Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 115: Escape is shameful but useful

Nick Schleiden feels like his life has been amazing lately.

Ordinarily, as a bit player, after filming the scenes where the heroine comes out of the boys' dormitory, Nick, who was specifically responsible for falling, should be able to complete the filming.

Nick himself felt the same way.

In fact, after playing on the set for two days, apart from falling down too many times and feeling dizzy during filming, Nick thought it was quite fun.

In particular, there is a scene where the heroine kindly gave him a pillow when he fell, and then kissed him on the back of his head...

Although it wasn't actually any advantage at all, overall, Nick still enjoyed shooting that set of shots.

The only problem may be that after he got up, his brain felt a little swollen and he seemed even more dizzy...

Anyway, normally speaking, as a bit player, Nick Schleiden's role is actually over.

——If the director doesn't give him extra scenes.

"Otherwise, Nick, the killer wearing the ugly doll mask, you can make a cameo first."

When he heard Director Charlotte say this, Nick was confused at first.

However, in the end he supported the director's decision.

And for Charlotte, there is nothing she can do about it——

Who would have thought that a person playing a killer would suddenly get food poisoning?

Of course, the so-called actor who plays the killer here is not the one who actually kills the heroine in the movie plot, but the stuntman who plays the ugly doll mask.

This is the same as in those superhero movies, in addition to the real actors, the hero plays the role of a number of stuntmen.

Especially for characters like Batman and Spider-Man who do not show their faces most of the time, those action scenes wearing masks are basically the work of stand-ins.

In "Happy Death Day", although the action scenes were not so difficult that a substitute was required, considering the differences in men's and women's bodies and movements, and in order to avoid the killer's identity being revealed too early by some sharp-eyed viewers, Charlotte decided to use a stuntman. A stand-in.

…Then the double got food poisoning.

In desperation, Charlotte took up the idea of ​​members of the crew who were of similar stature.

After all, firstly, there is no need to show one’s face, and secondly, there are no lines, so who can act and not act?

The stage manager Mobley even came up with an even weirder idea——

"Anyway, the killer appears a lot wearing a mask, so we might as well let a few suitable people play the role once."

Hearing this, the person responsible for the "killing", that is, Charlize, turned black. Even Charlotte herself couldn't help but complain:

"If one person stabs the victim, wouldn't it become Murder on the Orient Express?"

In short, the proposal was rejected, and Charlize did not give the crew a good look for several days.

As a result, this temporary role vacancy finally fell to Nick Schleiden.

Nick was not unhappy about this. Anyway, he has time, so why not act?

What's more, the actresses in the "Happy Death Day" crew are basically all beautiful...

Well, despite experiencing a tragic failure, the young man has not given up yet.

Then Jodie Foster joined the cast.


Judy was in the group with Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell.

Because of the popularity of "Blair Witch", as a producer, she was very excited to work on it. This gives her a sense of accomplishment as she has been working hard in the direction of being a producer.

At the same time, there has been no news about the painting recently, and the FBI has not harassed her again. This makes Judy think that Charlotte's solution may be really good, or maybe the release of "Blair Witch" really has a corresponding effect. role?

Judy didn't know the specific reason, but it didn't stop her from feeling relaxed.

Therefore, as soon as the release of "Blair Witch" stabilized, she invited Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell, whom she had already talked about, to join the set of "Happy Death Day".

The three of them don't have many scenes.

Andie MacDowell only has a few simple scenes, and the difficulty level is low.

She finished filming that day and left directly.

Bill Murray is a little more difficult.

As the father of the heroine, he has a scene opposite the heroine Charlize. Although it is not difficult, it still requires some emotional development.

This is where the problem happened——


Charlotte reluctantly shouted stop again.

In front of the camera, Bill Murray looked helpless, while Charlize looked livid.

This is already the tenth NG.

Charlize, who had pretty good acting skills at first, suddenly became incapable of acting at this scene.

The whole person's expression was very dull, as if he was wearing a thick mask.

This gave Charlotte a very headache, but he also knew that this was probably Charlize's psychological problem, and it was difficult to say anything.

Fortunately, as an old man in his forties, Bill Murray is quite well-educated. He patiently accompanied Charlize over and over again. However, now, Charlotte feels that she needs to take some action——

"Sally, come here!"

The director pulled his heroine into the RV.

"what do you want to say?"

Charlize's face was tense, as if she was ready to defend herself.

The girl knew that her performance today was very poor, and she also knew that when Charlotte was a director, she was not as easy to talk to as the two of them usually get along.

She was ready to accept the storm, but Charlotte's words were beyond her expectations.

"Sally, I remember our agreement is that if one party makes a request and the other party can accept it, then we should try our best to accept it, right?"


——Is your mind filled with white tadpoles? ?

For a moment, Charlize wanted to scream like this. However, when she saw the evil smile on the other side's lips, she understood.

"Even if you comfort me, please don't use this topic, okay?"

"This is the real comfort!"

Charlotte spread her hands,

"Who made you look like you are facing a powerful enemy? In that case, nothing I say will be of any use!"

"Then you should be able to say it now, right?"

Charlize looked helplessly at the rogue man in front of her.

"That's what it takes!"

As she spoke, Charlotte stretched out her fingers to support the corner of the girl's mouth,

"At this time, smile!"


The girl rolled her eyes, but her expression finally relaxed.

Charlotte struck while the railroad was hot,

"Sally, although you haven't told me, I can guess that you have some feelings for your father, so when you act in a role like your father..."


"Don't worry, I won't ask any questions until you are willing to say it, let alone advise you to let go of your feelings or anything like that - if that kind of bullshit works, it won't be my turn to say it."

Charlotte stretched out her hand and hugged the girl into her arms. The girl struggled but did not break free.

"Sally, let Alexis do this!"

Charlotte whispered into the girl's ear.


The stubborn girl struggled again, Charlotte quickly hugged her tightly,

"Sally, you have always been interested in ghosts and magic. In addition to curiosity, it is also because of that knot in your mind, right? You suspect that there are ghosts and ghosts there, right?"

The girl's struggle suddenly disappeared. Charlotte continued in her ear:

"If, as you suspect, there is a ghost at work in the matter you are thinking about, it will definitely not be solved by simply confronting it once."

"You mean-"

The girl raised her head suddenly, only to find that Charlotte looked embarrassed.

"I don't know what the specific situation is, but I will create a more appropriate opportunity for you to solve the problem in the future. So——"

Charlotte looked at the girl's tearful eyes,

"So, let Alexis do it first this time, okay?"

For a long time, the silent girl nodded.

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