Chastity Layman

Chapter 531

The emperor hesitated.

Naturally, he wanted to teach Dangxiang and Tuyuhun who dared to challenge Datang a harsh lesson, but what Fang Xuanling said was right, he was not prepared at all at this time, how could he fight a war of destroying the country?

Since Zhenguan, he has gambled on the battle of national fortune several times. Although he won all of them, he was lucky to win.

If you gamble for a long time, you will lose.

Datang can't afford to lose now.

It's already worse, if you lose again, you will have to go back to the time of Wude.

Li Shimin clenched his fists tightly and kept restraining himself in his heart. He couldn't beat him, he couldn't beat him, now is not the time, so let's bear it for now.

"Dismiss the samurai governor of Yuli Prefecture, recall Chang'an, and inspect the left concubine of the East Palace."

Zuo Shuzi is one of the chief officials of Zuochunfang in the East Palace, which is equivalent to the post of the imperial court's servants. He is in charge of the servants, praises, and rebuttals. This is one of the important positions in the East Palace, but it is only a fourth-rank position. After all, the samurai Xun used to be a hero who founded the country, won the title of hero from Taiyuan Yuancong, a top important minister in the Wude Dynasty, and served as a minister, governor of the governor's office and other important positions. Asked about crimes and demoted officials.

The emperor led his troops to reinforce Songzhou, but was delayed in Wenzhou halfway, and was defeated by the party. This treatment of the samurai who had fallen to the hands of thieves in Wenzhou was obviously in favor of Fang Xuanling's truce.

"Your Majesty, Zuo Shuzi is an important position in the East Palace. I think that the warrior Xun is not suitable for this position." Fang Xuanling still refused, and wanted to hold the warrior Xun accountable for his defeat in the battle, and even wanted to hold him accountable for sending troops without waiting for the imperial order. .

"The samurai transferred the government soldiers privately, and lost the soldiers and generals, and lost Wenzhou. He should be sentenced to death."

Li Shimin didn't want to deal with it like this. Although the warrior Xun was privately mobilizing troops, but after all, he was invading when the enemy invaded, so he did it cheaply.

Both Wei Zheng and Xiao Yu impeached the samurai Xun.

Unauthorized dispatch of troops, the result was defeat, not to mention the loss of five thousand soldiers and horses, and the fall of Wenzhou. Under normal circumstances, the outcome of a war would have been unpredictable, but the defeat of the samurai this time was outrageous. Well done Wenzhou has been defended, but in the end the enemy is far away, and the enemy has to be underestimated to pursue.

To be ambushed and defeated by others, five thousand soldiers and horses were defeated and Wenzhou was lost, this is his serious dereliction of duty.

Li Shimin originally thought that the samurai was a veteran and important minister, and he has performed well in the past two years. It can be seen that several important ministers are biting him, and finally he had no choice but to say, "The samurai rushed forward underestimated the enemy, lost troops and land, cut officials and seized titles, The expulsion of nationality is for the people, and the order is to return to the original place and live in the state."

All the way to the end.

Wei Zheng and others were very satisfied when they saw that the warrior Xun had been dealt with, and then continued to ask Qin Qiong and Qin Lang about their responsibilities.

But this time the emperor did not let go.

The samurai Xun was defeated in battle, lost five thousand soldiers and horses, and lost the city. He should be convicted and punished, but how can Qin Qiong and his father ask for guilt.

"Let the Ministry of Rites send officials to appease Dangxiang Qiang!"

The envoy has not left Beijing yet.

The envoys of Tuyuhun rushed all the way to Chang'an, and they presented Khan Fuyun's badge. Fu Yun didn't mention the war that was happening in the southwest, but asked the emperor to marry him.

He begged for his son Zunwang to marry the princess of the Tang emperor.

Li Shimin threw the seal on the ground, "The Great Tang Dynasty doesn't marry princesses from other tribes, doesn't Fu Yun know?"

Changsun Wuji immediately said, "Tuyuhun is a threat!"

This is indeed the threat of Chiguoguo. Since Li Shimin succeeded to the throne, the Tang Dynasty has clearly established a system.

No one wants to let Datang send the princess to send the daughter to marry. Of course, if the feudal vassals are willing to send their daughters to Datang to marry, Datang will not refuse. The premise is that they have enough qualifications. of.

How could the Tuyuhun people not know about this, but they still wanted to come to invite the princess to marry him, which was an obvious threat.

"Don't Fu Yun know that Xiang Qiang, his gangster, is being severely punished for violating our Tang border?"

The envoy of Tuyuhun Khan was a little arrogant. Facing the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he arrogantly announced a bargaining chip. Tuyuhun led a party of Xiangqiang with a total of 100,000 troops, crossed the Xiqing Mountains, and surrounded Duke Wei of the Tang Dynasty and Prime Minister Qin Lang in Diezhou.

Qin Lang was trapped in the city of Diezhou and was in danger.

Fu Yun not only wanted to marry a Tang princess for his son Zunwang, but also put forward additional conditions.

"The four prefectures of Diyi, Fang, Dang, and Wu on the Qiangshui River, and the two prefectures of Tao and Min on the upper reaches of the Taoshui River, are assigned to Tuyuhun as a dowry for the princess."

"The support and culture of Baishui, the pine and wings of Mingjiang, are rewarded to the party."

After hearing this, Li Shimin couldn't help laughing, his beard trembled wildly, his face was flushed, but his eyes flashed brightly.

The emperor was furious.

No one had ever dared to talk to him like this before. Jieli used to have a frenzy with him by the Weishui River, but the emperor quickly wooed Tuli and others, and made Jieli retreat outside the Great Wall in desperation. In only three years, Jieli was captured alive and let him dance and drink with him.

That old man Fu Yun dares to be so crazy with himself?

"Is Fu Yun old and confused? Hmph, tell Fu Yun that if you want to marry my daughter, please show some sincerity. I want 10,000 green horses, 20,000 cows, and 100,000 sheep as gifts." , In addition, I want Fu Yun to bring his son Zunwang to Chang'an to welcome the bride in person, as long as he can meet the conditions I set out, I can consider it."

The envoy heard the evasive words of the emperor of Tang Dynasty, and knew that this condition was difficult to achieve, not to mention that the hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep was a huge number, even if Fu Yun, Zun Wang and his son came to Chang'an to welcome their relatives, it would be impossible.

It is absolutely impossible for Fu Yun to come to the Central Plains, even Zun Wang, it is impossible for Fu Yun to let him come. Murong Shun entered the Central Plains back then, but stayed there for more than ten years before being released.

"I, the Great Khan, will send King Zun to lead an army of 100,000 out of the Xiqing Mountains, along the Qiang River to Lizhou. Dangxiang Tuoba Chici is the son-in-law of my family, and he will also lead an army of 50,000 across Gansong Mountain, Yuesong Prefecture, and the meeting. Together with Xifeng Bulai's 50,000 troops in Fuwen Prefecture, we will go to Lizhou to join forces."

"At that time, His Royal Highness will lead 200,000 riders from Lizhou to the north of Guanzhong, and come to Chang'an in person to marry Princess Datang!"

Li Shimin laughed again.

"Did you know that when I came to the throne, Jieli, the Great Khan of the Eastern Turks, led 300,000 cavalry to the south and went straight to the Weishui River, saying that he wanted to congratulate me on his ascension to the throne?"

The envoy said, "Of course I have heard of it."

"Then do you know where Jieli Khan is now? He is in Luoyang now, at my palace banquet, Jieli dances and drinks with me, but Fu Yun also wants to come to Luoyang to be company with Jieli?"

Li Shimin was never afraid of the threat of war.

No one can threaten him.

That messenger is also a scumbag.

The emperor had such an attitude, but he still shouted out desperately, "The princess is not allowed to enter, I will go deep."

If it weren't for the thought that the other party was the messenger, Li Shimin would have drawn his sword and chopped this guy down.

Dare to be so arrogant in front of the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, I am really tired of life.

"I'm waiting!"

Li Shimin only replied with three words, and asked people to drive the envoy out.

Before the envoy left, he still didn't forget to threaten the emperor and ministers of the Tang Dynasty, "Don't you think about one or two, Your Majesty? Don't you think about Qin Lang who is besieged in Xiadie Prefecture? Don't you think about Qin Qiong in Songzhou?"


Your Majesty.

The emperor blew his beard and stared, extremely angry.

Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng and the others also lowered their heads involuntarily. This envoy is too stupid. If he came to say such a thing at this time, can the emperor respond?

Originally, the emperor planned to suspend the army and strike, to appease Tuyuhun and the party members.

But this stupid Fu Yun.

Now Wei Zheng dare not persuade the emperor to stop fighting.

"I want to mobilize troops!"

Changsun Wuji stood up first.

"Your Majesty, I think you might as well wait for a while." His reason was that Qin Qiong and Zhang Shigui blocked the retreat of the party's invading troops in Jiachuan, and they were invincible.

"Zhang Liang, immediately send someone from the Zhenfu Department to check whether Qin Lang is really in Diezhou."

Changsun Wuji believed that Qin Lang should be in Diezhou at this time, and believed that military information would arrive soon. But what the people of Tuyuhun said was that the king led 100,000 soldiers to encircle Diezhou.

Even if they surround Diezhou, there is no need to worry.

Diezhou is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is not afraid of siege at all.

But the emperor did not take it lightly.

Although Qin Qiong played well on the front line, he had few soldiers after all. If Dangxiang and Tuyuhun attack with all their strength, there will still be a lot of pressure.

"Order the Hexi, Longyou, Jiannan, and Shannan roads to strengthen vigilance and gather troops and horses to prepare for war along the border."

It is necessary to put some border pressure on the Tuyuhun people to contain their troops.

"Xuan Ling."

"The minister is here!"

"I don't want to fight this battle, but Tuyuhun and Dangxiang Qiang have already ridden on my neck. If they don't fight back, they will shit and pee on my head. I don't care what you think, you come to raise food and grass , Guarantee the needs of frontline operations on the border!"

Fang Xuanling was helpless, but he also knew that the stupid messenger's words had left no room for change.

"Decree, Qin Qiong is the chief of the Baishuidao march, Qin Lang is the chief of the Qiang waterway, Xue Wanche is the chief of the Taoshui, Xie Shufang is the chief of the Huangshui, Li Daoming is the chief of the Minjiang River, Cheng Yaojin is the chief of the Jialing River, The governor will ride on foot, separate ways to discuss it!"

The emperor directly surrounded Tuyuhun and Dangxiang people, and formed six theaters, from Hexi in the northwest to Jiannan in the southwest.

The emperor is serious.

If there are difficulties, we must face them.

However, judging from the emperor's deployment, the use of troops this time is still mainly defensive and counterattack. The purpose is to recover the lost Wenzhou and Fuzhou, break the siege of Diezhou, and keep Songzhou.

The rest are not considered for the time being, and there is no plan to go deep into Tuyuhun and Dangxiang to destroy them.

Li Shimin was quite restrained, knowing that he was not prepared for it for the time being, so he didn't force him to fight.

At the end of the discussion, the emperor left his eldest grandson Wuji alone.

"Qin Lang, this kid, started from Songzhou, went deep into Dangxiang for two months, made a big circle, and went to Diezhou. I don't know what's going on with this kid now."

The eldest grandson said with a smile, "Your Majesty, you don't need to worry about Qin Sanlang. That kid is very capable. It is impossible for Tuyuhun to have 100,000 troops besieging Diezhou. He ran away to other places, but since he stayed in Diezhou, it means that he is not unable to escape, but he is just unwilling to give up Diezhou to the Tuyuhun people, and he must be able to hold it."

"I'm afraid that there will be no accidents with his soldiers."

"He was able to kill seven in and seven out in the hinterland of Dangxiang Qiang, without any accidents. What accidents can there be if he is guarding the dangerous city of Diezhou now?" the eldest grandson asked.

Thinking about it this way, Li Shimin also felt that he really seemed to be worrying too much.

"Old thief Fu Yun, dare to take advantage of the fire to rob at this time. When I recover, I must completely wipe out Tuyuhun and Dangxiang Qiang. If I don't destroy Tuyuhun, I promise not to give up!"

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