Chastity Layman

Chapter 154 Prince Taifu

Returning to Pingkangfang Yiguo Mansion, Qin Lang found that the home is now like a workshop, all kinds of food materials are moved into the mansion, and then bags of processed Camellia oleifera and materials are moved out of the mansion to be loaded into cars. Several yards in the mansion are now It has become a warehouse and a production line, and a large number of disaster victims are now wearing clean clothes as servants of the Qin family, working seriously there.

Rice milling, sifting ingredients, washing and drying, frying and steaming.

Even because of the large amount of processing, there is now a yard dedicated to refining salt. The salt added before is all salt bought from outside, mainly from the pool salt sold in Jiechi, Hedong. This kind of salt is mainly sun-dried. , rough and full of impurities, dark yellow in color, after seeing it, Qin Lang designed a simple refined salt refining line.

This stuff is actually simple, it just takes a little bit of hands and feet. After boiling, filtering and other processes, the recondensed crystals are already very white, and the salt grains are very fine. This kind of salt Qin Lang is used to add to camellia oleifera and ingredients. In the house, the stewards in the mansion and the disaster victims who worked there felt that Qin Lang was extorting money from nature.

These days, the salt that common people eat is coarse salt, no matter you are sea salt, pond salt or mine salt lake salt, they are all simply processed, the price is not cheap, but the quality is very poor, only nobles and powerful families, Those who can only eat those refined salts, such as the most sought-after green salt and bamboo salt, are all surprisingly expensive. The green salt used by the nobles to brush their teeth in the morning is enough for ordinary people to spend a whole day. sold out.

Such good salt should be sold directly, but now it is added to the cheap camellia oleifera and ingredients. But Qin Lang felt that the purpose of making this kind of camellia oleifera and material bags for disaster relief was not entirely for making money, but just to contribute to the current disaster relief.

People say that refined salt is expensive, but after he learned about it, he knew that there are refining technologies in this era, and there are many technologies. His technology is not very unusual, but after refining, the cost of salt has increased, and ordinary people cannot afford it. Just a kind of refined salt. To put it bluntly, Qin Lang's technology is not very competitive in the outside world. What he is doing now is actually just increasing the cost of his products.

However, Qin Lang is unwilling to put coarse salt mixed with many impurities into his products, even if the cost rises a bit, it doesn't matter. He is not the kind of capitalist who pursues profit margins extremely. As long as he doesn't lose money, he can still have some Just make a profit.

Sitting under the osmanthus tree in the courtyard, smelling the fragrance of osmanthus, eating osmanthus cake, and then took the time to look at the account books that Yuxiao had sorted out during this period.

Yuxiao euphemistically pointed out that since the switch to refined salt, the cost has increased a lot.

However, Qin Lang focused on Yuxiao's handwriting, which was very beautiful, but the method of bookkeeping was a bit complicated, and Qin Lang felt that it was not very concise.

"I will teach you a more convenient and easy-to-use accounting method, and then I will give you some accounting symbols and teach you a calculation tool."

Qin Lang asked Yu Xiao to fetch a pen and paper, and then recorded the accounts in the ledger according to the commonly used bookkeeping method in later generations. One side was incoming and the other side was outgoing. It was clear at a glance whether there was income or expenditure.

In particular, he still used the tabular format, and directly used Arabic numerals, so that the original accounts were recorded on several pages, but now Qin Lang only used one page to remember clearly, with receipts and expenses, The balance of payments can be tracked and checked.

Yuxiao used to be known as Chang'an girls' school bookmaker, she was very talented, not only good at playing, playing and singing, but also good at calculating accounts. Once Qin Lang taught these symbols, she quickly understood them by inference.

Even in less than half an hour, simple calculations on paper can be used.

"This formula is really easy to use, much easier to use than counting chips."

People at this time are accustomed to using counting chips when calculating. A small bag contains a lot of counting chips. There are long and short ones. It is not complicated to calculate by fiddling with these long and short sticks, but the calculation ability is average. .

Qin Lang's calculation formula is undoubtedly clearer and quicker.

"I'll make an abacus for you when I get back. There are more complex abacus formulas. After mastering it, adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing will be as easy as pie. You can even calculate two and three numbers at the same time."

"Sanlang, I'm only average in terms of arithmetic. If Thirteen Niang is still here, she must learn faster. Is she doing well in Duke Qi's mansion now?"

"I saw her today. She is now a teacher over there, teaching her brothers and sisters how to learn enlightenment. Mrs. Cui likes her very much."

Qin Lang didn't talk much about Zheng Shisanniang. Looking at the busy scene in front of him, he said to Yuxiao, "Now the Turks are retreating, and the pass will be stabilized soon. The imperial court will definitely order the people to return to the village immediately. , you register for everyone to see where their homes are. If they can go back, we will prepare a package for them, settle the wages for these days, and take some camellia and food bags as dry food, and send everyone back home. Let's go to the countryside."

"The people are gone, what about our workshop?"

Qin Lang smiled, "It doesn't matter if the workshop can be opened or not. In fact, now that we have this mature technology, we can find one or two houses in the south of the city and recruit some people to start the workshop again."

"Sanlang, when I went to Qinrenfang to pay my respects, the eldest lady mentioned intentionally or unintentionally that the Cui family in Boling also wanted to do the oil tea and food bags together, and that the Cui family had more land and more slaves. , if we are willing to bring them to do it together, the scale of this business can be expanded hundreds of times and thousands of times, and the profits will also increase by then, and they also said that they only need 30% profit."

Qin Lang admired those wealthy families, whenever he saw an opportunity, he would squeeze over like a cat smelling fish.

In fact, this camellia oleifera does not require any advanced technology. Qin Lang believes that the Cui family may be interested in the Qin family's relationship in the military. If Qin Lang manages the sale of this camellia oleifera and material bags to the army, using his family's relationship status, Let the Qin family workshop provide these dry rations to the army, and the profits there are really amazing.

It's just that Qin Lang never thought of doing this. Although he also agreed with the two dry food shops opened by Yuxiao in the East and West Market, what he wanted was to develop more types of fried noodles and stuffed buns, making them equally exquisite. The snacks and snacks can be regarded as a small business, which can make Yu Xiao happy.

He never thought about bringing this product into the army and selling this kind of dry food to the army. He had already started to provide the army with several kinds of fried noodles and ingredients to try. Formulas and production and processing methods can be provided unconditionally to the Ministry of War.

There is no need to earn this kind of money, and it is best not to earn it.

The Cui family wanted to make this money, and they also wanted to pull the Qin family to make it together. They wanted to use the Qin family's relationship, and then their grain and manpower to form a partnership.

"You just say it's a pity they said it late. I have already dedicated this prescription to His Majesty and handed it over to the Ministry of War."

Qin Qiong said that he would resign from the post of governor for Qin Lang, but he actually went to the East Palace to see the emperor the next day. The two old men drank a pot of tea in private and chatted for a long time. It was rare for the emperor to spare precious time to chat with his brother.

"Your Majesty, now that the Turks have receded, it has been almost a month since His Majesty ascended the throne, and the Queen and Crown Prince have not yet been conferred. I dare you to confer on the Lord of the Harem and the Crown Prince as soon as possible."

Holding the teacup, Li Shimin said with a smile, "Yes, there are so many things involved in this succession, there is no time to hold the ceremony of conferring the empress and conferring the prince. The Empress’s Gold Book and Treasure Talisman. As for Chengqian, let’s hold the canonization ceremony on the ninth day of September.”

"Old man, to be honest, you are staying at home now. It's not kind. I am busy all day long, but you are enjoying the blessings at home." The emperor made a request to Qin Qiong, "Cheng Qiannian You, this child has always been smart, and I like it very much, but the crown prince is the heir apparent of the country, so he must not slack off. After much deliberation, I want you to be the crown prince."

Prince Taifu, Prince Taibao, and Prince Taishi are collectively known as the Three Masters of the East Palace. The Prince Taishi teaches literature, the Prince Taifu teaches martial arts, and the Prince Taibao keeps them safe.

This is from a first-rank official who teaches the crown prince full-time. It is very special. Sometimes he is also a gifted official and a title, or a concurrent title for the prime ministers.

But now that Li Shimin wants to confer this position on Qin Qiong, it is obvious that Qin Qiong really wants to teach the future prince Chengqian, mainly responsible for teaching martial arts and military affairs.

After all, in terms of fighting, Qin Qiong can be said to be Datang's first-class fierce general.

"Your Majesty, how dare I be the prince's teacher."

"You, don't refuse, you are teaching your nephew at home, and by the way, go to Donggong to teach you to take over."

"Your Majesty, actually, I have a request to come here today."

"you say."

"I feel that Sanlang is too young and has little education, so he did a lot of youthful and frivolous actions, which aroused criticism from the court. Before that, he was impeached by countless officials in Hebei. His Majesty loved him so he did not punish him. Now that the Turks have retreated, the court Zhong is finally stable for the time being, and I want Sanlang to resign from his job as the governor, so that he can study at home for a few years with peace of mind."

Li Shimin laughed and said, "Sanlang still needs to study for his skills? There are many great Confucian scholars in the imperial court who are rich and well-educated, but they may not have the skills of Sanlang. Although Sanlang doesn't study much, he is not good at learning. He is a rare talent. The Zhenfu Division is under him. It was built with one hand, and it has done a lot of merit."

"Your Majesty, Saburo is young, so he is really not suitable to serve as an envoy forever." Qin Qiong requested.

Li Shimin froze, then frowned and thought deeply.

"Do you think the job of Zhen Fusi is not good? Will it affect Huailiang's future? Affect reputation?"

Qin Qiong bowed his head and remained silent.

"In this case, let me think about it." He looked at Qin Qiong, "Shubao, what do you think I should arrange for Sanlang?"

"Your Majesty, I feel that Sanlang should be allowed to study for a few years first, so that he can settle down, so as to save him from being young and frivolous and impetuous."

"Okay, I'll think about it carefully."

the next day.

The emperor issued an imperial edict, and canonized the Changsun family as the queen.

On the ninth day of September, the emperor formally conferred the title of the eldest son, Chengqian, as crown prince.

Xiao Yu was appointed as the crown prince's grand teacher, and Deyi was appointed as the crown prince's Taibao.

Later, he issued an imperial edict to confer the titles of General Zuowei, Duke Qi, and Prince Qin Qiong of Pingzhang.

Fang Xuanling was appointed as the prince's young teacher, Du Ruhui as the prince's Shaofu, and Li Gang as the prince's Shaobao.

Take Gao Shilian, Yuwen Shiji, Changsun Wuji, and Chen Shu Dajia as guests.

Li Gang, Prince Shaobao, was granted the post of Prince Zhan Shi and a bachelor of Chongxian Hall.

On the same day, Zhongshu Sheren went to Pingkangfang Yiguo Gongfu to pass the decree.

Granted to Qin Lang, the Duke of Yi, and a Bachelor of Chongxianguan.

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