Chastity Layman

Chapter 765 Niu Jinda

Lulong, Shanhaiguan.

At Qinhuangdao Wharf, thousands of large and small ships were urgently recruited here, including fishing boats of coastal fishermen and commercial ships of merchants.

Except for the boats that were frozen in the port fishing village due to freezing, all the boats that could go to sea within the scope of the Governor's Mansion in Youzhou were urgently recruited by Lao Niu.

A large number of people received a door-to-door notice from the government, asking them to quickly take on an urgent task. One hundred dollars a day, plus food and lodging, and after the errand was completed, each person was rewarded with a blanket.

The wages for this hire are much higher than usual.

"At this time of year, the canal has not yet thawed. What are we going to do? To transport food?" Many people who were recruited asked doubtfully.


Niu Jinda urgently mobilized 8,000 soldiers, of which 3,000 were stationed at the border, 5,000 were trained in the Youzhou regiment, and 12,000 civilians were urgently recruited.

Some of the peasants urgently recruited by various states and counties were assigned the task of transporting grain, and were responsible for transporting grain, grass and military equipment from Youzhou and other places to the seaside of Pingzhou.

Youzhou has stored a large amount of military equipment, food, grass and other supplies, but it is still 800 miles away from Pingzhou Qinhuangdao Wharf. If it is a few months later, after the sea is thawed, it can save more than half of the distance by directly departing from Tianjin Port.

Unfortunately, time waits for no one.

Under the pressure, Lao Niu ignored the opposition of all the officials of the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion, and still insisted on sending troops, and he took all the responsibilities alone.

"The imperial court wants to question the crime, and I will carry it alone. However, Duke Wei has already led troops to fight in Liaodong. Thousands of soldiers are bleeding and dying. We can't watch from the rear. All responsibilities will be discussed later. Now let's cooperate with Weiguo. Let’s talk after this battle is over!”

Lao Niu personally issued an indictment to the court, but while issuing the indictment, Lao Niu issued an emergency mobilization order.

And personally rushed to Pingzhou to sit in town.

Countless people, horses, money and food gathered all the way to Qinhuangdao, Pingzhou. This is a small island port near Yingzhou in the west of Liaoning Province and located near Shanhaiguan. Because of the ice-free port, it is extremely hot right now.

After the first batch of 1,000 soldiers arrived, Lao Niu didn't care about other things, and immediately led the troops on board and sailed towards Liaodong.

When floating with the waves in the sea, Lao Niu was only thinking about one thing, hoping that Qin Lang was still waiting for him.

Lao Niu couldn't understand why Qin Lang acted so recklessly this time. Why did he suddenly send troops to Liaodong when he was patrolling the southeast of the province?

And with his thousand soldiers and another thousand newly recruited sailors, he sent troops to Goguryeo?

Taking down Changxing Island can barely explain the past, saying that there are pirates and smugglers on the island, but attacking Beisha City is too bold.

Beisha City is not easy to fight.

And even if Qin Lang is really defeated, it may lead to a full-scale war between the two countries. If the Goguryeo people lead an army to seize it, should Tang defend it?

Most importantly, what is the emperor's intention?

As a courtier, it is too bold to decide such an important matter without authorization.

Regardless of whether the matter is successful or not, when Chang'an knows the news, there will be a disturbance in the sky, and there will definitely be countless people impeaching Qin Lang.

Even with him, Lao Niu couldn't escape. Lao Niu was even sure that before long, an envoy from Chang'an would come with an edict to exempt other officials from taking other positions.

The old cow could only smile wryly.

In the past few years, he has relied on the help of Qin Qiong and Qin Lang to be able to sit all the way from a Zhonglang general to the present governor of Youzhou, the governor of Youzhou, and the governor of Youzhou, and was promoted to the Duke of the country.

These are favors that must be paid back.

Trying to get rid of the official and seize the post, he can only swim in this muddy water, he can't just watch Qin Lang die alone, if Qin Lang leads those thousand people to die under the city of Beisha, then his old cow will have to spend his whole life Guilt.

From Qinhuangdao to Changxing Island, the straight-line distance is only 320 miles, and it can basically be reached in one day.

After braving the wind and waves at sea for a day, Niu Jinda finally arrived at the pier of Changxing Island before dark. He jumped off the boat and rushed to the island without hesitation, only to see countless merchants and slaves and a small number of Tang troops.

"Where is Duke Wei?"

Lao Huang was in charge of the island. He took Mrs. Anong and the caravan to set off from Chang'an later. He originally planned to take a boat from Mizhou Port to the south of Hainan, but he received a letter from Qin Lang on the way, asking him to go to the island first. Come to Changxing Island.

After Lao Huang arrived at Changxing Island, he and his stewards immediately took over the affairs of Changxing Island. At this time, he was busy receiving batches of slaves brought back from Beisha City.

Changxing Island became a temporary slave market, and slaves were continuously transported from Beisha City, and Lao Huang held a slave auction here.

A large number of businessmen came here after hearing the news, making Changxing Island even more lively.

"Duke Wei has just captured Beisha City. At this time, he is sending troops to wipe out the Goguryeo villages near Beisha City. He is arresting people and transporting them here to sell them as slaves."

The old cow froze for a moment.

"Baisha City has been captured?"

"Yes, it was taken a few days ago."

"How can this be!"

And Lao Huang told him that Qin Lang had already captured Beisha City on the third day after Lao Niu left Changxing Island, "It only took one night."

"Night attack? How many casualties were taken?"

"Thirty-seven people were killed, and twenty-one were seriously injured and disabled."

The number of casualties seemed like a joke, but Lao Niu was confused when he saw the scene on the island.

"How can it be?"

"Wei Gong invited the Dragon King of the East China Sea to help out, and borrowed the god Lei Tianhuo."

The old cow almost spat out the saliva on Lao Huang's face, just to fool the ghost.

After turning around the island, Lao Niu couldn't help it. Regardless of his exhaustion all the way, he hurriedly got all the Youzhou soldiers who had just landed on the boat again. Regardless of everyone's dazzling turn, he let the sailors continue to eat pancakes. Sailing Bay Sands.

Because the coast on the Bohai Bay side of Beisha City has not yet thawed, Lao Niu had to take the fleet around the southern tip of the peninsula, and ran to the ice-free Qingnipu Port to land. It took two days and traveled nearly 500 miles by sea. .

Along the way, on the sea along the coast, Qin Lang's ships could be seen from time to time, which were all loaded with Goguryeo slaves and transported to Changxing Island.

There are also some small boats that directly transport people to the islands near the coast, such as Snake Island, Pig Island, Bear Island, Ant Island, Rabbit Island, Sanshan Island, etc. These islands, large and small, were originally controlled by the Goguryeo people. Tang Jun controls.

They not only broke down the fishermen's villages on the island, but also built a temporary captive camp on the island, where the fishermen on the island and the slaves transported from Beisha were temporarily detained.

Many merchants drove merchant ships and brought guards to accept Qin Lang's temporary recruitment and joined this vigorous operation.

When he arrived at Qingnipu Port and landed, he found that the port was in full swing.

The original small fishing village at the port has now become a huge temporary camp, full of tents and shacks.

Many ships, big and small, stop here.

Because Beisha City was breached, the entire area to the south of Beisha City has now been considered occupied. Cheng Chumo Niu saw that Hu, Wu Shisheng and others were splitting up and attacking those villages everywhere.

Then the merchants followed, and every time they broke through a village, they swarmed up, and there was nothing left of the population, livestock, and money that they could divide.

Cheng Chumo and the others don't need to deal with these troublesome things, they will pack them all up to the merchants behind, whether it is slaves or materials, they will be packaged to the merchants at a cheaper price.

Merchants will use the fastest speed to transport the purchased trophies to Qingnipu Port, where there will be more merchants sorting and purchasing the various trophies brought back from the battlefield, and some merchants will directly ship them to Qingnipu Port. Things were transported to those islands in the sea.

This can also reduce the risk, and there is no need to worry about the loss after the Goguryeo army counterattacks.

Lao Niu looked at this scene and was extremely shocked.

A thousand Youzhou soldiers who had sailed at sea for three consecutive days and had already been dizzy all looked at the scene in shock.

When a group of merchants saw so many ships coming, they all flocked over.

They wanted to hire Lao Niu's boat at a high price, so that they could transport the loot piled up in Qingnipu away as soon as possible, at least to the Sanshan Islands outside the port first, which would be safer and more secure.

Lao Niu didn't have time to pay attention to these people, so he directly sent for the officer in charge of the port.

"Where is Duke Wei?"

"In Beisha City."

Without saying a word, Lao Niu waved his hand and asked the one thousand Youzhou troops who had just disembarked to follow him to Beisha City twelve miles away.

When a group of people entered Beisha City, they were exhausted.

Lao Niu finally saw Qin Lang, as well as Beisha City, an almost intact Beisha City, and Qin Lang's army that was almost intact.

"What's going on here, did you really invite the Dragon King?"

Qin Lang laughed out loud. This invitation to the Dragon King was just a propaganda, in order to increase the mystery of the Tang army breaking the city, and also to intimidate the Goguryeo people.

"Uncle Niu came so fast!"

"That's not as fast as your kid. Didn't you agree to wait until I transferred Youzhou soldiers to Changxing Island before doing it? Why did you kid take such a risk? Didn't you consider what happened?"

"There is no chance, everything is calculated."

The old man was so angry that he wanted to give Qin Lang a blow.

Regardless of the hard work, he walked around Beisha City, and Lao Niu had to sigh, this Beisha City is really dangerous.

"In terms of danger and solidity, this Beisha city is probably still above my Youzhou city. Two thousand people broke through the ten-mile fortified city. This is really a goddamn miracle."

"It's not a miracle, it's a miracle, the power of the Dragon King!" Qin Lang laughed loudly.

When Lao Niu heard that Qin Lang had conquered Beisha City by relying on the secret Forbidden Army Shenji Battalion, he was amazed at such a mysterious firearms troop.

Anyway, he is also one of the new big men in the military world, and he is also a big man with the rank of General of the Twelve Guards. Unexpectedly, the emperor still has such an amazing army in his hands, but he has no idea.

"What should we do now?" Niu Jinda asked.

"Have you thought about how to deal with the court?"

"How about the Goguryeo people's reaction?"

The old cow soul asked three times.

"The Goguryeo camp on the other side of Changxing Island has already known that Beisha has fallen and Gai Suwen has been detained, but now there is no leader in the group, so they did not rush to Beisha City for the time being, but retreated northward to Jili City."

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