Chastity Layman

Chapter 688: Arm-born Golden Dragon

The emperor was happy to miss Shu in Lishan Hot Spring Palace, and the crown prince was intoxicated in the gentleness of the first test of the Qian Dynasty. In the countryside, under the joint governance of the Zhengshitang and the East Palace, everything is going on in an orderly manner.

The summer of the fifth year of Zhenguan came quietly, and it was peaceful.

Qin Lang was busy planning the reform of the military system all day long, and occasionally went to secretly inspect the firearms supervision in Zhongnan Mountain to see the progress of firearms research and review the Shenji Battalion.

On this day, Qin Lang was watching the test firing of the cannon at Zhongnan Mountain, and in the end, the heavy copper cannon exploded. Although Qin Lang was standing far away, he was also overturned to the ground. Although he was not seriously injured, he suffered some minor injuries. . After returning to the capital, he developed a fever the next day.

When Chengqian heard about it, he hurriedly visited Duke Wei's mansion in Pingkangfang.

"The teacher was assassinated? How did you get injured?"

The Firearms Supervisor has always been the top secret of the Tang Dynasty. Even the prime ministers of the Zhengshitang only know a little about it. Even Prince Chengqian didn't know about it before.

Qin Lang looked really embarrassed, with many minor traumas on his body, the artillery exploded, and the power was astonishing, and it was only the sandstones and other injuries caused by the explosion. The gunners at that time, a whole artillery crew of ten people, lost half of them directly, and the rest All of them were seriously injured, and more than a dozen people were also seriously injured.

Qin Lang also suffered some concussion injuries, and at this time he had a fever again, his whole body was scorching hot, and he felt pain in his internal organs even when he was panting.

"In the land of Chang'an, who would dare to assassinate the prime minister? I just encountered a small accident."

Qin Lang didn't intend to hide it from Chengqian anymore, he simply told about the court secrets in Zhongnan Mountain.

"Firearms Supervisor, Shenji Battalion?"

"Your Highness, you should have seen my three-eyed blunderbuss before? This is the firearm God Machine Three-Eyed Gun secretly built by the Firearms Supervision. The God Machine Battalion is soldiers and horses specially equipped with firearms for combat. There are only 3,000 people at the moment. They have artillery, Firecrackers, rockets, fire mines, etc. This time, I had an accident while watching the test firing of the new artillery, and the artillery exploded."


Chengqian asked the medical officer from the Pharmacy Bureau brought by the East Palace to help Qin Lang diagnose and treat him again, and confirmed that the trauma was a trivial matter, and the main reason was that the internal organs were injured by the shock.

"There should be no serious problems. Meditate and cultivate, stay in bed and rest, and do not have strenuous exercise in the near future."

"Don't ride horses, archery or play ball for a hundred days, it's best to lie down and recuperate."

The medical officer prescribed a prescription to help regulate the viscera and straighten the meridians.

"Your Highness, I can't assist His Highness as Regent for the time being. I have to take a sick leave and recuperate for a hundred days." Qin Lang said with a forced smile, but his smile brought back his injuries.

"Teacher, please rest at home and recuperate. I will bring the best medicinal materials from the palace later."

"I don't need imperial medicine. It's really not a big deal for me. It's just a normal treatment. My body is also strong. Besides, my family has also started to run medical clinics and raw medicine shops over the years. There are various medicinal materials. No shortage."

Cheng Qian looked at the teacher who was usually fierce and fierce, and always accompanied by some cunning foxes, but he was so weak today, he couldn't help feeling distressed.

There is only a ten-year age difference between the two, and Qin Lang is even his future brother-in-law, but after five or six years of getting along, from a child to an adult in Yuanfu, Cheng Qian was indeed raised by Qin Lang all the way, and he is also naturally close to him .

Qin Lang explained some things to Chengqian, that is, he should listen to the ministers more about the affairs of the court and China, be more humble, and read books with Kong Yingda, Lu Deming and the others when he has time, and he still needs to read books. If Yu Zhining and the others still bother you frequently, don't start a conflict with them. You have to be polite, but you don't necessarily have to listen to everything.

Listen to what you say is right, and just respond to what you say is wrong.

After rambling on, Qin Lang was a little tired, so he asked Cheng Qian to go back.

After everyone had left, Qin Lang lay on the bed feeling a little depressed. It was a rare trip to Zhongnan Mountain, but something happened. Huge financial and material resources and manpower research, as a result, there are always problems in the final test of the gun.

It seems that the current level of technology is not enough to support the manufacture of such cannons. A 36-jin tiger crouching cannon should be the limit.

It's also because I am a little impatient. If I give more time, in a decade or two, I should be able to develop a lightweight and powerful artillery. However, if the artillery is to play a big role, it must first be installed on a large scale. And this not only requires the ability to build powerful artillery, but also requires the production capacity of copper and iron smelting to keep up. After all, these cannons need to consume a lot of copper tubes and iron bullets. Not to mention, the artillery was very poor in the early days. To improve the accuracy, geometry had to be involved, a set of special artillery aiming tools had to be developed, and mathematics had to be improved. This is a very systematic thing.

The consumption of gunpowder raw materials such as sulfur, saltpeter, and lead is also staggering, and the production capacity must be increased by tens of times and hundreds of times on the current scale.

Otherwise, the Firearms Supervision and the Shenji Battalion are nothing more than a fleet. In any era, innovations in weapons and equipment can bring about innovations in tactics, but new equipment must be able to be mass-produced and deployed on a large scale. It is required to be cost-effective, cheap, easy to manufacture, and capable of large-scale installation and replenishment.

In comparison, the tiger crouching gun should be a type of mortar gun in essence. This kind of gun can also be regarded as a curved gun with a huge caliber and a short gun body, so that it can fire boulder bombs, but it is not easy to explode. The disadvantage is that this Such a short barrel has no accuracy at all. The tiger crouching gun is a comprehensive product improved from the mortar gun. The barrel is slightly lengthened, the caliber is reduced, and it can shoot curved shots. It is suitable for shotguns and has improved accuracy.

It's a little bit worse, let's use it first, let the weapon supervisor suspend the test firing of the long gun, and take it slowly. It can be transferred to the mortar for research. Although this kind of artillery is a bit bulky and lacks precision, it is not bad if it is used as a siege artillery or placed on a city as a fortress artillery defense. If you hit that kind of immovable city wall, or bombard a dense army, it should still be deterrent.

It is still relatively difficult to engage in field artillery, so there is no rush.


East Palace.

After Chengqian returned to the East Palace, he immediately summoned the prince's family order and asked him to send people to search for doctors and medicines, so as to heal the teacher's injuries.

The news of Qin Lang's injury was notified to the Zhengshitang, but it was only reported to the eunuchs by falling from his horse, and the real reason was kept secret.

Given Qin Lang's status and status, the East Palace wanted to seek medical advice for Qin Lang, and even awarded a heavy reward, so the whole East Palace naturally acted together.

All of a sudden, various parties donated medicines, and even invited many traveling doctors from Gyeonggi Province, and found many folk remedies.

What's more, some people found many warlocks.

Originally, the imperial court had already cracked down on scholars in an all-round way before. The imperial court still had reservations about monasteries, monks and Taoism, and kept about 20,000 monks, nuns and Taoists. show mercy.

Only in the past two years, the magicians of the Fang family have shown a tendency to revive, and there are gradually some magicians walking quietly in Chang'an City. The key is that there are nobles and relatives who trust them, giving them room to survive.

The Eastern Palace searched for doctors and medicines, but in the end, some officials of the Eastern Palace even took the opportunity to cling to the Duke of Wei, Qin Lang, in order to gain the crown prince's appreciation, so they recommended warlocks to the crown prince.

"Qin Ying, a Taoist priest of Xihua Temple in Chang'an, has a golden dragon in his arms and can cure all kinds of diseases."

An official of the East Palace said to the prince.

"Golden dragon?" Chengqian was very surprised.

"Yes, the Taoist priests of Qin have achieved success in cultivating Taoism, and they have golden dragons in their arms. Those who seek medical treatment stretch out the dragon's tap, and water flows out. After drinking, they can cure all kinds of diseases. There are countless people in Beijing who come to heal them, and there are many believers. Chang'an praises it. "

"Is there such a thing?" Cheng Qian was young and ignorant, and he didn't think about it, "Go to Xihua Temple and invite this Taoist priest from Qin. If he can really cure Wei Gong's disease, he will be rewarded for his loneliness."

The official retreated immediately, and hurried to Xihua Temple to find the Qin Taoist priest who gave birth to a golden dragon.

Seeing this, the others became more and more motivated.

Immediately, he also said to the prince, "His Royal Highness, a spring suddenly gushed out of the ground in Chang'an Chongsheng Temple this year. Squeezed into the spring water, but after being rescued by someone, only nine days after returning home, he actually said that he had dreamed of a golden fairy, and then his eyes gradually improved, and he was able to see things gradually.

"There was another lame man who heard about it and asked for spring water to drink. After drinking for thirty-six days, his disease was completely healed and he was able to walk like flying!"

"Is there anything else?"

"There are also many people who say that they have seen an old yellow toad in the spring, and they all say that it is the golden toad."

This yellow toad makes this spring more and more magical, because the ancients also called toad toad, which has been related to the legend of Chang'e's flight to the moon since ancient times. Those who are Rouzhi and Neizhi are called Long Live Toad.

Therefore, now this spring has been called Rouzhi Spring, the Spring of Immortality, and the people of Chang'an are flocking to it.

Therefore, Wei Lingfu, a Taoist priest of the Chongsheng Temple, was praised by many moons because of this spiritual spring. He also claimed to be able to communicate with the golden toad fairy, saying that the spring of immortality can cure common diseases, and some serious diseases need to call the golden toad fairy. Mixing the golden toad juice spit out by the golden toad fairy with the fairy spring water can cure various difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

Ever since, Taoist Priest Qin Ying from Xihua Temple and Taoist Priest Wei Lingfu from Chongsheng Temple became the most famous Taoist masters in Chang'an for a while.

There is also Zhu Lingling, a Taoist priest who was previously rehabilitated. He claimed to be able to make alchemy pills, which can cure all diseases and help longevity, and he is also well-known in Chang'an.

"Invite them right away!" Cheng Qian heard that these people were so miraculous, so he hurriedly sent someone to invite them, and even gave them gold, silver and silk.

Duke of Wei.

Qin Lang was lying on the bed reading a book bored, and he couldn't help snorting when he heard Zhang Chao's report.

"Golden Dragon, Golden Toad Immortal Spring, Longevity Elixir? You are so brave, you dared to trick Donggong and my wife into coming up."

"I'll drive them out!" Zhang Chao said.

"Wait a minute, since the crown prince invited them here, it's time to see their magic!"

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