Chastity Layman

Chapter 672 Coming-of-age ceremony

Rituals of the week: with the gift of a faint crown, a man and a woman are married. The crown is the beginning of the ceremony, and the crown ceremony is also the coming-of-age ceremony.

Since the pre-Qin period, Chinese men have held the crowning ceremony, which represents adults. In ancient times, princes and princes were crowned twelve, and scholars were crowned twenty. From this, the crown was correct, the color was equal, and the speech was correct, declaring that the crown was formally stepped from an ignorant boy. Enter the society and take on the responsibilities and obligations that adults must bear.

Crowning, becoming an adult, getting married, and having children, this has been a standard for men in China since ancient times.

According to ancient books, there was a crown ceremony for the princes, but it was not made in Xia Zhi. It is said that the crown ceremony had already existed before the Xia Dynasty. Before the Southern and Northern Dynasties, crown ceremony was a very important etiquette, especially for men, it was the first and most important etiquette in life.

It's just that since the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the Hu people invaded and the Hu Feng gradually rose, and even the northern Han people changed their surnames for a time, such as the Yang family in the Sui Dynasty. Yu Wentai occupied Guanzhong, and when the Eastern and Western Weis confronted each other, Western Wei Yu Wentai, the weakest of the three kingdoms in the North and South, issued six edicts, implemented the military system, wooed the powerful Han people, bestowed Xianbei surnames, and changed his native place in order to survive.

The Xianbei surname was given to the Han people, such as the Eight Pillars Kingdom, the Twelve Generals, and the Twenty-Four Yitongs. All the Han generals among them were also given Xianbei surnames, and their soldiers, regardless of Han or Hu, were given Xianbei surnames. They all have their surnames, as if they were a tribe.

At that time, the surname was given according to Tuoba Mao, the distant ancestor of Tuoba Xianbei. It is said that he ruled thirty-six countries and had ninety-nine surnames. Yu Wentai then took all the thirty-six countries and ninety-nine surnames, a total of more than one hundred surnames. The civil and martial arts of the Han people in the Western Wei Dynasty were bestowed, those who made great contributions got a big surname, and those who made a small contribution got a small surname.

For example, Li Yuan's grandfather, Li Hu, was one of the Eight Pillar Kingdoms at that time, with great merit and high status, so he picked a surname from the Thirty-Six Kingdoms to give him the surname Daye, so Li Hu was actually called Daye Tiger.

Yang Zhong, the father of Yang Jian, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, had a lower status than Li Yuan at that time, and was only one of the twelve generals, so he was given a Pu Liuru family from the ninety-nine surnames, so Yang Zhong was also called Pu Liu back then. Ru Zhong, Yang Jian was called Pu Liu Ru Jian when he was a child, and it was not until he became the emperor that he returned to Zhou rituals and restored the Han and Wei system. If it weren't for Yang Jian, Li Shimin might still be called Daye Shimin.

At that time, Gao Huan in the east was becoming more Xianbei, and Yu Wentai in Guanzhong in the west was also promoting Xianbei, giving surnames to the Han tycoons under his hands, and changing the Xianbei generals and officials under him to Guanzhong native place, etc., so that Mess around, but also created a Guanlong aristocratic group, so that the leaders of the Daibei Army and the powerful people in Guanzhong united together.

However, the bestowal of surnames back then was indeed random. Li Hu and Yan Qing both gave the surnames of the Ono family, and Li Bi and Li Mu originally both had the surnames Li, but because they were both from the Eight Pillar Kingdom, they ended up giving the surnames Tu He to each other. He and the Tuoba family, later the Sui Dynasty's famous minister Gao Jiong and the Northern Qi general Li Tun, one surnamed Gao and the other surnamed Li, but because they were the subordinates of Duguxin, one of the Eight Great Pillars, they all changed their surnames to Duguxin from Xianbei Duguxin , became Dugu Jiong and Dugutun.

In the era of the Western Wei Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the Han people could not even keep their surnames, let alone the crowning ceremony handed down from ancient times. The crowning ceremony is to bind hair and crown to show adulthood. Although the Xianbei people also carried out active Sinicization reforms after they went south, they had no interest in this coronation ceremony at all.

In fact, since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the crown ceremony has been abolished, and it is no longer as grand as it was in the Han Dynasty.

The crown ceremony in the Han Dynasty was also called Jiawufu, and there was a tradition of crown and sword.

Today, Changsun Wuji suddenly proposed to crown the crown prince Chengqian, and the prime ministers were really surprised.

Qin Lang applauded.

"Elder Grandson said it well. The crown ceremony is very necessary. The old ceremony should be restored, and it should be grand. In modern times, human feelings are frivolous. There are very few people who are over ten years old and have a head. Therefore, it is difficult to understand the way of adulthood!"

Qin Lang took the lead to join in the drink, which made Wei Zheng's ancient worshipers even more excited.

This retro Confucianist who wished to restore the well field system of the Zhou Dynasty had always admired the ancients and rituals, and he was very much in favor of Changsun Wuji's proposal to restore the prince's twelve crowns to the Yuan Dynasty. It is believed that this crown ceremony also restores the great ceremony that has been gradually abandoned since modern times.

At this time, the folks have indeed abandoned the crown ceremony, and only some famous gentry retain the etiquette of crowning at twenty.

Qin Lang is twenty-one this year, and he has never held a crown ceremony.

It is even said that the emperor Li Shimin did not perform the crown ceremony, so after he seized power after the Xuanwu Gate, when the emperor canonized him as the prince, some officials came forward and said that the emperor should perform the crown ceremony at the prince ceremony, that is to say, because Li Shimin did not attend the crown ceremony. Over the crown, so when canonizing the crown prince, you can't wear the crown, but directly comb the twin buns.

So in the ninth year of Wude, Li Shimin's crown prince canonization ceremony, Li Shimin appeared on the stage with a very shocking appearance, with one horn combed on one side of his head, making him look like a happy goat.

""Shi Guan Li" said: "The Yuan son of the Son of Heaven is still a scholar, and there is no one who is born and noble in the world. "In ancient times, the crown ceremony of the Zhou Dynasty was said to be crowned on the twelfth year of King Wen, and the "crown and sword" is an ancient ritual system. The crown ceremony recorded in "Rituals" is probably left over from the Zhou Dynasty. In addition, in "Guoyu", "Zuo Zhuan", and "Historical Records", there are also records of the crowning ceremony of the emperors and princes of the Zhou Dynasty. Although this ceremony has been followed by later generations, the procedure has been changed many times." Wei Zheng cited the classics, very Great, opened his mouth and said, "Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Hu Feng has become more and more popular, and the crown ceremony has been abandoned, especially the crown ceremony of the emperor and the crown prince. What kind of etiquette should be adopted?"

The left servant shot Fang Xuanling and said, "History records that Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty added yuan clothes, and it is auspicious to use Jiazi Ruojingzi in the first month."

The so-called Yuanfu, the Yuan, the head, the Yuanfu is also the hat of the head, and the head of the crown is written by the head, so it is called Yuanfu.

The emperors of the Han Dynasty added four crowns, Zibu crown (changed to Jinxian crown in the Eastern Han Dynasty), Juebian, Wubian, and Tongtian crown, three crowns for the crown prince, and one crown for scholars and concubines.

There has not been a Crown Prince Crown Ceremony for many years, but now it is necessary to discuss what kind of etiquette should be used to crown the Crown Prince.

"You can follow the crown ceremony of the crown prince in the Han Dynasty, three additions, three additions, the black cloth crown, the traveling crown and the crown, and the time also chooses an auspicious day, amnesty for the world, and bestow the people's lord!" Fang Xuanling said.

But You Servant She Gao Shilian proposed to simply take the opportunity to promulgate crown ceremonies and restore the crown rites, and set the etiquette system for the crown ceremonies of emperors, princes, princes, officials, and scholars, and resume the crown rites throughout the world.

He also proposed that princes can be crowned at twelve, princes and nobles can be crowned at fifteen, and ordinary scholars can be crowned at twenty. From the first to fifth grades, there are crowns, and the third grades below the sixth grade are decorated with juebians.

"Ordinary scholars add three additions, first add a scarf, second add a hat, and add three additions to the head, and they can be crowned at fifteen." As a family of five names, Wang Gui is quite familiar with the ceremony of crowning, and suggested that the twenty-one crown can be changed to After all, after the chaos of the Sui Dynasty, the government encouraged men and women to marry early, and the court even issued a law to allow people to marry early, and even those who were older than the age would be introduced by official media sent by the government.

Qin Lang also suggested that the Ministry of Rituals should choose an auspicious day for the coronation first, and then discuss a complete ceremony process for the crown prince's formal attire, and make preparations for the coronation ceremony.

"Women on the fifteenth day, promise to marry, and use this opportunity to promote the restoration of the ceremony for girls!" Qin Lang proposed again, and this proposal was also agreed by the other prime ministers.

Wei Zheng used to be a Taoist priest, so counting good and bad is his old skill, so he pinched his fingers and counted for a while.

"According to the lunar calendar, the auspicious day is in February."

Fang Xuanling frowned, "It's already February, I'm afraid there is too much time to prepare."

Dai Zhou reminded, "February is the busiest time for farming."

Changsun Wuji was in a hurry to crown Chengqian, wanting the prince to participate in government affairs as soon as possible, and resisted all opinions, thinking that although crowning was a great gift, it didn't need to be so troublesome, and ten and a half months were enough to prepare.

Although many ancient rituals have been lost, according to some records in the Book of Rites, it is also known that the auspicious days within ten days should be divined first, and then announced to relatives, friends and guests after selection.

Three days before the coronation ceremony, the guests will be divined again, and a highly respected venerable will be determined as the official guest to be in charge of the coronation through divination, and then a collaborator will be selected, called the praiser.

Three days before the coronation ceremony, the crowned person should also pray in the ancestral temple under the leadership of his father to tell the ancestors.

On the day of crowning, invite guests and crown three times.

After the ceremony is completed, a sacrificial ceremony will be held, followed by a banquet and toast. After toasting, go to worship your mother, and after you come out, hold a commandment ceremony, that is, ask the elders to give a sign.

From now on, peers will be commensurate with words.

In the end, the crowned person who has won the Biaozi has to pay homage to the ancestors to the ancestral temple.

The general process is still clear, but a lot of details are missing. The Ministry of Rites discusses and supplements. Changsun Wuji thinks that the key point is to ask the emperor to agree and return to Beijing.

Qizhou, Jiucheng Palace.

It was three hundred and twenty miles away from Beijing, but it only took half a day for the memorial from the Political Affairs Hall to arrive.

After the emperor saw it, he frowned and looked dissatisfied.


Li Shimin was very dissatisfied when he saw that his decree to expand the Jiucheng Palace and repair the Luoyang Palace was rejected by the Zhengshitang. Zhengshitang rejected the emperor's will in the name of violating the system.

But when they turned around, Zhongshu Sheren drafted a book-making plan, which was a plan to repair the Jiucheng Palace. Compared with the expansion plan of the emperor, the plan proposed by the Zhengshitang was only to repair the outer city of the original palace. , Part of the expansion plan of the Forbidden Garden, Palace Temple, Taiwo Palace, etc. was discarded.

In addition, regarding the renovation plan of Luoyang Palace, the Zhengshitang also drew up another plan, but it only repaired the three main halls of Luoyang Palace first, and the rest will not be moved for the time being, and will be discussed later.

Two plans were presented for the emperor's approval.

Li Shimin threw the plan aside in dissatisfaction, and then opened the next memorial sent by the fast horse, but it was chosen by the Zhengshitang to hold the crowning ceremony for the crown prince on February 18, ten days later, and asked the emperor to approve and return Beijing participated, and let the emperor choose the candidates for crowning, praising, holding the crown, praising the crown, and announcing the imperial edict.

Also ask the emperor to prepare the table for the prince in advance.

"It's unreasonable, but I have become the master of everything!" Li Shimin angrily threw this seal aside.

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