Chastity Layman

Chapter 105 Murder, Arson, and Enforcement

"The funeral of the old Duke must be solemnly buried in accordance with the court etiquette and according to the etiquette and specifications of the Duke. A few, this matter will be handed over to the governor to take charge of it personally, and the old Duke must be buried in a grand manner!"

Qin Lang got up after worshiping, walked up to Li Jinxing and patted his shoulder.

"My condolences. Once the old man leaves, the heavy burden of Yanzhou will be handed over to you. I will report to the court that you are the inspector and governor of Yanzhou. I believe His Royal Highness will receive the seal. Afterwards, you will be appointed as the official governor and governor soon, and the title of the old Duke was earned through hard work, and I will also play along with you, please inherit it!"

Li Jinxing looked at Qin Lang's behavior with mixed feelings.

He really wanted to draw his sword and kill Qin Lang, but there were three thousand Qingqi Tang troops outside, let alone Qin Lang, and five thousand Youzhou Tiejia were also rushing to see the old Duke off.

A farewell is a deterrent.

But it wasn't Youzhou soldiers and horses that calmed him down, but Qin Lang conferred on him the post of Inspector Yanzhou Governor and Inspector in public, and said that he would go to the imperial court to ask for the title of title for him.

"Several, did the old Duke have any wills and wishes before his death? If so, you can hand them over to me and forward them to the court."

Li Jinxing's expression was complicated, and he stood there sullenly.

Qin Lang patted him on the shoulder, leaned into his ear and whispered, "The old Duke's death was just an accident, but I hope this accident will not let the danger of genocide that has passed away continue to threaten you. Now you have two How to choose a path, you must be careful.”

Qin Lang took out a stack of letters and handed them to Li Jinxing.

"What's this?"

"Your correspondence with Wang Junkuo, as well as your smuggling account, if these things are handed over to the court, you should think about it yourself."

Li Jinxing gritted his teeth.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Accept the imperial court's reward and continue to serve Datang."

Li Jinxing is the youngest son of Tudiji. He has been educated in Chinese culture since he was a child. He is very smart, unlike his older brothers.

Qin Lang personally came to express his condolences. Although he was pretending, he also gave him a step down. Qin Lang appointed him an official position in public, allowing him to inherit the positions of governor and governor, in order to help him inherit the family business and become the leader of the tribe.

After much deliberation, Li Jinxing finally figured it out.

It was too late to rebel, and the Tang army came too quickly. At this time, a hasty and forceful rebellion will only lead to a miserable death.

With that in mind.

Li Jinxing took out an arrow from his quiver, held it up in front of him, and broke it in public.

Then he made an oath to everyone, saying that he would inherit his father's behest and continue to be loyal to Datang.

"I would like to thank my uncle here, and thank my uncle for organizing the funeral for my late father!"

Li Jinxing didn't care that Qin Lang took advantage of him, so he simply called Qin Lang his uncle on the stick.

In fact, no matter how educated Li Jinxing is in Han culture, he is still a barbarian at heart. He still admires the strong, and it is his nature to bully the weak and fear death.

Qin Lang was very tough, but he was very obedient.

If Qin Lang hadn't led his troops to come here today to help him with kindness and power, maybe he would have led his troops to rebel in a fit of anger, and at worst he would have gone back to the outside of the pass.

But now Qin Lang threatens first and then shows kindness, taking the initiative to return his correspondence and accounts with Wang Junkuo, and granting him the post of governor and governor. I don't want to take the risk of rebellion anymore.

After all, it is true that Li Jinxing is rebellious, but he is not a real rogue.

Many Mohe tribesmen didn't know what happened before and after. They only knew that there was no need to fight now, and the imperial court would no longer pursue their previous incidents of plundering people, plundering military supplies, and smuggling trade. Of course they were happy.

"Uncle, my nephew got uncle's help to succeed Yanzhou governor. Now I would like to donate a thousand taels of gold, two thousand horses, five hundred camels, and ten thousand cattle and sheep as military resources for Youzhou!"

Li Jinxing was still very angry. Since he chose to continue to be loyal to the Tang Dynasty, he also took out a lot of cattle, sheep, horses and gold.

Qin Lang accepted it with a smile.

He is still very satisfied with Li Jinxing's sensibleness. He originally thought that this guy would be difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect him to be very knowledgeable.

It seems that Tudiji and his son have been able to roam Hebei for many years, and they do have some skills.

At that moment, Qin Lang also announced that the Yanzhou Regiment would consist of soldiers from Yanzhou to train the army, with three battalions under its jurisdiction. ride.

Qin Lang also selected the Li Jinxing brothers and fifty children of the leaders of the eight tribes, and established a silver spear effect team in his own army.

This trick made Li Jinxing and others very happy, and the disciples could be regarded as officials in this way.

To Qin Lang, it was as if he had taken the children of the Mohetou people from Yanzhou to his side as hostages.

Later that day, five thousand Youzhou infantry arrived.

As a result, Niu Jinda and Su Dingfang discovered that Qin Lang and Li Jinxing were actually called uncles and nephews. What was especially strange was that Li Jinxing, who was in his thirties, actually called Qin Lang, who was sixteen years old, his uncle. ?

Even Tudiji's so-called savage sons were polite to Qin Lang.

In the city of Yanzhou, although it's already gone, everyone seems to be very happy.

Even those Mohe people were actually busy slaughtering cattle and sheep to entertain the Youzhou soldiers who came to 'condolence'.

"Captain, is this?"

Niu Jinda couldn't help asking Qin Lang in a daze.

"Brothers Mohe are loyal brothers!" Qin Lang laughed.

Wei Zheng curled his lips when he heard this.

Su Dingfang also worriedly said, "Captain, beware of fraud, what if Li Jinxing wants to cheat us, and then do it after getting us drunk?"

"You're overthinking, but be careful, you're right, General Su, to be on duty!"

In fact, Li Jinxing certainly didn't have that courage.

Qin Lang stayed in Taogu Mountain for eight days, held a funeral for Tudiji, and five thousand soldiers from Youzhou attended his funeral together.

eight days later.

The post-riding relay sent Chang'an to reply.

Prince Li Shimin agreed to Qin Lang's handling after receiving Qin Lang's report about Yanzhou Tudiji and his son.

Li Shimin issued an imperial edict to posthumously present Tudiji as the governor of Youzhou and the general of Youwei. The decree was that Li Jinxing, the son of Tudiji, should be appointed as the Duke of Yan, he would be promoted to the third rank of Huaihua General, and he would be the governor and governor of Yanzhou. Guided general rank..."

What Qin Lang promised to Brother Li Jinxing, Li Shimin gave.

Official positions and titles, and even the gift to Tudiji, have given up all face.

Holding the edict, Li Jinxing knelt down and bowed his head excitedly, smashing his head, and all the Mohe people were also very grateful.

"From now on, I, Li Jinxing, and the 23,000 people in Yanzhou will pledge allegiance to the Tang Dynasty and the crown prince. From now on, my uncle will obey orders as long as he has orders."

Qin Lang comforted Li Jinxing with a few words, and then began to return to Youzhou. He ate and drank in Taogu Mountain for eight days. Every day he either stewed beef or roasted mutton, and he was getting tired of eating.

Fortunately, this time the matter was resolved satisfactorily, and both parties were very satisfied.

On the way back, Wei Zheng discussed the incident with Li Xuandao. Li Xuandao insisted that Qin Lang made mistakes first, so instead of doing nothing, he made mistakes. He had to be truthful. Impeach Qin Lang, the boss, to the imperial court.

Wei Zheng said that Qin Lang had made great contributions.

The matter finally came to Qin Lang.

"This time, it's quite fucked up, don't you think? Li Jinxing and other internal Hu people should be loyal to the court and obey orders to be transferred, but they secretly colluded with Wang Junkuo to rebel, smuggled trade, and robbed military supplies. The final result What? Not only was there no punishment at all, but he got a lot of awards, don’t you fuck me? Cry, cry, make a scene, and finally get a seal and a reward. It really obeys the old saying, build bridges and pave roads without corpses, murder and set fire Be recruited." Qin Lang sighed.

"Hearing what the governor said, it really makes sense. However, the Hu people have always been domineering, and this time the incident is so fierce. If one of them is not handled well, it must be a rebellion, but you, the governor, remain calm. , The command is good, it is easily resolved, and they are subdued. In addition to one internal problem in Youzhou, we have added 3,000 brave regiments to train cavalry, which is very rare." Wei Zheng still told the truth.

"If the Mohe people in Yanzhou are honest, then the other overseas Chinese and the Hu people in the prefecture will also be honest."

"What's more, Tudiji, Li Jinxing and his son donated so many cattle, sheep and horses, which can not only supplement the needs of riding and transportation, but also get a lot of meat to supplement the army's rations, as well as a lot of gold and money."

Qin Lang still felt in his heart that the imperial court's policy towards internal Hu people was too loose, and these Hu people were made like a country within a country, as if they were superior to Gao Han people.

If there is a chance, this policy must be changed in the future.

"Old Wei, I think that after we have settled Yanzhou, we can strike while the iron is hot and order the Hu tribes in Shenzhou, Shunzhou and other Overseas Chinese Prefectures to send young and strong to form regiments to train soldiers, which belong to the Governor's Mansion of Youzhou. Obey the unified dispatch, and also recruit a batch of horses, camels, cattle and sheep from them to supplement the military."

Li Xuandao came out to object after hearing this, "There was no such policy before, but if we do it now, will it cause dissatisfaction among these attached barbarians? Since they are quite honest now, why don't we move them?"

Qin Lang shook his head.

"They are attached to me in the Central Plains and live in Youzhou. They are part of my Tang Dynasty. Now that the enemy is in front of us, how can we stay out of it? It can't be that our soldiers guard the front and kill the enemy while they watch the show behind, right? Those who have money contribute money, and those who are powerful contribute, not only the barbarians of the attached tribes, but I think the whole Youzhou and even the Hebei region, everyone has to do this. Merchants donate money, common people contribute, and wealthy families also have to Spend money and effort."

Qin Lang has just solved the problem of replenishing the frontier soldiers, but the tens of thousands of people guarding the frontier need to consume a lot of food and grass every day. In addition, he has also started to rush to make ordnance supplements. All these require materials, craftsmen and money.

Money is what is fought in the war, but now the treasury of the Governor's Mansion in Youzhou can't support it, and Chang'an can't afford to supply Youzhou, which is not the main battlefield, so Qin Lang can only find a way by himself.

"Does the governor want to offer war donations? This is absolutely impossible!" Li Xuandao objected again.

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