Chastity Layman

Chapter 497

Chengqian wanted to ask Qin Lang to help with the management, and he would personally come forward. But Qin Lang declined. His reason was that the prince is almost an adult now, so he needs more prestige and popular support.

This matter is a good opportunity. If the prince personally handles this matter, if it is done well, it will shock everyone.

Moreover, the crown prince is the heir of a country after all, and now he is staying in Chang'an to supervise the country, so he personally acts on the affairs, the specifications are not ordinary, which of the powerful and powerful behind the grain merchants can't give a little face?

Qin Lang didn't even want to go back to Chang'an.

"Your Highness is becoming an adult now, and it's time to step up to the stage. Your Highness just let go and do it!"

Regardless of success or failure, if Cheng Qian is willing to take responsibility and step up to the front to do things, he will win the praise and favor of the world, not to mention that the method Qin Lang gave is very practical.

Some things, if Li Shimin does it himself, it will have a completely different effect from the prince doing it in person. Li Shimin couldn't help it, but the prince didn't have to worry about it. The prime ministers are reluctant to part with the money, but the crown prince wants to spend some money, who can stop it, after all, it is not for private use.

As for touching the interests of the nobles, the loss is actually not too big, Chengqian can completely compensate them from other aspects, such as family shade, posthumous gifts, and imperial orders.

Qin Lang even encouraged Cheng Qian to kill first and play later, to deal with the matter directly, and then report the result to the emperor. Although the emperor must have sent someone to keep an eye on Chang'an, but Chengqian handles things directly, who can stop him from Chang'an?

After the rice is ready to cook and the effect comes out, Li Shimin will naturally have to admit it, and even be happy to reward it.

For his disciples, Qin Lang was still very attentive, although the trip to Luoyang made him very sick. But it's just Lao Li who is getting more and more greasy and scheming. He still appreciates the pure Xiao Li.

What's more, Chengqian is the heir apparent, if he maintains this relationship well, he will be able to keep the Qin family rich and honored for decades in the future. As for Li Shimin, as long as he maintains the current relationship on the surface, he just needs to know what kind of person Li Shimin is, and there is no need to spend his heart and soul like that.

It's good to be a monarch and minister, and don't expect to be a confidant.

Chengqian invited him several times, but Qin Lang refused to return to Chang'an, so he had nothing to do in the end. With big things in mind, Chengqian didn't want to stay too much for fun, he didn't care about hard work, so he rode back to Beijing on the same day.

At the gate of the manor, Qin Lang chatted with Su Dingfang.

Earlier when Su Dingfang sent the sheep to Chang'an, Qin Lang happened to go to Luoyang, but the two of them did not see each other. When he returned to Chang'an, he immediately left Beijing again.

Su Dingfang was lucky and managed to capture Jieli.

However, he was also not very lucky. After all, he was an old subordinate of Dou Jiande and Liu Heitai. Although he was on the boat of Qin Lang, he was barely on the edge of Shandong's military upstarts, but he had not been directly accepted after all.

At the beginning, he made a lot of contributions with Qin Langyouzhou, but afterwards he was only named a captain of Lu Long Zhechong. And the last time he made such a great achievement, he could have earned a third-rank General of the Twelve Guards.

As a result, someone impeached Su Dingfang for looting.

It is similar to the charge of impeachment of Li Jing.

Li Jing soon proved his innocence, Jinfeng Shangshu Zuo Pu shot, Su Dingfang was not so lucky. The charges were confirmed and recorded in the file.

It was originally Zuowei Zhonglang, but he came to Chang'an to serve as the deputy commander of the prince Zuowei. As a result, Zuowei Zhonglang dismissed this position, leaving only the deputy commander of Zuowei. Fortunately, the title of Duke of Linqing County and the seal of three hundred households are still there.

Such a great contribution, in the end, it was just a prince from the fourth rank, Zuowei, who was the deputy leader, and the word "inspection" was added in front of it, and he had to see good performance before he could become a regular.

Su Dingfang was also aggrieved.

During the time I came to Chang'an with Lao Cheng, I was treated coldly by the people of Chang'an. None of these guys took Su Dingfang seriously, which made him very annoyed.

If it weren't for Lao Cheng's persuasion, Su Dingfang really wanted to quit and go back to his hometown in Hebei to farm.

"I heard from Uncle Cheng that you didn't enjoy working in Chang'an?" Qin Lang asked with a smile.

"Well, Chang'an people look down on us Hebei people."

"You can't say that, they are just jealous of you, and you are new here. In fact, it is like this everywhere, let alone in the court. Even in my manor, the new slaves are the same as the original slaves. They reject and look down on them, and if the new slave is tall, strong, strong and capable, it will be easier to be rejected and isolated."

Qin Lang handed him a piece of beef jerky, "Don't worry too much about it, the bird knows your ambitions. His Royal Highness admires you very much. He thinks that you are young and capable. You should work hard in the Eastern Palace. You are young, so what if those people repel and envy you? At worst, stay in the Eastern Palace for twenty years, and when the crown prince succeeds in the future, are you afraid that you will not be able to show your abilities?"

"Sooner or later, you will be in command of the army like Daigong Li Yaoshi."

Hearing this, Su Dingfang felt much more comfortable.

"Actually, if it weren't for Sanlang covering me, my life in Chang'an would be even more difficult. After all, they are still afraid of Sanlang now, so they didn't dare to punish me too much. I only hope that when there is a chance to fight in the future, Sanlang can help me , let me also go out to lead the army to fight, even if I have a forward or lieutenant general, I am willing."

"Don't worry, do the errands right now and protect the prince well. Don't be too late, otherwise everything will be lost."

Qin Lang is not only Su Dingfang's benefactor, but also his immediate superior. Qin Lang is both the prince's left guard and the East Palace Zhan Shi. Of course, he is more at ease entrusting the important task of guarding the prince to his own people.


Chengqian went all the way back to Chang'an, and immediately met the officials of the East Palace, including the left and right concubine, to discuss matters, but what they were talking about was exactly the three-pronged approach Qin Lang suggested to him to deal with the problem of high-priced food.

Cheng Yaojin was on an errand to inspect the prince Zuo Wei, so he also sat there and participated in the discussion. But as soon as Lao Cheng came in, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

All without saying a word.

Prince Chengqian didn't care about it.

However, the officials of the Eastern Palace were very shocked by the prince's plan. It seemed that they were very bold and adventurous.

"Do you want to ask His Majesty first?"

"Why do you need to ask His Majesty for such a trivial matter?" Cheng Qian wanted to do something big, and this was the time when he was full of energy.

Some officials in the East Palace were hesitant, thinking that this matter was too big, and they were afraid of making mistakes, so they thought it would be better not to seek meritorious service, but to be free from mistakes.

"Do you want Zhan to come back?" Another official asked for instructions.

Cheng Qian glared at the official, "Gu just came back from Teacher Sanyuan. I have already asked the teacher about this matter, and the teacher also supports it."

Now everyone has nothing to say, but I still feel that Qin Lang is not normal recently, how can such a big matter be left to the Crown Prince to toss about, and he should be more cautious.

"Immediately inform the head of the Chang'an Grain Bank and the shopkeepers of the major grain merchants to come to the East Palace to discuss matters tomorrow. In addition, notify the major grain merchants from the five routes in the pass to come to Chang'an to discuss matters."

A city is a city, and there is a city within a city.

All walks of life in every city basically have line leaders, and the same is true for grain stores. There are line leaders in every city, and they are held by the big merchants of the bank, similar to the presidents of chambers of commerce in later generations.

As for the grain, in fact, if it is subdivided, there are still many small businesses.

Big banks and small banks have formulated many industry rules. To do business in one place, you have to abide by their industry rules.

Chengqian wanted to negotiate with grain merchants, but of course it was impossible to negotiate with all grain merchants, as long as he talked to those big business leaders.

Empress Changsun was playing with Jin Wang Li Zhi in the harem. After the child had smallpox, there were still some acne marks on his face that had not completely dissipated. The empress felt sorry for her son and always accompanied her.

The child is also well-behaved.

Li Zhi, Princess of Changle, teased her younger brother with a colored ball, and Li Zhi giggled. Seeing the joy of the siblings, the queen felt very warm.

If it weren't for these epidemics, Li Zhi, who is less than one year old, would definitely not be crowned king.

She couldn't help but think of Li Tai, the second son who accompanied her husband to Luoyang, and wondered if he was doing well in Beijing, did his chubby face look a little thinner? The mother and son have never been separated for so long. I don't know if this boy is as good as he said in his letter.

Just thinking about it in a daze.

A female official came in and whispered in the emperor's ear.

The queen frowned, "Why did Cheng Qian suddenly think of doing this?"

"I heard that His Highness went to Sanyuan to see the Duke of Wei, and he came back that day, and then urgently summoned the officials of the East Palace to discuss the matter, saying that he would do this."

Although the queen was surprised, but after careful consideration, she was not as flustered as the palace man. His son knew very well that Chengqian listened to politics and studied very early, he was very smart, and he was taught by a teacher like Qin Lang, so he would not mess around.

The crown prince wanted to summon the grain merchants, probably Qin Lang's intention.

After thinking about it, the queen still picked up Li Zhi who was crawling on the ground, and then asked Li Zhi to follow her.

The queen came to the East Palace and personally asked Chengqian about his plans.

Cheng Qian didn't hide anything, he told the truth about his plan, and in order to get the queen's support, he even said what Qin Lang said about political relations.

After hearing those words, the queen was shocked by Qin Lang's words that political relations are interests and politics is compromise.

But thinking about it, there seems to be no problem.

"Where's Saburo?"

"Sanlang is busy with the resumption of production in the Qin family's workshop manor and workshop. He is patrolling everywhere and has no time to come back."

The queen was a little angry. This Qin Sanlang instigated the prince to do such a big thing, but he didn't come back outside.

"Mother, Saburo said that this is my chance, and I should come forward in person. He also said that it's time for me to express myself, so he specially asked me to do it myself."

"Oh, it's wrong to blame him for that."

Li Lizhi shook the prince's brother's hand, "Brother went to see Sanlang, why didn't you take me there, I haven't seen Sanlang for a long time, how is Sanlang?"

"He's fine, but he's been very busy recently." Cheng Qian rubbed his sister's hair and said with a smile.

The queen thought for a while, "Talk about your plan to the empress, and the empress will explain it to you." The empress still felt a little uneasy, she was not as open as Qin Lang, Cheng Qian was still young after all , if things go wrong, the impact will still be great.

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