Color Resistance

Chapter 492 Controlled Nuclear Fusion

Compared with nuclear fission, nuclear fusion has many advantages such as more energy, almost unlimited sources of raw materials, and little nuclear pollution.

Nuclear fission is the main mode of operation of those nuclear power plants in the late 20th century and early 21st century.

Its reactor will produce a large amount of nuclear waste, with deadly radiation.

At the beginning, several nuclear leaks broke out, causing millions of people to suffer from nuclear pollution and causing heavy casualties.

Controllable nuclear fusion, this technology appeared in Huaguo in the early 21st century, which is the famous "artificial sun" project.

The sun itself is the largest nuclear fusion reactor, producing astronomical amounts of energy every moment.

Two hundred years later, this technology has been completely broken by humans, and nuclear fusion has become the main energy source for interstellar travel.

On the moon, Mars, Venus and other planets, there are large-scale nuclear fusion reactors, which serve as the energy source for human survival on the entire planet.

The first saint was born, and spiritual practice doubled the human physique, opening the era of interstellar colonization.

Let human beings go out of the earth, but plunder the infinite resources of other planets.

Nuclear fusion has become the largest energy source, and the energy giants all have extremely advanced nuclear fusion-related information.

Nuclear weapons are no longer the strongest weapons for human beings, replaced by star destroyers, the essence of which is——

Antimatter Weapons!

Antimatter, that is, a special thing that is completely opposite to ordinary matter, once in contact with positive matter, it will annihilate each other and disappear, producing extremely amazing energy.

After the explosion of the only atomic bomb used in actual combat attacks, it caused a total of 200,000 casualties in that evil country and directly destroyed a city.

The power of that atomic bomb is the power of 20,000 tons of TNT explosives.

And 1 gram of positive matter and 1 gram of antimatter collide and annihilate, which can release the power of 43,000 tons of TNT explosives!

Only 1 kilogram of positive matter and 1 kilogram of antimatter is needed, and its contact annihilation power can be compared to the so-called strongest hydrogen bomb "Big Ivan" at that time.

Named the Star Destroyer because it literally destroys planets!

"The upgraded version of the element annihilation cannon researched by the Arcanists is obviously similar to this kind of antimatter annihilation. It uses the explosive terrifying energy to directly detonate the kingdom of God." After Su Yun studied the relevant inheritance knowledge, he became more and more aware of it. chest.

The gods have the divine power known as the highest energy, even in the face of legendary spells, they are crushing.

If they were not suppressed by the will of the main material world, the legendary mages would not be able to kill the incarnation of the gods.

Once you leave the main material plane and face the gods who have released all their combat power, even a weak divine power can kill groups of legendary powerhouses!

Therefore, in order to destroy this existence of the kingdom of God, arcanists began to blindly pursue stronger and more explosive energy, which is also the origin of the element annihilation cannon.

Not only this weapon, but also a series of death researches such as neutron star golem, god evil golem, ancient evil transformation body, etc.

With the attribute of death, arcanists dare to be second, but no one dares to be number one.

They are more like mad scientists, researching anything unknown without taboo.

Now, having inherited the research results of this group of people, and being able to use the achievements of scientific and technological civilization, Su Yun is very curious about where he can go.

"Nuclear fusion is not the core information controlled by the world federal government. As one of the top ten federal groups, Xingyue Group also has its own energy department..."

Controllable nuclear fusion technology is the core information and the most important trade secret of an energy group.

Each energy group has its own related patents, so as to produce energy more stably and efficiently.

When this technique was needed, Su Yun instantly thought of a pawn in his hand, that is, the young master who seized the house earlier...

Next, the Scourge completely stationed here, and opened the portal to the abyss.

Let tens of thousands of cowards act as hard workers, and start the most extensive excavation work of the floating city.

This floating city fell to the earth, and after thousands of years, it has already been deeply buried in the earth.

If you want to use it thoroughly, it is natural to dig it out first.

The entire project is expected to last about 15 days.

Cowards are indeed cannon fodder in the abyss, but they are still much stronger than human physical attributes.

Coupled with the addition of hundreds of Berserkers controlled by Skynet parasite priesthood slaves, it is already equivalent to hundreds of excavators.

Berserkers are high-level cannon fodder. With 27 points of extraordinary strength, they can easily lift huge stones exceeding ten tons.

What Su Yun pursued was the policy of elite soldiers. Ordinary demons were simply treated as cannon fodder, so it was naturally impossible to be willing to waste parasitic demon seeds.

After analyzing the priesthood of the God of Corruption's parasite, he can already use the power of the priesthood to manipulate thousands of targets at will.

Under the legend, it is already very difficult to resist this kind of parasitism from the power of law.

It was with the help of the priesthood of the parasite that he secretly enslaved thousands of high-level demons in the abyss, and the number was increasing every day.

The Scourge Legion fought in the abyss world not only to strengthen themselves, but also wantonly suppress and subdue those powerful demons.

No matter how fast it is to cultivate a legion, it can't be faster than directly enslaving the strong!

Conquering, plundering, enslaving, and slaughtering, Su Yun perfectly copied the Arcanist's wanton expansion of civilization model.

How could there be so many floating cities without conquering and plundering countless planes?

While the project was in full swing, he had quietly left the site...




As if traveling through time and space, when Su Yun opened his eyes again, he had landed in the familiar game cabin.

He left the game cabin with ease, and changed into a piece of clothes casually.

After winning the white dragon back then, he had this perfect chess piece in one fell swoop.

The descendant is the title of the world where the consciousness descends.

Among them are large-scale invaders, and stowaways like Su Yun, Daniel, and Queen Lilith of the Frost Giants.

The intruder, that is, the mastermind behind the entire "game".

Hundreds of spiritual masters in reality have joined forces to create this "game", and they have become the gods in it in one fell swoop.

Not only that, they also plan to merge the two worlds, so as to become a god who is truly immortal and enjoys the worship of all living beings!

And Xingyue Group, one of the top ten groups, is one of them.

Su Yun was very surprised to find that it seemed that this family group hadn't discovered that the God of Hunting, that is, the consciousness collapse of one of the three spiritual masters of the Jiang family.

After being discovered by him at the beginning, the other party chased into another world along the soul connection, but was completely shocked and killed by the remaining power of Iolum.

Letting his consciousness collapse instantly can already be called brain death, even if the body keeps alive, it is just a vegetative person who cannot move.

"Probably because of his status as a spiritual master, after the opponent seizes the god, it may take several months to enter once, and this has not been discovered for a long time..." He can only speculate on this.

After Duoshe became a god, he not only gained the power and power of the god, but also inherited the other party's mission.

In Su Yun's view, the gods are just a group of guys who are bound by beliefs. They must do things according to their priesthood and beliefs, and they have lost their true freedom.

He clicked on his personal terminal, reduced his consciousness infinitely, and only manipulated Jiang Yuebai's consciousness that he had captured to search.

"First, let's see if Jiang Yuebai, the heir of the Jiang family, is qualified to access information related to nuclear fusion."

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