East Eighth District, Yanjing City time, 16:19:37.

Yangcheng Hengke Real Estate Group Building.

Ye Yuan stopped talking.

In his eyes, the eldest daughter Wang Luoyan was looking at him with a strange look, as if the man in front of her was just a patient with simple persecution paranoia and moderate schizophrenia.

"So you came to me today just to tell me your so-called accidental formula?"

Wang Luoyan slapped the pen she was playing with on the table of the desk with a 'pop' sound, and leaned back on the chair. After realizing that the man in front of her was challenging her patience, she began to make no secret of it. He raised his white arm with irritation and anger, and reached out to open a drawer at hand.

"Not entirely."

Ye Yuan shrugged his shoulders, watched Wang Luoyan's movements completely, and continued to say with a smile.


On the fifty-eighth floor, in a huge office.

The atmosphere seemed a bit silent and tense.

Wang Luoyan stretched out her hand, and her slender fingers had already clasped the hidden button of the drawer. She was breathing heavily, and her delicate facial features gradually became distorted and ferocious.

Ye Yuan looked at Wang Luoyan's movements.

I was shocked and appalled.

The target of shock and horror was not at all Wang Luoyan, the eldest lady of Hengke Real Estate Group!

Most of Ye Yuan's attention stayed on the 'path and steps' that only he could see in his field of vision.

‘At 16:19:40, Wang Luoyan, who has a moody temper, began to show impatience, and this impatience was heating up at an extremely fast speed.’

‘At 16:19:45, Wang Luoyan’s fingers reached for the drawer on her right.…’

‘At 16:19:48, Wang Luoyan suddenly opened the drawer and grabbed a small silver silenced revolver inside the drawer.…’

‘At 16:20:03, please stand up at the same moment, stretch out your hands, press Wang Luoyan’s shoulders, and say something like this: Miss Wang, I advise you not to do this.’


Line after line of steps continued to pass in front of Ye Yuan's eyes.

Everything in this world seems to be taken into account by the 'special ability' obtained by Ye Yuan.

Every movement and even expression of the proud and wanton Princess Wang Luoyan of the tens of billions group in front of him was marked step by step.

Ye Yuan was not given more time to think.

The red alert time keeps flashing!





Wang Luoyan looked fierce, and the hand holding the silver revolver was about to pull out quickly! at this moment.

In front of her eyes, there was even a picture of her holding a pistol, with the black muzzle pressed directly against Ye Yuan's forehead!

Ye Yuan's pupils are dilated and the fear that is desperately growing will make Wang Luoyan's cheeks rosy and produce an intoxicating emotion of joy for her.…




Her chest rose and fell. She began to tremble with excitement!

However, just when she exerted her strength and drew out the revolver, she was about to stand up!

She only heard a 'bang'!

Ye Yuan, who was sitting in front of Wang Luoyan, was also there. Standing up in an instant!

Ye Yuan seemed to have foreseen all this in advance. He raised his hands and pressed Wang Luoyan's shoulders without hesitation!


Wang Luoyan's body was pushed back to her seat by Ye Yuan.

Her hand holding the revolver had already returned to the drawer before she had time to lift it up. Her palm was loosened and the silver pistol dropped.…

"Miss Wang, I advise you not to do this."

Ye Yuan held Wang Luoyan's body tightly and said calmly.


And actually.

Ye Yuan's back felt chilly and he was sweating continuously.

Although he can achieve the ultimate goal as long as he strictly follows the path and steps.

However, all these behaviors still need to be performed by him as the executor of the process...

Just like that moment, if he had reacted a second slower, the gun might have been pressed against his forehead, and then, You have no control over your fate!


"I also advise you not to be impulsive."

"You should know that the closest position to this position is the aorta in Ms. Wang's neck. I just need to point like this..."

Ye Yuan continued to follow the prompts of the 'path and steps', and while reading out the words word by word, he moved his right hand His fingertips touched the fair neck of Wang Luoyan, the eldest daughter of Hengke Real Estate Group. Behind him, Bian Mei, the secretary and bodyguard, stopped with a stern expression.


Ye Yuan withdrew his eyes from the corner of his eyes and glanced at the lines and actions in the 'steps'. Then, his black and white eyes looked directly at Wang Luoyan, whose face was reddened and extremely angry.

Look calm.

Slow, peaceful and calm.

Ye Yuan leaned down, gently placed his lips against Miss Wang Luoyan's ear, and then spoke unhurriedly:

"The main purpose of my coming to see you this time is for three things."

"The first thing is to tell you the reason for your brother's accident."

Ye Yuan paid attention to the time.

After a slight pause, he continued:

"The second thing is that I want to tell you…"

"I'm back!"

"As for the third thing."

Ye Yuan glanced out the French window and said with a half-smile:


"It's cloudy"


Say it.

Ye Yuan followed the instructions in the 'Path and Steps' and let go of Wang Luoyan's shoulders.

The secretary and bodyguard on the side was about to take action.

But when she saw Wang Luoyan's raised palm, she stopped.


In the office.

After Ye Yuan said three inexplicable things, he did not continue to expand on them.

All he saw was that Ye Yuan's eyes were slowly sweeping around again.

He walked to the side, leaning against the sofa with his back against the floor-to-ceiling window. At the same time, he took out a transparent plastic bag containing a Huazhong brand pencil from his pocket with one hand.


Ye Yuan walked to the sofa by the floor-to-ceiling window.

He lowered his head and looked at the coffee table.

There was thought in his expression. at this moment.

In his eyes, several 'directions' appeared on the coffee table, each representing a different ending.

Ye Yuan thought for a moment.

Just listen to a 'pop' sound.

Ye Yuan placed the sharpened wooden pencil heavily on one of the positions...

After settling, he hung it up again and struck again, with two consecutive 'snap' sounds.’…


After doing all this, the time just stayed at '16:21:00 PM'.

Ye Yuan smiled and glanced at Wang Luoyan sitting at the desk.

He spread his hands.

Just like that, he strode outside Wang Luoyan's office.

Secretary and bodyguard Bian Mei looked at the eldest lady Wang Luoyan, saw a familiar gesture, and then nodded.

She did not follow Ye Yuan, but issued an instruction through her mobile phone


Ye Yuan walked out of Wang Luoyan's office without any obstruction.

At this time.

Wang Luoyan stood up from her desk.

She frowned and walked towards the 'coffee table' where the pencil had been raised for no apparent reason.

No direct contact.

Instead, she sat on the sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the 'pencil' that seemed familiar to her.

Floor-to-ceiling windows.

The special elevator responsible for curtain wall cleaning descends. On the elevator, two workers are about to start work.

------------------------------------------------------------------------ ps: Ask for free data! thank you all! bow!

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