Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 141 First Intimate Contact

"Not bad, not bad." Energetic passed by the soldier, raised his hand and touched the opponent's head and said with a smile: "Next year, you may be able to become the main general, work hard."

The young soldier stared blankly at the vigorous departure, then looked at the broken wooden stick in his hand, a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead down his cheeks onto the ground, his Adam's apple squirmed up and down and muttered to himself: "He can't be a demon warrior, right? I actually shot at a demon warrior..."

Walking vigorously, I shook my head and smiled wryly, what happened just now? The other party is only one year younger than yourself, why do you feel like an elder looking at a junior when you look at him?

Three days flew by in the blink of an eye, while he was busy making all kinds of arrows, he was busy improving the strength of the demon warriors, and the time passed before he knew it.

In the early morning, with a strong bow and arrow, throwing knife clothes, and the weird magic hat, all were put into the fighting world, and he walked out of the room with a saber in his hand, and he couldn't help being stunned.

Fabredis, Gu Yue Jiaying, Luo Qingqing and Bi Luo all stood in front of his door early.

"You guys are..." Scratching his head vigorously, "You don't need to be so grand, do you?"

Luo Qingqing held a backpack in both hands, walked behind Qian Jin with a blushing face, and helped him put the backpack on his back and whispered: "The military camp is also made up of people, so bring some special products, it will be useful to you in the future."

I don't know whether to laugh or cry, isn't this time I'm going to see the Demon Battlefield? How does it feel like going out for a picnic?

"I put a whole pack of cigarettes in it, that is, ten packs of cigarettes." Luo Qingqing whispered, "This is in short supply. In case something happens, sometimes you can buy a favor with just one pack."

Fabredis patted his energetic shoulder and said: "Don't underestimate any demons, even those Belia demons with curved horns on their heads. Among the demons where the strongest is king, it is not easy to preserve the tribe. I don't need to say how difficult it is to become one of the seven major demons, right?"

Gu Yue Jiaying took out a necklace-like metal plate and hung it on Qian Jin's neck. The fragrance of orchids wafted into his nostrils, and even the plain voice sounded in his ears: "This is the amulet I prayed for in the temple."

Ke Jin picked up the sign and looked at the four characters engraved on it. It was indeed the temple's exclusive amulet [Battle Luck] used by the soldiers when they went out to fight. I heard that the soldiers in the temple also wore this thing on their chests when they went out to fight against the demons.

"Await your return……"

Gu Yue Jiaying's exhortations rang in Gan Jin's ears, and he felt a soft touch on his face, and he froze immediately.

Gu Yue Jiaying's face remained plain and calm, but her cheeks still couldn't restrain the blush, and there was a hint of shame in the plain taste, under the sunlight of the early morning, she was glamorous.

"Oh, I suddenly remembered that I haven't taken the daily compulsory courses for soldiers." Fabredis raised his head, as if he didn't see the scene just now, and swaggered towards the backyard with his hands behind his back.


Luo Qingqing tidied up the front collar vigorously, and imprinted it quickly on his face like Gu Yue Jiaying did. His face was flushed like apples with shame, and he covered his face with his hands and ran to the backyard.

In the yard, only Qian Jin and Bi Luo were left. The situation just now made Bi Luo unable to lift her head in shame, and the big magic hat was so low that it was even worse.

When the two came to the academy, Rodriguez had already waited there with the team.

This is a team of only ten people, except for the teacher who leads the team and Mo Jinbi Luo, and there are only thirteen people in total, and they all carry various bags on their backs.

Rodriguez looked at Qian Jin and Bi Luo's almost empty-handed appearance, except for sighing. The other people's clothes looked a bit like they were going on an outing, but the two people's clothes looked more like they were going to go shopping. It seems that after the college has money, it will have to plan more in this regard.

"Let's go." Rodriguez waved his hand and walked at the front of the team, telling him from time to time: "This time, we are going to a real military camp. When we get there, we must abide by the rules there. Don't think that you are in an academy, where there are military laws."

Due to the shortage of funds, the people who went to the Tubao Fortress this time did not have a carriage, and they could only rely on their legs to move forward.

In the beginning, Dake and the others were still in high spirits, watching the surroundings from time to time. As time went by, when the night fell, almost everyone lost their original mentality. A long journey all day was far more tiring than running and training in the morning on campus.

The outside of the small city of Auckland is not prosperous, except for an official road, it is more of a wasteland. It is still summer, and the green grass is everywhere, showing a kind of vitality under the sunlight.

As the sky gradually dimmed, Rodriguez decided to rest overnight on the spot and continue on his way tomorrow morning.

There is no need to command too much. Everyone has learned military knowledge in the academy, and immediately got busy respectively. Dak even took two soldier students to search around to see if there were any traces of wild animals or bandits nearby.

Several soldiers were busy lighting the fire, their faces were covered with ashes, but they still couldn't really ignite the flame. Rodriguez shook his head and sighed again and again. It seems that the knowledge in the academy still needs to be combined with practice. In the future, students should be given more opportunities to practice.

Bi Luo timidly came to the fire, and just fiddled with it a few times, the dying firewood immediately ignited a raging flame.

Several soldiers stared dumbfounded at Bi Luo who timidly hid aside, and Rodriguez was also taken aback. Is this the same Bi Luo who can't do anything? In two years, not only the fifth-level mental power, but also so proficient in such things as lighting a fire? Are you motivated to fall to the ground with her? Huh? What about energy?

Several warrior students took out a piece of white dry food from the bag and handed it to Biluo. She thanked her in a low voice and took the dry food. She didn't drink cold water and eat the dry food like those students, but sat quietly with the dry food.

Rodriguez found that she couldn't understand Bi Luo more and more. After driving this afternoon, she was obviously very tired and hungry, why didn't she eat? What is she waiting for?

It didn't take long for Rodriguez and the other students to understand what Bi Luo was waiting for.

Carrying two fat pheasants in his hands and a dead wolf on his shoulder, Gan Jin returned to the camp under the dumbfounded gaze of everyone holding dry food and water bottles.

The small flying knife skillfully cut the fur of the wild wolf, and the viscera that tasted bad were quickly poured out.

Bi Luo took the wild wolf that Ke Jin put away, and also skillfully plucked the pheasant and cut off the internal organs, then used the wooden sticks brought back by Ke Jin, threaded them into pieces, put them on the fire grill and roasted them.

Salt and seasonings were lightly sprinkled on the pieces of meat, and Bi Luo carefully turned the food over so that the firepower would evenly grill the pieces of meat, making a slight oily sound from time to time.

Barbecue is not a delicious food. It is a food that everyone can eat except for the very poor.

In normal times, it will not cause people much appetite. But when there is no village in front, no shop in the back, and everyone only has cold dry food and cold water in their hands, barbecue has become the ultimate delicacy in the world!

The crowd unconsciously gathered around the fire and looked at the overturned barbecue. Obviously, so many barbecues were prepared not just for the two of them, but for everyone. The cold and dry food in their hands was put away for a while.

Rodriguez looked at Qian Jin and Bi Luo in surprise and curiosity. After returning from two years of disappearance, these two young students always feel that they are very different from before, but they can't tell what is different? Where did the motivation come from to find the hunting tools?

And that calmness! Rodriguez looked at the other students. Even when they were faced with food, they would be instinctively nervous and excited because they were about to go to the human demon battlefield. There was hardly any tension and excitement on the energetic face. This kind of expression can only be seen by veteran soldiers who have fought hundreds of times on the battlefield. How could it appear on him?

The setting sun completely disappeared on the land, and the night reigned over the entire land again. The night in the wild was a bit scary. While paying attention to the food, the warrior students observed their surroundings vigilantly. In this night, there seemed to be no light between the sky and the earth.

"Enthusiasm..." Rodriguez took the barbecue from Bi Luo and asked curiously, "Where did you learn this?"

"Two years of survival in the wild." Looking at the barbecue in his hand vigorously, he shrugged his shoulders: "I still learned how to take care of myself."

"Tell me." Rodriguez moved closer and said, "Tell the teacher about what you have encountered in the past two years."

Everyone unconsciously moved closer to him, staring at him, wanting to listen to what happened to him in the past two years.

"The past two years..." Qian Jin looked up at the moonless and starless night sky, fell into deep thought and slowly opened his mouth, and began to selectively talk about the two years of experience. In Xiao Changleiming's betrayal story, the matter of the Doushi mine was removed, and the matter of Fengyun Douqi and the old man was removed from the Four Seasons Valley.

A person who lives in seclusion in the Valley of Four Seasons and clips the map in a book instead of sending it out everywhere, obviously does not want too many people to notice his existence.

The deleted story is still beautiful, and everyone exclaimed continuously after listening to it. After dinner, they listened to it for a while before going to sleep.

Five hundred miles in six days, even the warrior students who exercise in the academy every day feel very tired physically.

A not-so-huge earthen castle stands not far away. It is the earthen castle of the Zhence Dynasty.

ps: Let me tell you, there will be an outbreak tomorrow, two chapters will come first in the early morning, and after getting up in the morning, when everyone is free, refresh the homepage of "The Wind and Cloud" once more than an hour, you will be surprised to find out, yo ho! It was updated again

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