Chastity Layman

Chapter 603 Three Heroes

South of Wild Horse Beach.

Liu Lancheng was still standing on the watchtower and looked northward. The battle between the two armies was fierce, and he was heartbroken watching it.

"General, we can see clearly that the Duke of Wei is lining up on the mountain and deliberately lured the old thief Fuyun to attack. Now that the old thief has dispatched all his main forces, he still can't tear open the defense line of Duke Wei's army. The formation is also in danger, we can't just sit down like this." Liu Rengui and others rushed over and said loudly.

"The final general requests to kill out of the camp."

Liu Shenli also asked loudly, "I've thought about it. Although there are tens of thousands of Tuyuhun people outside, they are all old and weak. We can ignore them. We can kill them from the north of the camp. He slashed at the middle army of the old thief Fu Yun."

The three generals have obviously discussed the plan.

"Brothers are fighting desperately in front, how can we sit here and watch?"

Wang Xiaojie also raised his concerns, "I'm afraid that King Tianzhu will also send troops to reinforce. If Duke Wei is outnumbered and beaten back, then we will really die without a place to die. General, please give me an order to wait for the battle." Bar."

Liu Lancheng stared fixedly at the north.

"hold on."

"How long do we have to wait?"

"When Fu Yun's old thief's soldiers and Wei Gong's soldiers are biting each other tightly, and they can't withdraw even if they want to withdraw, when Fu Yun also transfers the troops around him, that's when we attack "He slapped the railing, "Aren't I in a hurry? I'm in a hurry than you, pass my order, everyone get ready, have a good meal first, then put on your armor and prepare your weapons, feed your horses, and wait for my order , The whole army abandoned their luggage, broke through the encirclement with light clothes, and went straight to the old thief Fuyun."

Liu Lancheng's words finally made the three young lieutenants very excited, and quickly turned around to prepare.

There was still fierce fighting in the north, while the Tianzhu army in the south also started to launch a fierce attack on Yematai, as if they wanted to capture them before the reinforcements of the Tang army arrived.

King Tianzhu hadn't sent troops here yet, perhaps because he felt that there were not many Tang troops coming, and Fuyun had 150,000 troops, so it should be able to solve it.

This is a rare opportunity.


"The people of Tang defended desperately, taking advantage of the mountains and relying on dangers. They couldn't attack for a while, should they withdraw for the time being, and attack again after a rest?" The second prince's personal soldiers came to ask for instructions.

Fu Yun's face was dark, "Didn't the king say that he could kill the general and capture the flag as soon as he stepped out? Now he says he wants to withdraw? No!"

After thinking about it, Fu Yun also knew that the Tang people had a good location and it was really difficult to attack. Tuyuhun's most powerful Qingqi was useless here. It could neither turn around nor go around behind.

"I'll give him another 5,000 horses. If it doesn't work, it proves that he doesn't have the ability to inherit the Tuyuhun Khanate in the future." Fu Yun said.

Five thousand riders were dispatched.

Sitting under the banner, Fu Yun looked back at the Tang camp twenty miles away. It was silent, as if he was frightened by the beating.

At this time, there were still about six or seven thousand people in the Tang camp, and he still left more than fifty thousand people outside. Although those were not elite, most of them were women and children, but the women and old people in Tuyuhun could also kill the enemy with bows and knives. What's more, these days, he has dug several trenches outside the Tang camp and surrounded them with several wooden fences, which trapped them to death long ago.

A nobleman reminded Fu Yun that the people of the Tang Dynasty relied on the advantage of the location and defended fiercely. Should they first send King Tianzhu to lead the troops and defeat Qin Lang first.

Fu Yun shook his head hesitantly.

If 150,000 people can't beat tens of thousands of Tang troops, how can they have the face to call Tianzhu King again?

"Don't worry, how long can Qin Lang last? In this half-day onslaught, at least he has lost more than five thousand people. Such an attack, they can't last for a day."

If it is really impossible to break through by then, then from the 50,000 people surrounding the Tang camp, another 10,000 to 20,000 will be used to make up for it. He does not believe that the Tang people can still hold on.

There was a grunting sound in his stomach, but he was hungry.

"Go get buttered tea and roast a lamb, hurry up." An officer shouted, and someone went down to prepare immediately.

The sun is westward, and the sound of fierce fighting has not stopped.

By this time, the two armies were already fighting mechanically.

On that 20-kilometer front line, corpses were strewn all over the place, and a great wall of corpses was piled up.

Suddenly, there was a commotion from the left and right.

Everyone on the battlefield couldn't help but look over there.

But it turned out that it was a famous king under Fu Yun who led his troops to break through Murong Shun's left-wing first army defense line. They forcibly penetrated the left-wing seventh army's first army formation and tore open a bloody mouth.

Countless Tuyuhun soldiers shouted excitedly and rushed in along the gap.

Under the command of the Chinese Army Commander, Murong Shun's face turned pale with shock.

Chai Shao frowned slightly, but the pipa in his hand didn't stop.

Zhang Chao in Golden Armor couldn't help asking, "Mr. Huo, are you still transferring the Liang military envoy?"

Chai Shao didn't turn his head back, "General Murong, you go there in person and take your soldiers and the left army garrison back to take back the line of defense."

Murong Shun stood up with a pale face, "The last general will obey orders."

"Don't transfer Liang Junshi?" Zhang Chao was still asking.

Chai Shao finally turned around, "All armies have teams and garrisons. The garrisons are prepared for this situation. Now the Tuyuhun people have just made an opening. How can they send Liang Jianfang? Take a good look at it." , Talk less and watch more, it's good for you."

Chai Shao couldn't hold back and said again, "As Qin Lang's general, you follow him, don't you just do pimping to find women all day long? You haven't learned from him a little bit about marching, deploying troops and fighting in battle. What's the real deal?"

Zhang Chao covered his face in the iron armor in the golden helmet, but his face was still blushing from the words, and he couldn't answer a word.

He hasn't been with Qin Lang for long, but of course he also watched how Qin Lang directs decisions and strategizes, but it's one thing to see, and it's the same thing to actually fight. My brain panicked, I couldn't keep up, and I couldn't hold my breath.

On the battlefield, Murong Shun rode his horse to the left flank with his own soldiers, he was still halfway, there was already a counterattack from the army stationed behind the gap there.

Although the left wing is dominated by Murong Shun's Tuyuhun soldiers, it is completely the Tang army's battalion organization, and it is a wartime organization. Not only the Tang army battle formation, but also the battle team and garrison.

The garrison team is the reserve team, and there are quite a few of these reserve teams.

The reserve team that had been resting all of a sudden exerted their strength. They even rode directly from the forest to the mountain, and the gap that was torn was suddenly blocked by the reserve army that suddenly rushed out.

They rammed their guns, bayonets, slashed their bows and shot, taking advantage of their commanding position, they accelerated their charge, and one by one the Tuyuhun soldiers were thrown into the air.

The torrent reversed.

The hundreds of Tuyuhun troops who poured into the gap were quickly killed by the garrison, and the Tuyuhun troops behind were also driven out.

The gap was then blocked, and the army formation was torn apart. The defenders suffered heavy casualties, but they still held on. Murong Shun also arrived and deployed troops to fill in the gap and strengthen the defense.

The Tuyuhun army in the back launched another fierce attack, but they were already full of energy, and then exhausted and weakened.

On the mountain, Tang Jun let out bursts of cheers, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Taking advantage of this high morale, the various Tang armies on the defense line launched a wave of fierce counterattacks, throwing away the helmets and armors killed by the Tuyuhun army, and pushing the front line back to the beginning of the war.

Under the banner of Khan.

Fu Yun drew a knife and chopped up the roast lamb that had just been delivered, and kicked the buttered tea over.

Such a good opportunity, unexpectedly did not take hold.

"Send another 3,000 people to him, and attack again!"

"Great Khan, if you transfer another 3,000 people, then there will only be 2,000 people left by Da Khan's side."

"So what, is it possible that the people of Tang can still fly to me from the mountains? Hurry up and pass the order!"

Another three thousand cavalry were dispatched to kill on the defense line.

Fu Yun looked at the lonely side, thought for a while, and then sent someone to send an order to the camp twenty miles behind him, and dispatched 10,000 horses to strengthen the guards and serve as a reserve team. Can increase troops again.


"There are only a few troops left around Fu Yun. He has transferred troops here, and the Tuyuhun camp is a bit chaotic."

"Exactly now, send the order, get on your horse, and head north, aiming at the old thief Fu Yun!"

With red eyes, Liu Lancheng smashed the guardrail of the watchtower with a fist, and roared loudly.

In the camp, three young generals, Liu Rengui, Wang Xiaojie, and Liu Shenli, each led a thousand cavalry from their respective headquarters, and rushed northward fiercely.

The north gate opened, and three thousand riders took the lead and rushed out.

At this time, in the Tuyuhun camp outside, they were mobilizing their troops and preparing to go to Fuyun's banner to listen to orders. Unexpectedly, Tang Qi rushed out of the camp at this time.

Three thousand riders rushed all the way, forcibly cutting a bloody path, smashing through the encirclement.

After breaking through the siege of Tuyuhun, they didn't look back, their eyes were directed at the sweat flag guarded by two thousand horsemen.

Liu Lancheng took the remaining 3,000 riders, gave up the camp, and rushed out. All their possessions were lost, including livestock, feathers, arrows, food and grass, and they rushed out.

Most of the Tuyuhun people who blocked the way were the old and the weak who stayed behind to watch the camp, but these sudden fierce opponents were cut down countless times along the way, and they were forced to kill them through the camp.

More than 6,000 riders, like two sharp arrows, charged towards Fu Yun twenty miles away.

Behind them, after tens of thousands of Tuyuhun people were killed out of the camp, they were panic-stricken. In the end, they could only mount their horses together and chase after them.

On the entire Wild Horse Beach, there was a sight that caught people off guard.

Fu Yun dispatched 98,000 cavalry to the northern front, and another 10,000 cavalry to the camp at the rear. As a result, these 10,000 cavalry did not arrive, but the besieged nearly 7,000 Tang cavalry broke through the siege of Tuyuhun first and took the lead. Kill Ben Fuyun and come.

Twenty miles, whether it is far or not, whether it is near or not.

No one expected that this Tang army would come out at this time, and what was even more unexpected was that they were so fierce that they almost seized the defensive gap when the camp was left behind and mobilized, and they came out all at once.

No time was left for Fu Yun.

Of Fu Yun's 100,000 troops, 98,000 were sent to the front line, and they were completely entangled with the Tang army, and they couldn't withdraw for a while.

The 50,000 old and the weak in the back, surrounded by 7,000 people, were killed by the world in an instant.

At a time like this, we can't blame them for their incompetence. Who called the original camp of 150,000 people, but now there are only 50,000 people left, and they are all old and weak. A huge gap appeared, allowing the Tang people to take advantage of it.

Fu Yun could only let his soldiers wave the flag again and again, trying to mobilize troops back from the front line to block this crazy Tang cavalry.

It's just that at this time, the soldiers and horses have already fought into a group, and they can withdraw if they want to.

The three generals Liu Rengui, Wang Xiaojie, and Liu Shenli urged their horses all the way regardless, and went straight to Fuyun to kill them.

Seeing that the soldiers on the front line could not withdraw in time, Fu Yun had to send the last two thousand cavalry to fight.

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