Chastity Layman

Chapter 294 Wanshi Qin Family

The rain in summer came quickly, and the sun was still shining brightly, but suddenly it was covered with dark clouds.

At noon, the sky was dark, and after bursts of thunder and lightning, there was a violent storm.

Water from the eaves quickly gathered on the eaves, and Qin Lang and the prince sat under the eaves a little leisurely. When the rain came, the sweltering heat disappeared, and it was cool for a while.

Several Zhuang Ding ran back from the dense rain, soaked from head to toe.

"Fortunately, our family moved quickly, the wheat has been collected, and the straw has been piled up." Zhuangtou Old Wang said with a smile. "When it rains, the land can be plowed and beans can be planted."

"The rain came quickly, and I don't know if the wheat on the drying grounds of the people has been drenched by the rain." Qin Lang asked.

"Everyone is paying attention to Master Tian. The sky is changing a little bit, so everyone hasten to harvest the wheat."

There will definitely be some people who get caught in the rain, but not many. After all, it is already the late stage of wheat harvesting. Most people have already taken back the wheat, and there are not many left who work less and move slowly.

"Old Wang, you can go to the neighborhood in two days to have a look. If the wheat of the common people's house has been soaked by the rain, and there is mold and germination, let's take it back and make feed. Don't treat everyone badly in terms of price. They are all from the villagers, and they can help Just help."

Lao Wang nodded, "If it's just a shower, don't be afraid, it's fine to bask in the sun after the sun comes out. I'm afraid that if it catches the rain, it will spoil the mold and grow buds."

The Qin family's wheat is all in the warehouse, and Lao Wang is in a good mood.

He picked up a ledger, but he wanted to report this year's harvest to the Patriarch.

"Our family has a total of 5,300 mu of land in Sanyuan County. This summer, we planted 3,000 mu of wheat, 1,000 mu of millet, and 1,300 mu of rice..."

"This year's new tax law, our family pays 106 shi for land tax and grain, and 53 shi for righteous warehouse grain. In addition, our village will build a new social warehouse this year. Our Qin family pays 53 shi according to the rules. You, Sanlang, took the lead in donating another 300 shi. One hundred shi of wheat, the sum of these items is five hundred and twelve shi of wheat!"

In the more than 5,000 mu of land in the Qin family's Sanyuan, more than 6,000 shi of wheat were finally put into the warehouse. Now, after subtracting the 500 or so shi, there are still more than 6,000 shi of wheat left.

And Su Gu also harvested more than a thousand stones, and the rice has not been confiscated. It is estimated that about four thousand stones can be harvested.

Calculated, this year, the 5,000 mu of land in Sanyuan County will be divided into tenants, and after paying taxes, there will still be ten thousand stones of grain left.

This number is extremely astonishing, and Lao Wang thought he had miscalculated before.

"Our family is full of fertilizer and water this year, and the harvest is 50% higher than that of previous years." When Lao Wang said this, he couldn't help but feel a little bit elated. He has been tending the crops all his life, and the field can't harvest more than three or five buckets. I know what it is like to be happy, not to mention that the general income is about 50% higher.

Qin Lang showed the ledger to Chengqian, and asked him to take a closer look at the detailed yield per mu, tenant rent, land tax, free warehouse grain, communal warehouse grain, etc. of these lands.

In addition, in the Qin family's land, how many manor slaves planted themselves, how many tenants rented the land, how many cattle and horses were raised on the manor, and how many tenants there were.

Even how many mills are there in Sanyuan Village of the Qin family, how many mills are pulled by donkeys and mules, how many mills use the water from the canal, how much grain has been milled for the family in half a year, and how much has been milled for the people, How much processing fee was charged and so on.

Cheng Qian followed Qin Lang during this time, and he learned forms, accounting, and abacus well, "I have a task for you, you can summarize all the above, and make a form, which should be concise and clear. , all the figures are then made into a chart, and then compared with the output of these fields last year, etc. on the chart..."

Cheng Qian looked at so many numbers and couldn't help feeling a little headache.

"Sir, can I ask for help?"

"do it yourself."

"Only by doing it yourself will you be impressed. The data of the Qin family's Sanyuan Manor and the leased land are also a microcosm of the landlords' manors and tenants all over the world. If you are free, you can also find a few nearby villages and investigate and record them. Compare the income and production methods of their self-cultivated fields, so that they can know more about the farming situation."

Cheng Qian complained, "But these are too many."

"I didn't ask you to get it out right away, take your time and be careful."

Chengqian accepted his fate.

He glanced at the thick account book, "Mr. Zhuangzi's income is good this year."

"This is the effect of scale, the advantages of intensive production, and one more thing, don't overlook one point, that is, this place is next to Baiqu, not far from Zhengqu, and there are Qingshui River, Qishui This is one of the most fertile fields in Guanzhong, with the most advanced and developed water conservancy conditions, so the yield per mu of the fields here is the highest in the Guanzhong Plain, and the yield per mu in the Guanzhong Plain far exceeds that of other places. It is called the field with the highest yield in the Tang Dynasty, so the harvest figures above are not actually the average yield per mu of the entire Tang Dynasty."

"And fertilizer!" Cheng Qian would draw inferences.

"Mr. has many farms in Sanyuan. The manure of chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep has played a very important role in increasing the harvest. However, it is difficult for ordinary people to have such sufficient fertilizers, and the output cannot reach such a high level. This is from Mr.'s own family. It can be proved that the output of the manor operated is higher than that of the tenant's family."

Qin Lang nodded in satisfaction.

The rain came and went quickly, the torrential rain stopped in less than half an hour, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sun shone again. The sky was as clear as washing, but the ground was full of accumulated rainwater, and the chickens and ducks ran out again, looking for and chasing bugs on the ground.

The cicadas also chirped again.

The Qin family is not an ordinary farmer, but a manor economy with diversified operations. The Qin family owns many large livestock such as cattle and horses, and more iron farm tools, which ensure deep plowing and increase production. Not to mention, tools such as waterwheels ensure irrigation needs.

The manure and pen grass of the farm, after being processed by several fertilizer factories, transform these manure into fertilizers that are better for transportation and better for crops to absorb, increasing the land advantage.

In addition, the Qin family has its own mill, which not only grinds grain for itself, but also provides services to the nearby people. At Qin Lang's request, the people come to the Qin family to grind grain. The Qin family only collects chaff and does not There is an extra charge, which seems to be free and free, but there are also a lot of chaff and so on, which are good materials for making feed.

The forage in the Qin family's field can also be directly used as dry material and pen grass for the farm.

Even the grain produced by the Qin family is not simply sold. The Qin family will process it into rice, flour, millet, etc. through their own mill, and some of it will be sold at the grain store in the city, and some will be sold at the grain store in the city. Used to make wine, sent to restaurants and restaurants for personal use, etc.

This greatly increases the income of growing grain.

On the other hand, it also provides raw material guarantee for their own farming and catering sidelines.

It can be seen from the books alone that the income of the Qin family's breeding farm this year is actually very high, far exceeding the income of the more than 5,000 mu of land.

More than 5,000 mu of land will finally be able to store ten thousand stones of grain. After the summer harvest, the price of grain will definitely drop. I dare not say that it will return to a historical low. It is very possible to drop to around 100 yuan.

Of course, this is only the first bumper season. If there are consecutive bumper harvests, the price of grain will inevitably plummet. is normal.

Right now, the income from growing grain is still relatively high, because the price of grain is at a high level, but with the unification of the country, the reduction of wars, and the reduction of nationwide disasters, grain prices will only continue to fall, and it is difficult to see a thousand dollars per dollar. Well, the phenomenon of a hundred dollars for a bucket of rice has already happened, so the Qin family's manor economy, especially the breeding and processing industry, will definitely earn far more than growing grain in the future.

"Old Wang, let the mill quickly process the grain in our warehouse, and then sell it."

"Sold? Sell now?"

"The price is not bad now, let's sell it."


Lao Wang thinks that grain should be hoarded. He thinks that since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, grain prices in Guanzhong have been high all year round. Last year, there was a catastrophe, and there was no surplus grain in official warehouses and common people’s homes. Just one bumper harvest is not enough, so grain should be kept. What if another disaster in the second half of the year leads to insufficient food production?

At that time, wouldn't the grain price increase again?

"Because there is no grain in the official warehouse, the Changping warehouse of the imperial court will collect a large amount of grain, and the price will not drop too much. We sell grain to the Changping warehouse to contribute to the imperial court. As for the increase in grain prices in the second half of the year Yes, it doesn’t matter if it goes up or down, we’re not grain merchants anyway.”

Qin Lang thought that he didn't rely on that bit of grain to make money. Now that the imperial court wants to collect grain to protect the storehouse, the family's grain is sold, which is in line with the imperial court's policy. On the other hand, even if the grain price has fallen, it is indeed relatively high Yes, so if you sell it for money, you can continue to expand the investment in other industries of the Qin family.

For example, it is possible to buy some low-lying land, invest money in renovation, expand the breeding farm, build caravan workshops, etc. In the long run, it will definitely be cost-effective.

The more famine the year is, the more grain is stored, the risk will be greater and the safety will be greater, and if the year is good, there will not be much profit if there is more grain stored.

Not only the grain from Sanyuan, Qin Lang now owns more than 100,000 mu of land, and the grain that will be put into the warehouse this year is at least about 100,000 shi. He plans to sell half of it to Changping warehouse first, and then take the rest Go to the grain shops in each city of the Qin family to sell.

In the first good year after the catastrophe, everyone else wanted to save grain, but Qin Lang wanted to go against the grain and sell grain.

Chengqian listened thoughtfully.

At the beginning, he thought that Qin Lang sold grain because he was worried about the country and loyal to the king. He knew that the official warehouse of the court was out of grain, so he wanted to sell the new grain produced by himself to Changping warehouse instead of thinking about hoarding grain for a price. Loyal behavior.

But now Qin Lang told him unreservedly that this is actually a consideration of economic laws, saying that this is to maximize profits.

Cheng Qian secretly calculated there. Judging from the income of Sanyuan Zhuangzi, Qin Lang's 100,000 mu of land will be warehoused with at least 100,000 stone grains this summer. Calculated by today's 100 dollars per bucket of rice, Qin Lang's fields will last for half a year. Wouldn't the food income of the family be one hundred thousand?

The crown prince was shocked.

When I was in the palace, I often heard Yu Zhining and other officials say that the country's finances are difficult, and Park Yunyun needs to be punished for life. Before the imperial court eliminated the Buddha and made a windfall, the emperor specially approved 200,000 yuan for the East Palace, and let Qin Lang take charge of it. Cheng Qian still felt that he was very rich.

Unexpectedly, Qin Lang's income from the land alone in half a year is 100,000 guan, and this does not include the very profitable breeding, industry and commerce.

Qin Lang suddenly felt that he was very poor, but Qin Lang was too rich!

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