Chastity Layman

Chapter 499 Femme fatale

Chengqian came to Sanyuan again to look for Qin Lang.

Young people are quick-tempered to do what they say, so he did not report to the emperor, and ignored the hesitation of the officials in the East Palace, and directly started to implement the method of raising food taught by Qin Lang.

"Teacher, the effect is very good. I used the teacher's method alone, and the three-pronged approach really worked."

The crown prince was beaming with joy, saying that the leaders of the food industry felt honored to be summoned by His Highness the crown prince, and they all agreed with the idea put forward by the crown prince himself.

Now these leaders have gone back to hold meetings with large and small grain merchants, and quickly unified their opinions. Grain merchants actively delivered grain, and they all patted their chests to promise to increase manpower, vehicles and boats, and increase the amount of grain dispatched.

Of course, these grain merchants are not righteous citizens who do good deeds. They have gained a lot of benefits from the prince, such as salt, tea, wine, sugar, foreign trade, and even high-profit industries such as finance. The share given by the prince.

A ticket is the best ticket to enter the market.

What's more, there are posthumous gifts of official positions to the ancestors of businessmen, some of them are scattered officials, and some of them are given the right to confer orders on their wives.

Even received a high subsidy.

For them, this deal made a lot of money, and it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Who would miss it? Although some people were still worried that there might be some traps, but the prince has always had a good reputation, and after hearing the prince said that this was Duke Wei's idea, they dispelled their worries.

Although Qin Lang's reputation is mixed, his reputation has always been good.

"The Changping warehouse has increased a lot of grain at once, and the ration for the people can be increased a lot."

The most important thing is that after those grain merchants got enough benefits exchanged, they also cooperated with the prince. Now the price of grain has fallen in response. money.

Although the grain merchants sold all the grain to the prince and sent it to the Changping warehouse, the prices charged by the grain shops were actually priced but no grain, but at least this changed the direction of the whole market, and even made the common people follow in peace. a lot.

However, the Changping warehouse of the imperial court increased the food rations for the common people, and the food stamps also increased accordingly. All these made the reputation of Prince Chengqian skyrocket countless times.

The officials of the East Palace who were hesitant at first were all excited now, shouting that the prince is wise, and finally put all their energy into working.

In addition, many big families like the Qin family are now able to solve themselves, and even solve the food needs of many nearby tenant workers, which has relieved a lot of pressure on the court.

When the young crops are not harvested, Chang'an is now actually paying a hundred dollars for rice.

It is said that although Luoyang City is said to cost one hundred and twenty dollars per bucket of rice, it is actually impossible to buy grain, and the underground black market costs three hundred dollars per bucket of rice.

Cheng Qian felt that he had done a great thing this time, and was eager to get praise from Qin Lang, so he ran over specially.

"Have you received His Majesty's order?"

"Not yet." Chengqian said with some concern, "Will His Majesty agree with Gu's approach?"

"Abandoning the phenomenon to see the essence, and not looking at the means to see the curative effect. Your Highness has done a good job this time. Why does His Majesty object? I believe that if His Majesty knows the results here, he will be very satisfied. What happened this time, Not only did it reveal that the decision-making power of the left-behind team in Chang'an is excellent, but its execution ability is also very good. As the supervisor, His Highness should be credited with a great contribution."

Cheng Qian smiled slightly, a little embarrassed, but there was still a little pride in his eyes that couldn't be concealed.

"His Royal Highness, you have made this step, just keep going. Now that the biggest food crisis has been solved, our next main task is to restore the economy. It is impossible for the people to survive on relief food all the time, and this relief food is only temporarily lent by the government. Everyone’s, you will have to pay back in the future.”

"We have to find a way to allow everyone to resume their lives. In addition to resuming farming in the fields, we should also restart farming, and even workshops in various places should resume work one after another. We must allow everyone to earn some money, so that we can sell food when we have it. rise."

"Even the imperial court can have a stable tax revenue. Otherwise, it will not last long if it keeps filling holes like this, especially the local government. If not, who will manage and maintain the state and county?”

Cheng Qian put away his smile, and asked Qin Lang for advice humbly.

We chatted until noon.

"Teacher, what do you have for lunch? It's been a long time since I ate the meal made by the teacher, so I thought about it."

"What do you want to eat?"

"Everything the teacher cooks is delicious."

Qin Lang was not too polite with Cheng Qian, he cooked the kitchen himself, made a few simple dishes, and asked Cheng Qian to help him, peeling garlic, picking green onions, and lighting a fire.

Zhuang Ding's servants were a little uncomfortable seeing A Lang ordering His Highness the Crown Prince of Jianguo like this, but Qin Lang could order him around freely.

Toon scrambled eggs, yuqian rice, fragrant pig eggs, and a small river fish soup, the two of you have three dishes and one soup, simple but delicious.

The eggs were transported from the farm in the south. Some of them were broken on the road and could not be hatched, and some were unfertilized before hatching. The pig eggs were castrated when the piglets were just born within seven days. Laid balls.

Toon and elm money are readily available.

"The teacher's craftsmanship is still so good, it's really fragrant!"

The two of you were eating deliciously, and the red lady came again, "I can smell this fragrance from afar, Sanlang is stealing something good again."

Seeing that it was Hong Fu, the right servant who shot Li Jing's favorite concubine, Cheng Qian was a little uncomfortable, but when Hong Fu saw Cheng Qian, he just bowed down, not at all uncomfortable. Come and sit down at the table.

"Add some more bowls and chopsticks."

Only then did Cheng Qian say, "You don't have to be polite, Hong Niangzi."

"You're welcome, they're all from my own family."

"Fried pig's eggs again?" The red lady was really blunt, seeing the freshly eaten pig's eggs on the plate, she picked up the chopsticks and picked them up.

Chengqian became restrained for a while.

Qin Lang thought that Hongfu girl was just being rude to him, but he didn't expect that she was usually like this when she was treating the prince. Thinking about it, maybe she still treated the prince as a child, and didn't treat him as an adult at all, let alone the prince. up.

This kind of carefree temper freed me from many restraints.

So the two masters and apprentices became a three-person meal, and the addition of Hong Fu Nu, who was acquainted, made the meal more casual and intimate, very much like a meal in a small family, where grandma, father and The son's family has three generations.

Hongfu girl is not taboo, her appetite is good, she can eat anything, she likes Qin Lang's handicrafts very much, and she also likes to talk, there is absolutely no such thing as a lady from a wealthy family who does not talk when she eats or sleeps.

While talking, he kept on talking, and it was full of short-sighted spitting from parents.

Cheng Qian was a little uncomfortable at first, but after listening for a while, he got used to it and joined the conversation.

"Prince, you were born in the deep palace and grew up in the hands of women. You have not been exposed to many outside things. Now that you are getting older, you should run around more. Although your teacher is young, you are very good at this aspect. , this world is definitely not as good as you imagined."

"Oh, is it so?"

"That's not true. Just yesterday, I heard about a case that shocked many people. It happened in our Sanyuan County. I heard that County Magistrate Liu personally invited your teacher to settle the case."

"Teacher, what happened?"

Cheng Qian was also somewhat whetted.

"It's a very shocking case. A woman killed more than 20 imperial guards."

Qin Lang sighed.

Cheng Qian was taken aback, "Why didn't Gu hear about it?"

This case is really amazing. After all, she is just a village woman. How did she manage to kill more than 20 imperial guards? But this is indeed a fact that just happened. This time there was a great famine in the north, and many people in Guanzhong were forced to go out to escape the famine. The emperor also took most of the soldiers of the capital to Luoyang, and left a small part to guard the prince in Chang'an.

However, a small number of them disbanded and returned home, ending the mission ahead of schedule.

Then there was a group of Nanya forbidden troops from Jingzhou returning home from Chang'an. When they passed through Sanyuan County, this group passed a very remote village, very wealthy but very remote, at the foot of a mountain.

When this group of people passed by, they didn't know what happened. They saw that most of the villagers had gone out to escape from the famine, and only one villager was left. They also saw that the villager's wife was young and beautiful, and suddenly became hostile.

They tied up the family and began to search for valuables all over the village. After searching the things, they killed the family's watchdog, untied the woman and asked her to cook for them, thinking that they would wait until they were full. After drinking enough, come and enjoy this woman.

And because the man in this family knows how to collect herbs, he often collects some herbs and sells them to subsidize his family. The woman usually helps out, so he knows a lot of herbs.

There happened to be a medicine of scopolamine at home.

The woman then lighted the fire and cooked the rice silently. While the soldiers were not paying attention, she grabbed a handful of scopolamine and smashed them, and secretly added them to the dishes.

After finishing the food and drink, these forbidden soldiers were making fists to decide who would enjoy the woman first, when the medicine took effect.

Some people pulled out the horizontal knife from their waists and went to dig the ground, shouting that the horse had got into the ground. Some threw themselves into the fire, and some jumped into the well.

A group of people are crazy, like a group of demons dancing wildly, out of control.

The woman waited for the group of people to be stunned for a while and finally collapsed on the ground, then untied a horizontal knife of the imperial army, and killed the twenty or so imperial army who had injured her husband, robbed his house, and wanted to insult her. They were all killed.

There were a total of twenty-three people, all of whom were killed by her, cutting their throats like chickens.

After killing these people, the woman went to untie the husband's rope, drenched him awake with water, asked the husband to dig a big hole with herself, buried them all, and then drove the horse to the road and drove them away with a whip.

The secret of this matter was originally unknown to no one.

But who knew that those horses were all war horses. After they were driven away, they did not leave, but stayed nearby all the time, and often ran back to the scene of the crime.

When the villagers returned to their hometown, someone found out about it. Seeing that it was a military horse, no one dared to keep it privately, so they hurriedly reported it to the yamen. The people from the yamen came and wanted to bring the horses back. And paw the ground with hooves.

The guard found it strange and asked someone to dig the ground, only to find the corpses of the imperial guards underneath.

After recognizing his identity from the clothes and armor, he was shocked.

County magistrate Liu rushed to Qin's house and asked Qin Lang to come over.

"What about the woman?"

Qin Lang sighed, "The woman and her family are all arrested and ready to be taken to Chang'an Prison."

"It's all the fault of those forbidden soldiers!"

Chengqian said angrily.

"Even so, according to the law, women should still be beheaded."

"Teacher, this is not fair."

Qin Lang looked at Cheng Qian, "If His Highness thinks this case is unfair, he can pardon this village woman and her family as a country supervisor."

Cheng Qian didn't even think about it, "Teacher, I want to pardon the village woman and her family."

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