"The group of people who are rebellious to GH are going to have a cruise party!

I'm afraid they want to trade at sea outside the quarantine zone, and the new official will take office three fires, and this is our goal tonight!"

On the dark shore, the newly appointed Dan Dazuo, a blonde and muscular man, was cheering up his men with an impassioned face.

The purple-haired one-eyed boo asked calmly, "Dazuo, how did you learn the news?"

He was very puzzled in his heart, it stands to reason that the other party's private actions are not so easy for them to know.

This time, not only did I know in advance, but I also gave me plenty of time to prepare such a luxurious weapon.

He glanced at the pile of weapons behind him, and the dragon knight missiles were impressively listed.

This is a surface-to-air tactical missile, a weapon specially aimed at warships, and it can easily blow up a battleship ship with just one shot!

Dan Dazuo gave a thumbs up to this and replied confidently:

"Naturally, it was a report from a kind, enthusiastic citizen.

Most of the people of the island nation know that without our GH's rule, this country cannot function!"

On the cruise ship far away from them at this moment, Night Wind silently withdrew his gaze.

"It should be the news revealed by Chao Shenya, and everyone is dirty. "

As soon as he came here, he noticed the movement on GH's side.

After listening to their conversation, Nightwind knew that there must be a plan behind this.

It was because he passed the news to GH that he planned this joint plan with him.

"We have been under GH control for almost a decade.

It seems like too long to hibern.

We islanders must hold our heads up and stand up on our own feet!"

In the hall of the banquet on the cruise ship, the current head of the Enshrinement family, that is, the grandfather of Arisa of the Enshrined Temple, is giving a speech on it.

The regulations have become more and more strict over the years, resulting in a 25% drop in the circulation dominance of their worship house group this year alone!

If they continue to decline at this rate, their worship house will be finished.

It is precisely because of this that he took the initiative to stand up.

I have recently prepared this banquet to find an opportunity to break through the blockade of GH control.

His words really resonated with many people at the scene.

Their group is not as big as the Shoin family, but it is also quite difficult to operate.

GH's rule made them miserable, and they wanted to find an opportunity to rebel.

Night Breeze stands in the center of spring and summer, and a neat tuxedo is very gentlemanly.

In the spring and summer, he finally chose a more conservative and casual dress.

Rao is so, their beautiful appearance, no matter what they wear, they are extremely eye-catching.

Kai Qi and Carol were suppressed at home.

This kind of banquet is not suitable for them to attend.

And Thrush and Shinomiya Ayase are also at home with them.

However, the thrush created two puppets through its own void to control them remotely.

Through the void cooperation of Shinomiya Ayase's flying mechanical legs, the two puppets have already boarded the cruise ship.

The elder worshipper sat firmly on the chair, like an old lion inviting Spring and Summer to talk.

"Miss Stem, we have learned about your brother's affairs, and we deeply mourn it."

The main reason why he invited Chunxia over was that she was the cousin of Shuichiro Tsumichi.

Even after years of no contact, the relationship between the two parties is always here.

Therefore, the worshippers hope that the spring and summer of the stem road can help.

With her help, it would be much easier to assist a prime minister of her own.

The most important thing is that he found out that the stem road is not simple in spring and summer, or that it is not simple for her to marry.

The eyes of the worshippers quickly looked at the night breeze standing beside Spring and Summer.

As for her, she was quickly swept by the other party.

"I know what you want when you invite me here.

I don't want to meddle in your plans, I just want to live my own life. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

You can talk to my husband, and if he agrees, I'll be willing to help. "

Spring and summer changed from the past to be delicate at home, and explained his thoughts in a calm tone.

Immediately, Night Wind sat down and faced the ruler of the Worship House family.

And looking at the night breeze in front of him, the worshipper was not deceived by his young appearance, but he also let out a sigh.

"Dr. Nightwind, you're still so young, it looks like you're doing well. "

Looking at the harmony between the two of them and Chunxia, the worship of the courtyard is admired from the bottom of my heart.

Arisha, who was standing behind the worshippers, widened her eyes and looked at the night breeze in front of her in surprise.

She didn't expect that she would see the night breeze on this occasion!

And in the face of the worship courtyard, the night wind didn't say anything to him.

"Let's be blunt, I know what you want to do.

I have only one request, and that is obedience!

The sonorous voice of the night breeze carried a domineering voice that was absolutely not allowed to be refuted.

His posture made the worshippers quite annoyed.

"Hehe, Your Excellency Night Breeze, your request is too much, and I am quite willing to cooperate.

And what qualifications do you have to make our family bow down with just one word?"

The worshipper suppressed his anger, stared at the night wind with his eyes like a torch, and asked quietly.

Seeing that the atmosphere became tense, Arisa became overwhelmed, and Sakura's lips opened slightly, not knowing whether to speak or not.

The reason is simple, I just have the confidence to do this, and you will give me an answer after tonight. "

Nightwind just replied calmly, and then looked at Arisa behind the worshipper.

"Miss Arissa, I wonder if you'd like to go with me to the deck?"

He gracefully stood up and invited the altar to the altar of worship.

"Good...... Forehead ......"

Arisha instinctively nodded and took a step forward.

But then she suddenly reacted that her own grandfather was still in front of her.

Without his consent, it would be too offensive for me to rashly agree to follow him.

Seeing that the night wind was so disregarded for himself, the worshipper Weng clenched his fists.

But as he thought of something that had happened recently, he suddenly frowned and glanced suspiciously at Night Breeze.

Noticing the hesitant eyes of Yari (Manozhao) Sha of the Worship Courtyard, he said in a cold voice, "Go ahead." "

After getting the acquiescence of his own grandfather, Arisa breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly followed the pace of the night breeze.

Chunxia and the others just looked at the worshippers calmly, and then went to eat something by themselves.

They seldom attend such grand banquets, and they just come to have fun.

The priest stared at the night breeze heading to the deck, thinking about something.

His network of contacts and information is still very extensive, and he has also explored some of the realities of the world.

What happened recently, that is, GH used "white blood cells" to attack, but was stopped, he also knows some insider.

The most important thing is that Night Wind's confident expression and tone just now made him unable to guess what the other party really thought.

What if Night Breeze really has the confidence and isn't bluffing?

But if there really is, where does that confidence come from?

Several questions lingered in the heart of the worshipper, so that he did not dare to make a decision.

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