"Have any suspicious strangers been in your factory lately?"

Hao Shuai asked as he looked around.

"Suspicious stranger?"

The person in charge thought for a while, then glanced at Hao Shuai with some caution and said, "Stranger's words...... Then it's just the two of you, officers......"

Hao Shuai glared at him, what are you talking about.

Since there have been no strangers in the factory lately, how should the murderer commit the crime?

Could it be that the murderer is a person from this factory?

Or is it not that the content of the third photo is not that there will be a murder in this factory?

Hao Shuai picked up the photo in his hand and carefully compared it, the light in the factory was very dark, but the scene in the photo looked slightly brighter, and it was difficult to make such a big difference if the camera equipment was used to fill in the light.

Hao Shuai inspected left and right for a while before he slowly spoke: "Go to another factory and have a look." "

Hearing this, the person in charge immediately took Hao Shuai and them to another plant, just like the previous plant, most of the workshops in this workshop are also placed with various CNC machinery and equipment, and there are some cranes on the top of the plant transporting various heavy objects.

The light inside is slightly brighter than in the previous building.

Hao Shuai glanced around for a while, and finally walked towards the back door of the factory.

Since the back door is often filled with vehicles transporting steel molds, the back door of the plant is always open.

"This should be the place. "

Hao Shuai took the photo and compared it near the back door, the light here is the brightest of the two factories, which is more consistent with the light scene in the photo.

Hao Shuai looked at the scene in the photo, and then looked at the workshop in front of him, and finally his eyes looked at the crane above, and said to the person in charge on the side: "Command, let the workers operating near this area pay attention recently, and don't have any accidents, especially the crane above~." "

Hearing this, the person in charge looked up at the crane and said: "Don't worry, our crane is a new type of CNC equipment imported from abroad, because in the past few years, this kind of crane is manually operated, and it is easy to have safety accidents when distracted, so our factory deliberately spent a lot of money to import a few of this equipment completely programmed by the computer, which is completely in accordance with the pre-written program to work, and there will be no problems.

" "

Hearing this, Hao Shuai nodded, and set his eyes on the workers who were controlling the mechanical equipment, the equipment here is basically CNC machine tools, the program has been done according to the needs, the workers only need to carry out some simple button operations, and the danger factor is indeed very small.

"After all, you all have some big machinery here, so you have to be careful."

The person in charge came to the side of these machinery and equipment, glanced around for a while, and saw that all the workers in his factory were working carefully and carefully, and his face showed a satisfied look.

"Officer, you can rest assured, our macro factory safety awareness education work is very good, in recent years there have been basically no serious casualties, especially a CNC workshop, you don't have to worry, the risk factor of these machines is very low, there will be no problems. "

Before the person in charge finished speaking, he only heard a bang, as if something heavy had fallen to the ground, the person in charge raised his head in amazement, his pupils suddenly shrank violently, and a huge shadow instantly enveloped him.


Several huge steel plates fell from the sky, and immediately smashed the person in charge down, and before he even had time to let out a howl, the whole person was already pressed to the ground by the steel plates, kicking up huge dust.

Hao Shuai and Zhang Yihan were both startled and hurriedly ran towards the person in charge.

After hearing the sound, the surrounding factory workers all looked at it, and after seeing that the person in charge of the parts factory was hit by the steel plate, many people stopped their work at hand and gathered over.

"Hurry up and help lift it!"

Hao Shuai yelled coldly at the workers on the side.

The steel plate pressed on the person in charge was at least more than 200 kilograms, and it was difficult to remove the steel plate with the strength of him and Zhang Yihan alone.

Only then did the skilled workers on the side react, and they came to the side and helped lift it together.

"One, two, three!"

With the concerted efforts of several workers, the steel plate was finally lifted, and they slammed it aside, smashing up a huge dust mist.

The corpse of the person in charge also came into everyone's eyes, the height of the steel plate lifted by the crane just now was about seven or eight meters, and the hundreds of kilograms of steel plate smashed from this height, let alone a person, even if it was an elephant, it would be difficult to escape.

And the body of the person in charge has also been smashed to pieces, his face has been smashed to pieces, and the facial features of his face have been almost unrecognizable.

Everyone looked at the bloody corpse of the person in charge with ugly faces, and the strong smell of blood made many people vomit almost on the spot.

Hao Shuai was in a cold sweat on his forehead, the meaning to be expressed in the photo really did not change, and the photographer still knew that there would be an accident in this place!

Only (Zhao Zhao Zhao) Hao Shuai never thought about the form of the accident, but he didn't expect that the victim was the person in charge in front of him!

After Zhang Yihan called the police station, he looked at the corpse in front of him with an uncomfortable expression.

She had also looked at the contents of those photos carefully, and at first she was only half-convinced of what they were trying to say, but now that she had witnessed the murder again, she felt a little uncomfortable.

But the scene in front of me doesn't seem to be called a murder, but it should be called an accident, after all, there was no murderer at the scene at all, and the person in charge was completely killed by the accidentally falling steel plate.

Was it really an accident?

Zhang Yihan shook his head, if this was an accident, how to explain the photos in Hao Shuai's hand?

。 _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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