The physical evidence is available, and the suspect takes the initiative to confess the crime, which means that this case is really going to be closed!

As the news of Lu Quan's admission of the crime reached the ears of the entire serious crime team, the entire three teams were jubilant, and many police officers had been investigating the murderer's incriminating evidence day and night in the past few days, and they had not closed their eyes for two or three days.

They were so sleepy that they almost fell to the ground, but they suddenly became extremely energetic, laughing, cheering, and hugging each other tightly to celebrate the end of this big case.

Captain Yin Mingzhi was so excited that he ran to the toilet and flushed it with a faucet~.

"It's not a dream, it's true, the murderer has finally pleaded guilty - the case has finally been solved!"

Yin Mingzhi roared excitedly in the toilet like a wolf, this case is like a big mountain, pressing ~ zai on his body, and now, this big mountain has finally moved away from him!

He finally didn't have to worry about whether his captaincy would be removed if the case was not solved.

The entire three major crime teams were full of hearty laughter, and the voices of the police officers were full of joy.

In the midst of laughter, Hao Shuai and Qin Ming seemed a little out of place with this atmosphere, their faces were solemn, and their brows were tightly locked, as if they were pondering something.

The two looked at each other a little awkwardly, and finally said nothing.

Hao Shuai recalled Lu Quan's calm and calm interrogation and his weird smile, and he felt puzzled.

As Zhang Feng's accomplice, Zhang Feng asked Zhang Guoan to find a way to get Lu Quan's essence~ye and blame Lu Quan for the crime, which already made Hao Shuai feel extremely incredible.

At first, he thought that Zhang Feng and Lu Quan must have had a conflict, so Zhang Feng hated Lu Quan and wanted to blame him for the crime.

But judging from Lu Quan's performance after his arrest, Hao Shuai suddenly understood that his previous guess was wrong.

If Zhang Feng wanted to blame him because he broke with Lu Quan, Lu Quan would definitely not behave so calmly!

was betrayed by his own brother, and even framed by him, facing the fate of becoming a murderer, but he was not afraid at all, completely disagreed, and even laughed.

Why is that?

Hao Shuai frowned and pondered, he thought about all the possibilities, and the last extremely bold guess slowly rose in Hao Shuai's heart.

Is all this ...... Was it premeditated?

If Zhang Feng and Lu Quan had already designed all this, then Lu Quan's performance would have been able to explain it.

He already knew that he was going to be arrested, which is why he acted so calmly!

If these two people colluded, then why did Zhang Feng let Zhang Guoan Fei work so hard to get Lu Quan's essence~ye, and then get into the body of the deceased and make a new autopsy report?

Is there any point in doing this for them to play with Zhang Guoan?

Hao Shuai returned to his position, holding his head and thinking.

Everything happens with a root, Lu Quan will not be so calm for no reason, if he really designed with Zhang Feng to play with Zhang Guoan, then why did they target Zhang Guoan so much?

"Have a cup of tea. "

Zhang Yihan suddenly came to Hao Shuai's side, holding a bunch of them in her hands, and handed him a cup of hot tea at the same time.

"The case has been solved, why aren't you depressed?"

Hao Shuai picked up the teacup, took a sip and said, "I'm not depressed, it's just that I haven't rested much recently, so I look a little in bad spirits, huh...... What do you have?"

"It's all about some information about the deceased Yang Rong before his death, Captain Yin has always asked me to start with the information of the deceased before his death, but I haven't found any clues, and now that the case is solved, these materials are no longer needed, and I plan to put the information back. "

Hearing this, Hao Shuai's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said, "Show me these materials first, and I'll help you put them back later." "

"Isn't the case solved...... What else is there to see?"

Zhang Yihan said with a look of surprise.

"I'll just take a look. "

Hao Shuai said as he took the information from Zhang Yihan's hand.

········ Asking for flowers...

He had been starting with the cases that Zhang Guoan had handled, but because Zhang Guoan had worked too long and cracked too many cases, it was very difficult to investigate.

Until now, Hao Shuai has not been able to find useful clues from those cases.

But Hao Shuai has never started to investigate the deceased, so Hao Shuai plans to take a closer look at these materials.

There is not much information about the deceased Yang Rong, and she has not made any outstanding contributions in her life, nor has she committed any earth-shattering crimes, she is just a very ordinary prostitute~nv.

But such a prostitute~nv, the people he came into contact with were also varied, but nothing worth paying attention to had happened.


Hao Shuai carefully investigated these materials and did not let go of any details.

Suddenly, a lawsuit involving Yang Rong in fifteen years suddenly attracted Hao Shuai's attention.

The plaintiff in that lawsuit turned out to be Zhang Feng!

Yang Rong's death is really not unreasonable, she had a relationship with Zhang Feng before her death!

According to the information, fifteen years ago, Zhang Feng's family sued three rich second generations in court, accused of wheel ~ jian, and the victim was Zhang Feng's sister, Zhang Xuan.

And this Yang Xuan turned out to be Lu Quan's girlfriend.

Hao Shuai couldn't help frowning, Lu Quan is Zhang Feng's sister~fu.Why did Zhang Feng deliberately blame him for the crime? Wouldn't it be better to let Zhang Guoan casually blame someone else?

Hao Shuai couldn't figure it out for a while, and he didn't delve deeper, but continued to look at the information.

According to Zhang Xuan's description, these three rich second generations dragged themselves to the grass for a round ~yao after they were stunned~jian.In the process of committing the crime, Zhang Xuan did not completely faint, and was still conscious, but he had no strength to resist them at all.

At the trial, the three rich second-generation collectively denied the fact of wheel ~ jian xuan, and said that Zhang Xuan was voluntary.

And the current deceased, Yang Rong, is a witness to that lawsuit, she was only fifteen years old at the time, and she has witnessed the whole process of the case.

Inch. _

Please see the ununderlined version of the novel

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