Climb To the Top

Chapter 61.2

“Well, I can’t always say no to you.” Xu Jiayin shrugged.

When the two agreed on what song to perform, they had to adjust their voices. This song is very demanding on the state of the voice. Both of them have another song with another partner, so they need to coordinate the practice time between the two songs.

Fortunately, the arrangement of the original song is very simple. Even because it is too simple, it is not suitable for the stage. Therefore, Jiang Ting also made some adaptations to make the song sound more comfortable and better.

And when Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin practiced the song, she could not forget ‘No Tomorrow’. Almost every day, she, Chen Yi, and the backup dancers had to practice the song several times, so as not to lose the tacit understanding before the stage. Fortunately, Chen Yi is also very capable. It may be a bit worse for him to perform the extremely difficult song ‘Loving You’, but for him to perform on a stage with the style of ‘No Tomorrow’, he is like a fish in water. No one is more suitable than him for this song.


When Jiang Ting coordinated the progress of the two songs with Xu Jiayin and Chen Yi, her fans did not forget to canvass her everywhere.

It’s the finals and this is the last fight, so fans dare not take it lightly. Although looking at Jiang Ting’s data in all aspects, it seems to be the best, but the fans don’t know the bottom line.

People are too floating, who knows if they will fall to their death? If someone really counterattacked in the finals, Jiang Ting’s fans would die collectively and slap themselves several times, but it would not help.

Until the finals, Jiang Ting fans plan to devote themselves to voting.

During this period, another incident happened. When Wen Ya voted for Jiang Ting, she took her work phone to log in to Weibo but forgot to switch the trumpet. She directly posted on Weibo and it became a hot search.

Wen Ya v: “#JiangTingChaohua#, we all have to vote for Ting Bao, Ting Bao is so miserable, everyone should work hard to vote. #”Nationalcouple”VotingChannel”#

After Wen Ya’s fans found out, they were all stunned and commented, ‘? ? ? ‘, ‘Sister Wen, you blinked when you were kidnapped by the program team??? ‘, ‘What’s the situation?’.

When people from Wen Ya’s team told her that she was on the hot search, Wen Ya was still wondering what kind of hot search she was on because she was not a traffic star. Immediately afterward, she checked on Weibo.

Seeing that #WenYaCanvassingForJiangTing# had soared to the top of the hot search topic, Wen Ya was stunned.

When she clicked on the picture of the marketing account, she saw a large screenshot of herself. Wen Ya was dizzy for a moment, did she sign in with the wrong account?

She hurriedly ran to her large Weibo to read the comments and Wen Ya’s expression turned pale.

Some people in the hot search used the most malicious guesses about the relationship between Wen Ya and Jiang Ting.

Spicy Rabbit Head: “Jiang Ting is so capable, can the instructor be bribed?”

Keep the sample box: “This is a shady stone hammer. The instructor personally came down to canvass votes. Which trainee dares to write such a script? Sister Jiang is awesome.”

Sister Shui has been black all her life: “Hehe, I finally know why Sister Shui votes so well every time. With the support of a mentor, the backstage must be tough! Tsk!!”

‘Sister Shui’ is a black title given to Jiang Ting by Jiang Ting’s black fans. The reason is that when she performed ‘Today You Will Marry Me’ with Xu Jiayin, the data was not good and the data was too watery, so the black fans started calling Jiang Ting ‘Sister Shui’.

But later the fans whitewashed this title. As the name suggests, Jiang Ting has three points of water in her name and her nickname is Sister Shui, but only senior fans know that Sister Shui was a black name before.

Although Wen Ya is a new fan, she is addicted to star chasing. The more she chases it, the more she often gets mixed up in the fan circle. Sometimes she sees someone called Jiang Ting like this, she is puzzled and asks the other party. Later, some people explained that it was because Jiang Ting’s name had three dots in the water radical, but some old fans explained that it was a black name before. After a long time, Wen Ya can also see the attributes of the person calling black Jiang Ting.

Wen Ya saw that because of her recklessness, the black fans started blacking Jiang Ting again. She was so angry that she exploded. However, she still had to consider her identity as the instructor of the program group, so she tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart.

“Calm down, I have to calm down…”

She comforted herself like this. However, she could not calm down, and finally, broke out: “Fuck it, I’m not calm.”

Although she could not calm down, her team and the “National Couple” program group told her to calm down, and that it was best to issue a hacking statement.

A while ago, the shady incident did not go away, and this time, it happened before the finals. If public relations made a mistake, the credibility of the show would be completely lost.

Soon, Wen Ya posted another explanation on Weibo.

Wen Ya v: “As an instructor, I appreciate Jiang Ting’s strength and I always thought she was a very good and hard-working trainee. I voted for her because I voted for her from the perspective of an audience. Please don’t guess wrongly. The instructor has no voting rights in the program group except during the qualification period, and we have no relationship with each other. Finally, if there are people who like her, please vote for her. Her tragic life experience makes me sympathize with her very much and hope she has a bright future. Come on, trainee Jiang Ting, I will vote for you.”

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