"Let me interrupt!" Just as the atmosphere became more and more stiff, Spider-Man spoke weakly: "If you continue to stare like this, there will be no other result at all except for causing eye fatigue!

After having Spider-Man's opening, the atmosphere eased a lot, except for Professor X, Magneto, Leng Jing, Iron Man, and Black Panther "Two Eighty-Three", everyone else took two steps back, giving these few people an empty space to communicate.

"I didn't expect the X-Men to join forces with the Brotherhood!?" Iron Man said half-seriously and half-jokingly.

"It's always about fighting for mutants, and sometimes we don't distinguish each other!" Magneto snapped, "But I didn't expect the Avengers to be so broad-minded and able to obey your command when you treat them so distrustfully." ".

"It's really sharp, and it's one of the potential factors in the turmoil of the world over the years. Iron Man smiled.

"I'm just a threat to my life, but you've intervened in the will and order of the world, and I'm nothing compared to you!" Magneto sneered.

"Hey, hey!" Seeing that Iron Man was about to speak to Magneto again, Leng Jing hurriedly stood up and played a round: "Enough is enough! As the wave of people who are the best at debating in the world, if you want to learn ventriloquism, you can make an appointment at another time and place to find a place where no one is to have a good time, but we still need to do the right thing at the moment." "

The others nodded one after another, they didn't come here to fight, Iron Man is sharp-toothed, Magneto can be eloquent, and if they quarrel, I am afraid they won't be able to stop.

"Eric!" Professor X took a step forward in his wheelchair, and Magneto heard Professor X's call, gave him a tacit look and silently stepped back.

The old duo are not only old rivals, but also old friends who know each other well, and now that the situation is delicate, Professor X is far better than Magneto taking advantage of the overall situation.

Seeing that Magneto knew so much about advancing and retreating, Iron Man nodded at Professor X in respect: "Professor!"


Professor X nodded, and then spoke: "The Alcatraz laboratory was broken into, not by Leng Jing, although he has no alibi, but I have an informant who told me that he has a favorable evidence that can prove that it was not Leng Jing!"

Iron Man nodded and said, "You're talking about Nick Fury, right?"

Nick Fury, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., has been completely hidden behind the scenes since the Hydra incident, and no one has been able to find him except for the people he trusts the most... ........

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Iron Man in surprise.

"How do you know?" Professor X also showed a look of surprise: "Shortly after the Alcatraz Lab incident broke out, when you Avengers 4.

9 began to go out to arrest Leng Jing, Nick Fury had already contacted me through encrypted messages, saying that there was an important clue to provide, and I was asked to come here to find him.

But he only provided an address and didn't tell me the exact location.

You actually know that my informant is Nick Fury, don't you know the clues behind the Alcatraz Lab incident?".

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