Color Resistance

Chapter 181 The pig is so big that a grill can't fit it

Chapter 181 The pig is so big that a grill can't fit it

Five days later, burn the eastern part of the Badlands.

The corrupted cave has gradually spread towards the Twilight Forest in the east, and all kinds of grotesque corrupted monsters have formed an extremely terrifying monster army.

A large number of human adventurers headed here, joined forces to strangle the increasingly large-scale corrupted monsters, and launched an extremely fierce battle.

During the battle, facing the orderly attacks of these corrupt monsters, many humans were severely injured and were in danger.

"Damn it, there are too many of these monsters! Obote, evacuate quickly, we can't stand it anymore." Lance in black robe roared loudly.

Their team is also considered to be a battle-hardened team. They are active in dangerous places of death every day, and they have killed many tyrannical monsters.

But this time, they were attacked by hordes of corrupt monsters.

These monsters are extremely powerful, and also have high spell resistance. They look like a combination of undead creatures and demonized creatures. They have the infection ability of undead creatures and the mutation and strengthening characteristics of demonized creatures.

As long as you are scratched and bitten by these monsters, you can easily become a new corrupt monster!

At this time, what chased them was a group of strange-looking creatures, all covered with a layer of hideous and frightening scales, with sharp bone spurs growing on their backs, and a thick tail full of bone knives.

The strength and physique of these monsters are all extraordinary, and the scales on their bodies are strong enough to resist the magic of the third ring, even if it is hit by a fireball, it is difficult to kill them.

Not to mention, there are even more powerful corrupted monsters among them, reaching the third or even fourth level, which has already formed a monster torrent that is almost unstoppable under the legend.

Lance saw an arcanist in the distance, surrounded by a group of corrupted monsters.

Under their attack, the arcanist was disturbed by a strange force field to teleport through space, exhausted all "arcs", and was completely torn apart by monsters!

This gave him a chill in his heart, and hurriedly led Obote and the other three, opened the portal, and escaped while they were not completely surrounded.

A strange claw covered with scales protruded from the portal, more than one meter long, and each nail was like a sharp machete, trying to tear open the portal that was closing.

Ka Ka Ka!

The portal was completely closed, and after the claw was cut off and fell to the ground, it still jumped like it was alive, almost hurting Obote next to it.

"This monster is too terrifying!" Obote blasted it with a fireball technique, and sat down on the ground without any image, his face full of lingering fear.

"Life is so tenacious, immune to psychic attacks, and frighteningly resistant to elements. Where did this monster come from?"

"I don't know, according to the news I got, the corruption caves popped up suddenly these days, and then spread in an infectious manner, infecting all the surrounding demonized creatures, demons, and undead creatures!" Lance sighed and found a stone Sitting there, feeling physically and mentally exhausted.

"I want to know, why didn't the Supreme Council send legendary powerhouses to wipe out their roots?" The only woman in the team also asked.

Obote shook his head, gritted his teeth and said, "The Supreme Council seems to have let us go, and everything depends on our own efforts. I even doubt whether they still want to revive mankind!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lance gave him a serious look, pretending to be calm and said: "Don't worry, everything is under the control of the Supreme Council, I guess I want to take this opportunity to let us accept a large-scale legion Battle Test."

"I hope so." Obote got up and said casually, "By the way, it seems that another monster lord has risen, and a lot of monsters have gathered, why don't we trouble this guy first?"

"The monster lord... Let's find out the information first and see the specific strength." Lance nodded.

Monster lord, this is a very common name for the Land of the Dead.

Some powerful monsters, after possessing a certain amount of intelligence, often gather a group of monsters to occupy a territory, so as to make their life easier and more unrestrained.

But for people like them, every monster lord's lair is a particularly attractive treasure, from which various gems, mithril, equipment, etc. can be obtained.

These things are basically unlucky ghosts killed by monsters, and the things on their bodies are stored in the lair as spoils of war.

From this point of view, the monster lord is actually no different from those giant dragons...


At the same time, in the burning wasteland, in a huge cave.

"Time can change everything the most. A handsome young man will also play hard in the wilderness to survive the erosion of time. It's really hard."

A handsome young man in a silver robe sat on a chair made of unknown animal fur, leaning on his chin with his right hand, staring at the fiery clouds in the sky outside in a daze.

After a while, he frowned and looked not far away and said loudly: "Give me a good barbecue, whoever dares to steal it don't blame me for grilling it on a skewer!"

Monsters such as the four-armed gorilla Caesar and the Berserker trembled when they heard the words, turning the monsters wearing huge iron rods in a regular manner, and grilling meat according to the previous teaching.

Put on the grill is a demonized ferocious wild boar.

This cave was originally its territory, but it was a pity that it was unlucky to meet Su Yun. He was skinned and cramped, and the internal organs were processed and put on the barbecue grill.

The pig is so big that it cannot fit in a grill.

The monster weighed more than a ton, and had to be cut into several pieces and roasted with some long swords and spears.

In addition, the ax of the Berserker Demon has also become the best equipment for teppanyaki. The huge Berserker Demon is squatting there patiently flipping the meat on the axe.


The raging flames are burning, and in this hot place, all kinds of burning stones are indispensable.

This kind of stone is more stable and fierce than the firepower provided by coal. The fiery snake licks the pork, roasting the fat in its body to produce oil, making a sizzling sound.

The strong aroma spread in the cave, causing all the monsters onlookers to lick their mouths one after another, with saliva coming out from the corners of their mouths, and their bodies were getting closer and closer to the barbecue before they knew it.


The oil makes a tempting sound under the high temperature of the flame, and layers of bubbles emerge from the top, making the fragrance more and more intense.

After eating a barbecue, these monsters were instantly conquered and became the most fanatical skewers lovers.

The flesh and blood of the demonized monster is too hard, eating it is like eating cowhide.

And after grilling in this way, it will be roasted directly from the inside to the outside, making it softer and more delicious, and sprinkled with some special seasonings, it will instantly become supremely delicious.

After Su Yun spent two days teaching monsters such as four-armed orangutans, berserkers, and ogres to grill skewers, he no longer needed to do it himself, and just waited for them to cook.

As for health and safety - you think this is a star hotel!

He gave up looking at the sky at a 45-degree angle, and strode over: "A group of bastards, get out of the way. I haven't eaten yet, why are you so anxious!"

PS: I watched "A String of Life" at Station B, and my mouth was watering, the wall cracked Amway!

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