Chastity Layman

Chapter 611

At the mouth of the hot spring estuary, thunderous cheers were heard.

Murong Shun arrived from Yematai Beach, and was surprised to see his brother Zun Wang Murong Cheng. In front of Liu Rengui, Murong Shun nodded with a complicated expression to confirm his identity.

So more than 30,000 troops from Xidatan surrendered with the king.

The head of King Tianzhu was also confirmed by Murong Shun.

On the other side, at Dongdatan, a red flag fluttered to the south bank of the pontoon bridge.

Qin Lang, in blood-stained robes, rode slowly across the pontoon bridge to the north bank.

Chai Shao, Cheng Yaojin, Liu Lancheng, Xue Wanche, Xue Wanjun, Murong Shun, Yifu Abao, Tuoba Sitou and other generals came up to pay their respects.

When Qin Lang, Duan Zhixuan, and Zhang Shigui jumped off their horses, their steps were a little unsteady.

People and horses are all red, people are blood people, horses are blood horses, and each of them exudes a strong bloody smell.

Xi Junmai hurried forward to support him.

"Dongdatan, old thief Fuyun?" Chai Shao couldn't help asking.

Qin Lang grinned, then turned around and tore off a bloody head from the saddle, and threw it in front of the generals. The head rolled until it rolled in front of Brother Murong Shun and Murong Cheng.

King Zun bowed his head, and recognized at a glance that the vague head was his father, Tuyuhun Fuyun Dahan.

The young Zunwang stood there in a daze, staring at the leader whose complexion gradually turned pale.

Murong Shun knelt on the ground, held up the bloody and dusty head, and cried bitterly, "Father!"

No one expected that Qin Lang led five thousand riders into Fuyun's camp in Dongdatan, where more than one hundred thousand people lived, and fought for almost three hours, before finally carrying Fuyun's head across the river.

Old Cheng limped forward, ignoring the pain, and leaned into Qin Lang's ear, "Is it really Fu Yun? You won't make a fool of yourself, right? You can't joke about this?"

Qin Lang pouted, "Do you think the two brothers look like I'm lying? How could the son cry for the wrong father?"

"That's right." Lao Cheng scratched his head, "Tell me, what's going on? Fu Yun has hundreds of thousands of people, why did you get rid of five thousand of them?"

Chai Shao and the others all looked over, full of curiosity.

"Actually, it's nothing, it's just that I've been chasing Fu Yun."

What Qin Lang said was simple, but in fact the process was thrilling and extremely dangerous. It can be said that Qin Langna really tried his best yesterday, more desperately than ever before.

When he led 5,000 cavalry into Dongdatan, he didn't actually think about beheading Fuyun or something. His thinking was simple. There are more than 100,000 horses in Dongdatan. The main force of the Tang army on the ground created opportunities and bought time.

So he thought boldly, taking advantage of Fuyun's unstable military spirit after several times, he took the lead in raiding Fuyun's camp. The best result he thought of was to rush to Fuyun and force the cowardly Fuyun to run . Drive Fu Yun to flee, set fire to the camp to create chaos, and mess up the people in Dongdatan.

As a result, things turned out to be more violent than he expected.

When he led 5,000 riders into three groups and rushed into the Fuyun Dongdatan camp, he discovered that on the huge Dongdatan of more than ten square kilometers, the hundreds of thousands of Fuyun's troops were like a huge tourist camp. Like a camping group, scattered, everywhere, and defenseless.

Unlike when the Longyou Army marched and camped, they usually formed a circular formation, a large camp surrounded by small camps, and the small camps were connected in a row. They were not, they were really unorganized and unplanned, occupying a random place, and setting up tents. A tent, and those without tents even sit on the ground directly in the open air.

A bonfire here, a lamp there.

There are many Tuyuhun people who come from the whole tribe with their families, so they gather together as nomads in normal times.

They don't like to be too close together, just like they usually graze on the grassland. They always like to have a little distance, so there is a tent here, and a family there, and they are far away from each other.

Such a camp, to be honest, is not as good as the camp of the peasant army at the end of the Sui Dynasty.

Fuyun's 150,000 men fought against 30,000 men. After the defeat, he became more and more depressed. After retreating to East Datan, he thought that in front of him were the 100,000 Tianzhu tribes of Yema Beach and West Datan, separated by a hot spring river. There are mountains to the west, the Yellow River to the east, and mountains to the south. I always thought it was safe here.

So after hundreds of thousands of horses were defeated and retreated, they simply released their horses on the river bank, put their knives and guns into the account, reunited their husbands and wives, and returned to the nomadic state of the tribe.

Fu Yun also stayed in his big tent all day drinking, listening to music and dancing, so he didn't care about anything else.

When Qin Lang arrived, the herdsmen on Dadongtan were caught off guard and couldn't stop them. Qin Lang went all the way to Fuyun's newly made sweat flag. Only half dressed, Fu Yun, who was wearing a piece of armor skirt, was hurriedly helped onto the horse by the guards.

Facing the murderous Tang Qi who was rushing towards him, especially the big Qin flag in the morning, Fu Yun collapsed.

He couldn't figure out why such elite Tang cavalry came here. The armor of these cavalry was mainly bright light and black light armor. The standard equipment of the Tang army's elite cavalry was by no means a vassal of Dangxiang or Tuyuhun.

The Qin character flag made him both hate and fear, and he had already been defeated by this flag for a few times.

What he didn't understand was, if this is Qin Lang coming, shouldn't he be on the wild horse beach opposite? What about King Tianzhu's 100,000 troops? How did you let them come here?

If it wasn't Qin Lang, who would it be?

Could it be that Qin Qiong sent troops from Songzhou and surrounded them?

But no matter whether it was Qin Lang or Qin Qiong, Fu Yun was now frightened. Facing this overwhelming Tang Qi, he didn't know how many came, but he knew that there were indeed many and very strong.

After Fu Yun experienced several defeats, at this time he was completely suffering from Tang-phobic disease. As soon as he saw Tang Qi and Qin Qi, he was already frightened and had no resistance at all. heart of.


He had only one thought left.

Riding on the horse, he ran in a hurry without making any arrangements, and didn't care at all, such as gathering troops, sending troops to intercept, encircling, etc., all went away for a while.

Fu Yun fled in embarrassment.

At this time, Qin Lang also only had Fu Yun in his eyes, staring at him relentlessly.

Duan Zhixuan and Zhang Shigui led two thousand cavalry each, and tended to sweep away the panicked Tuyuhun defeated soldiers scattered on Dadongtan.

Some of the more than 100,000 defeated soldiers on Dadongtan were those brought by Fu Yun from Kushan and Fucheng, and most of them were the ministries mobilized by King Zun.

At this time, Fu Yun ran away blindly, and King Zun happened to be in the camp of King Tianzhu on the opposite bank tonight.

Ever since, a miraculous scene appeared in Dongdatan. Qin Lang led Qianqi on the Dongdatan of more than ten square kilometers, clung to Fuyun, and scattered Tuyuhun people who were in the way along the way. Trampled countless.

As for General Duan and Zhang, his two wings, one east and one right, swept across, just like plowing a field, plowing out several big furrows at the Tuyuhun camp in Dongdatan.

After chasing after him, Qin Lang even opened a little distance on purpose so that Fu Yun could continue to escape, because he found that Fu Yun's hasty escape had a very strong effect. Wherever Fu Yun fled, the Tuyuhun people would be lost. Fighting spirit, also began to follow.

Fu Yun became the best weapon to disintegrate the fighting spirit of the Tuyuhun army.

Just like that, when the battles were raging on the wild horse beach in the north and on the north bank of the pontoon bridge, and the attack and defense were intense, Qin Lang's five thousand riders took two hours to completely destroy the Fuyun camp of more than a hundred thousand people in Dadongtan. .

Running, running everywhere, running around like headless chickens, if Fu Yun hadn't been running around, Qin Lang might not have been able to be so relaxed, there would definitely be many people gathered in groups to fight back, but Fu Yun was running around from head to head Fleeing indiscriminately destroyed the last bit of fighting spirit of those people.

Although there were not many five thousand Tang cavalry, they were always attacking in a conical shape, and Qin Lang would deliberately drive Fu Yun to destroy their will for those who managed to gather more troops.

It took more than two hours, and the entire Dadongtan was completely in chaos.

Hundreds of thousands of people no longer had the will to fight and just fled in all directions.

Some people were chased and even jumped directly into the Yellow River, drowning many. Some people abandoned their horses and climbed the mountain, and some jumped desperately into the Wenquan River and fled to the Wenquan River Valley.

Qin Lang kept staring at Fu Yun.

Fu Yun also wanted to escape to the direction of the hot spring valley several times, hoping to escape to Wuhai along the hot spring valley.

In the end, they were all stopped by Qin Lang. He also wanted to cross the bridge to go to Xidatan and Yema Beach, but he was still blocked.

In the end, Qin Lang forced Fu Yun to the edge of the Yellow River. On one side was the rushing water of the Yellow River, and on the other side was Tang Qi, who pressed on step by step and surrounded him on three sides.

Seeing the Qin flag coming, Fu Yun was in despair.

Panting heavily, the old fellow watched the guards around him being taken away by feathered arrows, and finally drew his sword in despair and killed himself.

But the sword cut his neck, but Fu Yun couldn't let go of the pain. He fell off the horse and fell on the bank of the Yellow River, clutching his bleeding neck, and wept.

Qin Qi arrived.

Tang Qimen surrounded Fu Yun, but no one stepped forward.

Everyone was waiting for Qin Lang to step forward.

Qin Langce stepped forward immediately, and Zhangba Maqiang pierced through half of Fu Yun's armor, picked him up, and lifted him into the air.

Fu Yun wailed several times and died.

The dead Fu Yun was thrown off by Qin Lang, and the soldiers stepped forward to cut off Fu Yun's head for Qin Lang, and put it on the spear.

A soldier held Fu Yun's head with a spear, another soldier held Fu Yun's golden helmet with a spear, and another soldier held Fu Yun's Xinhan flag with a spear.

On East Beach, countless Tuyuhun people who hadn't escaped surrendered in despair.

Wherever Qin Lang passed by, the Tuyuhun people abandoned their weapons and got off their horses one after another, knelt down on the ground, shouting "Long live Tang Dynasty, long live God Khan!"

At this time, there was still fierce fighting on Wild Horse Beach, and fierce fighting at the north entrance of Xiqiao.

Qin Lang recruited all the tribes all the way, and came north. When he came to the south entrance of Xiqiao, he had already recruited 100,000 people, only a few thousand were killed in battle, and only about 30,000 fled.

He led his troops across the pontoon bridge to prepare for reinforcements, only to find that the north had already won.

All the generals were shocked.

Chai Shao and others were amazed that Qin Lang broke through 130,000 with 5,000 riders, beheaded Fu Yun, and surrendered 100,000. Qin Lang was amazed that King Tuyuhun actually killed King Tianzhu, and led more than 30,000 people from Xidatan to surrender to the Tang army. And Lao Cheng and the others were able to defeat the 60,000 Tianzhu elite on Yema Beach so quickly and forcefully.

A hundred flowers bloom together, competing for fragrance and beauty.

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