"How is that possible? We have very few customers in our bookstore, so how can anyone put a bomb in the bookstore?"

Lin Weixiang also said with a stunned face.

At this time, Hao Shuai had already followed Erha to the source of the sound.

It turned out to be the area where the photo was taken!

It turns out that the content in the photo in Chapter 4 is a prediction that there will be a bomb hidden in this area!

Under Erha's guidance, Hao Shuai found a stool, and then stepped on the stool to touch ~ to the top of the bookcase, and then he took the clown doll at the top of the bookcase from above.

"What are you doing, Hao Shuai?"

Zhang Yihan on the side looked at Hao Shuai's behavior, her face was puzzled, she couldn't understand Erha's words, although she could also feel the vigilance and anxiety in Erha's voice, but she still didn't know what Erha said.

"Mr. Hao Shuai, he should be solving the case, did he find any clues to solve the case?~ It's amazing......"

Lin Weixiang still didn't take the bomb matter that Hao Shuai said before to heart.

Hao Shuai put the clown doll on the table, the clown still had that mocking smile on his face, and then Hao Shuai unzipped its back, and a bomb with a timer suddenly came into everyone's eyes.

Zhang Yihan and Lin Weixiang both looked at this clown doll with incredulous expressions.

"How could it be...... Did that customer actually put the bomb in the doll?"

"The bomb has been activated! It's already counting down!"

Zhang Yihan looked at the time bomb in the clown doll in horror, and the timer inside showed that there was only one and a half minutes left!

"Are there any screwdrivers, knives, tweezers, etc.?"

Hao Shuai asked at Lin Weixiang.

"Yes...... There was ......"

Lin Weixiang took out a small toolbox from the drawer of the counter with a frightened look and handed it to Hao Shuai.

"What should we do?"

Lin Weixiang said a little helplessly.

Hao Shuai took the toolbox and opened it, which contained some commonly used disassembly tools.

Seeing that the time in the bomb timer in front of him was passing minute by minute, Hao Shuai immediately said to Zhang Yihan behind him: "There is no time, Sister Yihan, hurry up and take Lin Weixiang out to hide away, I don't know how powerful this bomb is, you better hide as far as you can." "

Hao Shuai said categorically.

"What about you?"

Zhang Yihan said with a look of astonishment.

"I'll stay and see if I can defuse the bomb, there are schools around here, and the streets outside are full of elementary school students, in case this bomb explodes, and it hurts these terrible, remember to evacuate the nearby crowd when you go out." "

Hao Shuai said coldly.

"You're crazy, Hao Shuai!"

Zhang Yihan looked at Hao Shuai with a shocked face and said: "I won't go down, let's hide away together, and leave this kind of thing to the bomb disposal expert!

"Trust me!"

Hao Shuai's eyes were firm.

Zhang Yihan looked at Hao Shuai with a complicated face, she very much hoped that Hao Shuai could go out with him, but Hao Shuai's gaze gave her an indescribable confidence.

From the eyes of the man in front of him, Zhang Yihan could see that he was not reckless, maybe Hao Shuai really had a way to defuse the bomb!

"You must come out in one piece!"

Zhang Yihan held back the tip of her slightly sour nose, her eyes were already slightly moist~ moist, and then she grabbed Lin Weixiang's sleeve beside her and pulled him out of the Governor Bookstore.

She knew that since she had already made a decision, she should leave decisively and simply, and continuing to stay here would only waste Hao Shuai's bomb disposal time and increase his danger.

"Slow down......"

Lin Weixiang limped behind Zhang Yihan, he held his knee with his hand, "I fell while walking a few days ago and broke my leg......"


Hao Shuai looked at the bomb in front of him and took a deep breath, the time on the bomb was only the last fifty seconds.

Hao Shuai actually didn't know anything about bomb disposal, but this did not prevent him from defusing the bomb.

···· Ask for flowers·····

After all, he is a person with a system, but the props in the police system store need to spend too much justice, and Hao Shuai doesn't get much justice for every case he solves, so he can't use many awesome props in the store for the time being.

However, fortunately, the [Bomb Disposal Expert Card] prop in the store only costs 500 justice points, so Hao Shuai decisively chose to buy it.

[Bomb Disposal Expert Card]: After use, obtain the possession of a world-class bomb disposal expert, the success rate of defusing ordinary bombs is 99%, the success rate of defusing complex line bombs is 80%, and the success rate of defusing top difficulty bombs is 50%, duration: 5 minutes, and the number of uses is 1/1.

......... 00

Hao Shuai looked at the [Bomb Disposal Expert Card] on his palm that cost five hundred righteous points to exchange, and said without hesitation: "Activate!"

Hao Shuai immediately picked up screwdrivers and other tools from the toolbox, and suddenly, these cold metal tools seemed to have a temperature, and a sense of familiarity suddenly passed into Hao Shuai's mind.

"Start work. "

The look on Hao Shuai's face suddenly became solemn, he picked up the tool, and dismantled the shell of the bomb with great skill, revealing the incomparably complex wiring inside, and the wires of various colors were intertwined, which was dazzling.

With the powerful experience brought by the [Bomb Disposal Expert Card], Hao Shuai suddenly judged that the time bomb in front of him was actually made by an amateur himself!

The murderer is extremely knowledgeable, and he is so powerful that he can make a homemade bomb!

The route of the bomb in front of me is very complicated, and it is clear that the people who made the bomb have put a lot of effort and done a lot of homework in this regard.

However, with the bonus of the [Bomb Disposal Expert Card], Hao Shuai has all kinds of bomb knowledge in his mind, and has analyzed the structure of this bomb.

This bomb, in fact, in the hands of amateurs, may be high-end goods, but in front of Hao Shuai, a [bomb disposal expert], he is a pediatrician.

100% can be demolished!

In. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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