Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 468 A cool combination, strong strength, and a happy reunion!

PS: let's celebrate! Let's celebrate with monthly tickets, the exciting reunion of the energy team, and the sturdy start to sweep the world! !

Golden Fighting Heart! In just two months, Duanfengbuer's bloodline power has been awakened again, envy can't help but appear on the face of enthusiasm, this is the bloodline warrior! Awakening the power of the bloodline can break through the barriers that ordinary fighters are difficult to break through.

You only need to awaken the power of your blood, and you can quickly increase your fighting spirit!

A thick black snake tail appeared behind Duan Feng Bu Er, swaying gently from side to side on the ground, exuding terrifying coercion, and several black and empty snake shadows loomed behind.

This is? Bahuang Wusheng's eyes flashed a trace of relief. He had also inquired about this news. He was a Hydra bloodline warrior who was naturally awakened later. Logically speaking, even if he could awaken the bloodline power, he would not be able to reach his current strength.

After working on it for a long time, this kid... is the best in Hydra's bloodline power! The shadow of the snake appears! That means he must be the Awakened One with Nine Shadows Appearing Together! And it's of high quality!

The Nine Shadows Pan family has existed in all dynasties, but not every Nine Shadows will have a nihilistic snake shadow appear during the battle, only the most outstanding people among the Nine Shadows will have it.

For example, the current Snake Emperor Pan Hongji, it is said that he will have three illusory snake shadows when he fights.

Bahuang Wusheng counted intently, and there were actually five phantoms behind Duanfengbuer! There are two more phantoms than the Snake Emperor!

Checkfleet looked at Bahuang Wusheng, then at Motivation.

"Unlock the power, it doesn't matter here." Qian Jin nodded lightly. After getting in touch these days, Bahuang Wusheng is a very special demon. He will not touch other people's secrets.

boom! Surging black vindictive energy erupted from Chekfleet's body, and the power from the blood of the fallen angels began to wake up in his body. Black wings...beautiful wings...gorgeous wings...the wings symbolizing the royal family of the demon clan slowly spread out behind Chekfleet.

Fallen angel blood demon warrior!

Yi's pupils shrank instantly, and Bahuang Wusheng's face that never changed color also changed slightly, it turned out to be a demon warrior with the blood of a fallen angel! This kid is of mixed race! Stars! Where did the energy come from these people?

Subdue the demons, kill the demons, destroy the demons!

Unexpectedly, not only Duan Feng Bu Er had achieved the extermination of demons, but even Chekfleet had reawakened the power of his blood and directly entered the state of Golden Dou Xin.

Chekfleet stood quietly. The fallen angel's bloodline made Mo very handsome. His face, which was already too beautiful, coupled with the current state, was so beautiful that it would make people suffocate at a glance.

"Unexpected, right?" Duanfengbuer smiled and shook the big tail behind him: "Comrade comrades, we encountered difficulties that you couldn't imagine in the ancient barren sand sea, didn't you expect us to progress so fast? Today, my buddies decided to complete the agreement with the Fortress of Tubao."


Mo Jin was overjoyed to see the astonishing growth of the three companions, the three fighting hearts spun wildly again at all costs, the fighting seal possessed by the gods flickered in the fighting hearts again and again, and three egg-shaped fighting qi, which was twice as big as a month ago, broke out of the body and rose into the air, and then absorbed into the body.

Brace your bones, pull your tendons, and get bigger!

Motivation simply let go of all his strength, not only to let the three companions see his own strength, but also to tell Bahuang Wusheng that it is not necessarily impossible for ordinary soldiers to defeat bloodline fighters! At least, I will work hard in that direction.

Three meters, four meters, five meters! His vigor was like a rumored man-eating demon, with a tyrannical aura coming out of his body.

Bahuang Wusheng's expression moved again, is this possessed by a god? He can use the dwarf's fighting skills? There are so many secrets in this kid! powerful! Compared with when I first saw him, I don't know how many times stronger!

"Damn it!" Duanfeng Buer suddenly jumped back a step: "So fierce? Ouch! My stomach hurts, I'll have diarrhea first... I'll fight you next time..."

Chekfleet extinguished the blood power that had been activated. Although he did not have the strength of a golden fighting heart and the strength of a demon-killing warrior, anyone who was familiar with him knew that when this man really fought with his hands, he really couldn't be judged by his state.

Keenly withdrew the fighting skills possessed by the gods, stepped forward and hugged the three of them tightly: "I miss you all!"

"I miss you too..." Duanfengbuer tightened his arms: "Whenever I find out that I don't have a cigarette on my body, I hate it! I miss you! I miss you every night when I sleep and dream."

Chekfleet silently patted his energetic shoulders. For people like him and Fentu Kuangge who don't like to talk very much, a hug is enough to express their emotions.

"I said comrades, what is that thing behind you?" Duan Fengbuer said with a smile: "By the way, Lao Qie took out our horse thief's things and see what Lao Gan likes."

"Chuck." Chekfleet corrected the question of addressing Dufengbuer for an unknown number of times.

"Oh." Duanfeng Buer urged again and again: "We really robbed a lot this time, and now I begin to understand why some people and demons like to be horse thieves. Sometimes it's really cool to rob things."

Te Jiaofei smiled wryly while listening, what is this called? A few non-professional horse thieves were in front of a group of horse thieves, and it was really cool to say that horse thieves were snatching horses.

"This?" Mo Jin waved his hand and asked the blacksmith to lift up a metal plate and put it on the ground: "No two, you stand on it."

"Stand on it? What is this? The altar of bloodline awakening? You have already imitated it?" Duanfeng Buer jumped onto the plate excitedly: "Come, come, see if you can awaken me again?"

Ke Jin squatted in front of the metal plate, tapped several inscriptions with his fingers a few times, and put a tenth-level bucket crystal and a magic core into the concave position of the iron plate. Those inscriptions on the metal plate shone with dazzling light, and a huge force of gravity was generated on the metal plate.

"Damn it! What is this? Why is it so heavy? Kun fighting skills? No!" Duan Fengfuer quickly raised his fighting spirit to fight, and looked at Mo Jin with a surprised expression: "What is this?"

Double the gravity, double... five times... ten times...

"Damn! The power of the bloodline is activated!" Duan Fengbuer couldn't bear it anymore and directly activated the power of the bloodline, still feeling the pressure of the gravity production is still rising: "Comrade comrades, what is this?"

"Gift." Motivation felt everyone's surprised gazes: "Inside, your body is doubled by gravity, your fighting spirit is also suppressed, and your fighting spirit will also be slowed down. If you can act as usual and fully adapt to this situation, then outside..."

Bahuang Wusheng looked at his enthusiasm again and again, this thing can no longer be described as a good thing, such an idea is already amazing enough, really make it by hand? Even the inscription master couldn't figure out how to make it, but he actually made it.

"Such a good thing, is there any share for me?"

Mu Na Zhen Ce shook his fan, followed by Tie Nan who recovered from health, looking at Mo Jin with a smile.

"I'll give you one." Energetic shrugged his shoulders indifferently. After getting along for more than a month, he had a good impression of this prince. He didn't have any annoying airs, and he was very easy-going. He would often help figure out how to get his father out of the Gan family.

Seeing the quiet Gu Yue Jiaying grinned: "You have one too."

The horse thieves around looked at the special metal plates with greed and envy in their eyes. This kind of thing cannot be bought with money, even if you have status, you can't get it.

Including all the inscription masters of the Zhence Dynasty, the Lucifer Dynasty, and the barbarians outside the Great Wall, I am afraid that only this young man in front of him can make it.

That doesn't mean that you can make it only if you know the inscription technology, but you also need to know the principle and be able to forge this special alloy.

"Then I would like to thank you very much." Mu Na Zhen Ce turned to Tie Nan with a smile and said, "Put it away and put it in the fighting world."

Gu Yue Jiaying secretly glanced at Mo Jin, if this thing falls into the hands of the royal family, it is very likely that there will be more of the same in the future...

Enthusiastically smiled, what Mu Nazhence can think of, he can also think of it, and Teacher Akenash can think of it even more. If it is just used, there is no problem, but if you want to study it? Then it will soon be discovered that many inscriptions are inside the metal disc.

Open the metal disc? As long as you want to crack this metal disc, it will explode immediately.

"Energetic! Duanfengbuer! Haha... You are finally back!"

Mugui Wuxin's excited roar shook everyone's eardrums, different pupils flickered with indescribable envy, and the people who were eagerly waiting for them came, so it meant that Mugui Wuxin was really going to become a saint.


"Uncle, take it easy, I'm very delicate..."

Duanfeng Buer was hugged fiercely by Mu Gui Wuxin, and his thick arm was stuck at his Adam's apple, making his face blush purple.

"I'm happy, I'm happy!"

Mugui Wuxin was laughing while roaring, his two big eyes gleamed with thick moist water vapor, as if he might cry at any moment to get the tears out, his beard rubbed back and forth on Duanfengbuer's face.

"Damn, uncle, what are you making the water droplets in my neck? No way? Uncle, are you crying?"

Duanfeng Buer was surprised to find that the chairman of the Hongliu Battle Fort, a rough and unrestrained and powerful warrior in his daily life, was crying! The tears were the same as his eyeballs, they were big and splashed down in disorder.

"What? Can't I cry? I'm about to become a saint!"

Mu Gui Wuxin's big palm repeatedly slapped Duanfengbuer, the tears in the two eyeballs could no longer be restrained, and flowed non-stop.

Duanfeng Buer stared at Mu Gui Wuxin in a daze: "This is crying like this before you become a saint, so if you really become a saint? Don't you want to cry for three days and three nights?"

PS: let's celebrate! Let's celebrate with monthly tickets, the exciting reunion of the energy team, and the sturdy start to sweep the world! !

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