Chastity Layman

Chapter 577 Let go

Although several ministers impeached Qin Lang successively, the charges were one after another.

But when Emperor Li Shimin discussed privately with his absolute confidant elder brother Sun Wuji, he didn't take these things to heart at all. No matter how others impeach him, what are the charges, but Li Shimin has the confidence that Qin Lang is not out of control, and it is impossible to oppose him. Qin Lang may have acted a little aggressively and violated the rules, but based on his recent performance and achievements, these are nothing.

A wise emperor not only needs courtiers who are diligent, loyal and abiding by the rules, but also courtiers who are capable of handling affairs regardless of trivial matters, even Wei Zheng, who is so talkative, needs the same.

Every courtier has his own use, and the emperor cannot govern the country and manage the court well with only one kind of person.

Generals are needed on the battlefield, civil servants are needed in the localities, and subordinate officials are needed in the villages.

"I also thought that at least 100,000 soldiers would be needed, and at least the troops would be divided into three groups to attack from two directions at the same time, from Longyou and Hexi. If you don't fight, you must hit the vital points, once and for all." Li Shimin stared at the site, Tuyuhun has now become an opponent that Li Shimin urgently needs to solve.

After destroying the Tuyuhun, the Tang Dynasty can re-enter the Western Regions, restore the prosperity of the Silk Road, and even start to solve the potential threat of the Western Turks.

"Your Majesty, the imperial court can't send out a hundred thousand troops now, and the treasury can't supply them."

Changsun Wuji had to remind the emperor of a practical problem, dispatching an army of 100,000 people not only means recruiting 100,000 young and strong laborers, but also means at least mobilizing more than 300,000 civilian husbands to assist.

The 400,000 young and strong people are extremely valuable people's power for the Tang Dynasty after the disaster. Especially considering the direction of the war, the army and civilians recruited may be recruited from the nearby Hexi Pass in Jiannan, Longyou, and these places are It is the most severe disaster in recent years and the most urgent need for recovery.

It is also the most underpopulated place.

For 400,000 peasants, even if they only expropriate for half a year, it means that they will delay farming for a season. This loss will be very huge, and it is too big for the current imperial court to bear.

In this regard, Qin Lang's plan is actually better than the imperial court's, because he has a total of nine towns with only 27,000 troops, and Qin Lang plans to use the 27,000 frontier troops to set up army camps, and only send troops after the end of spring sowing. .

Of the 27,000 soldiers, it is possible that only about half of them will be dispatched, and the maximum will not exceed 20,000. Longyou can still support 20,000 troops.

As for the auxiliary troops, if they are dispatched after the end of the spring sowing and can be guaranteed to end within three months, then neither the spring plowing nor the summer harvest will be delayed.

With a force of this scale, the supply and transportation of food and grass are much less stressful.

The most critical issue is the three-month deadline, which is a date that the imperial court dare not say.

Even Li Shimin dared to say with arrogance that Tuyuhun would be wiped out within three months with the tens of thousands of people in Longyou alone. A frontal decisive battle can only be done with few enemies and many opportunities, not to mention that Fu Yun will never give a chance to a direct decisive battle. That old guy will definitely play the kind of tactics where you advance and retreat, and you retreat and disturb each other .

"Your Majesty, do you want to recall Qin Lang to prevent him from messing around, just in case?"

Li Shimin also knew that the military department of the imperial court planned several plans to destroy Tuyuhun, all of which took three years as preparation time. After three years, the troops would be divided into 150,000 to 200,000 troops, and the troops would be divided into three to five groups to attack Tuyuhun in one fell swoop.

This plan is stable, but it is too stable. Stability means high consumption and high cost.

Li Shimin didn't want to wait for three years, and he didn't want to spend more than destroying the Eastern Turks, but now he didn't have the ability to fight.

Qin Lang's plan, he knew very well, and felt that it was very bold and adventurous, but it just made people have some expectations. If he really wins, that would be great. It can save Datang a few years of precious time and save a lot of crucial expenses.

Li Shimin wanted to take a gamble, bet on Qin Lang, but hesitated.

"Let's take a look first."

In the end, Li Shimin still said so. Next, he ignored the impeachment memorials of Tang Jian, Zheng Yuanxuan, and Hou Junji, and even asked Hou Junji to suspend his work in the Political Affairs Hall. This move caused countless speculations in the government and the opposition.

Because Hou Junji was ordered by the emperor to go to Longyou to comfort the soldiers, and impeached Qin Lang for several serious crimes after he came back. As a result, Qin Lang is still not moving at all, but he has been doused in cold water like this.

The emperor's unexpected move immediately made the officials of Yushitai and the admonishers of the province hesitate to wait and see.

Next, as expected, the emperor didn't have the slightest will for Qin Lang and Longyou, everything was quiet and calm.

Hou Junji, who had been doused in cold water, stayed in the Ministry of War, very diligently busy rewarding the soldiers of Longyou for their meritorious service.


In any case, the emperor's cold treatment was to make Xue Wanche, Duan Zhixuan and others in Longyou no longer have any worries, and Qin Lang, Cheng Yaojin and others stepped up their efforts.

Under the banners of Xihai Road Camp, Longyou Xuanfu Envoy Xingyuan, and Diezhou Governor's Mansion, Qin Lang is fully promoting his plan.

The whole Longyou is boiling.

Just after the new year, the spring is expected to be cold, but Longyou is working in full swing.

The nine towns of the Longyou Army are carefully selecting supplementary soldiers, and quickly forming a battle weave, training against the wind and snow. The auxiliary soldiers are also selected and reorganized, based on the needs of wartime, they are divided into battalions, and they are assembled for training.

The logistics food and grass are also fully raised.

Qin Lang personally organized several mobilization conferences and investment conferences. On the one hand, he mobilized the rich and powerful landlords and merchants in the Longyou prefectures to raise donations, and on the other hand, he organized borrowing activities.

Also conduct investment promotion.

It was the first time for the merchants to encounter this kind of pre-war investment invitation. They thought it was just a fundraising apportionment, but only when they arrived did they find out that it was really an investment invitation. They took out a detailed investment promotion plan, recruiting various military supplies suppliers, various spoils contractors, etc., and even military supplies transportation contractors and so on.

Not only is it very detailed, but it also directly states the ways of cooperation and win-win, how businessmen cooperate, how to make money, and the estimated profit.

The businessmen are all shrewd. After careful calculation, this is really the case. The above data are by no means random random writing, they are well-founded.

For example, the seized cattle, horses and livestock are openly recruiting contractors. Cattle, horses, mules, donkeys, sheep, camels, etc. are all classified. Merchants can be sole contractors or joint contractors. For example, if a certain company directly took over the contractors who captured the horses, all the horses captured by the Longyou Army would be sold directly to them, and the prices had already been given as suggested prices, and of course they could be discussed in detail.

There must be a good profit margin for the merchants. All the merchants have to do is to pay a deposit first when they bid for this qualification.

In addition, the Longyou Army will advance a sum of money from the merchants to sell horses for military use based on estimates.

In fact, the Longyou army wrote a bad check, and the battle had not yet started, let alone the seizure, so they sold the horses first, and got a deposit and a horse money.

This approach is indeed unprecedented.

Qin Lang also found several big money houses and banks to negotiate loans. In addition, he also issued a small amount of war bonds to the people of Longyou. Everyone can subscribe voluntarily. This kind of one-year bond is actually equivalent to Borrowing, agreed interest, repayment of principal and interest within one year.

And Qin Lang took the money he obtained and recruited various suppliers, such as grain, salt, etc., which can be exclusive supply or joint supply. Anyway, the suppliers have to pay a deposit first, and then they can agree Account period, supply first, then settle the payment.

There are even outsourced contractors such as transportation, which are responsible for transporting the military supplies needed by the Longyou Army or the captured spoils to designated locations to reduce the burden on the Longyou Army.

With all these things, Qin Lang's mind was wide open, and the merchants were also amazed.

It has to be said that if other people dare to do this, not to mention other things, first of all, the court will never allow it to happen. But now the emperor's attitude allowed this matter to be carried out openly in Longyou.

And Qin Lang's personal reputation and prestige, especially the illustrious reputation he just won in the two battles of Longyou, coupled with his excellent relationship with merchants, made his investment promotion plan actually win many merchants appreciation.

Businessmen who are good at speculation, seeing the high profits after high risks, joined the plan one after another, competing for various partners, contractors and suppliers.

The bond issue was also extremely popular, so he had to print a few more batches, and raised money that far exceeded the estimate. Coupled with the temporarily withheld taxes paid by the states, Qin Lang easily settled the most important money and food. question.

Then the problems of weapons, transportation, and loot handling are also solved.

Because he had enough money and food, Qin Lang even signed in advance to withdraw a settling fee, a departure fee, and a luggage fee.

The frontier army in Nine Towns, more than 20,000 soldiers, had already received three rewards before the fight started. In addition, Qin Lang also signed contracts with many merchants, ordering a lot of clothes, shoes, socks and dry food for the frontier soldiers. Let the new army of Nine Towns get excited like chicken blood.

Qin Lang also made a lot of promises to the frontier soldiers of the Nine Towns. Everyone was attracted by the wonderful prospect. They all geared up and trained hard. They just wanted to start the war as soon as possible, destroy Tuyuhun as soon as possible, and then get the promised rewards and promotions as soon as possible.

Longyou Qingqi Sentinels continued to go deep into the territory of Tuyuhun to investigate the enemy's situation. The Zhenfu Division took the initiative to find cooperation and provide more secret information for the camp.

The spring breeze blows and the war drums beat.

In a blink of an eye, it came to March in Yangchun.

The weather in Longyou is still very cold, but the tens of thousands of frontier troops can't wait to rush to sow the spring seeds, completing the spring sowing task in the army station ahead of schedule.

"Last time, I in Longyou suffered a lot from Tuyuhun. In the three-day massacre in Taozhou, more than 10,000 people died tragically. In the defeat of the Min army in Hequ, more than 20,000 people were defeated. This blood feud will definitely be avenged by my soldiers in Longyou. Don't pretend to be someone else!"

"Anyone who has a grudge must be avenged, blood debts must be paid in blood!"

The Longyou army shared the same hatred with the enemy, and their morale was high.

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