Chastity Layman

Chapter 633 The Prince's Nightmare

He dreamed that he went back to the fourth day of June a few years ago. His mother and maidservants in the palace of the Prince of Qin put armor on for the guards of the palace, and his father led his uncle, grandson Wuji, and guards Hou Junji to make the final arrangements with a serious expression. . Suddenly, the screen changed, but it was already Donggong Changlin soldiers and Qi Wangfu soldiers who had arrived. They came clamoring, shouting loudly, shooting arrows like locusts.

Du Ruhui led a team of guards staying in the mansion to defend desperately. His mother even wore a headband and a longbow in her hand to defend. His younger brother Li Ke also went up to help with an arrow. He was the only one who was asked to sit behind and not move. .

He also wanted to go forward with a slingshot to help, but his mother refused to let him, and Du Ruhui refused to let him, but Wei Wang Li Tai, Li Ke and Li Kuan went up. They looked at him with doubts and strangeness for the first time.

"You are the son of the world."

Wei Wang Li Tai said to him coldly, but he is no longer the heir of King Qin, he is the heir of Xuanba, King Huai of Wei, and Li Kuan is also the heir of King Chu.

You are the son of Prince Qin, after today passes, you will be the crown prince.

"Prince? Isn't the prince built by uncle? How could he be the prince?" He asked his brothers doubtfully in his dream, but Li Tai raised his bow and said loudly, "If the king of Qin kills the prince, he will naturally become the new prince, and the new prince will force the emperor Step aside, you will be the new emperor, and you will be the prince at that time."

The screen changed again. Qin Sanlang took the heads of his uncle Jiancheng and his uncle Yuan Qi and rushed to the Qin Palace. He threw two heads at the Donggong soldiers and the Qi government soldiers, announcing the emperor's imperial edict. Wang Mou rebelled and rebelled, and he was deposed as a commoner, and the king of Qin controlled the troops inside and outside Chang'an.

The rebellious soldiers dispersed in a hurry, and the Qin Palace was rescued. The screen changed again, and his father was officially canonized as the crown prince. Soon after, the emperor abdicated as the Supreme Emperor, his father ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and he was canonized as the crown prince.

In the darkness, both Li Tai and Li Ke stared at him indifferently, "If you kill the prince, you will become the new prince..."

Cheng Qian woke up from a dream. In the dark room, there was a dim lamp. He sat up, still panicked, panting heavily and looked around. Only then did he realize that this was in Qin Lang's mansion in Pingkangfang. Qin Lang killed the lamb and roasted the lamb together. He told Qin Lang a lot of hardships, and then talked a lot, and finally Qin Lang poured him wine.

He drank alcohol for the first time, got drunk, and then stayed in the Qin residence overnight.

This room is very warmly furnished. It is not a guest room, but Qin Lang's bedroom. The couch is very spacious, very different from ordinary couches, and the style is novel, especially the cushions are very warm and comfortable. A brown mat was added, cotton was added, and cotton sheets were laid. He was also covered with a loose, warm and comfortable quilt, which was also covered with white bear fur.

Qin Lang was sleeping soundly on the side, sleeping soundly.

The room is very warm, obviously because of the floor heating and wall heating. Everyone in Chang'an knows that Qin Sanlang is greedy for money, lustful, and luxurious. Floor heating has been installed, and a fire wall has been repaired. The room can be heated through the underground smoke pipe without affecting the layout of the room.

Not to mention, Qin Sanlang's house has all kinds of new-style furniture, which are well-shaped and comfortable to use, which has already set off a trend in Chang'an.

It should be midnight by now, and everything is still.

Cheng Qian was a little thirsty, it was the first time he drank alcohol, he got drunk quickly, but not too much, he just felt thirsty at this moment. With the dim light in the room, I saw that there was a bedside table next to the bed, and there was a water set on it, and I poured a glass of water, which was still warm.

After taking a big sip, I felt a little more comfortable in my throat.

Unable to fall asleep anymore, sitting on the bed, Cheng Qian was a little confused, how could he have such a dream.

Sitting there, hugging the white bear skin, I don't know how long I have been thinking wildly.

"you're awake?"

Qin Lang's voice came from the side.

"I made a noise to the teacher."

"That's not true, it's just that it's almost dawn, and I wake up naturally around this time every day." Qin Lang smiled slightly, sat up too, copied his hair with his fingers, and rolled up a bun randomly, "Long time no I slept so comfortably, and when I was in Longyou, it was freezing cold, so a few wolf skins would be good enough, but when I went to the West Sea, the camp had a felt blanket, and there was a pile of cow dung for fire, thank God."

"This cotton quilt is the warmest and most comfortable."

Cheng Qian smiled, "White folded flowers are so rare and precious, they are even more expensive than silk, but the teacher can directly use them to make a quilt, what a luxury."

"If you like it, I'll give you a few beds. I think this thing is more comfortable than a fur cover."

Cheng Qian said, "If Zhang Yu and the others know that I am so extravagant, they will reprimand me again."

"How can this be considered a luxury? When conditions permit, how can it be wrong to improve the quality of life a little and live a more comfortable life? It is precisely because of these pursuits that human society continues to move forward. Otherwise, we would still be living in the It’s the primitive age when Rumao drank blood and lived in burrows, isn’t it?”

"It would be great if those gentlemen could think like the teacher!" Cheng Qian smiled wryly.

"Actually, this cotton is not worth much. It's just that we didn't grow it in the Central Plains in the past. We imported it from Gaochang, and those people in Gaochang didn't grow it, so it's rare and expensive. I have been letting my family The manor has tried planting in various places, the effect is not bad, and the output is not bad. The only problem is that the cotton is not easy to pick, and the processing is more troublesome. Reward, let people improve the method of removing seeds and improve the efficiency of the machine for spinning cotton yarn. At present, the effect is not bad, but there is still a lot of room for improvement.”

The value of cotton is very high. Merchants in Gaochang called cotton white folded cloth, and the fine white folded cloth was even sold several times more expensive than silk. They made a lot of money from the people of the Central Plains, and the cotton cloth they produced was either rich or expensive. Only talented people can afford it, how could Qin Lang let Gaochang people take advantage of it.

After several years of planting and cultivation, the Qin family now has many cotton planting manors, and the annual cotton production is already very large, but the cotton seed removal process and the cotton spinning and weaving process still need to be improved, but now Datang The cotton cloth on the market in various places has basically been monopolized by the Qin family's cotton cloth.

Gaochang people’s white folded cloth encountered Waterloo in the Central Plains, and they couldn’t be sold at all. The price difference was too great. Qin Lang directly knocked down the price. Now the white folded cloth has been sold at the same price as silk, but the Gaochang people are still selling it. Imagine selling silk several times the price, how to sell it to win.

And Qin Lang improved the craft and increased the output, and the cost was much cheaper than Gaochang people, especially Gaochang transported cotton cloth from the Western Regions to the Central Plains for sale, the cost of the journey was very high, and he had to pay taxes all the way.

Datang now has another word for cotton in addition to silk cotton, and cotton cloth has become a hot-selling item sought after by wealthy people.

"This quilt is still warmer without fur, and it is more comfortable only in the warm room of the teacher's house." Cheng Qian is not someone who has never seen the world.

"Fur is naturally better at keeping out the cold, but you also have to look at the price. No matter how cheap a woolen coat with dog fur and rabbit fur is, it's actually not cheap. It's not cheap for ordinary people's homes. So in winter, it's common people. In the worst times, many times, I couldn’t get out, so I could only hide at home, leaning on a fire.”

In the past few years, with the promotion of heated kangs and the mining and utilization of coal, the common people feel better, especially the common people in a big city like Chang'an. Relying on Huomaodong is also extremely costly. After all, Chang'an is located on a plain, and charcoal has to be transported from far away places such as Zhongnan Mountain.

In winter, the rich rely on fur to survive the winter. The rich have all kinds of precious furs, such as mink, bear, tiger, or even deerskin and sheepskin at worst. Small landlords usually use sheepskin, dog skin, pigskin, wool, etc. Few of the poor can wear fur, and they mainly rely on their righteousness.

Clothes made of rough linen and Gebu are made into jackets in winter, filled with silk floss, or some chicken and duck feathers, etc., and may even be stuffed with catkins, reed catkins, straw, etc. Anyway, anything that can keep warm and cheap can be used. It can be used.

Although cotton is good, the price is too expensive now, and ordinary people can't afford it at all.

"Fur is expensive and the quantity is small. The Great Tang conquered the grasslands in the past two years and opened up the border market. It has imported a large amount of fur, and the price has dropped a lot. However, it is still difficult for ordinary people to popularize it. Cotton, on the other hand, is still expensive, but as long as the amount of planting increases, ordinary people can be self-sufficient in the same way as growing food in the future. No matter how cold the winter is, there are cotton quilts, cotton jackets, cotton shoes, cotton hats and cotton gloves , and no longer fear the cold weather.”

Chengqian was very surprised when he heard that, "Really? Didn't it mean that only Gaochang in the Western Regions can grow white cassava, and it is extremely difficult to process?"

"It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Instead of hearsay, it is better to do your own research and practice. Only practice will yield true knowledge."

"There is also a farm in the East Palace. Your Highness can try planting it."

"I'm afraid those old gentlemen won't allow it."

"Your Highness seems to be really scared by those people. Don't worry, I will go to the East Palace today and have a good talk with those people."

Cheng Qian was excited, it would be great if Qin Lang came forward.

"It's almost dawn, let's get up too, let me check how much your Highness has improved in riding and shooting knives and guns!"

Cheng Qian got up immediately, wanting to show it to Qin Lang immediately.

In the winter morning, it was actually very difficult to get up, but fortunately, the room was as warm as spring, and the clothes were warm, which saved a lot of pain. After putting on the robe, Qin Lang led him to wash up first, and then came to Yanwu field.

Putting on the cold and heavy armor, putting on the bow and knife, and picking up the horse, it made a rattling sound when walking. There was a thick layer of snow on the ground. It snowed all night last night, and it has not stopped at this time. .

The attendant brought the mount, Qin Lang wanted to help Chengqian to get on the horse, but he refused, he stepped on the horse easily and neatly, kicked the horse's belly, and he was already galloping lightly.

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