Chastity Layman

Chapter 297 Killing Two Birds With One Stone

Hall of Liangyi.

Monarchs and ministers sit opposite each other.

Li Shimin pondered for a long time listening to Qin Lang's proposal.

"It seems that you really can't stop, boy, but this time it can be seen that it is not just for making money. If what you plan can really be realized, then it will benefit countless people in the future. I support you. Let go Do it, I would like to see the thread-bound books that are engraved and printed as you said soon!"

"As long as you can break through the barrier of ink, there is actually no obstacle to engraving and printing books."

Li Shimin nodded, very satisfied.

The last time Chang Ping warehouse was handed over to Qin Lang, he made a lot of money, especially the money from the landlords and grain merchants who were hoarding grain during the famine, which made him feel comfortable for a long time.

"Your Majesty, as a scholar of the Chongxian Hall, the Chongxian Hall is also the collection of books in the East Palace. After reading books in the library recently, the minister and the crown prince had an idea."

"Oh, what kind of idea came up again, let's hear it."

Li Shimin was still very interested in Qin Lang's frequent ideas.

"Your Majesty, in the books in the Chongxian Library, I found that since the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there have been many sects of Confucianism, and the four wars have led to the loss of Confucian classics, and the art and science are erratic. Especially during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the country was divided for a long time, and Confucianism was also formed. The dispute between the Southern School and the Northern School, coupled with the numerous internal sects, led to the endless questioning of each other, and a chaotic situation in the Confucian classics!"

What Qin Lang said was the truth.

Since the Han Dynasty, Confucian classics have actually been passed down in the form of family studies. Confucian classics are often studied by several major families in each family, forming a unique family classics, which are passed down from generation to generation.

Due to the division caused by the war, the exchange of Confucian classics and studies was not smooth, so everyone worked behind closed doors and studied Confucian classics behind closed doors, and the differences became more and more serious.

In addition, many scriptures and scriptures annotated by later generations are often lost and lost when they are passed on. Even because many contents are hand-copied and inherited, mistakes are inevitable, and they are the same as studying Confucian classics. The result is the same sentence In the scriptures, different schools have different interpretations, or even completely opposite.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been perplexed by this several times. He once asked the ministers why such a situation occurred and why there could not be a unified and authoritative explanation? The Minister feels this, so I would like to invite Your Majesty, with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince to take the lead, the East Palace Funds were used to gather famous Confucian scholars to gather in the Chongxian Hall to discuss together, and finally to compile and promulgate the scriptures with unified scriptures. "

"At that time, the imperial examination candidates will also use this as the standard for the interpretation of the scriptures, so as to avoid the troubles that will arise when grading the papers at that time!"

Li Shimin was very surprised after hearing this.

He looked at Qin Lang in surprise.

Donggong paid the money, and the crown prince took the lead to call the world's celebrities to discuss the compilation and promulgation.

It's not that simple.

Li Shimin was a very perceptive emperor, he immediately heard the key points that Qin Lang didn't mention in this plan.

Unify the interpretation, use this as the standard in the future imperial examinations, answer the papers based on this, and not allow free play, what does this mean?

means unity of thought.

What are Confucian classics?

Not only the classics, but also the foundation of governing the country since the Han Dynasty. Since the Han Dynasty, the country has been governed by Confucianism, so the Confucian classics are actually the guiding ideology for governing the country.

However, since the Han Dynasty, the chaotic situation of Confucian classics has also made it difficult for the imperial court to control ideology. Coupled with the academic monopoly of various Confucian classics, it has also led to the emergence of gentry giants such as five surnames and seven families, which seriously threatened ruled by imperial power.

Why has the dynasty like flowing water since the Han Dynasty turned out to be an iron-like noble family?

It was not because they were rich, landed, and well-mannered. The core of the gentry was that they had mastered the academic power of Confucian classics. They monopolized Confucian classics, so no matter whether it was literary or military, no court could do without these people in the end.

Their mastery of academic power means mastery of ideas, control of public opinion, and through the manor economy, they have become giants.

Li Shimin immediately conquered the world, seized the throne by mutiny, but when facing the gentry with five surnames and seven families, he could only hit and pull, and did not dare to really confront him. These people are ruthless.

And now Qin Lang's move is simply digging the roots of the five surnames and seven families.

Once the interpretation of the Confucian classics is unified, it means that the final interpretation of the Confucian classics is in the hands of the imperial court, and it is no longer in the hands of the gentry Confucian classics families.

Whoever holds the final power of interpretation, of course, monopolizes academia.

Whoever controls the mind.

Li Shimin had never thought of this trick before.

Of course, in fact, in history, all dynasties have done this kind of thing, organizing famous people from all over the world to discuss together, and then maybe make a set of inscriptions or something, so as to make it a classic or something.

But now Qin Lang said that not only should the interpretation of the classics be unified, but it should also be used as the standard for the imperial examination, and even engraved and printed into a book, which will be published uniformly throughout the world. In the future, scholars will read this new standard of scriptures. , of course it is completely useless.

"There are so many Confucian classics, it is not easy to complete the unity of the classics and meanings."

Li Shimin was excited, but he still told Qin Lang that this matter was not easy.

"Your Majesty, as long as you identify your goals, you can take action step by step, and you can always achieve your goals. There are many Confucian classics, but the convening of the Imperial Classics Department is only based on the Nine Classics. The imperial court can first unify the Nine Classics, and the Nine Classics can also be Arguments in batches."

"We can first compile Shangshu Zhengyi, Zhouyi Zhengyi, Shijing Zhengyi, Riji Zhengyi, Chunqiu Zuozhuan Zhengyi, etc."

Li Shimin nodded repeatedly.

The Nine Classics have been handed down to the present, and there are many editions. The main reason for the court to convene famous Confucians is not to discuss these classics, but to discuss the annotations of various scriptures that have been passed down through the ages. Use whoever's and don't use whoever's.

For example, Shangshu, the most widely circulated one is the biography of Kong Anguo of the Han Dynasty by Mei Meiji, and the biography of Mao Heng of the Han Dynasty in the Book of Songs, so it is also called Mao Shi, and the biography of Zheng Xuan of the Han Dynasty is used.

There are many things involved in this, the main reason is that these famous Confucian classics such as the Book of Songs and the Book of Changes, because the book was written too long ago, the content of the text is obscure and difficult to understand, and the records are simple and ominous, most people can't understand them at all.

As a result, great Confucian scholars of later generations became popular to make biographies and annotations for scriptures. After a long time, a scripture often has many biographies and annotations, and these interpretations often have conflicts.

Another one is that ancient classics such as the Book of Songs have been passed down for too long, and some differences often appear when they are circulated, so some great Confucian scholars sorted out different versions.

For example, the Book of Songs has been handed down to the present, and it is mainly the version compiled by Mao Heng.

"Your Majesty, as long as you have the heart, differences can always be resolved and goals can be accomplished." Qin Lang said.

These details are actually just academic issues, and Qin Lang is not trying to come up with a new theory on his own, what he wants to do is to gather these famous Confucians in the world, and everyone will comment on each version. Negotiate a version that is acceptable to the majority and make it the standard.

So no matter which version is finalized as the standard, it doesn't really matter much. What the imperial court wants is only a unified version as the standard. As for which version, it doesn't matter.

The version that has not been selected does not mean that it will be burned and banned. It can also be studied and treasured, but it cannot be used as an official interpretation in the future, and it cannot be used as an answer to the imperial examination.

Through this academic arrangement, the East Palace paid a little money, but it was able to gather famous Confucians in the world to gather in the Chongxian Hall and confer them a direct bachelor's degree without rank. It will naturally be of great benefit to Chengqian's reputation.

Not to mention, when the crown prince takes the lead and completes this high-ranking collation of Confucian classics, Chengqian will also have extremely high benefits in Confucianism and Confucian classics.

When Li Shimin was in Luoyang, he built a literature museum and recruited famous scholars as bachelors, which added a lot to his reputation.

And Jiancheng also used the Hongwen Museum to recruit famous scholars from all over the world. At that time, those academic scholars with five surnames and seven families in Shandong did not all gather under Jiancheng's school.

Qin Lang also has a long-term plan, which is to wait for the justice of the Nine Classics to be completed, and then the East Palace will print and distribute it. At that time, everyone will only be able to buy this official standard scripture justice, and the engraving and printing will naturally be a hit.

Anyway, this is a plan that kills many birds with one stone.

If the prince takes the lead, the prince will benefit the most, and as long as Li Shimin gives support, he will benefit more in the end. Who will be the most unlucky?

Of course, it is those noble families who cherished themselves in the past, and the right of interpretation they are so proud of will be taken away by the court.

"You know it's not easy to do this, right? Those so-called famous Confucian masters will probably grieve their teeth with hatred, and they will definitely be obedient, and they will even quarrel endlessly."

"Your Majesty, let them eat dogs when the time comes, and let's just sit back and watch the fight."

"You are so active, what good does this matter do to you?" Li Shimin asked.

"I never thought about my gains and losses!" Qin Lang was serious, with a righteous look on his face.

"Bah!" Anyway, there was no one else in the hall, so Li Shimin was very rude to Qin Lang, "Say it straight!"

"Your Majesty, we just want to take the opportunity to participate in this grand event. In the future, I can leave a fortune in Confucian classics."

"anything else?"

"To tell you the truth, I hate those noble families. They are all superior and look down on all living beings. Who are they, and are they worthy? The only person in this world who can look down on all living beings is Your Majesty!"

This flattery made Li Shimin feel very comfortable.

"Okay, I know, you can do this, but be careful. You want Cheng Yaojin and Changsun Wuji to study bamboo paper, ink, and woodblock printing. I have no objection to these, but don't just let them It's too much trouble with the Shandong gentry, you guys don't violate the river water, just do your own thing!"

At this time Li Shimin suddenly brought up the paper-making and printing plan that Qin Lang used to harass the upstarts in the court. This was to secretly remind Qin Lang that all his actions were under his control, and also told him where the limit was.

It doesn't matter if you want to snatch some profitable business from the gentry, but you can't start a party struggle, and you can't affect the situation in the court. Stability is the first priority.

Qin Lang saluted seriously.

"I will never act recklessly. Everything I do is beneficial to the crown prince, the court, and more importantly, His Majesty."

"Okay, you're smart, but remember to use it in the right place. For example, the last time you sold high and bought low in a normal position, don't do it in the future or don't do it!"

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