Close Mad Son-in-law

Chapter 101: Just keep your breath!

Xu Dehai has been in the shopping mall for more than 20 years, and he has the majesty of a superior.

At this moment, he suddenly broke out, and Chen Xiuling was shocked by an invisible sense of oppression on the spot.

The group of strong bodyguards standing in the reception area also stepped forward one after another, revealing their energy.

The scene was so frightening that Chen Xiuling turned pale and sweaty palms.

Yu Guang took a peek at Chu Yun, but found that the young man who was struggling to survive in the cracks of the Su family was unmoving.

"What a coincidence?" Chu Yun glanced over the bodyguard and fell on Xu Dehai's stern face. "Xue Chaoqing didn't dare to enter my office without knocking. So, we should have a lot of topics in common."

Xu Dehai frowned and asked, "You brought her up to ask me to plead? Let Tianyu remove the complaint?"

Chu Yun did not respond.

He pulled Chen Xiuling's arm and pushed away the bodyguard in front of him with one hand.

The group of bodyguards is burly and steady.

But being pushed by Chu Yun, he immediately swayed and gave way.

"Old Xu, you misunderstood."

Chu Yun strode forward and sat directly opposite Xu Dehai. Chen Xiuling did not dare to sit, as if there was a needle board on the chair.

"My aunt smears your artists, spreads rumors, and hires naval forces to guide public opinion. Whether you sue her or ask for compensation. All are reasonable and in compliance with legal procedures."


Chu Yun lit a cigarette and said these shocking words.

Chen Xiuling can't wait to choke Chu Yun to death.

Xu Dehai also glanced at Chu Yun thoughtfully, inexplicably.

"Then what are you looking for me for?" Xu Dehai's words were full of sarcasm. "Talk about billions of projects?"

"Did you drink too much?" Chu Yun frowned. "I really want to have such a big business to talk to you? Do you know how many zeros are behind the billions?"

Xu Dehai's face sank and he was very impatient: "Then just let it go if you have a fart."

"Liu Jianxin is your honorable minister of Tianyu. Right?" Chu Yun flicked the ashes. Do not rush.

Xu Dehai snorted: "Like you, he is also the vice president."

But the gold content of Liu Jianxin, the vice president, is much higher than that of Chu Yun.

"Old Xu, are you insulting me?" Chu Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What do you mean?" Xu Dehai frowned.

He found that Chu Yun's brain circuit was very peculiar, and there was no dialogue in his control. This makes him feel passive.

"I'm an upright gentleman, elegant and easy-going, and gentle as jade. How can you compare Liu Jianxin with me?" Chu Yun's eyes sank and said. "He harassed my aunt back then, insulting my aunt's reputation. I want to calculate this amount with him today."

Xu Dehai has heard of this.

But Liu Jianxin has been hiding well.

He was not surprised that Chu Yun proposed it now.

This is probably the only trump card that Chen Xiuling can show, right?

Xu Dehai glanced at Chen Xiuling blankly, her eyes sharp as a knife: "Is this what you meant?"

Chen Xiuling said nothing. But Xu Dehai's head was stared down.

"Exposing that bit of men and women back then forced Tianyu to submit, so that Liu Jianxin didn't dare to say anything. Then save your company and retreat all over." Xu Dehai said with cold eyes. "Chen Xiuling. This is what you think, right?"

This is really not Chen Xiuling's mind.

But facing Xu Dehai's aggressiveness, she still did not speak.

"I'm afraid I will disappoint you." Xu Dehai paused. "Because you make me very unhappy!"

"Even if you can come up with 50 million compensation, publicly apologize to Tianyu. I will not let you go!"

"If you can still mix in the entertainment industry! You can still mix in the Pearl City! You can still keep your small workshop company!"

"I, Xu Dehai, have been for nothing all these years!"

Xu Dehai's eyes are clear and his aura is like a rainbow.

Chen Xiuling trembles with the shock of a high-ranking person, and she doesn't even have the courage to resist.

In the face of absolute strength, resistance is meaningless. All you can exchange for is nothing but humiliation.

Bang bang bang.

Chu Yun patted his palms, a playful smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

But if Su Xiaoxiao, who knows Chu Yun better, can see her, she will surely rush over, and then hold Chu Yun's shoulder and say: Brother-in-law calm down!

Unfortunately, Su Xiaoxiao is not there.

"Old Xu, you are really domineering and unstoppable." Chu Yun wrote lightly.

Xu Dehai glanced away, staring straight at Chu Yun: "You are so crazy, can you really keep Chen Xiuling?"

At this time, the two are vying for each other.

Xu Dehai launched an offensive bravely!

Are you Chu Yun coming to stand up for Chen Xiuling?

Then I want her Chen Xiuling to stay in Pearl City! Want her to have nothing!

"Are you unable to understand human words, or are you deaf?" Chu Yun frowned. "Didn't I just say it? I'm here to calculate Liu Jianxin's account. It's not the company that asked Tianyu to let go of my aunt."

"Have you never read a book? Can't even tell the priority?"

Chu Yun took out the phone from his pocket and handed it to Xu Dehai: "Can you do me a favor?"

Without waiting for Xu Dehai's response, Chu Yun went on to say, "Call Liu Jianxin and tell him that I will wait for him here."

Xu Dehai squinted his eyes and said, "Why should I fight for you?"

"No." Chu Yun shook his head and sighed strangely. "I'm giving you a chance to help yourself."

"But you didn't cherish it."

Chu Yun took back the phone and dialed a number.

But not to Liu Jianxin.

"Hello." Chu Yun said lightly. "Bring people up."

Xu Dehai is inexplicable.

Chen Xiuling was also nervous, unspeakable doubts.

Within two minutes, Xu Dehai's office door was violently pushed open.

Several young men with cold expressions broke in.

And the one who was tied in by them was Liu Jianxin.

Half an hour ago, Liu Jianxin was still on the first floor of the building, showing off his arrogance.

At this moment, he was like a frosted eggplant, completely wilted.

The blood stains on the corners of the mouth and the undamaged face meant that Liu Jianxin was beaten. And it's an internal injury.

"Chu Yun, can I understand your behavior as kidnapping?" Xu Dehai asked with squinting eyes.

"It's up to you." Chu Yun slightly raised his hand.

There was a muffled bang!

Liu Jianxin's head was pressed, and the glass coffee table was smashed.

Under the pain, Liu Jianxin wailed in pain, his tears and nose mixed.

The body trembled violently, and there was no decentness.

"Chu Yun!"

Xu Dehai came up with the The group of bodyguards in suits who are already ready to go are also ready to move. As long as Xu Dehai gave an order, they would brazenly shoot.

"You are too presumptuous!"

He glared at Chu Yun who was close at hand. An evil fire rushed up inside the body!

"Auntie. Am I presumptuous?" Chu Yun looked back at Chen Xiuling with a strange expression.

She was stunned. At a loss.

"My aunt's eyes tell me that I have to work harder."

Chu Yun sat up straight.

As soon as he finished speaking, the group of black-clothed youths rushed forward, punching and kicking according to Liu Jianxin. But it is very subtle to avoid the deadly parts.

The bottom line is very low: just keep your breath!

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