of the Li family in Longxi, and his father was the envoy of the capital in the Sui Dynasty. Literature. Later, Li Mi gained power and was cited as a secretary to join the army. Li Mi was defeated and captured by Wang Shichong.

Later Li Shimin conquered Luoyang, and because he was an uncle of the family, he was introduced as a bachelor of Qin Wangfu and granted as the master book of Qin Wangfu. In terms of learning, Li Xuandao is really good, and the knowledge he is best at researching is the study of genealogy since the Wei and Jin Dynasties. Eight generations can speak clearly.

In Qin Lang's view, this is actually an old pedant who specializes in research and digs into old papers. Li Shimin sent him to be the governor of Youzhou Governor's Mansion, of course because he is a direct descendant and has the identity of the clan.

"Li Changshi, Tudiji was originally from Liaodong Mohe. He was oppressed by Goguryeo and attached to the Sui Dynasty in the Central Plains. Later, he took the initiative to attach to the Tang Dynasty. State. The Tang Dynasty treated him well. He was appointed as the governor of the country, and he was assigned a territory to let him manage his own tribal population. These years, he has not even paid any tax to Youzhou and the court. He is usually arrogant and domineering. Now How dare they rob the army? May I ask, are these Mohe people the remnants of Wang Junkuo's party who want to avenge him, or have they already secretly taken refuge in the Turkic Jieli Khan and are his internal spies?"

"Li Changshi, don't say anything. Although I, Qin Lang, am young, I have never rubbed sand in my eyes. He provoked this matter on his own initiative. I am not the kind of person who is afraid of trouble. How can I tolerate others when I lie on the side of the couch? Sleeping soundly? If you dare to stab me in the back now, I will kill them first!"

"Su Dingfang and Niu Jinda will obey the order!"

"The end is here!"

"Immediately summon soldiers and horses, and prepare to follow the governor to destroy them!"

Li Xuandao sighed again and again, and kept admonishing him, thinking that even if these barbarians are going too far, they may still be appeased, and they must not be forced to turn back.

"Things are subject to authority, please think twice!"

"So what if it's reversed, but there are more than ten thousand people in the area, can they still go against heaven?" Qin Lang glared.

"Captain, this is not just a matter of tens of thousands of Mohe people. Youzhou is not only home to Yanzhou, but also the Khitan Neiji tribe in Weizhou, and the Mohe Wusugu tribe in Shenzhou. , as well as the Xi clan in Qiaozhi Shunzhou, etc., adding up to more than ten Qiaozhi Jili prefectures, and the population of each tribe is tens of thousands."

Li Xuandao was worried that once the land rebelled suddenly, the Hu people attached to other overseas Chinese would also rebel.

After the great chaos at the end of the Sui Dynasty, the land in Hebei was empty. Li Yuan moved some of the attached tribes, especially the Hu people who had been attached to the land in the west of Liaoxi during the Sui Dynasty, to Hebei in Guannei to fill the empty border Youzhou. area.

These Hu tribes surrounded Youzhou, set up prefectures and counties, autonomous headquarters, did not pay taxes, and had a large number of people. Although several wars were fought and these tribes were ordered to send troops to assist them, they were all not my race after all.

Qin Lang didn't like this at all.

"The Tudiji tribe is the most powerful group of people and horses in the attached overseas Chinese. If he is so arrogant and domineering, the court dares not control it but wants to reward and appease him, then he will make a bad start. Are other tribes also today? Do you want to follow suit to loot the people, rob the army food, and block the road?"

There are more than a thousand households and hundreds of small households in these overseas Chinese state universities. They are all self-contained. They are simply aliens.

"The governor has made a decision, but if anyone dares to obstruct the troops, don't blame the governor for asking for the scepter!"

Li Xuandao shut up.

Although he is a long history, but Qin Lang has a festival bestowed by the prince, this festival is dedicated to killing, and he has the power to depose, the young man may not dare to cut him off in a fit of anger, but he has won the crown and locked him up If it was possible, it would be a shame.

Qin Lang gave an order.

Both Su Dingfang and Niu Jinda went to order soldiers.

These days, Qin Lang has also basically sorted out the soldiers and horses in Youzhou. He sent people to clean up and rectify the frontier fortresses such as the Seventh Army, the Four Guards, and the Second Pass. There should have been 37,000 multilateral troops. After cleaning up false registrations and eliminating the old and the weak, there are only less than 17,000 left, with a gap of more than 20,000.

Qin Lang then directly ordered the 30 commanding military mansions in the six prefectures of Youzhou to urgently recruit soldiers from the mansions to prepare their own equipment and rations to gather in Youzhou, and then replenish them to the fortresses in the border towns.

Qin Lai, the governor, had a gift from the crown prince, and he mobilized urgently in the name of war. He showed the fish amulet to the commanders of the commanding army and the governors of the six states. Listen to orders.

Conscripting all the lay soldiers who hadn't entered the capital and those who went to guard the frontier, Qin Lang got 20,000 soldiers, which finally made up for the gap of the frontier army.

Then he formed 8,000 Hebei soldiers into the Tenth Battalion of the Hebei Regiment to serve as the mobile reserve army in Youzhou and also as auxiliary soldiers.

Everything is on the right track, but the Mohe people dare to snatch the military rations. Isn't this courting death?

So Qin Lang must fight this battle, and he must not let it go like this, otherwise, where is Qin Lang's prestige? If a few Mohe people dare not fight, how can they defend when the Turkic army comes?

Qin Lang previously ordered Guo Xiaoke, Shuang Shiluo and other governors to come to Youzhou to discuss matters, but these people have not come yet.

And Qin Lang originally planned to mobilize soldiers and horses from various prefectures to strengthen the defense, but these guys also refused on the grounds that they received orders from the imperial court to send troops to reinforce Luoyang and Taiyuan.

This annoyed Qin Lang very much. He knew that they were dissatisfied with him. He felt that Qin Lang was only a sixteen-year-old young man with no hair on his mouth yet, so he wanted to ride on their heads and give orders.

There was only one Cheng Mingzhen who respected him more because he was with him to fight the chaos in Youzhou. In the end, Qin Lang was also annoyed, and he simply let Cheng Mingzhen go back to Mingzhou, but left behind the thousand Mingzhou soldiers he brought.

Without Butcher Zhang, would Qin Lang eat pigs with hair?

Now a group of Mohehu people dare to break ground on Taisui, if he, Qin Lang, can't handle their words, then the military leaders like Guo Xiaoke and Shuangshiluo will look down on him even more.

Outside Youzhou City, a thousand Chang'an soldiers brought by Niu Jinda, a thousand Mingzhou soldiers left behind by Cheng Mingzhen, and thousands of Hebei regiments led by Dou Hongxian, Su Ding, Fang Fanyuan and others are rapidly gathering.

Horns whine.

The drums of war beat.

Not far from Youzhou City, on a hillside on the north bank of the Sangqian River.

Tudiji brought dozens of Mohe warriors here first, followed by cattle, sheep and horses on the road.

"Listen, horn!"

"It's the Tang Army in Youzhou City who are gathering." Tudiji was terrified when he heard this, "No, the Tang Army in Youzhou City is definitely going to send troops to attack Yanzhou!"

A big man in the entourage said, "They don't dare?"

"He even chopped off the heads of Li Yuan and Wang Junkuo, why don't you dare, hurry up, follow me to Youzhou City to plead guilty!"

Although Tudiji is very old, Jiang is old and spicy. Compared with his young and unruly son, he is very aware of the power of the Central Plains Dynasty. , can be regarded as the strongest among the tribes of Mohe, but compared with the Tang Dynasty in the Central Plains, it is not worth mentioning.

Youzhou North Gate.

Soldiers and horses were assembled one after another, and Qin Lang also put on the bright light armor bestowed by Li Shimin himself, stepped on the head of the leopard, and put on the King Qin's spear, to personally lead the troops to conquer the Mohe tribe.

Dozens of riders came from the north.

The leading rider was bare-chested, with a large bundle of thorny brambles tied around his back, blood was protruding from his back.

Ah Huang led a team of light cavalry to intercept them, and came back soon to report.

"Sanlang, it's Tudiji. This old dog claimed to be here to plead guilty. He said that there were brave people in the tribe who robbed the imperial court's grain truck behind his back. After sending someone to kill him, I’m here to plead guilty.”

"He also said that he had prepared a large number of cattle, horses, sheep, grain, cloth, etc. as compensation and apology, and asked the governor for forgiveness."

The majestic Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, the Duke of Yarrow, the governor of Yanzhou, and the surname of Li, got off his horse and knelt down at this moment, pleading guilty with thorns on his back.

Li Xuandao hurried up to persuade, "Captain, since Sudiji has been found guilty, let's let this matter go!"

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