Chastity Layman

Chapter 117 The Ordinary Road

Inside the Tai Chi Palace.

Li Yuan was lying on the couch in a nightgown, drowsy, while a music girl was playing a pipa.

The servant Zhao Yong approached, "The house, the Crown Princess is here to see you."

Li Yuan didn't even open his eyes, he just waved his hand and said impatiently, "No see."

"Princess Changle is also here, as well as Captain Ma of the princess."

Li Yuan opened his eyes, "Is it Qin Shubao's concubine son?"

Hearing that the concubine brought Qin Qiong's concubine to visit, Li Yuan sat up angrily, "I have always treated Shubao kindly, I never thought that he would repay me like this on the fourth day of June."

"The slaves let them go back!"

"No, let them come." Li Yuan thought for a while and gritted his teeth.

Qin Lang stepped into the Taiji Palace for the second time. The last time he came, he rode in with his helmet on and armor and a sword in his hand. He felt like it was still yesterday. When he entered the palace again, Li Yuan was still the master of the Taiji Palace, but it was only this palace. The master of the palace is gone, and his influence can no longer go out of the Tai Chi Palace.

All the gates of Taiji Palace were closed and locked, and the keyholes were filled with lead. Only the north gate, Xuanwu Gate, was allowed to enter and exit. Outside the Xuanwu Gate, there is a battalion on the left and right, and a battalion at the north gate. The original soldiers in the camp were the Emperor Yuan Cong's Forbidden Army, but now they have been replaced by Xuanjiaqi from the original Qin Palace, and another Baiqi is in command.

Passing through the blockade guards and entering the palace, there was no trace of palace changes in the Linhu Palace, Haichi, Changsheng Palace and other battlefields in the Xuanwu Gate, but along the way, there were no internal servants. guards.

The original Qianniu and personal guards in the palace have all been transferred away, and now only the patrol cavalry led by the left guard of the Eastern Palace will come to patrol the palace several times a day, and there are less than a hundred guards on duty in the palace.

Even the eunuchs and maids in the original palace were released by Li Shimin on the grounds that they were sympathetic to the old eunuchs and eunuchs, and three thousand palace people were released from the palace, and more than half of them were reduced in the palace.

The people in the palace usually dare not move around at any time, so they look more depressed and quiet.

There was actually quite a long weed growing in the cracks between the floor tiles, and no one cleaned it up, and no one came to catch it after it was called out loudly.

Qin Lang looked eastward and westward, followed not far behind the mother and daughter of the Crown Princess, Qian Niu Bei and Cheng Chumo led a group of guards to escort them.

"Your Majesty is not in a good mood recently, so be careful later."

Cheng Chu silently wore a thousand-ox sword on his waist, and leaned close to him to remind him in a low voice, "In the past two months, more than a dozen palace eunuchs have been killed by sticks. It's all trivial things, but they were killed by His Majesty's stick."

"Just this morning, another person was killed with a cane."


"He farted while serving His Majesty's breakfast, and then he was killed with a stick."

The emperor farts while eating breakfast, it is obviously disrespectful and disrespectful, and he would be punished under normal circumstances, because even the ministers of the court will be punished if they fart loudly during the court meeting, but if they fart, they will be killed with a stick, obviously It's over.

Cheng Chumo took good care of his brother Qin Lang and told him everything he knew.

"Actually, that guy was just unlucky. This morning, Taishi ordered Fu Yi to enter the palace to report to the celestial phenomenon."

"Has there been any astronomical changes recently?"

"Fu Yi said that there is a celestial phenomenon where five stars overlap." Cheng Chumo said quietly, "He said that the five stars overlap means that the sky changes."

These are all forbidden secrets. Cheng Chumo is now telling Qin Lang that it is actually leaking forbidden secrets. If he is held accountable, he can be executed. Of course, he believes that Qin Lang will not betray him, and Li Yuan will not be able to hold him accountable. After all, the court Now the crown prince has the final say.

Qin Lang was thoughtful, Tai Chi Palace is so tightly guarded, Fu Yi must not be able to enter the palace privately, it seems that Li Shimin let Fu Yi in, and hinted at Li Yuan by the celestial phenomena. Li Yuan understood what he meant and was annoyed in his heart, so he finally took the anger out on that palace man who farted.

This shows that Li Yuan is not willing to accept the hint of abdication.

It seems that today's task will be more difficult.

In front of Liangyi Hall.

Zhao Yong, the supervisor of Li Yuan's palace and provincial palace, sang loudly, "Emperor Crown Princess, Princess Changle, and Duke Ma Yi of Changle County, Qin Lang, have an audience!"

This was originally sung by other internal servants, but now that there are fewer people in the palace, he will do it himself.

The Hall of Liangyi was magnificent and splendid, but at this moment, only Li Yuan was sitting on the side of the hall, and there was only a female singer playing the pipa in the hall, and there were only two eunuchs standing in the other corner, which seemed very empty.

Princess Changsun led her daughter by the hand and entered the palace, followed by Qin Lang.

Cheng Chumo led the team of guards and stood outside the hall, holding the Thousand Bull Sword in his hand. Zhao Yong glared at Cheng Chumo angrily, but Cheng Dalang just smiled at him and ignored him.

"My daughter-in-law greets everyone!"

"Chang Le pays homage to Grandpa Huang."

Qin Lang followed to pay respects, "My minister Qin Lang pays respects to Long Live."

Li Yuan snorted coldly, "Long live? I'm afraid that even if God is willing to let me live long live, no one will."

Concubine Changsun said, "How are you all doing recently?"

"Not good." Li Yuan said coldly.

The atmosphere in the hall was cold, and Li Yuan didn't give his daughter-in-law any face at all.

"If everyone feels that there is something missing in the palace, the daughter-in-law will arrange to send it immediately."

"You should take good care of the East Palace first. I heard that Erlang is now the regent of the country. He has great power in his hands, so he has no fear. I heard that the fourth daughter-in-law is now in the East Palace? Is this plausible?"

The fourth daughter-in-law Li Yuan mentioned naturally refers to Qi Wang Yuanji's concubine Yang Shi, she is the grandniece of Sui Guan Wang Yang Xiong, a wealthy family, only in her early twenties, young, beautiful and very talented. On the day of the palace change on the fourth day of June, Yuan Ji was killed by Yu Chigong, and then the Qi Palace was breached. Yuan Ji's five sons were all killed, including Concubine Yang's parents and sons. But not long after, Li Shimin favored Concubine Yang, and Insert her into the East Palace.

This matter is actually not unusual, even almost the entire city of Chang'an knew about it, and it also attracted many secret criticisms.

Because of this, there is even an anecdotal version, saying that Jian Jiancheng and Yuanji wanted to murder Li Shimin, they deliberately poisoned the wine at a banquet, and Princess Qi secretly informed Li Shimin, saving Li Shimin's life, and then the two had an affair.

When Concubine Changsun heard her father-in-law mentioning the fourth daughter-in-law, her expression was not very good-looking. She had persuaded her husband about this matter, but he did not listen to her. Some things are difficult for outsiders to understand.

In fact, not only Princess Qi is in the East Palace, but also the abandoned Crown Princess Zheng is also in the East Palace, but the abandoned Crown Princess is now bringing the princess of Wenxi to chant Buddhist scriptures, not like Concubine Yang.

Qin Lang sat on his knees on the ground with his head down, trying not to attract Li Yuan's attention. He planned to listen to their conversation first, so that he could ponder Li Yuan's current state of mind. However, upon hearing this, I was also slandered at Li Shimin. This new crown prince, who looks very tall on the outside, actually has many things that are not noble. It makes sense, but why did you occupy Yuanji's wife?

Sister-in-law, especially the son who killed the sister-in-law here, how can you still get along with him?

It's really hard to speculate what kind of thoughts are in it, I just feel that there is a bit of abnormal feeling in it.

"Child of the Qin family, what kind of bad water are you thinking about with your head down?" Li Yuan was also not sure how to get angry with his daughter-in-law, and when he saw Qin Lang lowered his head, he shouted angrily.

"Your Majesty, I have prepared two gifts for His Majesty, please allow me to present them."

It's not surprising that there are many people who are polite, but Qin Lang didn't come here empty-handed, he was already prepared.

Li Yuan stared at Qin Lang, "A gift? Beauty or gold?" He spoke with disdain.

"No, how dare you disturb His Majesty with such vulgar things, they are two kinds of elegant things."

"Okay, I'd like to take a look."

"Please allow me to go out of the hall to get it, the things are outside the hall."

After getting permission, Qin Lang came back after a while.

Li Yuan stared at the thing that Qin Lang handed over to Zhao Yong, "It looks like a musical instrument, with strings, similar to a pipa, but quite different, boy, is this He Qin?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, I figured out this violin myself. It is made according to the violin and pipa. Because of the six strings, it is named Liuxian Qin, and it can also be called a violin."

Li Yuan took the guitar, plucked it a few times in his hands, and found that the sound of the piano was good, but it was not the same as the pipa. He tried to play a piece of pipa, but found that it didn't feel right.

"Come and play for me."

Qin Lang stepped forward to take it with a smile, then waved his hand and started playing the piano.

The prelude starts slowly and lyrically, which is completely different from the faster and more energetic pipa music. Playing and singing ambush on ten sides with pipa can make people excited and excited.

Li Yuan was not only an emperor, but also a good archer. He fired more than 70 arrows and killed dozens of thieves when suppressing bandits and chaos.

But Qin Lang's six-stringed violin played a completely different tune, which made people feel a lot more relaxed after listening to it.

After playing a prelude, Qin Lang actually began to hum along.

He played and sang, listening to Li Yuan dazed.


"Are you really listening to the story?

I have crossed mountains and seas

also through the sea of ​​people

everything i ever had

In a blink of an eye, it's like smoke

I was lost and disappointed and lost all direction

Until you see that ordinary is the only answer

When you are still fantasizing..."

Li Yuan felt that the banjo tune seemed to be sung into his heart, and the lyrics seemed to be telling his story. Li Yuan, after the Bazhu Kingdom of the Western Wei Dynasty, lost his father when he was seven years old, and joined Dou Yi, the Duke of Shenwu County, at the age of sixteen. In a martial arts competition with the daughter of Princess Xiangyang, two arrows hit the eyes of the peacock on the screen, and he stood out from among the children of Chang'an nobles. The selection of a son-in-law by Queping has since become a good story, and Li Yuan has also become famous.

The Sui Dynasty usurped the Zhou Dynasty, and his uncle Yang Jian usurped his wife's uncle's family... From the Northern Zhou Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, from Yang Jian to Yang Guang, he, Li Yuan, step by step, finally came out from the anti-king at the end of the Sui Dynasty and became the last The winner wins the world.

He crossed the mountains and seas of the Sui Dynasty, and passed through the crowds of people who rebelled against the king at the end of the Sui Dynasty. He became the emperor, unified the country, and owned everything.

But now it was all gone in a blink of an eye, and he was disappointed and lost all direction.

Li Yuan continued to listen.

Qin Lang is using songs to persuade himself that the only answer is to see the ordinary for himself?

After a long time, when the sound of the piano stopped and the singing ended, Li Yuan let out a long sigh.

"What's the name of this song?"

"The Ordinary Road."

Li Yuan smiled wryly, the ordinary way, is this trying to persuade me to accept the facts and be an ordinary person?

In the morning, Fu Yi said that the sky will change when the five stars overlap, and now Qin Lang is playing and singing about this ordinary road.

It's just that this song didn't make people feel so angry after listening to it, unlike this morning, after Fu Yi said that, he beat the farting guy to death in anger, but now he feels that his mood seems to be very stable .

"You just said that you have two things to dedicate to me, what is the other one?"

Li Yuan suddenly looked forward to another thing.

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