Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 147 The last exorcism

"What exactly is going on!?"

Charlize realized there must be something wrong here. She looked at Charlotte, hoping the latter would give her an explanation.

"This is actually our reward!"

Charlotte pointed to the small villa behind her and explained to Charlize.

In fact, the thing is very simple——

After Christmas, Charlotte went to see Jodie Foster, originally just to discuss the follow-up promotion of "Happy Death Day", but in the end, the actress wanted Charlotte to help her with another exorcism. magic.

It turns out that although the evil god released his control on Judy at that time, it did not mean that the actress was completely fine.

In other words, from a magic point of view, there may be no problem, but from a psychological point of view, it is just the opposite——

Just like veterans who are separated from the battlefield may suffer from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), Jodie Foster also suffered a lot of psychological stimulation due to the painting incident.

Especially after she was completely freed from the control of the evil god, her thinking ability returned to normal. In addition, during the filming of "Happy Death Day", the negative emotions in her heart were also greatly vented. Now, without the dark side in her heart, she is becoming more aware. The painting skin incident is so scary.

"I often have nightmares at night, dreaming about people who look exactly like me standing in front of the bed and pretending to kill me. Later, I didn't even dare to look in the mirror..."

This is how Judy described it at the time.

In Charlotte's opinion, this is actually a symptom of PTSD.

This is normal.

After all, ghosts are generally very scary. If you are entangled with these things, even if things are resolved later, the psychological fear will not go away for a while.

Jodie Foster is now in the stage of psychological fear after the incident.

Ordinarily, at this time, seeking help from a psychologist may be the best way. But Judy's problem is that she can't tell the truth to the psychiatrist——

Think about it, when the psychiatrist asked her why, she replied that she saw ghosts... The doctor would definitely think that she was hallucinating and needed to take sedatives or even give an electric shock...

In desperation, she could only turn to Charlotte again.

Moreover, unlike Charlotte who understands spells and can distinguish which ones are psychological problems and which ones are caused by ghosts, Jodie Foster can't even tell whether her current situation is caused by ghosts or psychological problems.

This leaves her with no choice but to turn to ghost expert Charlotte for help.

Charlotte’s solution to the problem is very simple and crude——

Of course he knows that the current problem with the movie queen is purely psychological.

But if you follow the psychiatrist's method of treatment, it will take a long time, and Charlotte is not good at it.

He knows magic, can direct movies, and is a master of deception, but not a master of psychology.

——Even he can do hypnosis.

Charlotte chose to give Jodie Foster a mirror directly, a mirror covered with various charms.

——Of course, those spells are all fake, they were drawn on randomly by Charlotte.

This is the mirror that Charlotte used to summon the soul and collect the memory fragments of her predecessor Charlotte when she first traveled through time.

Charlotte gave it to Jodie Foster to give her peace of mind.

Although PTSD sounds complicated and difficult to cure quickly using modern scientific methods, Charlotte understands that the essence of this thing is fear.

Although it has passed, it is a fear that people cannot forget.

For Jodie Foster, it was the fear of ghosts, especially painted skins and the evil spirits who had taken over her.

That's it.

Anyway, the evil god has been killed. Charlotte just needs to give the actress something that looks very magical, and then tell her that with her blessing, this thing can restrain the evil god.

——People are very realistic. As long as they are given weapons that can overwhelm the object of their fear, they will naturally settle down.

This is the same reason that many countries that feel they are being bullied always like to seek the big killer weapon with the power of the sun.

The problem with PTSD patients in general is that society does not allow them to carry weapons to suppress their fears, and many fears cannot be overcome with ordinary weapons.

In comparison, Jodie Foster's situation is much easier to handle.

The mirror Charlotte gave her did not pose any danger, and carrying it was not a problem.

This is a placebo effect.

In fact, the mirror did have a soothing effect - only this part of the charms Charlotte scribbled was true.

Although this calming effect is only valid for one or two months without Charlotte's continuous magic support, it is enough to convince the actress that the mirror is really magical.

What's more, in order to enhance the sense of reality, Charlotte also deliberately took out the painted-skinned monster he had captured before and demonstrated it——

After the death of the evil god, the painted skin was actually dead, but driven by Charlotte's magic power, it could still move.

As a result, in Jodie Foster's eyes, there was a magical scene where Charlotte released the painting skin that was sealed by him, and then the painting skin was directly destroyed by the reflection of the magical mirror.

——It is indeed very convincing and shocking.

Although the fact is that Charlotte used her magic power to control the painted skin, which had long been left with only skin, to walk twice in front of the movie queen, and then directly self-destructed.

Although it is indeed a scam, it does solve Jodie Foster's psychological problems. After all, in this situation, it feels like if you believe it, it will work, but if you don’t, it will not work.

In short, the issue of painted skin comes to an end here.

But after a period of fright and nervousness, Judy felt that she should change her environment to adjust her mood. In addition, this villa has a painted skin that has placed the heart of a person...

"So, she sold this villa, already known as a haunted house, to you at a low price!?"

After hearing this, Charlize probably understood, but even so——

"Even if it can't be sold at a high price because of a murder, this is Beverly Hills! This house shouldn't be cheap, right?"

In order to maintain a certain distance, Charlize did not deliberately understand Charlotte's financial situation, but from daily life, she could still see that the latter was not that wealthy.

But Charlotte's answer left the girl stunned:

"She only charged me $100,000 and said I would pay within ten years."


Although Jodie Foster's villa is not big and the decoration is average, and now it has the name of a haunted house, this is Beverly Hills after all, and $100,000 is indeed too low.

Especially the other party allowed Charlotte not to pay immediately——

Within ten years! ? How different is that from giving it away for free! ! ?

In fact, although it was not stated explicitly, they all knew that this was the reward given by Jodie Foster for the painting incident.

——Of course, there must be a reason why the movie queen doesn’t want to live in this unlucky house anymore.

"These damn rich people!"

Although now famous, Charlize is still a poor man, so cursed.

But Charlotte knew that Jodie Foster's intention was more than that.

PS1: "The Last Exorcism" is also a mockumentary, a horror genre, but here it refers to Jodie Foster's exorcism, the last of the Painted Skin Incident, although it is fake. PS2: Sorry, something was delayed this morning, so this chapter is a bit late. PS3: In fact, the most commonly heard mental illness of PTSD is the problem of some veterans who have participated in the war. This is especially obvious in the United States. There are many reasons for this, so I will not go into details one by one. PS4: Houses in Beverly Hills are indeed quite expensive, but having said that, compared with the imperial capital, they are actually not that scary. After all, the United States is vast and sparsely populated, and there are not that many buyers. Some of the current prices may have been speculated by us real estate speculators in the past. PS5: Of course, there are other problems here, which I will talk about later. PS6: You are probably all resting today, I am at work, please comfort me.

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