Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 105: Bone Tracing

Kate Todd hasn't been in a good mood lately.

There is no other way. As a dedicated FBI agent, it is inevitable to be depressed when he encounters another bizarre case before the last one has been solved.

What's more, both of them are big cases, and both are receiving constant attention from the media every day.

The Vials Valley series of cases is now clearly a serial murder case.

But the problem is that although many corpses and hiding places have been discovered, the murder methods are uncertain, the suspects are uncertain, and no useful DNA or fingerprint clues have been found at the scene, which makes the investigation of the case completely impossible.

At the beginning, when there was only Alan McElroy, Kate could still doubt the relevant personnel of the "Fatal Turn" crew, but as more bodies were discovered, this suspicion gradually became untenable.

"But why hasn't that killer committed crimes recently?"

Although it is difficult to determine the cause and time of death of the body due to technical reasons, based on the missing time of the discovered victims, the FBI still compared it and found that Ellen McElroy and Eliza Kunis should be like this The last two victims in a series of crimes.

——Who made their disappearance the shortest time!

"Has the serial killer stopped?"

Kate had to have this suspicion.

In fact, many times, this is exactly what happens with serial killers. Even if the police do not catch the killer, he will disappear automatically after committing crimes continuously for a period of time.

For example, this is the case with Jack the Ripper, the earliest serial killer in criminal history.

After killing multiple women in a row, the shadow that filled the sky over the foggy London suddenly disappeared, leaving people with endless fear and speculation.

For more than 100 years, countless people have verified the true identity of Jack the Ripper, but in the end this can only be a guess.

From the perspective of psychologists, this can be said to be a temporary pause after the perverted killer's antisocial personality is satisfied, but for the police, what is left is an indelible shame.

And when she thought that she would be the one nailed to the pillar of shame, Kate couldn't help but lament.

There is no way, this is like a collection of the top ten goals in the World Cup. The scorer has unlimited glory, but what is left to the defender can only be shame.

The same goes for police and criminals.

Catch a criminal and he becomes a name in police heroics;

If the criminal cannot be caught, the police will become a clown in the criminal legend.

Winner and loser, the world is sometimes very simple.

The second case was even worse.

The first case can also be said to be a crime other than war.

A horrifying reality is that serial killer cases have occurred many times in the world. But basically as long as the killer is not so arrogant that he doesn't cover up, it will be difficult for the police to solve the case directly.

After all, serial killers often have no contact with their victims, which makes it impossible to use the usual police investigation method of extending social networks.

As for logical reasoning, people who can become serial killers generally have abnormal brains. Faced with this kind of abnormal guy who committed crimes frequently, Holmes had nothing to do.

In fact, many serial killer cases are solved due to luck.

It was because of some trivial matter that the famous serial killer was overturned one day, and the police accidentally caught a clue, and then they followed the clues and uncovered this big BOSS.

And if you are not lucky...

The second case was more troublesome.

Jodie Foster, the double Oscar-winning actress, doesn’t know if she had a conflict with the FBI. After the Hinckley incident, she was once again involved in this kind of big criminal trouble——

Someone actually placed a human heart in her villa.

this matter,

Once again, reporters from newspapers big and small were excited.

Recently, as the FBI agent in charge of this case, Kate once again experienced the constant harassment by the media.

What's even more irritating is that she also knows some reporters who harassed her in the previous Vials Valley series of cases.

"Fortunately, there are some clues in this case."

After all, even if this "heart-stealing" case is more mysterious, if there is a heart, there will definitely be a corresponding body, which is definitely a clue.


"Why were two corpses without hearts found!?"

Kate wanted to scratch her head in distress.

The God of Evidence seemed to be joking with Kate. In her case, either no useful evidence could be found, or there was too much evidence all at once.

"I only have one heart here. Could it be that the murderer still has one in his hand?"

——I have to say, this guess is a bit scary.

In desperation, Kate had no choice but to investigate the identities of the two corpses and their behavior before death. The results were surprisingly consistent——

"Both of these two were men, clubbing enthusiasts, and had no social connections at all. According to eyewitness feedback, they both brought a drunk girl out of the bar on the last night before their death, and then——"

It's a pity that it's not sexy.

According to forensic examination, the two did not have sex before their deaths.

Although judging from the testimony of eyewitnesses and the fact that they were found in the hotel, they had such a purpose, it was obvious that the murderer did not give them a chance.

Then the question comes——

Where were the two girls they took into the hotel?

Or are they really two different girls?

Based on the method of killing, the forensic doctors concluded that the murderer was the same person.

Even now they still can't determine what the murder weapon was.

"Could it be that there's another Eileen Wuornos?"

Kate murmured in her mind.

——Eileen Wuornos is a female serial killer who was just arrested in the past two years. She killed six men from the 1980s to the early 1990s.

The current killer, if Kate's guess is correct, should be a girl.

She pretends to be drunk, seduces men with evil intentions, then kills them in a hotel and cuts out their hearts.

——Well, if the forensic doctor's judgment is correct, cutting out the heart and killing should happen at the same time, that is to say...

"This girl is a monster!"

Kate was frightened by her own speculation.

"However, she didn't leave any fingerprints, and her face wasn't caught on the hotel's surveillance video. Is she a repeat offender!?"

——Do we need to investigate the files of recently released female prisoners?

"And why did she give a heart to Jodie Foster? And how did she do it?"

The more she thought about it, the more mystery there seemed to Kate. At this time——

"Hey Kate, how are you doing with the two cases you have?"

Kate's friend Diana asked her.

"What else?"

Kate had a wry smile on her face,

"Nothing can be done. Speaking of which, Diana, are there any breakthroughs on your side?"

——Diana is the administrator of the FBI's evidence library in the Los Angeles area.

Because there have been many serious cases in the Los Angeles area recently, FBI executives asked them to check all the physical evidence in their inventory to see if they could find any useful clues from old cases.

Of course, the result of rushing to seek medical treatment for this kind of disease and shooting the bird at random will be -

"There's no breakthrough."

Diana spread her hands,

"The only discovery was that John Hinckley's gun was here with us."

"The ROHM RG-14 that assassinated Reagan!?"

Because she once served in the President's Secret Service, Kate knew very well about the Hinckley incident. Because of this, she was even more surprised,

"Why is that gun here with us? Even if it's not in the hands of the President's Secret Service, it should be with HSD, right?"

"It is said that during the initial investigation, the FBI executives felt that there was a mastermind behind Hinckley. The mastermind was probably related to Hollywood, so they packaged the relevant evidence and sent it to the Los Angeles area, that is..."

"Well, that's a reasonable suspicion."

As an excellent detective, Kate also didn't believe Hinckley's confession——

To assassinate the president because he likes Jodie Foster is an exaggeration even for a mentally ill person.

Especially, such a scam actually succeeded.

If Reagan hadn't been so lucky, someone else might have led the United States to win the Cold War.

According to the FBI's logic, it is only reasonable that there is a mastermind behind this.

Hollywood, where radical leftists gather, is obviously very suspicious, not to mention that Hinckley stayed in Hollywood for a while before committing the crime.

Especially since Reagan was a Republican, a typical rightist...

"But why weren't these physical evidences recovered later?"

Kate still doesn't understand.

"I don't know about that. Maybe I missed it!"

Diana guessed,

"Actually, it's thanks to Hollywood that we know about this."

"What's the meaning?"

"A director wanted to make a movie about the Hinckley incident, and he followed the clues to us, and that's when we discovered the gun."

Diana looked happy,

"In a few years, it will be a cultural relic."

But Kate's attention is in another place:

"What's the director's name?"

"Charlotte Booth."

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